Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 379 The Incarnation of Buddha

Chapter 379 The Incarnation of Buddha
This round of "little sun" was full of radiance in an instant, and countless Buddha lights rushed towards the child's body like swallows returning to their nests.

In an instant, the child absorbed the Buddha's light that had condensed for tens of thousands of years!
Seizing the good fortune of heaven and earth, this is the real good fortune of seizing heaven and earth, this child can't help but deprive others of the Buddha's relationship, and also absorbs the Buddha's light in the temple.

A child with no cultivation base, at this time, the cultivation base is rising rapidly, one level of Qi training, three levels, five levels, ten levels, eleven levels...

In just a few breaths, the child's cultivation had already reached the peak of the Qi training period, and at the same time, a calamity cloud floated in the sky!

"Boom!" Jieyun unceremoniously struck down a thunderbolt!
"Amitabha!" I saw the child chanting the Buddha's name in a low voice, and a statue of Buddha rose from the ground, protecting the child in the center like a protective umbrella. A ripple, not to mention hurting the children protected by the Buddha statue.

After 27 thunderstorms in a row, the robbery cloud seemed to have lost its last bit of strength, and a five-colored mysterious light fell, and the child's cultivation level skyrocketed again, and the Buddha light that had not completely disappeared was continuously injected into the child's body, and finally the child's cultivation level In order to stabilize it in the middle stage of foundation building.

"This son has a deep connection with Buddhism, and he has a bright future!" Liao Chen couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

At his level of cultivation, he was able to make the mountain collapse before him without changing his face, but a small child could make him sigh one after another, which shows how great the impact this child had on him.

Although this child deprived the rest of the people of the opportunity to enter the Mani Temple, instead of punishing him at all, they would enshrine him like a treasure.

As for the mortals who were deprived of the opportunity to enter the Mani Temple by this child, no one would sympathize with them, their skills were inferior to others, even if they had nothing to complain about.

Even though Mani Temple only received this one child this year, it was enough to shock Mani Temple!
"Brother abbot, what you said is not true, is there someone who has a deeper relationship with Buddha than that traitor in the world!" A one-eyed monk couldn't help asking.

When talking about Wuchen, the one-eyed monk revealed a deep hatred in his words. His eye was beaten blind when Wuchen defected from the Mani Temple!
"Wuchen's talent in Buddhist practice is enough to rank among the top three in the history of our Mani Temple. I am afraid that only the founder of the sect, Sakyamuni, can stabilize this rebel." Host Kong said.

"Now there is a child. According to Liaochen, this child is only eight years old, but he has attracted the Buddha's light accumulated for tens of thousands of years in the [-] Buddha statues in the temple. Although it has not been completely plundered, the Buddha's light mobilized But it is four or five times that of Wuchen." Jie Jie said.

"The presiding brother has some concerns, afraid that there will be another demon monk Wuchen?" Liao Ting couldn't help asking.

Abbot Zhikong nodded his head: "Fan Chen is talented and intelligent, but he is rebellious, and he even tried to take the most precious treasure of our school, the "Da Sun Tathagata Mantra" left by the founder of the sect, Sakyamuni, as his own. If this child also As clean as dust, my Mani Temple can no longer withstand tossing."

Thinking of Wuchen's rebellion back then, the five present couldn't help being silent.

Mani is six years old, the abbot is empty, the elder is dead, Liao Ting, Liao Wen, Liao Chen, Liao Fan is a person who has personally experienced the events of that year, and Liao Ting even lost an eye in this battle.

In the Mani Temple back then, there were no less than 16 Nascent Soul monks staying in the monastery, and the abbot Li Kong had already been a great monk. At that time, there were [-] strongest monks in the Mani Temple. The existence of the monk level, combined together, was unexpectedly escaped by Wuchen. At that time, sixteen great monks chased and intercepted Wuchen. Instead of beheading him, he beheaded six of them, and the remaining ten were also mostly were seriously injured, and several others died of their injuries after the battle.

In the end, it actually attracted the cultivator who was hiding in the Mani Temple to do it. Although it was just a move, it was enough to destroy the world. The demon monk Wuchen was driven into the ground by a golden palm.

But after receiving the blow from the cultivator of Huashen, this Wuchen was not dead, not only not dead, but also used the secret method in the "Da Sun Tathagata Curse" to escape!

The Mani Temple, which was extremely powerful at that time, also declined a lot because of this battle, but the grand occasion of the sixteen great monks was no longer there, and now there are only a few great monks left by Mani Six.

Six monks at the level of great monks are extremely powerful for any sect. Even Xuechan Palace, which is also among the top ten forces in Tianzhou, may not be able to produce six big monks.

But this is not enough for Mani Temple!
The appearance of this child just happened to be an opportunity. If this child really has the aptitude of being almost a monster like Wuchen, Mani Temple will definitely do its best to cultivate it!

