Chapter 378
Palace Master Xuechan couldn't help touching Binghan's mask, the ugly face hidden under this mask has always been the greatest pain in her heart.

Even after practicing the "Thousands of Ice and Myriad Souls", her cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds in just a hundred years, breaking the barriers that plagued countless monks, and condensing the Nascent Soul.

But she also paid too much for this, not only had to endure the unbearable pain of ordinary people.

She still remembers to this day that when she jumped into the Xuanbing Cold Spring naked, the icy cold air almost froze her to death, and she almost died in the Xuanbing Cold Spring due to the special physique of her ice spirit body.

That's right, the current Palace Master Xuechan is the legendary Ice Spirit Body, which is a supreme body that keeps pace with the Fire Spirit Body, Thunder Spirit Body and other special physiques.

When practicing ice-type supernatural powers, it can be said that it is a rapid progress.

It is precisely because of this special physique that she was valued by the previous Xuechan Palace Master, the young woman in front of her, and she was included in the door wall, making her the best candidate for the next Xuechan Palace Master.

"The word love is the most entangled, I hope you can do it yourself!" A gust of snowflakes drifted by, and the young woman disappeared into the vast ice field.

Palace Master Xuechan couldn't help looking at Yugui Peak where Li Xiuxian was: "Do you still remember the oath you made?"

"After the alchemy is formed, I will go to Xuechan Palace to find you."

"Well, if I can join Xuechan Palace, I will definitely wait for you in Xuechan Palace."

What happened 200 years ago seems to be right in front of our eyes. The boy and girl at that time are now different things.

"I've been waiting for you, but after waiting for you for 200 years, you brought a woman with me!" Under the icy mask, a drop of crystal clear tears flowed down the snow-white face of Palace Master Xuechan. The skin fell on the white snow.

The place where the tears of ice fell was suddenly filled with cold air, and an icicle more than two meters long suddenly appeared on the ice field.

Seeing this icicle, Palace Master Xuechan showed a helpless wry smile on the face hidden under the mask, this is the aftereffect of that time.

The coldness in her body has reached a terrifying level now, any monks who are casually close to her body will be hurt by the coldness emanating from her body, even the monks of Xuechan Palace are naturally resistant to cold, so they dare not get too close.

"Maybe in this life I can only die alone." Palace Master Xuechan sighed slightly, took a step forward, and then disappeared into the ice and snow.

Time flies, Li Xiuxian has not appeared since he retreated in Yugui Peak.

Two years later, an eight-year-old child was kneeling devoutly in front of a Buddha statue, paying homage to the Buddha.

From his fluent passages of mysterious scriptures, it is hard to imagine that such a young child would understand such mysterious scriptures.

Even if this is the most prosperous place of the Buddhist sect in Tianzhou, the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas is extremely rare!
But the long flowing hair on the child's head seemed out of place with this Buddhist temple.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that not all bald monks worshiping the Buddha in this Buddhist temple, most of them are ordinary people like this child.

Even in the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, shaving ordnance is an extremely solemn thing.

This is different from the mundane world, where you shave your head and become a monk.

In the eyes of the Buddhist sect, only those who sincerely pay homage to the Buddha and are favored by the Buddhist sect are eligible to be shaved.

So these people who still have black hair are not because they don't want to but because they don't have the qualifications!

"The Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Tianzhou, the most prosperous place of the Buddhist sect, the Mani Temple, the leader of the Buddhist sect in the world, is located in this ancient land of ten thousand Buddhas." The eight-year-old boy looked at this extremely solemn Buddha statue and said to himself.

Temples are the most common buildings in the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, even more common than houses. Most of the people living here are devout believers of the Buddhist sect, and most of them live in temples.

At the same time, the temple is also the most effective shortcut for ordinary people to reach the sky in one step.

Each sect of Buddhism will establish temples in the ancient land of ten thousand Buddhas, and select some mortals who live in the temples to enter the sect with spiritual roots and excellent Buddha affinity.

This behavior is a bit like a sect general election, but the Buddhist sect does not have so many tasks released, as long as you have spiritual roots and enough buddha affinity, then you are eligible to enter the sect.

The temple where the eight-year-old child was located was established by the Mani Temple. This is also the largest temple in the entire Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and it can accommodate a million people at the same time!

"Three days later, it will be the Buddha's Fate Dharma Conference. You should notice me then." The eight-year-old child said to himself.

The people next to him seemed to be used to the child's behavior of talking to himself, and they were already used to it.

This child has only been in this temple for about a year, but he has read the ancient Buddhist scriptures in this temple thoroughly.

One glance and ten lines are not enough to describe his reading speed, and this child's ability to comprehend the Buddhist scriptures is even more devastating. No matter which Buddhist scriptures, he can memorize them backwards, and the principles contained in the Buddhist scriptures can also be mastered. The teacher who studied Buddhist scriptures painstakingly in this monastery is not as good as this child.

