Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 399 Late Nascent Soul

Chapter 399 Late Nascent Soul
Moyou Cailian is one of the three spirit flowers in the demon world that is as famous as Fentian Leilongzhu, and some people may not be able to see the true face of this thing in their lifetime.

The holy medicine for detoxification was unexpectedly wrapped in a highly poisonous substance, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty of obtaining this rare panacea, and this was supposed to be one of Moyou Cailian's self-protection methods.

Li Xiuxian was very lucky to be able to get a Moyou lotus, and even by a coincidence, he took a Moyou lotus seed, which eliminated the bone-eroding poison from his body.

At this time, the aura in the Wanhuazhu was soaring, and the three of them held hands. After the aura circulated among the three of them, it was absorbed by the Ziyue and the black snake around them, and then came the little monkey, the red dragon and the fire-eating dragon. The worms came, and even the spiders of Xiu Yuan and Shui Yao were pulled out.

The aura contained in the Moyou lotus seeds has reached a terrifying level. Even though so many people help Li Xiuxian to share it, Li Xiuxian still feels that his meridians are about to burst.

However, compared to the beginning, it was already much better, at least it was already within his control, and there would be no danger of exploding to death.

The aura around the three of them was also so strong that it was terrifying, even if they just took a breath, it would be more effective than usual hard training.

Under the nourishment of so much aura, the bodies of Ziyue and Blackwater Profound Snake have become much stronger. Although there is still a big gap with the real body, their strength has also recovered a lot.

These two Xuantian Spirit Treasures each have their own encounters. Although the Asura Demon Knife has the ability to recover itself, it has been damaged too much, and the chance to face the enemy with a complete posture is very rare.

As for Ziyue, it was not much better. During the battle between the spirit and demon realms, the monks were severely damaged. They slept for tens of thousands of years before waking up, and their strength was not even a tenth of their original strength.

Otherwise, if these two Xuantian Spirit Treasures were in their prime, even the Skeleton Demon Lord would not be able to eat them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two weapon spirits also fully absorbed the aura emanating from the Moyou Cailian.

One must know that this Moyou Cailian is one of the upper realm spirit flowers, but it contains a lot of fairy spirit.

Whether it is for monks or for weapon spirits, this is a great supplement.

"It's a pity, a large part of these fairy spirits have been wasted!" Ziyue shook her head regretfully.

As for the little monkeys, they are greedily absorbing all the spiritual energy they can, especially the little monkeys are already at the peak of the third and monster beasts. After absorbing so much fairy energy, they are not far from breaking through.

And those fire-eating insects were all wrapped in a thin layer of cocoons at this time, but even so, these auras kept pouring into them.

When they are reborn with broken swords, their strength will inevitably undergo an earth-shaking change.

However, these were nothing more than picking up some small bargains, and the real big shots were all taken up by the three brothers and sisters of Li Xiuxian.

On the other hand, Li Xiuxian occupied about [-]% of the aura, and his cultivation base soared. He could even feel that the bottleneck that had been troubling him had loosened a little at this moment. If it lasted for a while, he might be able to break through the late stage of Nascent Soul .

The cultivation bases of Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao were already at the peak of the mid-stage of alchemy, stimulated by this aura, they broke through the bottleneck directly, entered the late stage of alchemy, and were only one step away from the formation of infants.

This strong spiritual power lasted for an hour before it gradually dissipated, and everyone opened their eyes at the same time!
In this moment, everyone's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Li Xiuxian, as the first beneficiary of Moyou Lianzi, has directly entered the late Nascent Soul stage from the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback by such a fast progress. According to the original estimate, it would take ten years before he could enter the late stage of Nascent Soul.

But now, just one Moyou lotus seed saves decades of hard work, and all the treasures of the spirit world are indeed extraordinary.

Although Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao's progress was not as exaggerated as Li Xiuxian's, they had also consolidated their cultivation at the peak of the alchemy stage. If the opportunity was sufficient, it would not be a problem to condense the Nascent Soul.

Unexpectedly, this time Li Xiuxian actually got a blessing in disguise, he couldn't help getting rid of the bone-corroding poison and greatly improved his cultivation, and he was one step closer to the stage of becoming a god.

If the piece of fairy crystal obtained in the Shuiyue Lake is added, Li Xiuxian will definitely be able to transform into a god within 200 years and become one of the strongest monks in this mortal world.

As for the little monkeys, they also gained a lot, and they were full of energy!
It took Li Xiuxian and the others more than a month to consolidate their cultivation before they left Wanhuazhu.

As for Xiuyuan and Shuiyao, they are still making the final preparations for the birth of the baby. The birth of the baby is a big event. If the baby is successful, the lifespan will immediately soar to more than 1000 years, so the two of them dare not have the slightest difference on this point careless.

Although it's only been a month, the entire Tianzhou has been turned upside down!
First of all, the ancient demons who had escaped from the Valley of Forbidden Demons slaughtered everywhere, and within a month, more than a dozen sects in Tianzhou killed their poisonous hands.

The ancient demons were extremely ruthless in their attacks, devouring the monks alive, using their flesh and blood as nourishment to restore their strength.

