Chapter 388
"Master Formation!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but cast a glance at Fan Huanggao.

In the realm of comprehension, formation masters are as rare as alchemy masters. It can even be said that formation masters are even rarer than alchemy masters, and the complexity of formations is several times more complicated than alchemy.

At least Li Xiuxian does not have the ability to deduce tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of changes.

I also have a little understanding of this team, Li Xiuxian, not only has Fan Huang, the formation master, but also Qu Hun, a monk who focuses on defense, Shuiyun Fairy, a monk who is good at healing, and Lei Ting, a monk who is extremely good at equipment.

It's no wonder that they need a sword repairer, there is only one sword repairer with a strong attack in this team.

"The elder of Xuechan Palace Keqing, Li Xiuxian, is good at swordsmanship and fire magic." Li Xiuxian also made a brief introduction for himself.

When they heard that Li Xiuxian was the guest minister of Xuechan Palace, there was a hint of envy in the eyes of these people.

Xuechan Palace is one of the top ten powers in Tianzhou. Although it ranks low, it is still an existence they need to look up to.

"With Li Daoyou joining, our chances of success will be greatly increased." Fan Huang laughed.

"Entering the Valley of the Forbidden Demons is no small matter, and the teleportation array is randomly teleported, so even if we enter at the same time, we will be separated when the time comes." Fan Huang sighed.

This problem is also their most troublesome problem, but there are many capable people in the cultivation world, and they will naturally come up with some solutions to this.

The traction talisman is the easiest way to solve this dilemma. As long as you hold this traction talisman, you will know the location of the other party. With the method of Nascent Soul cultivator, you can naturally gather together in a short time.

"This time, our goal is the Skeleton Mountain in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons. As long as we get the Tianjue Miaohua in the Skeleton Mountain, I will naturally help you get what you want." Fan Huang said.

The Tianjue seedling flower has long been extinct in the Kyushu, and it took a lot of money for Fan Huang to find out that there is still a Tianjue seedling flower in the Forbidden Demon Valley.

That's why they made such a big move and summoned many monks to enter the Valley of the Forbidden Demons.

This day's Jumiao flower is extremely poisonous. It is said that even a cultivator of Huashen can't resist this terrible toxicity. As long as he takes a drop of the juice extracted from this flower, his whole body will turn into a puddle of blood within half an hour.

However, this is not the most important function of the Tianjue Miaohua. The Tianjuemiaohua is highly poisonous if used alone, but if it is combined with a blind elixir, it is enough to drive countless monks crazy.

If Tianjue Miaohua is paired with the inner alchemy of the fourth-level top-grade monster golden-winged roc, it can be configured with a heaven-defying elixir that can blindly extend the monk's lifespan by 200 years!

In 200 years, for a monk who is about to run out of lifespan, what a huge temptation this will be. It is no wonder that Fan Huang will enter the Forbidden Demon Valley regardless of everything.

The longer he lived, the more he feared death. As long as there was a glimmer of life, Fan Huang would desperately catch it.

As for what the other people wanted, Fan Huang did not say clearly, and it was not something that could be obtained easily.

However, Fan Huang, the formation master, is quite popular among many monks. After all, formation masters are extremely rare. If you don't know the formation in the Forbidden Valley, the danger will be greatly increased!
"Now, enter the valley!" Fan Huang moved, and the five of them appeared in the teleportation array in an instant.

With a flash of inspiration, the five of them disappeared.

After a while of slight discomfort after teleportation.Li Xiuxian finally returned to normal.Start to look at your current foothold.

This is a gravel slope with more than half of it collapsed, and it is a mess, with weeds that are half a person's height growing everywhere. In front and a little farther to the left and right, there are low hills, rolling up and down.Not a single figure was seen.

But when Li Xiuxian turned his head to think about his skills and took a look.There was a look of astonishment on his face.

Not far behind him, there is actually a depression, which is as wide as a hundred feet, and the surrounding area is bare, not a single blade of grass grows, it is by no means a natural formation.

Li Xiuxian's expression moved, but he released his consciousness first, and quickly searched everything within twenty or thirty miles, but found no trace of other monks, so he looked at it in peace, and walked over slowly.

Standing on the edge of the concave, Li Xiuxian looked at it carefully, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

This is not a concave at all, but a very neat round pit.

The pit was so gray that I don't know how deep the dust had accumulated, it was impossible to see anything clearly.

Li Xiuxian stared at the big pit for a while.Reveal the color of pondering.

But after a while, he made a tactic with both hands, and raised his hand, a hurricane more than ten feet high formed out of thin air in front of him.

Li Xiuxian uttered the word "Go".With a flick of the sleeve robe.

Immediately, the upper ash swept by the hurricane roared towards the center of the pit.

where the wind has passed.All the gravel and dust were swept away.In a moment, the true face of the stone pit was revealed.

