Chapter 373

"Buddhist monk!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning as he looked at the three monks wearing cassocks and chanting Buddha's name.

The most famous Buddhist sect in Tianzhou must be Mani Temple. Not long ago, he offended Mani Temple's first precept hall.

At the beginning, Li Xiuxian made a small plan to let Ming Xin fight those three and peak monsters to the death. Whether Ming Xin can survive is a question.

Even if he survived, he may not be able to condense the Nascent Soul. After more than 200 years, his enlightened mind may have already melted away. Not everyone has such a good fortune as Li Xiuxian, who can condense the Nascent Soul.

"There is a faint Buddhist aura on this boy. Could it be that he is from my Buddhist sect?" The three monks from the Mani Temple instantly noticed the faint Buddhist aura on Li Xiuxian's body.

"That's right, this boy does have a trace of Buddhist aura, but this aura is not his own, it should be the aura of some treasure." A monk with long eyebrows said.

"Relic, this man has my Buddhist relic on him!" One of the monks was furious.

The other two monks were furious immediately. The Buddhist sect attached great importance to the relic, which may contain the most important secret of the Buddhist sect.

If the three monks from the Mani Temple knew that Li Xiuxian had not only a relic on his body, but also a Nascent Soul-level relic, maybe it would be enough to chase Li Xiuxian to the ends of the earth even if it was not because of the Kunlun Catalogue.

"Almsgiver, your sins are serious, and if you don't take refuge in my Buddha, pursue the supreme Buddha Dharma to resolve your sins!" the long-browed monk said compassionately.

An invisible force affected Li Xiuxian's mind, and Li Xiuxian even had an urge to worship!

"What a bald donkey, how shameless!" Li Xiuxian roared angrily, the spiritual power in his body turned, his mind was clear, and he was not confused by this Buddhist practice at all.

The long-browed monk's face sank. His short sentence contained the supreme Buddhist technique. With his cultivation base in the late Yuanying period, even a Yuanying monk would lose his mind for a moment.

But this child was not affected at all, and his concentration of mind was really unimaginable.

"Phew, it's dangerous. If I hadn't practiced the Buddhist technique of the "Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil", and I have a certain resistance to Buddhist supernatural powers, I'm afraid this time I will really capsize in the gutter." Li Xiuxian thought of the scene just now. Can't help but pinch a cold sweat for myself.

This Buddhist supernatural power comes and goes without a trace, killing people invisible, and Mani Temple is the leader of the Buddhist sect in the world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the world's Buddhist sect originated from Mani Temple, and the supernatural powers in Mani Temple are even more unpredictable.

"It's three of the six people in the Mani Temple. It's the end, the dust, and the mortal." The monks who arrived afterward couldn't help being surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Mani Temple sent out three of the six Mani all at once, and it can be said that they are determined to win the Kunlun Catalogue.

Although there are also monks from the late Yuanying period among the monks sent by other sects, there is still a big gap compared with the three big monks of Mani San.

Above the Nascent Soul Late Stage is the Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and monks who have entered this stage are also called great monks, and they are the pinnacle existence second only to the monks of Huashen.

Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor can also be regarded as a great cultivator, but in front of this mani three, the perception of the two can hardly be described in words.

Moreover, this Buddhist six is ​​actively good at the combined attack formation, and three people can exert six times the power of their own. If six people attack together, I am afraid that only the cultivator of Huashen can face it.

But this does not mean that the rest of the sects have given up. Although Mani-san is powerful, there are not no people with advanced cultivation in their sect. They just need to hold on to Mani-san for a while and wait for the sect When the masters arrive, it is still unknown who will win the battle.

"Kunlun Tulu!" Jie Jie snorted coldly as he looked at the golden piece of iron sticking to Li Xiuxian's hand, and chanted the Buddha's name, a golden swastika light instantly pressed down on Li Xiuxian.

Although he didn't understand why he became the target of public criticism in just a short moment, Li Xiuxian was not so stupid as to be caught without a fight. With a fight with his right hand, the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword slashed towards the golden light with the swastika.

The next moment, the golden light of the swastika split into three parts, surrounding Li Xiuxian from three sides.

Not to be outdone, Li Xiuxian pinched the magic formula with his right hand, and he used the technique of splitting light from the sword shadow in "Nine Turns Xuan Gong" to perfection.

The two big monks naturally wouldn't just watch, because their monks naturally discovered the masters of various sects hiding around. Although these people were afraid of their strength and did not dare to take action, if they waited until the other sects The top players among them have arrived, and even they can't guarantee a sure victory.

Unavoidably, there were many nights and dreams, and the three big monks joined forces to deal with a monk who was only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

If this spreads out, it can be said that Mani San's reputation will be discredited.

But even so, Mani wanted to capture Li Xiuxian at all costs and get the Kunlun catalog in his hand, which shows the importance of the Kunlun catalog.

Well, if you can destroy Baijian Villa for a piece of Kunlun Atlas, Mani can also join forces to capture Li Xiuxian after three years.

