Chapter 400
Even with his current strength, he has no chance of winning against the Skeleton Demon Lord. A monk who transforms a god is a monk who transforms a god, and it is not possible to reverse the situation with a few magical powers and magic weapons.

Perhaps Li Xiuxian could barely hold back the Skeleton Demon Lord for a while with his various means, but he absolutely couldn't kill him!

This time, entering the Valley of the Forbidden Demons is dangerous, but the rewards are also great. That piece of fairy crystal alone is enough to make Li Xiuxian secretly laugh.

As for the dozens of top-quality spirit stones, they cannot be ignored. After all, top-quality spirit stones are still quite rare in this mortal world. Li Xiuxian will not forget these top-quality spirit stones just because he has fairy crystals. Among them, the cultivation mainly relies on Lingshi.

The wound he suffered in the battle with the Skeleton Demon Lord has also healed because of Moyou Lianzi's relationship. Even his right leg has become as good as before, and there is no abnormality at all.

As for the bone-corroding poison that was forced out by Moyou lotus seeds, Li Xiuxian took it away. Although this thing made him half-dead, it also meant that the poison was extraordinary.

If it can be used, it will also be a help for Li Xiuxian.

The Moyou Holy Water cannot be used casually, so this Bone Erosion Absolute Poison naturally becomes an excellent substitute.

Perhaps even the Skeleton Demon Lord didn't think that the Bone Corrosion Absolute Poison he refined in the demon world after exhausting the elixir would be cheaper for Li Xiuxian.

As for the fire-eating worms, they haven't broken out of their cocoons yet, but once they break out, the strength of these little guys will definitely increase a lot. They have absorbed the bone flames of the skeleton demon and the fairy spirit of the ghostly lotus. It laid a good foundation for these fire-eating insects.

Now that Li Suixian has not left the customs, some things cannot be carried out. Forcibly breaking into the Mani Temple is undoubtedly an act of courting death, and Li Xiuxian can only wait and see what happens.

Anyway, although he bears the title of guest minister of Xuechan Palace, everyone knows this position well, even if Li Xiuxian does not return to Xuechan Palace for more than a hundred years, Xuechan Palace will not say anything.

But thinking of Xiaoxue, Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing. With Xiaoxue's current state, being able to persist for more than 30 years is already the limit. Although Xuechan Palace promised to help, it will not leave too much time for Xiaoxue.

"Damn it, why did I forget about this!" Li Xiuxian patted his head violently.

He went to Xuechan Palace not only for Xiaoxue, but also to find Leng Ruling.

But because of Xiaoxue's incident, and the incident of the avatar being suppressed made him dizzy, he even put this incident behind him, and he didn't recall it until now.

"Damn, how could I forget?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but patted himself on the head.

The whole person turned into a thunderbolt, flying rapidly above the land of Tianzhou!
"Run away, run away!" There were a few escaping lights approaching from the opposite side, and these monks seemed to be running for their lives, and there were actually a few Nascent Soul monks among them.

Li Xiuxian was also very surprised. In Tianzhou Nascent Soul cultivator may not be called a master, but he shouldn't be so embarrassed, so he should run away.

"Quack quack, you human monks, obediently become my food!"

A sharp claw in the black smoke instantly pierced a monk who formed an alchemy, and was then dragged into the black smoke. There were bursts of chewing sounds in the black smoke.

"It's an ancient demon!" Ziyue reminded with a laugh.

Li Xiuxian nodded. This should be one of the remaining three ancient demons. I didn't expect to meet him here.

This ancient demon is clearly on a killing spree!
"Fellow daoist, save me, fellow daoist, save me!" Seeing Li Xiuxian, the fleeing monk ran towards Li Xiuxian desperately as if he had seen a straw.

"No one can save you, let's become the food of this demon!" Hei Yan quickly approached, and the only remaining Nascent Soul cultivator died in the hands of this ancient demon in an instant.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect another human cultivator to die, and he is still a cultivator in the late stage of a Nascent Soul. I think your Nascent Soul will be more delicious than those people." The gloomy laughter of the ancient demon in the black smoke came to Li Xiuxian's ears middle.

"If you want to eat me, it depends on whether you have such good teeth?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

It is true that he is afraid of the Skeleton Demon Lord, but it does not mean that he is also afraid of this ancient demon in front of him.

If he hadn't broken through, he might have to weigh whether he was the opponent of this ancient demon.

After all, it was also in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the strength of this ancient demon was much stronger than that of ordinary monks. Even if the Six Elders of Mani Temple and the monks of Xuechan Palace joined forces, they could only kill an ancient demon.

But the Nascent Soul Stage is the Nascent Soul Stage, if this ancient demon has the same level of cultivation as the Skeleton Demon Venerable, then Li Xiuxian turned around and ran away without saying a word.

But the ancient demon in front of him didn't seem to have the strength to make Li Xiuxian turn around and run away.

Fighting against the ancient demon alone, among the Nascent Soul cultivators, Li Xiuxian might have the guts.

