Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 390 Shuiyuetan Dragon Turtle

Chapter 390 Shuiyuetan Dragon Turtle
There are space cracks almost everywhere in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by these space cracks, and you will end up with no bones left.

Moreover, Li Xiuxian's luck didn't seem to be very good. The place where he landed seemed to be a concentrated area of ​​space cracks, and every step he took was extremely troublesome.

Because there may be a crack in space an inch in front of you, this is not the first time Li Xiuxian has encountered such a thing.

"Be careful, there is a space crack about two feet away three feet ahead!" Ziyue reminded suddenly.

Li Xiuxian paused, and made a detour to avoid this almost invisible crack in space.

Li Xiuxian is also extremely curious about Ziyue's ability. Even the almost invisible cracks in space can be seen, this Ziyue is extraordinary.

"We seem to have already left the concentration area of ​​the space channel. There is no space crack within a hundred miles ahead, so you can fly with confidence." Ziyue said.

They were not the only ones who entered the Valley of the Forbidden Demons. At least Li Xiuxian saw storage bags and magic weapons left on the ground more than once, and there was a pool of blood beside them.

Obviously, these monks who were transported into the Valley of the Forbidden Demons were as unlucky as Li Xiuxian, and fell into the concentrated area of ​​space cracks, but they didn't have Ziyue to guide them, so they died in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons due to bad luck.

But for Li Xiuxian, the first day in the Valley of the Forbidden Devils was a bit dull.

Along the way, he didn't waste time looking for treasures at all, where is safe, where did he go.Where there may be restrictions, hide far away.

In this way, although he escaped very slowly, he finally approached the agreed place.He also knew his position in the valley.

To the west of the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, on a hill full of brown rocks, four people were staying on the top of the hill.

The person sitting cross-legged was an old man in white robe with benevolent eyebrows, while the other three looked anxiously into the distance.

It was Zhenzong Fanhuang, Quhun, Shuiyun Fairy and Lei Ting.

Qu Hun stood with his hands behind his back, standing five or six feet away in front of Emperor Fan, looking at the distance seemingly calmly, but there was a faint look of anxiety in his eyes.

"Brother Quhun, don't be too impatient. The person's teleportation location is likely to be remote, so it will take some time to come here. Didn't we see the magic circle he entered and was teleported in?" Sitting cross-legged On a boulder, Fan Huang, who was recuperating with his eyes straight, seemed to sense the anxiety in Qu Hun's heart, and suddenly opened the way.

"It's so true! But you know it. This Valley of the Forbidden Magic is full of dangers, and some dangers cannot be handled by supernatural powers. And we must not be without this person on this trip. Otherwise, the Valley of the Forbidden Magic It's very likely that the trip was in vain." Qu Hun sighed, turned his head, and said helplessly.

Seeing the old man's unhurried look, Qu Hun smiled slightly.Just when he was about to say something more, his expression suddenly changed slightly.Hastily turned around and looked up to the sky.

In the sky in the distance, there was a blue light flashing, and then a golden rainbow flew slowly from a distance.

"It's him, finally arrived." He recognized Duan Guang's at a glance.There was a look of joy on his face.

Hearing this, Fan Huang hurriedly opened his eyes and stood up at the same time.

It seems that although the elder of the Zhenzong was calm on the surface, he was also impatient.

Jin Hong seemed to be very careful and not too fast.After a while, Duanguang finally reached the sky above them.

The golden light converged, gently floated on the heads of the two, and looked down at the four of them.

"Li Daoyou, you are here, let us wait." Fan Huang smiled.

"The teleportation location is too dangerous and full of space cracks, so the action is a little slower." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

The faces of Fan Huang and the others changed, and Li Xiuxian was able to escape from such a dangerous place, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

If Li Xiuxian had been lost in this outer valley from the beginning, then their years of hard work would have been in vain.

Although they may not be able to complete their mission without Li Xiuxian, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase several times. Even a little bit of danger in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons is enough to be fatal.

"Since everyone is here, let's enter the inner valley." Fan Huang took a deep breath.

The Forbidden Valley is divided into inner and outer valleys. Although the outer valley is dangerous, as long as you don't break into the concentrated areas of space cracks, there is no problem in saving your life.

But Neigu's story is completely different. Not only are there terrifying spatial cracks, but also countless restrictions left over from the ancient times. Coupled with terrifying monsters, the danger level of Neigu soars!

"All I want is the carapace of that dragon turtle." Qu Hun said lightly.

Fan Huang nodded: "If you want to enter the Land of Bones, you have to go through Shuiyue Lake where the dragon tortoise is located. Then we will naturally help fellow Taoists kill this tortoise." Fan Huang nodded.