All these things can only prove one thing, this child's connection with Buddhism is very good, I am afraid that even if you search the entire Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, you will not be able to find anyone who can match him.

As long as the child has spiritual roots, it is almost a sure thing to enter the Mani Temple, and it is definitely offered as a treasure.

You must know that the supernatural powers of Buddhism are different from those of Taoism, and demons are different. The deeper you practice, the more profound the cooperation of Buddhism is.

Three days later, a burst of brilliant Buddha light enveloped the temple!
"That's what I heard. For a time, the Buddha was in Shiluo Raft City, only staying in the Vihara. He and the great monks, thousands of 250 people. They are all great arhats without leakage. The Buddha's son lives."

The heaven and the earth are enveloped by the sound of chanting sutras, and the people in the entire monastery are fascinated by it. This is the "Shurangama Sutra" of the Buddhist family, and it is a must-read book for those who worship the Buddha.

Some mortals will have a golden light shrouded in them. These are people who have Buddha affinity, and the amount of golden light means the size of this person's Buddha affinity.

The small ones are like fireflies, while the big ones form a beam of light that goes straight to the sky!
The Buddha's predestined relationship is the degree of understanding of the teachings in the "Langa Sutra". The more you understand, the more Buddha's light you will get from it.

"The quality of the buddhas this year is pretty good. There are two people who can condense their own Buddha's light into a beam of light. If they have spiritual roots, there is bound to be hope for alchemy!" A long-browed monk in the sky smiled lightly.

This is obviously Liaochen among Mani's six souls!

"Hey! What's going on here?" Suddenly, Liao Chen's face changed, and the Buddha lights they cast all rushed in one direction!
Even the two beams of Buddha's light that had been condensed into pillars had a tendency to disintegrate, as for the poor Buddha's light on the rest of the mortals, they collapsed instantly!

"The fortune that seizes the heaven and the earth! The fortune that seizes the heaven and the earth!" The monk beside Liaochen couldn't help but screamed out!

They have taken over this work for more than a hundred years, and have never encountered such a situation. In the history of the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, there is only one person who caused such a phenomenon of heaven and earth!

Demon Monk—Mortal World!
That was the darkest moment in the history of Mani Temple. Fan Chen, who was trained by Mani Temple as his successor, actually defected from Mani Temple. In this battle, all the masters of Mani Temple were lost. In the end, he was escaped by the demon monk Fanchen, and his methods were so-so.

"Another mortal?" Liao Chen sighed slightly.

I saw that the Buddha light they sprinkled had all gathered in one place at this time, like a small sun, extremely dazzling!
And under the sun is the eight-year-old child. At this time, he is reciting the "Langa Sutra" in a low voice. Not only the Buddha's light sprinkled by Liao Chen and the others, but also the Buddha's light accumulated in the monastery for countless years is drawn by him. Gathered into this little sun.

What is the good fortune of seizing the world?

This is called the Creation of Seizing Heaven and Earth!

In the monastery, countless believers have accumulated tens of thousands of years of devout prayers, and the amount of accumulated Buddha's light has reached an incredible level, but this child took advantage of the day of selection in the Mani Temple to snatch away the accumulated tens of thousands of years of Buddha's light!
Liao Chen's expression changed, and he played out a sound transmission talisman in his hand, and after a while, there was an echo!
"Uncle Liaochen, what did the abbot say?" the Buddhist cultivator who was next to him could not help asking.

"Wait and see what happens. If this son can absorb all the light of Buddha that has accumulated for tens of thousands of years, then this son's deep affinity with Buddha will even be a bit stronger than that traitor in the world. It will be beneficial and harmless to our Mani Temple." !” Liaochen said lightly.

The scriptures in the child's mouth were recited faster and faster, and the Buddha statues in the temple who did not know how many years had accumulated were all gathered towards the "little sun" in the sky.

"This son has a strong connection with Buddha. The traitor Fanchen just snatched all the Buddha lights from the ten Buddha statues in the temple. This son actually tried to swallow all the Buddha lights from the [-] Buddha statues in the temple!" Liao Chen thought in his heart. Surprised.

If this is the case, then this child will be able to advance to become a god in the future!

"Sure enough!" A smile appeared on the child's face.

These Buddha lights are not only used to distinguish the depth of the Buddha's relationship, but also an excellent cultivation resource. The Buddha lights accumulated for tens of thousands of years are usually guarded by countless prohibitions. Be careful, I'm afraid you don't even know how you died.

But today, all these restrictions have been closed, which gave him the opportunity to plunder the Buddha's light openly!
"If I absorb all the Buddha's light, I'm afraid my cultivation level can directly soar to the foundation building stage. It will be of great benefit to my future cultivation. It seems that it is indeed a wise move for me to seal my own cultivation level!" The child said proudly think.At this moment, the "little sun" in the sky also began to change!
(End of this chapter)

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