Chapter 374
"Fellow Daoist, where are you? If you don't come, you will really have to collect my body!" Li Xiuxian sent a voice transmission to Li Yixuan for help.

But even if Li Xiuxian died here, it doesn't mean that Li Xiuxian is really dead.

With the help of the incarnation outside the body, Li Xiuxian can be resurrected on Li Yixuan and become a new generation of Li Xiuxian, and there will be no adverse effects, and there will be no mistakes in memory or the like.

But if it is not a last resort, Li Xiuxian really does not want to take this step.

Even though he knew that there was no harm in this step, Li Xiuxian felt a sense of resistance from the bottom of his heart when he thought of giving up his body that had lived for more than 400 years.

"Fellow Daoist, I will meet you there a thousand miles ahead." Li Yixuan said flatly.

Li Xiuxian nodded, purple light flashed under his feet, and he couldn't help but speed up a bit. With his current physical condition, whether he can last a thousand miles is still a question.

"Boom, boom!" A thundercloud suddenly floated in the sky, and the violent thunder and lightning power in the thundercloud kept rolling.

"Fellow Daoist, go quickly, I'm naturally blocking this place!" Li Yixuan's voice came from the thunder cloud.

Li Xiuxian took a deep breath, directly crossed this piece of thundercloud, and disappeared into the sky.

Even Li Xiuxian couldn't figure out Li Yixuan's strength, at least with the characteristics of Jasper Root, Li Yixuan would have no problem protecting himself.

Compared to caring about Li Yixuan, the most important thing for him now is to find a way to solve this piece of golden iron sticking to his right hand - Kunlun Atlas.

Although Mani called this piece of iron that way, Li Xiuxian racked his brains and couldn't think of any news about this Kunlun catalog.

"Boom!" A huge roar came from the thunderclouds in the sky.

Obviously, Li Yixuan and those monks had already fought.

If there is no way to solve this golden iron piece, then everything Li Yixuan has done will be in vain.

"What the hell is this Kunlun catalog?" Li Xiuxian even had the urge to cut off his right hand, this golden iron piece was really annoying.

"Wanhuazhu! Hide in the Wanhuazhu!" Li Xiuxian's mind flashed, and now there is only one way!

Ever since meeting Wanhuazhu, this Wanhuazhu has been helping Li Xiuxian all the time. There have been several times when he relied on the power of Wanhuazhu to help Li Xiuxian overcome difficulties.

Now, Li Xiuxian can only place his hope on Wanhuazhu.

"Bang!" There was a flash of inspiration on Li Xiuxian's body, and he disappeared into the air in an instant.

The spiritual light that filled the sky also disappeared without a trace, and the monks who were chasing after him all looked at each other in blank dismay. How could a living person just disappear out of thin air?

"Fellow Daoist is out of danger, my mission has been completed!" Li Yixuan showed a faint smile on his face.

At this time, Li Yixuan's face was extremely pale, and the phantom of the Jasper Root behind him also became incomplete. Facing the siege of more than 20 Nascent Soul monks, he was able to persist for so long, which is really unbelievable!
"What kind of monster is this? No matter how hard you beat it, you won't be able to kill it!" Liao Chen snorted coldly, and a golden swastika light pressed Li Yixuan firmly to the ground.

Mani Temple's supernatural powers are inherently unpredictable, and this Liaochen is the best in Mani Temple, and what he is best at is suppression!

"This person seems to be the incarnation of that kid." Jie Jie said uncertainly.

"Incarnation outside the body? Isn't this supernatural power spread a little bit? Even in my Mani Temple, there is only one supernatural power of incarnation outside the body, and how can the incarnation outside the body be stronger than the deity." Liao Fan couldn't help asked.

Liao Chen shook his head, he didn't know much about this, at this moment they had completely lost the information about Li Xiuxian.

If you want to find Li Xiuxian, you will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Refining the material for this avatar is not easy. The three of us worked together to damage it but not destroy it. I really can't think of any material in the Kyushu that can do this." Dust said lightly.

"Bring this avatar back to the Mani Temple. I don't believe that the tens of thousands of years of Mani Temple's history can't figure out the origin of this avatar." Liao Fan snorted coldly.

After finishing speaking, Mani rose into the air after three hours, and Li Yixuan, who was suppressed by the golden light of the swastika, was also taken away by the three of them.

The rest of the monks also dispersed one after another. This time the chase was anticlimactic, and more than 20 Nascent Soul monks couldn't even catch one of them. This time it was really embarrassing!
Among the Wanhua beads, Li Xiuxian still held a golden light soaring to the sky.

Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao were also awakened by the movement, and looked at Li Xiuxian's right hand in surprise.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Li Xiuyuan couldn't help asking.

Li Xiuxian shook his head with a wry smile, shot out a series of spells in his hand, and cast a series of restraints on his right hand, trying to suppress this golden light.

But this golden light seemed to be unaffected by the restriction, and the golden beam of light shot straight into the sky.