Below are all stone walls.Dark red lava-like surface.Abnormally smooth.

"This is……"

Li Xiuxian could tell at a glance that this was clearly formed by high-temperature fire, and then he thought about the shape of the pit.

He thought about it for a while, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Could this be a huge crater caused by a fireball similar to the fireball technique? If he releases a fire ball to hit the stone wall, a similar stone crater will also appear, but the area is only a few feet in size at most.Compared with this Baizhang stone pit.It's completely insignificant.

Could this be the supernatural power of the ancient monks? It's really so powerful.

Li Xiuxian thought for a long time in a daze before he let out a long breath and shook his head again.

He thought too much, the pit might have been formed by an attack from an ancient fire-attribute treasure, but even so, the supernatural powers of the ancient monks were indeed not comparable to those of today's immortal cultivators.

Then, Li Xiuxian walked around the stone pit slowly, but didn't find anything special, so he stopped and looked up at the sky.

It should be noon now, but the scorching sun that was dazzling before the teleportation did not appear in the sky. Instead, there were endless yellow clouds emitting a faint light.

Li Xiuxian was not surprised, he had seen this kind of situation a lot.

This is the result of a certain kind of restriction covering the entire sky. According to his estimation, he may not be able to rise too high now, otherwise the restriction will be triggered. The fire-eating worm shot out and flew straight into the air.

Li Xiuxian looked up at the worm, expressionless.

Sure enough, when the insect only flew fifty or sixty feet away from the surface, a blue lightning fell out of thin air, hitting the fire-eating insect right in time.

The worm was instantly chopped into a pile of coke.

What Li Xiuxian took out was just the most common fire-eating bug, so naturally he couldn't resist the power of this restriction.

After he recognized the direction, the spiritual light flashed all over his body, and he flew slowly westward in a cloud of blue light.

In this weird way, he didn't dare to run at full speed, otherwise he would bump into some restriction or space crack, and he would just be courting death.

Although it is still impossible to judge where he is in the outer valley, it is obviously not too far away from other monks.

From the power of the traction talisman, it can be felt that the five of them are gradually leaning on the scriptures, and the nearest point is the center of the five of them.

Although the teleportation array is a random teleportation, it is also a random teleportation within a certain range.

Li Xiuxian kept looking around while thinking.

"Boy, be careful, there is a space crack ahead!" Ziyue on her back reminded.

Suddenly, he paused, staring ahead, and frowned.

But he immediately looked normal, and continued to fly forward, but the escape speed was unknowingly slower by three points.

After flying more than a hundred feet away, Li Xiuxian stopped and looked at a white light fox floating in mid-air in the distance, and couldn't help pursing his lips.

This is an arc of light about Zhang Xu long, thick in the middle and thin at both ends, in the shape of a crescent moon, it hangs in the air soundlessly, without a single wave of aura.

Li Xiuxian looked at the arc of light carefully, and suddenly raised his arm and slashed forward lightly.

A fiery red sword aura floated out of nowhere above the light arc, and then fell down hard.

With a "boom", the red light flashed.

But as soon as the sword qi came into contact with the light arc, it disappeared immediately, as if it had been swallowed.But the arc of light is still hanging in the air as if nothing had happened, without any change.

Li Xiuxian nodded.It seems that this is the so-called space crack.

If it's so obvious, it's easy to avoid.

But it is said that there are invisible space cracks, which is a bit troublesome.

And just after walking so far, I saw this crack immediately, which shows that there are indeed space cracks everywhere in the entire Falling Demon Valley. If you are not careful, you will definitely be in bad luck.

If it wasn't for the reminder from Ziyue behind him just now, I'm afraid he wouldn't have discovered this space crack so easily.

Li Xiuxian thought awe-inspiringly.

Then his figure flickered and drew a large circular arc around the crack, and continued to fly away without paying attention.

What Li Xiuxian didn't know was that a chubby old man more than a hundred miles away was also staring at an arc of light about a foot long but much smaller in front of him.Muttering similar words. "It's really dangerous enough. I actually teleported the old man to the side of the space crack. If it is deflected by ten more, my life will be lost. It seems that there are quite a lot of space cracks in the Valley of Fallen Demons. I really need to add a few more points." Be careful."

The old man was talking to himself, his face turned pale.

Then he also observed the next four weeks, and after confirming that there was no danger with his spiritual sense, he settled in a direction, and with a flash of light on his body, he flew five or six feet away, ready to leave here.

Suddenly a white light lit up on the way.

The old man didn't even utter a scream, and his body split into two in an instant.

The two corpses fell into the dust with a thick smell of blood between them, and the old man's face was full of disbelief and unwillingness before he died.

And this space crack that just appeared has lost its brilliance, and then slowly becomes transparent and invisible.If someone comes again, it will also be impossible to find its existence.

(End of this chapter)

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