Chapter 380
However, it was Li Xiuxian's clasped hands that made Chen feel very satisfied. He even had a feeling that this son was born to be a material for practicing Buddhism, maybe he was the reincarnation of Patriarch Sakyamuni.

Li Xiuxian has long admired the Buddha sect's supernatural powers. After all, he has fought against Buddhist monks several times. This time he entered the Mani Temple to study the Buddhist sect's supernatural powers.

At that time, he alone will have the strengths of the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism and magic, which will also be of great benefit to his future practice.

Now Li Xiuxian only feels that there is a majestic Buddha power in his body. This is exactly the large group of Buddha light he absorbed in the temple. Li Xiuxian's body.

This is the Buddha power gathered by countless Buddhist believers for tens of thousands of years. It is extremely pure and will be of great benefit to Li Xiuxian's practice of Buddhist martial arts in the future.

Practicing is more effective than half the effort. The ability of the demon monk back then has a lot to do with the power he absorbed from the ten Buddha statues. It is precisely because of the power of Buddha in his body that the demon monk Fanchen can look down on the Buddhas and become a mani temple. Number one master.

If it wasn't for the actions of the cultivator who was hidden in the world back then, the monstrous monk Fanchen might have wiped out the Mani Temple from Tianzhou by himself.

Now, with this incarnation, Li Xiuxian has the capital to be comparable to the demon monk, and his future achievements are likely to be higher than that of the demon monk.

This is also the reason why Mani Temple loves and fears him. After all, they don't want to train another demon monk and mortal world!

The Dusty Subduing Demon Pestle flew rapidly in the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and wherever it went, all Buddhist practitioners gave way one after another, and the status of the Mani Temple in the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas can be seen.

The Buddhist sect, the Taoist sect, and the demonic sect are relatively united as a whole, and there are few fights within the Buddhist sect, which is why the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas can occupy such a large territory in Tianzhou.

If they were fighting endlessly within themselves, I am afraid that the two ways of righteousness and demons in Tianzhou would not bother to watch.

Tianzhou is so big, it is good to have one less person to share things.

"Is this the legendary Mani Temple?" Li Xiuxian sighed secretly.

There is a huge temple underneath, with a towering Buddha statue like a cloud.

The Mani Temple actually includes more than a hundred peaks!
Liao Chen seems very satisfied with Li Xiuxian's expression, which is the background of a great sect standing in Tianzhou for thousands of years.

Compared with it, the Pill Spirit Sect can be regarded as a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, but it looks as weak as a baby!
"This is the Mani Temple, the place where you will practice in the future!" Liao Chen said lightly, "Amitabha!" Li Xiuxian recited the Buddha's name in a low voice, the heat in his eyes gradually receded, and he regained his clarity.

Liao Chen nodded in satisfaction. This son's mind and concentration are all top choices. He still remembers that when he first saw this magnificent Mani Temple, he was stunned for a quarter of an hour before he came back to his senses.

"The tallest Buddha statue is Shakyamuni, the founder of our sect. He created this Mani Temple by himself." Liao Chen pointed to the most magnificent Buddha statue on a mountain peak.

"The Buddha power contained in this Buddha statue is so strong!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped.

Compared with this Buddha statue, the one hundred and eight Buddha statues in the previous temple are simply a pile of scum.

The difference between the two is as huge as the sun and fluorescence!
Not only that, Li Xiuxian can even see that there are countless Buddha powers converging in the Mani Temple, most of which are absorbed by the Buddha statue of Sakyamuni, and the rest are scattered in hundreds of cities and fall into the mountains. superior.

This Buddhist power is so viscous that it is almost materialized, and the speed of cultivating Buddhist supernatural powers in this Mani Temple is at least ten times faster than the outside world!
This is the benefit of a practice holy place for monks.

"In the entire Tianzhou, when it comes to the Buddhist sect, it is our Mani Temple. Seventy-eight out of ten of the Buddhist powers of the Buddhist sect believers in the world are gathered in this Mani Temple, which is of great benefit to our Buddhist practice!" Dust explained.

"Then what about the other Buddhist sects in the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

Liaochen smiled slightly: "So the Buddhist sects in the entire Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas spread out with the Mani Temple as the core. As long as the Mani Temple does not fall, they can last forever!"

This is the background of the great sect, and this is the good fortune of seizing heaven and earth. Compared with the style of this Mani Temple, the trace of Buddhist power that Li Xiuxian plundered can be said to be insignificant.

No wonder this Mani Temple doesn't care, it turns out that this is just a drop in the bucket for them!
As for the Buddhist power Li Xiuxian in the statue of Sakyamuni, he dare not even think about it, unless the Mani Temple voluntarily removes the above restrictions, who will come and die.

I'm afraid even the cultivators who transform themselves into gods are like this!
"From now on, I will be your master. This is the basic heart method for my introduction to Mani Temple, "The Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil". You should practice it by yourself. If you make progress, my teacher will naturally pass on the next set, which is more advanced. The formula!" Liaochen brought Li Xiuxian to Langa Peak, where Li Xiuxian would practice in the future.

It is unique in the history of Mani Temple to have a big monk teach cultivation just after entering the temple. Even the demon monk Wuchen was only guided by a monk in the early Yuanying stage when he entered the door.