"Brother abbot has filtered it. This boy is only an eight-year-old boy. How could he have such vicious thoughts? We just need to teach him carefully, and under the subtle influence, this boy will definitely be loyal to Mani Temple!" Liao Fan said .

If this person was an adult, Liao Fan would definitely not say such words, but because the other party is a child with an incomplete mind, as long as he is induced by Buddhism, this child will definitely be loyal to Mani Temple!
"Take this son to the Mani Temple first, and we'll talk about the rest later." Liao Kong sighed helplessly.

He was really scared, if another demon monk, Fanchen, came out of Mani Temple, it would really be a catastrophe.

If it hadn't been for the cultivators who transformed into gods in the Bodhi Secret Realm, Mani Temple's losses would have been even greater!
"Bodhi Secret Realm!" There was a hint of envy in Liao Kong's eyes.

That is a place that only the cultivators of Huashen can enter, and it is a small world opened up by their founders. The cultivation effect of cultivators of Huashen is definitely a thousand times stronger than that of the outside world.

Among the top ten forces in Tianzhou, basically all have their own secret realms, the difference lies in the size of the secret realms!
Among all the secret realms in Tianzhou, the Bodhi Secret Realm is only in the middle. The Tianren Secret Realm of the Tianyi Sect and the Corpse Demon Secret Realm of the Nine Sons Corpse Demon Sect are above it.

But if you talk about the most secret realm, it is the Kunlun secret realm!

From the name of this sect, it can be seen that the location of this sect is a secret realm, and only this sect with the spirit world as the background can be so extravagant, moving the entire sect into the secret realm.

Even though the connection between the Kunlun Secret Realm and the spirit world has been severed, with their unique advantages, they are still able to occupy the number one power in Tianzhou, which has hardly changed for tens of thousands of years.

"The abbot said let's take this son back to the Mani Temple first!" Liao Chen sighed slightly, only to see a flash of Buddha's light in his hand, and a golden pestle for subjugating demons appeared at his feet.

With a simple move, the child's body floated onto the Demon Subduing Pestle!
"Stand firm!" Liaochen said to the child, and then disappeared into the sky.

The mortals left behind looked enviously at the flying child, and stood in the monastery for a long time, unwilling to leave.

Due to the child's relationship, most of the Buddha's light in this temple disappeared, and the Buddhist atmosphere couldn't help but dimmed a lot.

"Mani Temple!" The child took a deep breath, and he could already feel that the connection between himself and the avatar was getting stronger and stronger, and he was even able to make a short call!

This child with deep ties to Buddhism turned out to be Li Xiuxian!
To be precise, it is a clone of Li Xiuxian, a clone refined from rare materials such as relics and jasper roots!
Because of that relic, this avatar is extremely good at Buddhist martial arts and supernatural powers as soon as it is refined, and can draw inferences about various Buddhist scriptures!

Li Xiuxian also knew what kind of exercises were recorded in this Nascent Soul-level relic.
Li Xiuxian even regretted a little, why didn't he take out the supernatural powers in this relic earlier, but after being excited, Li Xiuxian found that the conditions for the cultivation of "Supreme Heart Sword" were also extremely harsh. It must not be low, and you must practice the "Prajna Heart Sutra" to great success. This "Prajna Heart Sutra" is a unique skill in Mani Temple. Even in Mani Temple, only a small number of people can practice it. Cut off Li Xiuxian's idea of ​​cultivating the supernatural power of "Supreme Heart Sword".

Next, Li Xiuxian devoted himself wholeheartedly to refining the avatar. For the sake of secrecy, Li Xiuxian simply refined the avatar into the appearance of a child, and then applied numerous seals to improve the cultivation of the avatar. Completely sealed.

With his current strength, even those big monks may not be able to see the clues of the seal imposed, after all, his consciousness is at the level of transforming gods.

This avatar also has its own name, Li Suixian, I don't know if it is because of the addition of a relic, this avatar always makes the gesture of clasping hands, completely like a monk.

However, it was precisely because this incarnation had a relic that he was able to blend into the Mani Temple so easily, and he also received considerable attention!
After all, if you want to get in touch with his incarnation, you must have a certain status.

Mani Temple will not let a disciple who does odd jobs take care of his avatar!
As for how to act in the Mani Temple, Li Xiuxian didn't think about it well, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and sometimes the plan was far less effective than adapting to the situation.

Moreover, as long as he enters the Mani Temple, he can use the secret method of transforming the three qings into one qi to delay the time for this incarnation to be completely suppressed. It is conservatively estimated that he has 30 to 40 years, which is better than the original ten years too much.

The only thing that Li Xiuxian is not used to is that he has to put his palms together anytime and anywhere, which is really too difficult for a human being.

"I don't know how that avatar got used to it?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help thinking.The Nascent Soul is interchangeable between incarnations, so the one who occupies this incarnation of Buddha now is Li Xiuxian's main Nascent Soul, and Li Suixian has entered into Li Xiuxian's real body, in the Wanhuazhu practice.

(End of this chapter)

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