Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 389 Yellow

Chapter 389 Yellow

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect such monks to exist in this era of declining cultivation." The two black-clothed monks in the cloud looked at the battle below and smiled.

There is no lack of Nascent Soul monks in Ronghua Mountain, but no one has discovered the existence of these two people.

There are only two possibilities. One is that the ability of these two people to hide their breath is so superb that even the Nascent Soul cultivator can't see through it.

As for the second possibility, the cultivation of these two people is much higher than that of the monks present.

"Huang, you seem to be very interested in that monk in white?" The monk with seven long swords on his back smiled slightly.

"Don't you think that a little guy who has mastered the innate invisible sword energy is a good material?" Huang's face showed a strange smile.

The monk with the seven long swords on his back was no stranger to this smile. Whenever Huang saw something that moved his heart, he would show this expression.

"We are just passing by. Don't forget that we still have the mission of heaven and earth. The last piece of Kunlun Atlas fell into the hands of a mysterious monk. We must get this Kunlun Atlas back." Seven Swords monk frowned dissatisfied. frowned.

"Xuan, I know we still have tasks to do, but that doesn't stop me from watching the battle." Huang smiled slightly.

On the left index fingers of these two people, they both wore a dark red ring, Xuan, Huang!
Xuan glanced at Huang beside him, and couldn't help sighing. Although his ranking was higher than Huang, he knew that Huang was the oldest member of the Heaven and Earth Alliance besides the two elders of Heaven and Earth.

It is said that the previous Ren Xuan and the previous Ren Xuan were killed by Huang because they offended Huang.

Regarding this matter, the elders of heaven and earth adopted a silent attitude, as if acquiescing to Huang's method, otherwise he would not have taken Xuan's position today.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the innate body-shattering invisible sword energy, I wonder if it can kill me?" Huang couldn't help laughing.

Xuan is not used to seeing Huang's weird behavior, anyway, he has never seen Huang die once.

Even in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, swallowed by a crack in space, Huang was able to walk out of the crack in space intact.

Immortal body, perhaps this word is the most appropriate to describe Huang.

He even saw that someone beheaded Huang's head, but Huang picked up his own head indifferently, held it in his hand and fought against the opponent.

Heart, dantian, head, these are the vital points for a cultivator, but none of them can kill Huang!

"Don't mess with Huang!" This is almost an unwritten agreement in the Tiandimeng.

When he was partnering with Huang, Huang asked him to kill him.

At that time, he thought Huang was joking, but seeing that Huang was still alive, he knew that he hadn't succeeded.

"Huang, who are you? Why do you have this immortal body?" Xuan couldn't help asking.

"I just love to study, a lunatic who loves to study the body!" Huang replied after a while.

"Oh, this kid is about to win, those four fourth-level high-grade monsters are a bunch of trash!" Huang smiled disdainfully.

"We should go." Xuan urged.

"Okay!" Huang shrugged helplessly.

"That sword is not bad, let me give it to you as a gift." Huang's eyes turned to the golden sword in Jian Chen's hand.

Xuan's eyes lit up: "Zhuxian Sword Formation! Good thing, I didn't expect to encounter the number one killing formation in ancient times here!"

"It looks like you are more excited than me!" Huang glanced at Xuan.

"Nonsense, I want to collect famous swords in the world!"

"Then this sword is for you!" Huang Shun said logically, as if the Four Swords of Jade Immortal belonged to him.

"Boom!" In an instant, the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth seemed to be sucked dry by something, and the light on the Jade Immortal Sword Formation dimmed by more than half!

"Who is it!" Jian Chen was furious, he was about to kill the nine-tailed demon fox, but he was stabbed horizontally.

"Give me your sword!" Huang Leng snorted.

"Looking for death!" Jian Chen was furious, and the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand slashed at Huang!

"Let me try it, the power of the number one killing formation in ancient times." Huang didn't dodge or evade, and walked directly into the attack range of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The powerful sword light pierced directly into Huang's body, and Huang's body was smashed to pieces by the sword light!

"Hmph, I thought it was some kind of expert, but it turned out to be nothing more than that!" Jian Chen snorted coldly.

"Young man, don't be arrogant!"

Huang, who was beaten into a sieve, was not dead yet, looking at Jian Chen calmly, his damaged body was recovering little by little!
"You...you..." Jian Chen was completely shocked by the scene in front of him!

"Not so good!" Huang shook his head dissatisfied.

"The number one killing formation in ancient times, just this little power? It seems that those bastards in ancient times are not very good." Huang's mouth was full of disdain.

"Is he still human?" The monks on Ronghua Mountain couldn't help asking.

It is unimaginable for a cultivator to be beaten into a sieve and still have nothing to do.

