Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 377 Conditions

Chapter 377 Conditions
Flame and ice crystals, the seemingly contradictory two, are perfectly fused together at this time.

Although it is a flame, it is extremely cold. This is the No. 20 Ice Spirit Fire among the heaven and earth spirit fires!
For Xuechan Palace, this is undoubtedly the most suitable spiritual fire for them.

In Li Xiuxian's body, this spiritual fire may only exert [-]% of its strength, but in the hands of monks from Xuechan Palace, it can exert [-]% of its strength.

The young girl couldn't help but nodded: "You are willing, but this is only the first condition!"

"If there are any other conditions, please come and tell me." Li Xiuxian looked at this young woman displeased, although he felt uncomfortable, but since he wanted something from others, Li Xiuxian could only accept it.

Just as Palace Master Xuechan was about to speak, she was stared back by the young woman.

Heaven and earth spirit fire, which one is not an extremely terrifying existence, let alone four, it is already a great luck for ordinary monks to encounter one, even if it is Xuechan Palace, which has stood in Tianzhou for tens of thousands of years. For such a huge monster, there is only one kind of heaven and earth spirit fire in the faction.

Bingling Lenghuo, ranked No. 20, is already quite high, and this price is enough to exchange for anything.

"The second condition is ten Zhuyan Pills!" There was a faint smile on the young woman's face.

"Zhuyan Pill!" Li Xiuxian was shocked!
Li Xiuxian has always kept the matter of Zhuyan Pill well hidden, anyone who knows that he can refine Zhuyan Pill can lose it with one hand.

"How did this young woman know?" Li Xiuxian was puzzled.

"You can maintain the appearance of a 20-year-old at the age of [-]. If it wasn't for your skill in retaining the face, then you must have taken the Zhuyan Pill." The young woman seemed to see the doubts in Li Xiuxian's heart, and explained road.

Li Xiuxian sneered: "Based on this alone, you can guess that I have taken Zhuyan Pill."

"Of course you can't guess based on this alone!" The young woman smiled faintly.

"I have also taken Zhuyan Pill, but if I want to say why I think you have the ability to take out ten Zhuyan Pills, it is only a woman's intuition!"

Li Xiuxian frowned, thinking about the pros and cons of this condition in his mind.

But after a while, Li Xiuxian's brows relaxed. The reason why this Zhuyan Pill is so precious is because the formula of this pill has long been lost.

In terms of its effectiveness, I am afraid that only some female cultivators who love beauty will notice it, and few male cultivators will pay too much attention to their appearance.

With Li Xiuxian's status today, there is nothing wrong with taking out ten Zhuyan Pills. He even poked a hornet's nest like Kunlun Tulu, afraid of these ten Zhuyan Pills?
Li Xiuxian couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he thought about the Kunlun Atlas. Fortunately, he was proficient in the art of disguise, and he had already changed his face when he was fighting against Mani.

Otherwise, there is no place for him in Tianzhou now, and he swaggered to Xuechan Palace, unless he got bored of life.

"Okay, deal!" Li Xiuxian nodded.

The young woman nodded: "You love your friend dearly, so the third condition is to join my Xuechan Palace and become the guest elder of my Xuechan Palace."

"Elder Ke Qing!" Li Xiuxian was startled.

Xuechan Palace, one of the top ten powerful forces in Tianzhou, would invite him to be the elder guest?
No matter how you look at this condition, Li Xiuxian took advantage of it.

"Are you sure you are the elder guest?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

The young girl nodded: "Naturally!"

"I also agree to the third condition!" Li Xiuxian said.

"If you want to dissolve this girl's cold poison, you must have two things. One is the Xuanbing Cold Spring that has existed in my Xuechan Palace since ancient times, and the other is a gold in the ninth-grade lotus platform, the treasure of the town temple, in the Mani Temple. Lotus seeds." said the young girl.

"Mani Temple!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped, trying to get a golden lotus seed from Mani Temple was undoubtedly pulling out his teeth, which was no different from courting death.

"Of course I can lend you the Xuanbing Cold Spring, but you have to figure out the solution for the golden lotus seeds! The Xuanbing Cold Spring alone can only keep this girl alive for a hundred years at most. If you can't get the golden lotus seeds in a hundred years, Even if this cold poison kills this woman, she will die due to the exhaustion of her lifespan." The young woman said lightly.

"Mani Temple!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

Before Mani suppressed his incarnation outside his body, he already had a death feud with him, and now he wants to get golden lotus seeds from them again. It seems that the grievances between him and Mani Temple are really entangled.

But it's not easy to win an item from Mani Temple, let alone their temple's treasure, he doesn't believe that these seemingly kind-hearted bald donkeys will be so well-bred to hand over the golden lotus seeds obediently.

