Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 372 Kunlun Catalog

Chapter 372 Kunlun Catalog
As the leader of the younger generation of Tianzhou Tongjia, Tong De has sufficient self-confidence, and there are only a handful of people in his class who can beat him.

After all, the tens of thousands of years of Tianzhou Tongjia's heritage is not just for nothing, its strength is even higher than some sects!
Li Xiuxian took Xiaoxue out of the Immortal Cauldron Building, and opened up his consciousness to set up a barrier around the two of them, preventing any monks from prying.

With Li Xiuxian's spiritual consciousness no less than that of a cultivator of Transforming God, there are probably not many people who can penetrate his barrier of divine consciousness and spy on him, except for the old monster of Transforming God.

"Xiaoxue, don't move!" Li Xiuxian focused, and took out the seeds of the guide grass from Xiaoxue's heel.

"What is this?" Xiaoxue asked curiously.

"It's not a good thing!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly. He put the seed of this guide grass on the body of a fire-eating insect, and then the fire-eating insect found a direction and rushed out. As for this Where the head-eating firebug flew was out of Li Xiuxian's consideration.

By the time Tong De found out, the two of them had already disappeared into the vast crowd. With Li Xiuxian's means, he could naturally guarantee that he would not be found by Tong De.

After doing all this, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but this Yuzhuo City must not stay.

"Hey, it's so lively over there!" Xiaoxue suddenly pointed to a stall surrounded by monks.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback. The booth was not big or small, but it was surrounded by hundreds of monks. This was too abnormal, unless there was something in the booth that attracted these monks.

"Let's go and see if it's okay!" Xiaoxue fixed her innocent eyes on Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian really couldn't stand Xiaoxue's pleading eyes, so he agreed to her helplessly, thinking that it wouldn't waste much time.

"Let's go, let's go!" Xiaoxue yelled like a nimble rabbit, squeezing in desperately.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help smiling when he saw Xiaoxue working so hard, the coercion on his body was only released a little, and these monks automatically gave way to Li Xiuxian.

The most amazing thing is that these monks themselves don't know why this happens.

Although this is just a magical effect of coercion, it is rare for Li Xiuxian to be able to do this.

"This method of spiritual attack is extremely rare. I only need [-] spirit stones, and [-] spirit stones are definitely worth the money!" The stall owner explained.

The stall owner is just a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, and at this time, the sweating monks and the onlookers are introducing the benefits of his secret book.

"The method of spiritual attack?" Li Xiuxian's heart trembled.

He has admired this kind of supernatural power for a long time, but Naihe has never had the chance to see it.

Even if it is a sect like the Pill Spirit Sect that has been passed down for even ten thousand years, there is not a single cheat book on the attack of the divine sense in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and the rarity of the cheats on the attack of the divine sense can be seen.

If there is such a magical power, let alone [-] low-grade spirit stones, even if it is [-] high-grade spirit stones, Li Xiuxian would willingly take it out. After all, such magical powers are too rare, and maybe there are only these in this lifetime. One more chance.

A monk at the Nascent Soul level is so powerful that he can even shock a monk at the alchemy stage to death with his spiritual sense.

But this is only limited to monks who are weaker than him. For monks of the same level, this kind of spiritual attack can almost be ignored.

But if one has mastered the supernatural power of attacking with a sense of consciousness, giving the opponent such a slap in the face of a battle can very likely change the entire situation of the battle.

The spiritual attack and supernatural powers sold by this monk are also very strange, and they are actually recorded in a thin book.

In the world of comprehension, jade slips are almost always used to record information, and the behavior of recording on paper only exists among mortals.

"Scary Art!" Li Xiuxian read the name on the surface of the book.

"A broken book dares to sell for [-] low-grade spirit stones, you must be crazy to think of spirit stones." A monk beside him sneered.

"Damaged?" Li Xiuxian was stunned, no wonder it was sold so cheaply.

"Hmph, don't talk nonsense over there if you can't afford it. I found this thing on the outskirts of the Forbidden Valley. Have you heard of the name of the Forbidden Valley? Which of the things in it is not a treasure, even Nascent Soul Something that monks are greedy for?" The stall owner scolded angrily.

"Forbidden Demon Valley!" Hearing this name, the monks around couldn't help but gasped.

"Tch, with your strength, you dare to enter the Forbidden Demon Valley. Who doesn't know that it is one of the top ten forbidden places in Tianzhou. Even the Nascent Soul cultivators dare not set foot in it easily. How dare you go?"

"I really dare not enter, but this cheat book flew out of the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, and I happened to meet it." The stall owner argued.

"I can pick up hundreds of copies of this kind of thing casually."

"You...don't talk nonsense if you don't buy it. If you don't buy it, someone will buy it!" The stall owner's face turned green.