But Li Xiuxian is not easy to mess with, the power of nine-turn Xuangong and six-turn is running rapidly, Li Xiuxian's cultivation level soars to the late Yuanying stage in an instant, with a fight on the cuff, 36 nine-day thunder emperor swords set down the Tiangang sword formation to resist Mani three.

Mani just used the simplest three-talent formation, every punch and every kick made it difficult for Li Xiuxian to parry.

The Tiangang sword array composed of 36 nine-day thunder emperor swords was crumbling under the fierce bombardment of Mani San.

Before the golden thunder sword thread of the Tiangang sword formation approached Mani San, it was blocked by a burst of Buddha's light, and the golden thunder sword silk could not move forward at all.

"Turning a sword into silk, this person's swordsmanship is superb!"

"However, against Mani-san, no matter how brilliant the swordsmanship is, it's useless. Unless there are six times as many monks as the three of them, they can't match it at all!"

The monks hiding in the dark couldn't help but feel sorry for Li Xiuxian. If it weren't for the Kunlun Catalogue, calling him into the sect would be a great help to them.

Li Xiuxian's complexion couldn't help but darken. How could he not know how powerful this mani was? What's more terrible is that there are no less than twenty Nascent Soul cultivators around him. He can guarantee that if he dares to drag on, he will come There will only be more and more Nascent Soul monks coming. If he doesn't leave as soon as possible, he will be a turtle in the urn by then.

Even if he had confidence in himself, it was impossible for him to escape from being surrounded by dozens of Nascent Soul monks, not to mention the presence of a great monk among these Nascent Soul monks.

"Did you just think you knew formations?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

I saw four flashes of inspiration on Li Xiuxian's body, and the four divine fire avatars instantly lined up around Li Xiuxian in a unique formation, and Li Xiuxian happened to be standing in the center of these four divine fire avatars.

"Wuhe Battle Formation!" Li Xiuxian roared, and the terrifying spiritual power of the four divine fire clones gathered in the air in an instant, and then landed on Li Xiuxian's body, receiving the blessing of the formation, plus the six rounds of Xuangong, Li Xiuxian's aura was close to that of Mani San.

This five-in-one odd formation was obtained by Li Xiuxian when he killed several treasure-hunting monks when he was in the Pill Spirit Sect. Together with the four divine fire clones, it can exert unexpected abilities.

"Coagulate!" Li Xiuxian pointed a finger, and the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords in the sky instantly condensed into a giant golden thunder sword!

Flames of four colors soared into the sky, surrounding the giant golden thunder sword and slashing down!

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful!" Mani chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice three times, and a statue of Fudoming raised his hands to the sky, unexpectedly blocking the giant golden thunder sword.

Fudo Mingwang, one of the protectors of the Buddhist sect, is famous for his defense, and he is known as the indestructible Vajra after he has cultivated to the depths. It is also a widely spread supernatural power in the Buddhist sect!
It is naturally extraordinary to be used by this Buddhist triad, even this shocking sword can be caught so easily!

"It's not over yet!" Li Xiuxian roared inwardly.

The needle of divine consciousness pierced into Mani San's soul without a sound!

Li Xiuxian actually sold what he learned now, and used the supernatural power recorded in this ancient book to deal with the three great monks.

Mani only felt a shock and a trance when he was three, and they recovered within a short time given their cultivation base.

In a hurry, coupled with the fact that this supernatural power is incomplete, its power is less than one percent of its original power, otherwise, even if Mani is three years old, he will definitely not be able to walk around.

"No, this kid is going to run away!" Liao Fan was furious, just about to get up and chase.

He only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the four divine fire avatars blew themselves up the moment they blocked him, and the three were surrounded by monstrous flames!

"Damn it! Trouble!" Liao Chen snorted coldly, only to see the cassock on his body flashed red, and he made a move in the air, as if trying to cover the sky, covering the monstrous flames.

The flame that was so powerful just now has been extinguished like this!
"Chasing!" Liao Chen snorted coldly, if they made Li Xiuxian run away after Mani made three shots together, then they should stop messing around.

"It's so fast, chase after it!" At this moment, Li Xiuxian's feet were flickering with thunder, and he had already been thrown a hundred miles away.

It is not an easy task to catch up with Li Xiuxian who is using all his strength to cast Purple Thunder and Fire Escape. Even if Mani is three years old, he can only watch the distance between Li Xiuxian and them get farther and farther.

But at this time Li Xiuxian was also suffering and couldn't tell. He only felt that his head was about to explode. He had never practiced this kind of supernatural power beforehand. Instead, he hurt himself by using it hastily. In fact, he hurt himself first. , hurt people again.

At this time, Li Xiuxian's spiritual consciousness had already been severely damaged, and he had to hold on with a single breath.

"Damn, damn, what is the origin of this piece of iron, so many people chased me down!" Li Xiuxian hated the piece of iron in his hand to the bone.If it weren't for this piece of iron, he wouldn't have suffered such an indiscriminate disaster, and he knew that the aura on this piece of iron was constantly shining, no matter where he went, he would be discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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