And the scene just now was not an illusion, but actually hit him!
"Your sword is good, my friend likes it very much, so bring it here." Huang's palm instantly turned into a sharp dragon claw, and he directly grabbed the Four Swords of Zhuxian in the sky!

"Om!" There were bursts of mournful cries from the Four Swords of Jade Immortals.

The terrifying sword glow is useless in Huang's hands!
"There is still a trace of spirituality, but so what, kill your spirituality!" A bloody light flashed in Huang's eyes.

The thick blood mist on the dragon's claw instantly surrounded Zhu Xian's four swords!

"Damn, damn! You forced me!" Jian Chen roared.

"Oh? Looking at you, it seems that you are hiding some means to suppress the bottom of the box. I will give you a chance, as long as you can kill me, even if it hurts me severely, I will let go of your four swords!" Huang sneered With a sound.

"Hmph, you are looking for death! Seal! Open!" Only the sound of cracking came from the four swords of Zhu Xian!
"Oh? No wonder there is a trace of spirituality. It turns out that a weapon spirit has been produced." A hint of surprise appeared in Huang's eyes.

After all, in this era, there are very few magic weapons that can produce weapon spirits.

A sneer flashed across Jian Chen's face. If he thought this was the strongest power of Zhu Xian's Four Swords, it would definitely be unforgettable for him forever!
"Chop!" An ordinary sword strike!
"Pfft!" The sword pierced Huang's heart without hindrance!
"Oh? Immortal spirit is rare." Huang smiled slightly.

"Boom!" The sword glow piercing Huang's heart burst instantly!
Huang's body was also blasted into a meat paste with this explosion!
"Ahem, cough, is this the power of Zhuxian Sword Formation? It seems that I am still not qualified to control these four swords." Jian Chen, who was seriously exhausted, smiled helplessly.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian are not ancient treasures, nor magic weapons, but Xuantian Lingbao, the unique Xuantian Lingbao in the spirit world!

"Be careful! He's not dead yet!" Four voices came from the four swords of Jade Immortal at the same time.

Huang's body, which was blown apart, was actually recovering at this moment, and the body that had been blown into powder could still recover?

"It's a pity, it almost killed me." Huang shook his head regretfully.

"So, your sword belongs to me!" Huang sneered, and with the dragon claw, he grabbed all four swords of Jade Immortal.

"Junior, you are delusional!" Four roars came from the four swords of Jade Immortal.

"Little Qi Ling, dare to speak so loudly!" Huang's eyes flashed with evil spirit.

"Do you think you can hide it from our eyes?" Qi Ling of the Four Swords of Jade Immortal snorted coldly.

Huang body paused for a moment: "I underestimated you, it seems that you all know my secret?"

"Your body is very special, but your body is no longer a purely human body. This kind of vicious technique has been used in ancient times and even in the spirit world. But you are indeed a genius. It's under my feet, the body of immortality, I never thought it could really exist." The weapon spirit of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals couldn't help sighing.

'Forget it, it's your reward for knowing the goods, so let's let the four of you go for now. Huang's arm instantly returned to its original shape.

"With your strength, you have been able to ascend to the spirit world long ago, why do you want to stay in this world?" Qi Ling of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals sighed.

"Maybe I'll go to the spirit world when I want to." Huang shrugged.

The spiritual world, which is extremely attractive to other monks, seems to be just a dispensable place for him.

Immortal body, endless lifespan, what else can make this Huang a little bit interested?

"Let's go!" Huang appeared beside Xuan in a flash.

"Damn, damn, who is that person?" Jian Chen roared.

"He is not something you can deal with. He is almost invincible in this world. Even in the spirit world, he is probably a dreadful existence." Said Qi Ling in the Four Swords of Jade Immortals.

"Is he so strong?" Jian Chen was startled.

"Stronger than you can think of!" Qi Ling of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian said.

"Opening the seal this time has greatly damaged our little fairy spirit. I hope that the next time you open the seal, you will already be in the passageway to ascend to the spirit world!" After that, he fell into a self-seal.

"It's stronger than I imagined, how strong is that man?" Jian Chen couldn't help thinking.

"I won't play with you anymore!" The nine-tailed demon fox's body flashed with blood, and he fled away in an instant.

Seeing that the nine-tailed demon fox had escaped, the four fourth-level top-grade monsters fighting with Yu Wenxiao didn't want to fight, so they directly abandoned Yu Wenxiao and retreated away!

"Did you see it just now? That person." Jian Chen took a deep breath.

Yu Wenxiao nodded: "That person seems to be immortal."

"Undead!" Jian Chen smiled bitterly. Even the Jade Immortal Sword Formation couldn't kill him, and he could recover even if he was blown into powder. This person seemed to be really immortal!
"The spirit world. It seems to be really interesting." Huang clutched his chest.The power of Xuantian Lingbao must not be underestimated, there was a wound on the body of the immortal, but the wound was recovering at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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