At their level, things like spirit stones are no longer in their eyes, and only some cherished things will enter their eyes.

If Fan Huang wanted to hire so many multi-infant cultivators to work with him, he had to provide corresponding remuneration, and mutual assistance in the Valley of the Forbidden Demons was undoubtedly the best way.

Among the five people present, they all wanted to get something in the Valley of Forbidden Demons, so the help of Fan Huang, the formation master, was naturally indispensable.

Dragon tortoise, a monster with the blood of a dragon, has amazing defense, and its strength is not inferior to that of a monk in the late stage of the Yiyuanying.

To deal with the dragon turtle, the first thing to consider is how to deal with his thick turtle shell.

"This song soul actually wants a dragon turtle!"

After entering the inner valley, everyone obviously felt that it was different from the outer valley. They encountered dozens of space cracks just after walking a hundred miles.

Fortunately, these space cracks are relatively obvious, as long as you are careful, you can find them.

There are also a lot of monsters in the inner valley. Since entering, they have encountered no less than ten waves of monster attacks.

However, the highest cultivation level of these monsters is only the third and top rank. For Nascent Soul cultivators like them, they can be wiped out with a single hand.

And Li Xiuxian took the main attack position in the work of exterminating monsters. After all, he was the most powerful in terms of attack among the monks present.

When the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is slashed out, there are countless thunderbolts, even the three monsters will be turned into coke.

"Thunder-type magic weapon!" A gleam of light erupted in Lei Ting's eyes.

Thunder-type magic weapons are rare, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in Li Xiuxian's hand is the best among thunder-type magic weapons, and it is extremely rare even in Leicang Cave Mansion.

"Fellow Daoist, can you sell this magic weapon to me? The price is whatever you want." Lei Ting couldn't help asking.

Although this was extremely disrespectful and even provocative in the eyes of the monk, Lei Ting still couldn't help it.

"Sorry, this is Li's talisman!" Li Xiuxian flatly rejected Lei Ting.

"That, what a pity." Lei Ting's face darkened. Since this sword is a talisman, there is absolutely no possibility of selling it.

"The next place is Shuiyuetan, which is what Fellow Daoist Quhun wants." Fan Huang said after finishing the finishing work.

When Qu Hun heard about Shuiyuetan, his eyes were extremely excited.

"Fellow Daoist Quhun, you should tell me now, what is the use of this dragon tortoise?" Shuiyue Fairy said.

Qu Hun nodded: "Since everyone is killing the dragon turtle together, Qu will no longer hide it. My elephant armor skill has reached a bottleneck, so I need something to help me break this bottleneck."

"Dragon tortoise?" Fan Huang asked.

Qu Hun nodded: "As long as I refine the turtle shell of this dragon turtle and integrate it into my bone armor, then my elephant armor skill will definitely improve greatly, and even if it is Li Daoyou's sword glow, I can easily take it." Down."

After finishing speaking, Qu Hun gave Li Xiuxian a provocative look.

This guy has not forgotten that he is in the attic until now, Li Xiuxian downplayed the matter of breaking his bone armor.

However, those who don't know are fearless. If this song soul knows Li Xiuxian's true strength, he may not even dare to say such provocative words.

With Li Xiuxian's current strength, it was just a matter of raising his hands to kill the four people present. If it wasn't for one of them, Fan Huang, who was a formation master, how could Li Xiuxian get mixed up with these people.

Especially when there is a monk who is always thinking about your treasure by your side!

Li Xiuxian's eyes couldn't help but glance at Lei Ting. For the monks in Lei Cang Cave Mansion, thunder treasures are infinitely attractive.

And Li Xiuxian has so many top-grade treasures in the Thunder system, which naturally makes Lei Ting jealous.

Before they had gone far, a space crack lay across their path. This space crack was fifteen or six feet long, and it was the longest space crack they had seen since they entered the Valley of the Forbidden Demons!
"This Valley of Forbidden Demons is really full of dangers. If you break into this space crack, you really have no chance of surviving." Fan Huang looked at the terrifying space crack in front of him with lingering fear.

Regarding Fan Huang's words, the rest of the people also felt the same, the most dangerous thing in this forbidden magic valley is the space crack.

It's okay to say that these are obvious, but if they encounter those invisible space cracks, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Ziyue, where the hell is the emperor liquid you mentioned? " Li Xiuxian asked.

"It's coming soon, it shouldn't be far away. If I remember correctly, the emperor's fluid should have been left around what they called Shuiyue Lake." Ziyue said.

"It seems that the dragon turtle is really going to be killed." Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

"Roar!" A monster rushed towards the five people unexpectedly, it was a wolf-shaped monster!
"Pfft!" Undoubtedly, this monster was cut in half by a sword glow before it got close to the five people.