At least since the six elders of Mani and the monks of Xuechan Palace joined forces to kill an ancient demon, no Nascent Soul monk dared to face an ancient demon alone.

The negative impact of that battle seemed to be much greater than the positive impact. What the monks of Tianzhou saw was not the achievement of beheading the ancient demon, but the strength of the ancient demon.

If even a powerful monk like Mani Liu Lao couldn't defeat him, let alone the rest of the monks.

In fact, it is no wonder that the mortal monks are incompetent, but that these ancient demons are too powerful.

After all, these are the ancient demons left over from the ancient wars. After tens of thousands of years of sealing, they have not died, which is a symbol of strength in itself.

The strength of these four ancient demons is considered to be extremely strong among the many ancient demons. In addition, they are at the stage of transforming gods. Now it is only because of the long-term seal that their strength has been damaged, but for supernatural powers The control of fighting and fighting is undoubtedly far beyond that of monks like them.

Mani Six Elders and the others are not fighting a Nascent Soul cultivator, but a Soul Transformation cultivator who only has a Nascent Soul Stage cultivation level. It is not surprising that there is such a situation.

This ancient demon has been rampant in Tianzhou for several months without encountering any opponents. In his opinion, the current human monks are just a bunch of idiots.

In ancient times, there were still some monks in the mortal world who could compete with them, but now it seems that these monks have also disappeared in the long river of history.

Amidst the black smoke, several magic weapons suddenly flew out, such as rings, array flags, small swords, and all kinds of magic weapons, but the aura of these magic weapons had disappeared, replaced by a black glow.

"Where did this ancient demon get the magic weapon?" Li Xiuxian's heart was shaken, and a few sword beams were randomly cut out from the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword to block these magic weapons.

These magic weapons were of ordinary quality, but in the hands of the ancient demon, they exerted several times their original strength. They had a few head-on collisions with Li Xiuxian's Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, but they didn't lose the wind at all.

"Good sword, I want this sword!" A black tentacle in the black rock grabbed Li Xiuxian's Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword fiercely.

"Huh?" Li Xiuxian raised his brows, the black smoke in the ancient demon's hand was weird, as soon as the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword touched the black tentacles, he instinctively resisted.

"Hey, you can resist my demonization, your sword is not simple!" The ancient demon's words seemed extremely excited.

"This ancient demon has another method that can pollute a monk's magic weapon, turning it into a magic weapon that he can use." Ziyue reminded.

"Didn't you say it earlier?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help being impatient.

"What are you in a hurry for? Burning Heaven Thunder Dragon Bamboo, one of the three great sacred trees in the spiritual world, can be demonized by this little ancient demon. If you hit him directly with the Evil God Thunder, he won't be able to stop it." Ziyue Said disdainfully.

He also admitted that the Evil God Thunder couldn't deal with the Skeleton Demon Venerable. After all, the other party was a cultivator of transforming spirits, so there was a gap in cultivation.

But if even this Nascent Soul stage ancient demon couldn't deal with it, then the Evil God Thunder won such a good name in vain.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth, and under his control, two wolf-shaped puppets rushed towards the ancient demon.

"It's just a puppet in the alchemy stage!" The ancient demon in the black smoke sneered.

With his strength, this puppet in the alchemy stage is really useless!
"Explosion!" The two wolf-shaped puppets blew themselves up the moment they threw themselves on the ancient demon, and the powerful explosion scattered the black smoke a lot.

"Quack quack, that's all you have, go die!" The ancient demon's claws slammed towards Li Xiuxian.

"It's you who's waiting!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword shot out five thunderbolts in a row!
"Crack!" The evil god's thunder is indeed the nemesis of the demon world. Five evil god's thunders hit the ancient demon's claws, and even directly blasted the ancient demon's right hand away.

Even the black rock protecting the ancient demon was completely blown away by the evil god's thunder!

A blue-faced and long-toothed ancient demon held his right hand and looked at the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in Li Xiuxian's hand in disbelief: "Evil God Thunder!"

He will never forget that during the war, this supernatural power that caused the army of the holy world suffered a lot.

The ancient demon did not expect that there would be someone who had mastered this kind of supernatural power in this place where no shit!
"Damn it, how did you have such a supernatural power?" the ancient demon roared.

"Is it important? I'm interested in your ancient demon blood essence!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

He is not capable of taking the blood essence of the Skeleton Demon Lord, but it seems that there is no difficulty at this end!
"Here, here, the monster is here, don't let him escape!" Suddenly, a few lights came from afar.
"Damn it, it's these flies again! You're lucky this time, next time I'll definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!" The ancient demon roared, and his whole body was turned into a cloud of black smoke. Can't catch up!
"Damn it, this ancient demon's escaping speed is too fast." Li Xiuxian shook his head annoyed, the cooked duck flew away, how could this not annoy him.

Ziyue couldn't help but rolled her eyes, the ancient demon that everyone in Tianzhou was too late to avoid, but in Li Xiuxian's eyes, she became a duck. "A person from Xuechan Palace?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback when he saw that some of the visitors were wearing Xuechan Palace costumes.

(End of this chapter)

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