"Huh? They were actually suppressed!" Li Xiuxian was shocked.

As Li Yixuan's incarnation outside his body, Li Xiuxian couldn't be more aware of his every move.

"Mani is three!" A gloomy look flashed across Li Xiuxian's face.

If it weren't for the Xuan Ao who transforms into three cleans in one breath, this incarnation would probably become an independent individual within a month after being suppressed, and the people of Mani Temple would then be able to snatch it away.

"Hmph, Mani Temple, I will settle this account with you sooner or later." Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

With the mystery of the number one supernatural power in the Taoist sect, Li Yixuan can persist for at least ten years. Within ten years, this incarnation outside the body must be taken back, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

But the top priority now is to suppress this Kunlun Atlas, as long as he has this Kunlun Atlas, he is a street mouse, and there is no room for him in the world.

"Suppress it!" The spiritual power of Li Xiuxian's right hand frantically circulated, trying to forcibly suppress the Kunlun Atlas with his own spiritual power.

But the aura of Kunlun Tulu is so powerful that even Li Xiuxian's mid-Yuanying cultivation base can't suppress it. Not only that, the forced operation of spiritual power also caused a lot of burden on Li Xiuxian's right hand. Bloodshot!

When this thread of blood touched the Kunlun Atlas, it was as if it had encountered a bottomless pit, and the blood in the whole body began to gather to the Kunlun Atlas!
"Damn it, what the hell is this!" Li Xiuxian was shocked, the Kunlun catalog was actually sucking his blood!
"Stop, stop!" Li Xiuxian was furious. At this speed, the blood in his whole body would be drained by the Kunlun catalog in less than a stick of incense!
A trace of sword art flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword flashed brilliantly, and the blade slashed towards his right arm!
This action was so decisive that even Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao beside him couldn't stop it!

"Ding!" What Li Xiuxian didn't expect was that even the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword couldn't penetrate his skin!

"Damn it, damn it!" Li Xiuxian was furious, this Kunlun Atlas even cut off the way for him to sever his own wrist!
After three-thirds of the incense stick, Li Xiuxian felt that his consciousness began to blur. If this continues, it will be really dangerous!
"Brother!" Li Xiuyuan roared, and he stroked his artery with his finger, and blood gushed out like a spring.

However, this Kunlun catalog does not reject anyone who comes, no matter whose blood it is, it will be accepted!

Shuiyao also drew a sword towards her right artery, and immediately two blood pillars drew a perfect arc in the air, falling into the Kunlun Atlas.

With the participation of Shuiyao and Xiuyuan, Li Xiuxian's pressure was greatly relieved!
"Quick, take this blood essence mushroom!" Li Xiuxian made a move with his left hand, and several blood essence mushrooms over 5000 years old in the medicine garden fell in front of the three of them.

The main function of this Xuejingzhi is to replenish qi and blood, especially when the age has reached more than 5000 years, its effect of nourishing qi and blood is even more terrifying.

Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao were not pretentious, they grabbed a blood essence mushroom and started chewing it.

The Kunlun Atlas, which has absorbed so much blood, also began to undergo a slight change. Blood streaks appeared on the golden surface. These blood streaks are connected horizontally, like a map, but this map is incomplete.

The aura on the Kunlun catalog has also weakened a lot!
"Ning!" Li Xiuxian let out a low growl, and the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword was just a sword against the Kunlun Catalogue!
"Boom!" The violent shock instantly stunned Xiu Yuan and Shui Yao.

The Kunlun Catalog flickered immediately, Li Xiuxian did not show any weakness, and with another sword, he directly chopped the Kunlun Catalog into the black soil.

Li Xiuxian hastily put a drop of stalactite milk into the mouths of Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao, and he was relieved when he found that the two of them were fine.

Although this Kunlun catalog is suppressed by the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, its terrifying aura still keeps bouncing back!
"Another ancient text!" Li Xiuxian swept his consciousness and found that there was an ancient text recorded in the Kunlun catalog!
This Kunlun Atlas is not only a map, but also a piece of jade slips!

However, Li Xiuxian was still puzzled as to why the Kunlun catalog would stick to his hand, and it would suck his blood!
It is not a problem for Li Xiuxian, who understands ancient characters, to interpret the characters in the Kunlun Atlas.

However, when Li Xiuxian translated the ancient words word by word, his face changed several times.

He realized that he had stabbed a hornet's nest, no wonder the cultivator of Tianzhou wanted to take the Kunlun catalog in his hand like crazy!
This Kunlun catalog actually hides a big secret, it is the secret about the Kunlun holy land, the most powerful force in Tianzhou.

This Kunlun Atlas has a total of nine pieces. The great changes in ancient times broke the entire Kunlun Atlas into nine pieces, which were left in various parts of Kyushu!It is said that even the Kunlun Sacred Realm has been looking for these nine Kunlun catalogs for no other reason. This Kunlun catalog is the key to the secret realm of ascension to immortality, and it is also the only key!
(End of this chapter)

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