The other four people were not used to Li Xiuxian's strength, but there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

Li Xiuxian's strength is certainly a good thing for them, but it is also a threat.

None of them can guarantee that they can save their lives under this terrifying sword light.

So these four people began to reject Li Xiuxian vaguely, and Li Xiuxian didn't mind this, anyway, his goal was only the ancient demon blood essence and the bottle of emperor ooze.

Following them is just to come in and relax, they have encountered many restrictions along the way, if not for Fan Huang, the formation master who broke all the way, their progress speed would be several times slower.

"A hundred miles further is Shuiyuetan. The Dragon Turtle has a strong defense. The matter of breaking the defense is to be handed over to Li Daoyou." Fan Huang said lightly.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Li will naturally try his best!"

"Ziyue, tell me what's so great about the dragon tortoise?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Li Xiuxian is also extremely unfamiliar with the dragon tortoise, and has only seen some in some ancient books. As for the supernatural powers of this dragon tortoise, it is unknown.

"It's just a big tortoise with the blood of a dragon. If there's anything powerful about it, it's his defense." Ziyue was full of disdain.

"So what's the weakness?" Li Xiuxian asked.

The strongest thing about this dragon turtle is its shell defense. With Li Xiuxian's ability, he can break through this thick shell with all his strength, but Li Xiuxian is not so stupid as to face the strongest part of the enemy head-on.

"What weakness does the tortoise have, isn't it his abdomen?" Ziyue snorted coldly.

"Fellow daoists, protect me first. I will arrange a large formation to seal off the Shuiyue Lake, lest there be any monsters to make trouble when we kill the dragon turtle." Fan Huang said.

I saw a banner flying out of Fanhuang's storage bag, sealing the entire Shuiyue Lake.

There are more than 900 formation flags. This is the formation that requires the most formation flags that Li Xiuxian has seen. This power is also extremely terrifying!
"Nine-curve chain formation! Entering this formation is like being in a nine-curve chain cave, and you lose your way!" Fairy Shuiyue couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's nothing more than a small skill. I believe that with this formation, no monsters can break in, and this dragon turtle can't even try to escape." Fan Huang laughed.

"Everyone, please connect. This is the talisman guide for the nine-curve chain formation. With this talisman guide, you can enter and exit the nine-curve chain formation at will." Fan Huang gave the other four people a light golden talisman.

"Since everything is ready, let's start killing!" Qu Hun couldn't wait a long time ago, and slammed the big stick in his hand at Shuiyue Lake, and the hundreds of feet of water spray almost covered the entire sky!


An angry roar came from under the Shuiyuetan.

"Haha, it's here, there's a dragon turtle!" Qu Hun was extremely excited at this moment!
But what happened next made everyone's hearts sink!
"Roar!" Another roar came from the bottom of Shuiyuetan.

And this time the roar was stronger and deeper than the last one!

But this is not over yet, a deeper roar, in which there is even a faint taste of dragon chant!

"It seems that there is a dragon turtle with a lot of dragon blood in it." Ziyue said relaxedly.

"Three-headed dragon tortoise, there are at least three dragon-headed tortoises inside!" Qu Hun's face was no longer excited, but fearful!

If it was one dragon tortoise, they could still fight with the strength of five of them, but if it was three dragon tortoises, then it was not they who hunted the dragon tortoise, but the dragon tortoise who hunted them!
"Diliuzhi, it must be Diliujiang, these beasts swallowed Diliujiang, strengthening the dragon blood in their bodies!" Ziyue suddenly roared excitedly.

"Emperor's Ointment!" Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Originally thought that the emperor's ointment was useless to him, but since this emperor's ointment can strengthen the dragon's blood in the dragon tortoise, so can his own.

"Let's go! We can't do anything at this time. The three dragon turtles are enough to kill us. With this nine-curve chain formation blocking them, they won't be able to get out for a while." Fan Huang roared.

Qu Hun's face was full of unwillingness, but the situation was stronger than others, and the three-headed dragon turtle was no longer something they could resist.

I saw the talisman in their hands flashed, and the next moment, they had already appeared outside the Jiuqu Lianhuan formation.

"Li Daoyou didn't come out?" Fan Huang saw that there were only four people outside, and looked at the Jiuqu Lianhuan formation in surprise.

"Hurry up, kill these three dragon turtles and snatch their Diliuzhi!" Ziyue roared excitedly.

"Kill?" A smile appeared on the corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth.

"Ziyue, I hope you don't call me a beast!" Li Xiuxian left a word without thinking.Her figure began to change drastically, and Ziyue was stunned by the scene in front of her!
(End of this chapter)

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