Most of the monks around here are monks in the foundation-building period, and they are skeptical about this cheat book. After all, a small foundation-building monk has the supernatural power to attack with consciousness, and no one will believe it if he tells it. what.

"Two thousand five hundred spirit stones, I want them!" Li Xiuxian threw out a storage bag.

The stall owner was overjoyed: "That's great." Hastily handed the book of horror formulas to Li Xiuxian.

"There are really fools who would buy it."

"People are stupid and have a lot of money, why should we care about him?"

For a while, the monks who were watching were talking about it, but Li Xiuxian didn't take it to heart.

"Hey, there really are such fools!" After the onlookers dispersed, the stall owner shook the storage bag in his hand and laughed.

"Lai Pi San, you must not forget our benefits this time!" Several monks laughed.

These people are the monks who just sneered at Lai Pisan, these people turned out to be a gang, colluding to act.

However, the acting skills of these few people are really good. They even brushed hundreds of monks together, but they didn't find anything unusual.

The cultivator who received the spirit stone also asked curiously: "Is it true that you picked up the cheat book outside the Valley of the Forbidden Demons?"

"Of course, it's true, but that's the only thing that's true. That thing is useless at all, and you can't even see what's on it." Lai Pisan laughed.

"Then this person is really being taken advantage of. Two thousand five hundred low-grade spirit stones bought a broken book and returned." The monk laughed.

Little did he know that the corners of Li Xiuxian's mouth, who were taken advantage of by them, raised slightly, and the conversations of these monks fell into his ears every time.

"The Valley of Forbidden Demons, it seems that there is also a dangerous place!" Li Xiuxian sighed lightly.

The words on this "Spiritual Art" are actually ancient words!

Ancient characters, there are probably not many people in Kyushu who can recognize this kind of characters, and it just so happens that Li Xiuxian is one of them.

There are many miscellaneous things recorded in the iron sheet that Dragon Blood gave him, including this ancient text, which can be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

"Scary Soul Art, these three words are probably added by the monk himself." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that a book full of ancient characters would have a name that is commonly used in the cultivation world.

As for the content recorded in this book, it happened to be a supernatural power to attack with the consciousness, and there was only one attack method, turning the consciousness into a needle.

"It's a pity, these supernatural powers are incomplete." Li Xiuxian sighed regretfully.

However, from these contents, it is enough for Li Xiuxian to figure out some methods of spiritual attack. As for this book...

A crimson flame suddenly appeared from Li Xiuxian's hand, and this tattered book was instantly reduced to a pile of ashes.

"Wow!" In an instant, a spiritual light in Li Xiuxian's hand shot straight into the sky, and the entire Yuzhuo City could see this beam of light soaring into the sky.

"Not good!" Li Xiuxian didn't care to look at what he was holding, he pulled Xiaoxue and went straight to the teleportation array!

"Kunlun Atlas, and it's a broken Kunlun Atlas!" In the Tianyi Sect, an old man couldn't help but opened his eyes. At the same time, all the major forces in Tianzhou noticed this abnormality.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?" Li Xiuxian was furious, a piece of black iron was wrapped around his hand, no matter how he shook it, he couldn't shake it off.

At this time, Li Xiuxian was like a bright light in the dark night, shining extremely bright no matter where he went.

"It's him, the treasure is on him!" Some monks who didn't know how to live or die surrounded him.

"Looking for death!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, the coercion of the Nascent Soul middle stage was released instantly, and these monks who were only at the alchemy stage were shocked to death in an instant!
"Hand over the Kunlun catalog to keep you alive!" Two figures in the cultivation tower in Yuzhuo City suddenly stood in front of Li Xiuxian.

As one of the top ten forces in Tianzhou, the Great Tang Dynasty naturally had its unique means of communication, and instantly knew about the Kunlun Catalogue. Zhang Wuxing's big net has completely surrounded Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, purple light flashed under his feet, and he appeared outside Yuzhuo City the next moment.

Since the target of these people is him, staying by Xiaoxue's side will only hurt Xiaoxue.

The moment Li Xiuxian left, a golden light flashed past, and Xiaoxue's figure disappeared in front of the monk!

"Fellow Daoist, put Xiaoxue in place, come and help me quickly!" After Li Xiuxian transmitted the sound, the connection flickered, leaving the two Nascent Soul cultivators far behind.

But Li Xiuxian's heart sank completely, twenty, at least twenty Nascent Soul cultivators were approaching him rapidly!
The light of the Kunlun catalog made it impossible for Li Xiuxian to hide his aura!
"Boy, leave the Kunlun catalog!" A loud shout came from the sky! "Late Nascent Soul!" Li Xiuxian's face changed drastically, and there were more than one, a full three monks in the late Nascent Soul!
(End of this chapter)

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