These ancient demons also have self-knowledge, knowing that those big sects can't be messed with, so they put their targets on some small sects. Although these sects also have Nascent Soul cultivators, their strength is generally not very strong.

How could ordinary Nascent Soul monks be the opponents of these ancient demons? All sects attacked by the ancient demons were killed without exception.

The cultivators of Tianzhou were also furious, and some masters of the Nascent Soul Stage who were hidden from the world rushed to kill these ancient demons.

But ancient demons are not easy to kill. Even if there are big monks who make a move, they will be escaped by these cunning ancient demons. In the end, the six elders of Mani Temple cooperated with a woman from Xuechan Palace to kill one of the ancient demons, but the seven People were also seriously injured and unable to fight anymore.

In this battle, landslides and earth were torn apart, and the sun and the moon were dimmed. Only by gathering the strength of seven great monks could they manage to kill an ancient demon whose strength had dropped greatly. These seven great monks also paid an extremely painful price.

The cultivator of Tianzhou has a new positioning for the strength of the ancient demon who can fight to the death with the great power of the spirit world in this ancient war.

In this mortal world, the only one who can defeat these ancient demons one-on-one is the cultivator who transforms the spirit!

But compared to another big event, the commotion of these four ancient demons can only be regarded as minor disturbances.

And the instigator of the incident was the Skeleton Demon Lord. After leaving the Forbidden Demon Valley, instead of fleeing, the Skeleton Demon Lord formally declared war on the major forces in Tianzhou. Although the skeleton soldiers he created had no fighting ability, they were The advantage lies in the large number, not afraid of death, and even a monk of alchemy will suffer if he gets caught in it.

With the strength of the Skeleton Demon Lord, a Skeleton King was actually created from these skeletons, which is equivalent to the strength of the Nascent Soul in the early stage.

The arrogant behavior of the Skeleton Demon Lord naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the monks of Tianzhou, but the strength of the Skeleton Demon Lord made them extremely jealous, which was equivalent to the existence of the monk who transformed the spirit.

They are not Li Xiuxian, they have endless means to fight against the Skeleton Demon Lord.

In the absence of Tianzhou's cultivators who turned into gods, no one dared to come out to confront the skeleton demon.

The Skeleton Demon Lord simply occupied a spiritual mountain in Tianzhou, and killed all the creatures in the spirit mountain overnight. Whether it was human or beast, to the Skeleton Demon Lord, only the skeleton is the most loyal existence.

In just one month, this spiritual mountain was turned into a bone mountain by the Skeleton Demon Venerable, and its strength is not inferior to the top ten forces in Tianzhou!
What is incredible is that those monsters who turned into gods in Tianzhou actually adopted a tacit attitude towards this, as if they didn't want to care about this matter at all.

Since then, there has been another power in Tianzhou, a super power!
The Skeleton Demon Lord also knows that he will accept it when he sees it. The reason why those cultivators who transform the spirit will tolerate the Skeleton Demon Lord is because he has not touched their interests, but only finds some small sects to operate.

The top ten forces didn't want to have any conflicts with this Demon Lord of the Demon Realm, and adopted the policy of diverting disaster to the east, sacrificing the interests of some small factions in exchange for their peace.

After all, the strength of the Skeleton Demon Lord is not weak, even if they can kill the Skeleton Demon Lord, they have to pay the corresponding price, which is not worth it for these cultivators.

For these deity cultivators, ascension to the spiritual world is the top priority. Maintaining peace and justice in the cultivation world?
These are just things to deceive children. If you take it seriously, then you probably won't live long in the cultivation world.

As for the remaining three ancient demons, the Skeleton Demon Lord didn't seem to care about them yet.

The reason why he rescued these four ancient demons at the beginning was only because they needed their efforts to break the restriction of the Forbidden Demon Valley. The ancient demons were never monolithic, and he didn't care about the life and death of the other ancient demons.

When he heard that an ancient demon was beheaded by seven great monks, the Skeleton Demon Venerable did not express anything. It is better to establish power in the Kyushu, and then ascend to the Demon Realm. The Mortal Realm who doesn't shit stays.

"Skeleton Demon Lord? Leave it alone, we have our plan!" In the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, an old man with a "Heavenly Character" ring said lightly.

"Unexpectedly, all the sealed ancient demons have appeared, and this Kyushu is getting more and more lively!" A man with a "earth" ring opposite him laughed.

"No matter how lively it is, it has nothing to do with our Heaven and Earth Alliance. Our goal is only to open the secret realm of Immortal Ascension!" Tian said lightly.

Li Xiuxian was also taken aback when he heard the news about the Skeleton Demon Lord in the square city. He thought that the monks who transformed the gods in Tianzhou would take action to destroy the demons.

It is also this kind of thinking that a dead friend will not die a poor man, so that this skeleton demon has a foothold in Tianzhou!This is not good news for Li Xiuxian, the relationship between him and the Skeleton Demon Lord is not very friendly, Li Xiuxian can only smile helplessly at this.

(End of this chapter)

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