Chapter 375

Ascension to Immortal Secret Realm, which hides the shocking secrets of ascension to the spirit world, as long as you get the treasures in it, you can ascend to the spirit world!

In ancient times, the Kunlun Sacred Realm was the spokesperson of the spirit world in the lower realm, and the sect mastered the secret passage to ascend to the spirit world.

As long as the cultivation base is advanced, you can ascend to the spirit world through this channel!

It is said that cultivating in the spiritual world is a hundred times faster than that of Kyushu, and it has an unparalleled temptation for these monks who have reached the peak of Kyushu.

However, after the great changes in ancient times, the Kunlun Atlas, the key to unlocking the Secret Realm of Ascension to Immortals, was divided into nine parts.

After losing the convenient passage to the Mystic Realm of Immortal Ascension, monks who want to ascend to the spirit world can only rely on their own strength to break the shackles of space and ascend to the spirit world through the space channel.

But this kind of behavior is close to death. Even the monks in the early stage of the transformation of the gods dare not try it easily, and only the monks in the late stage of the transformation of the gods dare to try it, but the success rate is only five or five.

Nascent Soul monks are already a great blessing to advance to the stage of transformation into gods. How many of them can cross the hurdle of the early stage of transformation into gods?
Although he knew that breaking through the space and ascending to the spirit world with his own power was a narrow escape, some old monsters who were close to their lifespan would try desperately.

After all, instead of waiting for life energy to be exhausted, it is better to fight to the death, maybe you can still succeed!

"The spirit world!" Li Xiuxian's eyes showed a hint of longing. With Li Xiuxian's current knowledge, he naturally knows that the spirit world is an extremely mysterious interface.

Compared with the spirit world, the aura of this world is simply negligible!

"The key to unlock the secret realm of Ascension to Immortals!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath looking at the Kunlun Tulu who was still resisting.

Although this is a hornet's nest, it is also an opportunity to ascend to the spirit world, and I feel excited just thinking about Li Xiuxian.

Some things are just like this, even though they know they are poisons, people can't help but jump on them, this Kunlun catalog is one of them!

Li Xiuxian sneered, it would be fine if he didn't know, but since he knew, he definitely didn't let go of the theory of Kunlun Atlas!
"Bang!" The spiritual light on the Kunlun catalog was so strong that it suppressed the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in turn!
"Suppress me!" Li Xiuxian roared.

"Whoosh!" But who would have thought that this Kunlun catalog was simply unintentional to fight, and a flash of brilliance came straight to Li Xiuxian!

Li Xiuxian turned pale with shock, after seeing the horror of this Kunlun catalog, how dare he confront this Kunlun catalog head-on!

However, the speed of the Kunlun Atlas was so fast that even Li Xiuxian couldn't react, and it got into Li Xiuxian's dantian in an instant.

Li Xiuxian was also very surprised by this, the Kunlun catalog was actually obediently in his dantian, how could it be as fierce as before!

The Kunlun Atlas itself must be something extraordinary, and under the full attack of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, not to mention damage, not even a trace was left.

"I'm afraid this is also the work of monks in the spiritual world." Li Xiuxian thought so in his heart.

If used properly, this Kunlun Atlas can be regarded as a good magic weapon.

But Li Xiuxian didn't intend to take out this Kunlun catalog to fight against the enemy, otherwise it would be like a street mouse and everyone would shout and beat him.

As for why this Kunlun catalog has a special liking for Li Xiuxian, it should be attributed to this Wanhuazhu.

When he was in Yizhou back then, the demon general could see that Li Xiuxian had a trace of fairy spirit on him, which was simply impossible for a monk who only had foundation building skills.

The devil even thought that Li Xiuxian was the reincarnation of a great power in the spirit world.

The source of this trace of fairy spirit is this Wanhuazhu. After so many years of cultivation, the fairy spirit in Li Xiuxian's body is no longer what it used to be!
This Kunlun Atlas comes from the spirit world, so it is naturally extremely sensitive to this fairy energy, so it sticks to Li Xiuxian's hand recklessly. The aura that reaches the sky is exactly what this Kunlun Atlas absorbs the fairy energy. produced anomalies.

The aura of fairy spirits is unique to the monks in the spirit world. Only after the monks in the mortal world have reached the level of transformation, can they absorb a trace of the spirit of the ancestors for their own use. The reason why the monks of the transformation spirit are so powerful is precisely because they master Infused with this trace of fairy air and integrated it into his own spiritual power, the power is a hundred times and a thousand times that of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Li Xiuxian sighed slightly, the time given to him is running out, Li Yixuan will persist for ten years at most, this does not include that Mani Temple does not have any supernatural powers, but with Li Xiuxian's current strength, he wants to forcibly break into the general of Mani Temple Li Yixuan snatched it out, this is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Don't say if there are any old monsters in this Mani Temple, just the title of the leader of the Buddhist sect is enough to deter countless monks. He has no means to deal with the third Mani, let alone the entire Mani Temple. How can he, a mere Nascent Soul cultivator, be able to shake the super sect that dominates one side.

If his cultivation has reached the level of God Transformation, then there is still a possibility!
However, to advance into a god within ten years?
Li Xiuxian didn't even dare to think like this in his dreams!