With his current strength, forcefully break into the Mani Temple?
Don't be kidding, I'm afraid I was bombarded by the guards of the Mani Temple before I got close, and there was nothing left!
"It would be great if the dragon's blood was here!" Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

Among the monks that Li Xiuxian met, only Dragon Blood and Demon General were the strongest, and only these two had the strength to fight for it.

After coming out of the elixir garden, Li Xiuxian didn't have any news about the dragon's blood, as if the dragon's blood never appeared in Kyushu.

As for the suppressed Li Yixuan, Li Xiuxian tried many times through the secret method of transforming the three cleans into one body, trying to break free from Li Yixuan's Nascent Soul.

After all, Li Xiuxian has a lot of materials for refining this incarnation outside the body, but there are only three Nascent Souls, each of which is very precious.

But Mani Temple's method of suppression far exceeded Li Xiuxian's expectations, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

In less than ten years, Li Yixuan's Nascent Soul will be out of his control, and at that time there may even be a danger of the Nascent Soul turning back and turning to the guest.

Originally, this kind of situation would not happen with the method of one qi transforming into three cleansing, but if the avatar is out of the body for a long time and there is an external threat, then the situation is completely different.

"Damn Mani Temple!" Li Xiuxian cursed inwardly.

The two most important things at present are actually related to the Mani Temple, and the time is extremely tight.

If the hard ones are not good, then there are only soft ones. It may not be a good way to mix into the Mani Temple.

Isn't there a saying that fortresses are often breached from the inside, at least the success rate of this method is much better than robbing.

"You're tired too, just stay here at Yugui Peak. I'll let you know if there's anything to do." The young girl said.

Li Xiuxian nodded. Up to now, he can only do this, and his plan will take some time to implement.

I saw the young woman flicked her right hand, and an ice coffin made entirely of ten-thousand-year-old black jade fell into the hall, and then a icy force lifted Xiaoxue up, and she lay down in the ice coffin.

"What a great handwriting!" Li Xiuxian sighed secretly.

Among the Kyushu, only the Xuechan Palace family is able to produce so many Ten Thousand Years Profound Jade at one time. Even a piece of Ten Thousand Years Profound Jade the size of a fist is rare outside. The top-quality material, the entire ice coffin is made of Wannian Xuanyu, even if it is directly refined, it is also an incredible magic weapon.

"The cold air of Xuanbing Hanquan is too domineering. If she is placed directly in it, she will be frozen into ice within a short breath. Only through the ice coffin made of this cold jade and the cold air of Xuanbing Hanquan , will achieve the effect of suppressing the cold poison in his body." The young woman explained.

Li Xiuxian nodded his head, no one could beat him in terms of cold air, so Li Xiuxian naturally believed in this young woman.

After the Palace Master Xuechan and the young lady left, Li Xiuxian found a quiet room, and placed a few restraints to isolate the room.

With his current cultivation base, unless he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, he cannot break through these restrictions at all!
After entering Wanhuazhu, both Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao opened their eyes.

At this time, Li Xiuxian's body was full of Buddha's light, if it wasn't for the flowing black hair, they might not be able to recognize him.

"This is a relic!" Li Xiuyuan was surprised.

Between Li Xiuxian's eyebrows, a fist-sized relic exudes a strong Buddha light!
Li Xiuxian nodded: "Brother, I am going to refine another avatar, and this relic happens to be the main material."

"Avatar! Brother, don't you already have an avatar?" Li Shuiyao asked.

"Suppressed! Refining this avatar is to take that avatar back." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

It is unheard of that one person can have two incarnations!

"Brother's practice is special, so you can refine two incarnations in total."

"When your cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul stage, you can do the same. It's just that you can't practice the "Nine Turns Mysterious Art" on me." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

It's not that Li Xiuxian is hiding his secrets, but that to practice this "Nine Turns Mysterious Art", all the spiritual power in the body needs to be abolished, which is too unrealistic for Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao who have reached the middle stage of Golden Core.

Afterwards, Li Xiuxian took a piece of jasper root and Jianglei wood. Although the main material for this incarnation was the Nascent Soul-level relic in his hand, more than one relic was enough to refine an incarnation.

As for the Buddhist skills left behind in this Nascent Soul-level relic, Li Xiuxian didn't pry into it.

Because the exercises recorded in the relic are one-time, once Li Xiuxian snoops, the relic will become an ordinary relic.

Refining this relic completely into an incarnation, there is a great chance that the incarnation can master the supernatural powers in it, this is a great opportunity for the incarnation, Li Xiuxian does not want to deprive the incarnation of the opportunity.

"Teacher, I will leave this Zhuyan Pill to you." The young woman threw out a Zhuyan Pill.

"Master!" Palace Master Xuechan was taken aback. "Your face was disfigured due to the mistake of practicing my Thousand Ice and Myriad Soul Art in Xuechan Palace. With this Zhuyan Pill, combined with the elixir of Xuechan Palace, it is enough to restore your appearance to [-]% of its original appearance." The young woman sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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