Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 387 Team

Chapter 387 Team
"The Valley of Forbidden Demons." Li Xiuxian looked at the forbidden place in front of him, which made countless people fearful, and he couldn't help showing a trace of fear on his face.

Li Xiuxian, who had obtained a lot of information about the Forbidden Demon Valley in the Thousand Rain Tower, not only did not feel a little relaxed, but his mood became even heavier.

Some things are like this, the more you understand the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, the more you know its horror.

Even standing outside the Forbidden Demon Valley, Li Xiuxian felt as if he was standing in front of a cliff, and a chill still lingered.

The most powerful part of the Forbidden Valley finish is the ubiquitous restraints and space cracks.

If you are unlucky and get caught in the space crack, even if you are a Nascent Soul cultivator, you can only die.

This space crack comes and goes without a trace, and no monk knows when and where this space crack will appear.

In the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, one must beware of this space crack at all times, and there are a large number of monsters in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons.

Due to the influence of the magic energy in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, these monsters lost the chance to transform into human forms, but their strength is even more terrifying.

There are indeed many treasures in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, but it also depends on whether you have the luck and strength to get them.

For tens of thousands of years, countless monks have entered the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, and gradually developed into a large market outside the Valley of the Forbidden Demons.

Li Xiuxian wandered around the city at will. For some monks who were about to venture into the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, they would not be stingy with the spirit stones in their hands.

If they could buy some powerful instruments and talismans, it would undoubtedly greatly increase their chances of surviving in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons.

The cultivators who entered the Valley of the Forbidden Demons also had very different cultivation bases, the low ones were only about seven or eight levels of Qi training, and the high ones could reach the Nascent Soul Stage.

Although the Forbidden Valley is dangerous, it is not a place where there is no death and no life. It is relatively safe for thousands of miles around, and there are very few powerful monsters and terrifying space cracks.

If you can even encounter space cracks on the periphery, it can only show that your luck is really bad.

There are many ways to enter the Valley of the Forbidden Demons. Naturally, you can choose to enter the Valley of the Forbidden Demons alone, but this will undoubtedly increase your own danger.

Therefore, most of the monks choose to enter in groups, which will also take care of each other when encountering danger.

This is also applicable to Nascent Soul cultivators. According to the information Li Xiuxian got in the Thousand Rain Tower, several Nascent Soul cultivators wanted to enter the Forbidden Demon Valley these years, but they still couldn't get the number of people they wanted, so It was put on hold.

News, if you say it is worthless, it is indeed worthless, but if you say it is valuable, it is very valuable. Almost no one can leave this thing.

When he got the news, Li Xiuxian also had to lament the power of Qianyu Tower, as if there was nothing in this world that they couldn't sell.

"I said, why do you want to team up with those people? It is very easy to enter the Valley of the Forbidden Demons with your strength." Ziyue on her back said dissatisfied.

"Some things cannot be accomplished by one person." Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

Indeed, with his current strength, it can be said that he is proud of his peers, even a big monk may not be able to do anything to him.

But entering the Valley of the Forbidden Demons is not about fighting people. There are some things that are not just enough for you to be strong.

Ziyue also said that there are a lot of restrictions in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, and these restrictions are all left over from the Great War of the Ancients.

And Li Xiuxian didn't have much research on restraints and formations. If he fell into it, even if he could escape, it would take a lot of time.

For him, what he needs most now is time.

Li Suixiang had already cultivated in the Bodhi Secret Realm, and it was very likely that he would condense the Nascent Soul in ten years, and that would be the time for him to snatch the golden lotus seeds and the incarnation.

Going in a team allows you to take advantage of everyone's strengths.

The information of Qianyu Tower is very detailed, and it has been shown that among this group of monks there is a formation master who is proficient in various restrictions. This is definitely good news for Li Xiuxian.

"It's here!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

Even if he didn't use his spiritual sense to detect, he could still feel the terrifying coercion emanating from the attic. This was the unique coercion of the Nascent Soul cultivator, and there was definitely more than one Nascent Soul cultivator in the attic.

Out of politeness, Li Xiuxian did not use his divine sense to spy, but played a sound transmission talisman!

These few people were able to wait outside the Valley of the Forbidden Demons for several years, obviously it was not an ordinary treasure hunting in the Valley of the Fallen Demons.

In fact, Nascent Soul monks almost always have their own goals when they enter the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, unlike those juniors who enter the Valley of the Forbidden Demons just to try their luck and see if they can get anything valuable.

"So it's Daoyou Li, please come in!" An old voice came from the attic.

At the same time, the door of the attic opened, and the spiritual power attached to it disappeared completely!

The entire attic is surrounded by a formation, which also means that there is indeed a formation master among the Nascent Soul monks present.

"Tch, one late Nascent Soul, two middle Nascent Souls, and one early Nascent Soul, with such a cultivation level, they dare to break into the Forbidden Demon Valley." Ziyue on her back snorted coldly with disdain.