"Let's send Xiaoxue to Xuechan Palace first, her condition really can't be delayed any longer!" Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

Master Linghu said that this Xuechan Palace is difficult to deal with, but he doesn't know how difficult it is!
Following Li Yixuan's memory, Li Xiuxian quickly found Xiaoxue who was placed in a cave by him.

"It's so cold!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help shivering as soon as he entered the cave!
"Damn it!" Li Xiuxian strode over, and the fire spirit power in his body was continuously poured into Xiaoxue's body, suppressing the outbreak of cold poison!
He and Master Linghu still underestimated the cold poison in Xiaoxue's body. He thought that the seal he kept in Xiaoxue's body was enough to suppress the cold poison for several years. Who would have thought that in the past few months, the cold poison would explode again .

The harder it is pressed, the more violent the eruption will be. This time the cold poison erupted far faster than the previous few times. If it wasn't for the fire spirit power left in Xiaoxue's body by Li Xiuxian and the remaining medical power of the Chixuan Dan, it would probably erupt again. In an instant, Xiaoxue was enough to be frozen into ice cubes by this cold poison!
"What is the origin of this cold poison? Even the Chixuan Pill can't suppress it!" With just one touch, cold sweat broke out on Li Xiuxian's face.

The yin and coldness of this cold poison is nothing like the last time he was in the Pill Spirit Sect. As soon as Li Xiuxian's spiritual power touched this cold poison, it seemed to have been frozen into ice, even his middle-stage Nascent Soul The monks find it difficult to resist.

How much pain Xiaoxue, a cultivator of alchemy, has to endure!

The cold poison in Xiaoxue's body has reached the point of no delay. This time Li Xiuxian can barely suppress the outbreak, but if it happens next time, even Li Xiuxian will be exhausted!

In the extreme north of Tianzhou, a land of ice and snow that stretches for [-] miles, the sky is filled with ice and snow all year round, and it is a paradise for all kinds of ice-type spiritual plants and monsters!
There is a terrifying force sitting here, making this [-]-mile ice sheet a forbidden place.

Xuechan Palace ranks ninth among the top ten forces in Tianzhou. Although it ranks at the bottom, no one dares to underestimate this sect that stays in the ten thousand li ice field all year round.

The terrifying power of ice and cold can often cause opponents to suffer a dull loss in a fight!
"It's no wonder that Leng Ruling chose this place. It's really suitable for cultivators with Ice Spirit Roots." Li Xiuxian looked at the vast ice field and thought to himself.

Back then, Leng Ruling had obviously put in a lot of effort to understand the Kyushu sect, and this alone made Li Xiuxian inferior.

Once upon a time, he didn't even know which state Xuechan Palace was in.

This is a blessed land for ice spirit roots and monks who practice ice-type kung fu, but for the rest of the monks, it is a hell of ice and snow. The biting cold wind almost freezes people into ice cubes.

A layer of fiery red protection was spread around Li Xiuxian, and the ice and snow around him were instantly melted.

Originally, with Li Xiuxian's cultivation base, there was no need for this, and the biting cold wind was nothing to him at all.

But on his back was Xiaoxue who was suffering from cold poison. If the cold wind in his body erupted earlier, even Li Xiuxian would be helpless!
Some weak monsters can be seen everywhere on this ice field, such as snow rabbits and ferrets. These ordinary monsters are the best prey in the eyes of the monks of Xuechan Palace.

"Roar!" The huge body of a snow bear in the ice field crashed to the ground!

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity, this snow bear in the ice field can be regarded as a second-level peak monster, and its fur can be sold for hundreds of spirit stones, but there are too many wounds, and the value will be halved." A sly-eyed monk shook shook his head.

"Okay, you also know that this giant ice bear is a level two peak monster. We were lucky to be able to kill it. If he hadn't just given birth and was weak, we wouldn't dare to touch this ice bear. "A monk snorted coldly.

"That's right, that's right, the biggest harvest this time is not the body of the ice field snow bear, but the cubs of the ice field snow bear. If they are raised properly, it will be a big help!" A snow-white cub whose eyes hadn't opened said with a smile.

These three are the foundation-building monks of Xuechan Palace. They are a small group. They often hunt lonely monsters in the ice field. Today, they happened to find the lair of the snow bear in the ice field and found that they were giving birth, so they gave birth in the ice field. The moment shot to kill.

However, this ice field snow bear is also a second-level peak monster after all, and it is still a difficult bone for this team. It took about half a stick of incense to kill this ice field snow bear.

The man with the brow and mouse eyes is called Huang Shu, nicknamed the ground squirrel, and he has a cultivation base in the early stage of foundation establishment.

The leading young man was named Xin Chen, who was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment and was also the captain of the team.

The young female cultivator's name is Xin Ling, she is Xin Chen's younger sister, and she is at the early stage of foundation establishment.

"Hurry up and put away the body of this ice field snow bear, if the monsters nearby smell the bloody smell."

Before Huang Shu finished speaking, an adult snow bear from the ice field rushed towards the three of them with red eyes!

"You really have a crow's mouth!" Xin Chen snorted coldly. "I don't know either!" Huang Shu smiled wryly, even he wanted to slap himself.

(End of this chapter)

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