Naturally, this is the order of the abbot, to observe at Langa Peak for a few years.

"Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil", Li Xiuxian looked at the jade slip in his hand and couldn't help shaking his head. He had read this Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil countless times.

Speaking of cultivating the Buddha sect's skills, it is natural that Li Suixian, the incarnation of the Buddha, should practice. Presumably with Li Suixian's aptitude and the environment of the Mani Temple, it is easy to practice the "Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil".

After the primary and secondary Nascent Souls were exchanged, Li Suixiang sank into cultivation.

Among Xuechan Palace and Yugui Peak, Li Xiuxian slowly opened his eyes: "Mani Temple is worthy of being one of the top ten forces in Tianzhou. If it is really forced to break in, I am afraid that there is really no place to die."

At least the Buddha statues on the hundreds of mountain peaks are not decorations. Once the Buddha power that gathers [-]% of the world explodes, I am afraid that even the cultivators of Huashen will not dare to confront it head-on.

For this plan, Li Xiuxian is still very satisfied so far, at least he has mixed into the Mani Temple, although he still can't touch Li Yixuan, but it is enough for him to delay the time for Li Yixuan to be suppressed.

During this period, Li Xiuxian is also planning to improve his cultivation, if possible, at least to the late Yuanying stage.

When the cultivation base is promoted to the late Yuanying stage, the Xuan Gong can be turned seven times, and the power is greatly increased!
"What's so mysterious about this piece of iron?" Li Xiuxian looked at the piece of iron in his hand.

Although the Treasure Hunter reacted abnormally to this piece of iron, he couldn't see anything wrong with his knowledge!
Spiritual power poured into this piece of iron and there was no reaction at all!

"Forget it, forget it for now!" Li Xiuxian thought about putting the iron piece into the storage bag.

"Hiss!" Li Xiuxian shuddered suddenly, the sharp part of the iron piece actually cut a small hole on his finger!
In an instant, the blood in the Wanhua Pearl shot up to the sky, and the iron piece, which was just plain, exuded a dazzling blood light!
"Roar!" Shura suddenly roared, and a black saber burst out of his body!

"Blood-melting Knife!" Li Xiuxian's eyelids twitched!

I saw that the blood-transforming knife and the piece of iron exuded dazzling blood at the same time!
"Oops!" Li Xiuxian hurriedly opened up his spiritual power to resist the blood light 1. The elixir illuminated by the blood light was instantly drained of life force!
Under the infusion of a large amount of life force from the elixir, the pitch-black blade actually began to change color, turning as red as blood!

"Sura Demon Knife!" Li Xiuxian turned pale with shock!

This turned out to be the Asura Demon Knife he saw at the Six Schools of Martial Arts. The Asura Demon Knife in Luo Sidao's hand was only a part of the blade, but with the help of the blood in his body, it could become a sword of its own!

How similar is this to the Blood Transforming Knife, the Blood Transforming Knife was just a handle back then, but with Murong Wudi's blood essence, the Blood Transforming Knife of today has been achieved!

"Suppress it!" Li Xiuxian roared angrily, if this Asura Demon Saber continues to stir up trouble, there will be no living things in this Wanhua Pearl!

"Clang!" Thirty-six Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords slashed down!

But a burst of black energy rushed out from the Asura Demon Saber that was about to fuse together, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword retreated again and again!

"Damn it, what kind of magic weapon is this that is not afraid of the destructive thunder of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help roaring!
The blood light in the sky became stronger and stronger, and all the elixirs in the Wanhua Pearl except for the Jasper Root and the Moyou Cailian lost their vitality!

"Slash!" The Purple Electric Soul Devourer Sword slashed towards Shura Demon Saber!

"Bang!" Li Xiuxian only felt a huge force coming, and the Purple Lightning Soul Eater unexpectedly came out!

What Li Xiuxian didn't expect was that the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword that came out of his hand would be entangled with Shura's Demon Saber, as if they were sworn enemies!
"Stop it all!" Li Xiuxian played several magic formulas one after another, trying to suppress these two magic weapons.

But Li Xiuxian couldn't even suppress a broken Shura Demon Saber, let alone the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword!
"I can't afford to offend, I can afford to hide!" Li Xiuxian ducked down and hid directly in the alchemy room.

Even though these two magic weapons fought fiercely, there was a stream of restraint protection around the alchemy room, so they didn't get hurt at all!
"Brother, what's going on outside? Why is there such a big commotion?" Li Xiuyuan couldn't help asking.

"The two magic weapons are fighting, and I can't get in!" Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

This kind of situation is also unheard of for him, the magic weapon will fight automatically!
I don't know how long they fought, but finally there was no sound outside!
Only then did Li Xiuxian walk out of the alchemy room, and sneered when he looked at the two dimly lit magic treasures. These two magic treasures ended up hurting both sides!

"Don't come here!" Suddenly, a voice came from Li Xiuxian's mind!
Suddenly, a black python rushed towards Li Xiuxian, trying to devour him!

"Looking for death!" With a yell, a horned lion knocked the black python away with one blow! "Black python, lion, since when did this kind of thing exist in Wanhuazhu?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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