In Ziyue's view, this group of people is just a mob, and entering the Forbidden Demon Valley is probably a dead end.

One woman, three men, this is what Li Xiuxian first saw when he entered the attic.

"Early Yuan Ying?" A white-haired old man couldn't help frowning.

This person is the only late Nascent Soul cultivator, Fan Huang of Tianyi Sect.

"We are still short of a sword cultivator, are you sure you are a sword cultivator?" Fan Huang said lightly.

"Sword cultivator?" Li Xiuxian murmured.

In fact, he is not a pure sword cultivator, although most of the magic weapons in his hands are related to swords.

"Probably." Li Xiuxian touched his nose.

"Yes, yes, no, no, what is counted!" the shaggy-faced man couldn't help shouting.

"Fellow Daoist Qu, don't be impatient, maybe this person is really a sword cultivator?" the only female cultivator advised.

"If he is a sword cultivator, I will be the suzerain of the Kunlun Holy Land!" The hairy-faced man sneered.

Fan Huang frowned: "Since fellow daoists will come, you must know that we only need one sword repairer here!"

"As I said, I'm a sword cultivator." Li Xiuxian also showed a hint of displeasure on his face.

"Sword cultivator, then you can use your sword to slash. If you can't even slash my defense, then you can get out!" The hairy-faced man snorted coldly.

I saw this shaggy-faced man standing up suddenly, the spiritual power on his body was tumbling, and layers of bone armor actually wrapped him inside!
This kind of supernatural power is somewhat similar to Yizhou's Bone Shamen, but it is much stronger than the Bone Shamen!
The other three seemed to have acquiesced in the behavior of the shaggy-faced man. After all, they could wait for several years for this action, so naturally they wouldn't let others make up for it.

"Elephant Armor Skill, Your Excellency is from the Elephant Armor Sect." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"It's good that you know, cut me with your sword!" the hairy-faced man roared.

Li Xiuxian took a deep breath. The Elephant Armor Sect may not be considered a big sect in Tianzhou, but its magical power, the Elephant Armor Art, is an amazing magical power. It can build a bone armor on the body, and its defense is amazing!

It is precisely because of this relationship that this shaggy-faced man is so defiant. With all his strength, there are not many people who can break through the elephant armor.

However, if this kind of defense wants to make it difficult for Li Xiuxian, then it is too small to underestimate him!

"Crack!" There was only a flash of purple light in front of everyone's eyes, and a crack about three inches long appeared on the elephant armor on the chest of this hairy-faced man!

"Can this sword catch everyone's eyes?" Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

A sword that was as fast as lightning cut through the bone armor that the shaggy-faced man was proud of effortlessly, as easily as cutting tofu.

The hairy-faced man was sweating coldly, the sword just now was almost close to his heart, as long as the sword was a little deeper, he would probably die on the spot.

"So fast, so powerful, so domineering sword energy!" Fan Huang couldn't help admiring!

"Sword Qi, so powerful is just Sword Qi!" The monks present couldn't help but gasped.

Sword Qi, which means that the sword was not used just now!

"Fellow Daoist should belong to the lineage of ancient sword cultivators." Fan Huang laughed.

As an ancient sword cultivator, the monks present looked at Li Xiuxian differently.

In the ancient times, a hundred schools of thought contended, the ancient sword cultivator was able to make such a big name among the ancient monks, of course it was not an embroidered pillow. Among the sword cultivators in the world, the ancient sword cultivator was the strongest!

Li Xiuxian nodded, agreeing with Fan Huang's statement.

"That's very good, so the five of us can enter the Forbidden Demon Valley!" Fan Huang laughed.

The shaggy-faced man who had his elephant armor cut open by Li Xiuxian's move also returned to his original appearance at this time, and he always had a little fear of Li Xiuxian.

"Come, come, let me introduce to you, this Quhun Daoist is an elder of the Elephant Armor Sect. He is so skilled in the Elephant Armor that it is difficult for ordinary magic weapons to hurt him." Fan Huang said, pointing at the shaggy-faced man.

"Fellow Quhun, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Li Xiuxian nodded.

"This is Fairy Shuiyun from Shuiyue Sect. Shuiyue Sect is good at healing, and the muscle water they make uniquely is extremely precious in Tianzhou." Fan Huang pointed to the only female cultivator and said.

"As for this fellow Taoist, he is Lei Ting from the Lei Cang Cave Mansion."

Li Xiuxian's expression changed, he didn't expect that the person with the lowest level of cultivation was actually a person from Leicang Cave Mansion.

The Leicang Cave Mansion is extremely good at making various props, and the Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Bead is the most famous one.

If you underestimate this person just because he is in the early Yuanying period, you will probably suffer a big loss.

After all, the Leicang Cave Mansion can produce the Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Orb that can seriously injure the alchemy monks. If they say that they have nothing more powerful, no one will believe it. "My subordinate is Fan Huang, the elder of the Formation Sect. The only thing he is good at is arranging and removing various restraining formations." Fan Huang said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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