Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 401 Law Enforcement Team

Chapter 401 Law Enforcement Team

This turned out to be a joint law enforcement team composed of the ten major forces in Tianzhou!

There are no fewer than six such law enforcement teams in Tianzhou, and those who can enter the law teams are at least in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and each law enforcement team has at least one big monk sitting in charge.

Each law enforcement team has a contact signal. Once one of the teams encounters the ancient demon, the rest of the law enforcement team will quickly encircle them. Facing dozens of Nascent Soul monks, even the ancient demon cannot escape.

This is also the reason why Gu Mo turned his head and ran away when he saw the monks of the law enforcement team. In these days, he was not uncommonly hunted down by these law enforcement teams.

"Which sect does Fellow Daoist belong to?" A monk in the late Yuanying period looked at Li Xiuxian.
"Li Xiuxian, the elder of Xuechan Palace Keqing!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"Elder Keqing?" The woman from Xuechan Palace was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of something, she gave Li Xiuxian a complicated look.

This woman's gaze was naturally noticed by Li Xiuxian, but Li Xiuxian was also confused, not knowing what this woman meant.

Although Xuechan Palace is one of the top ten powers in Tianzhou, it is also the bottom one.

Who can enter the law enforcement team is not a member of the top ten forces, so although he didn't show any disdain for Li Xiuxian, he didn't show any enthusiasm.

"This damned ancient demon is extremely cunning, like a loach, every time our encirclement is not closed, it slips out of the gap." One of them said angrily.

They have been chasing the ancient demons for a month, but they haven't even killed a single ancient demon.

Li Xiuxian was also noncommittal about this. After all, he would not make public that he broke the ancient demon's arm. Isn't this a slap in the face of these law enforcement teams?
He may not care about these law enforcement teams, but he has to care about the power behind these monks.

As for where the ancient devil went, Li Xiuxian was not interested in knowing, those few drops of ancient devil's blood were just dispensable to him.

"Now I recruit you to join the law enforcement team and kill the ancient demons with us!" A white-haired and childlike old man looked at Li Xiuxian arrogantly.

"You?" Li Xiuxian glanced at the old man. Although it was not obvious, his eyes told the old man.

"You are not qualified to order me."

The old man was irritated by Li Xiuxian's eyes: "If you dare to disobey, you will be sanctioned by all the monks of the law enforcement team!"

"Sanction? Do you have the right?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

You did not open Tianzhou alone, and the power of life and death is not in your hands.

"Don't be rash, the law enforcement team does have this right. This is He Zudao, the sword master of the Kunlun Holy Land, and the leader of our team!" the woman from Xuechan Palace reminded.

"People from Kunlun Holy Land!" Li Xiuxian sighed secretly.

No wonder this person is so domineering. He is actually a member of the Kunlun Holy Realm, the most powerful force in Tianzhou. With the name of a sword master, he has a certain prestige in Tianzhou, otherwise he would not be the leader of this law enforcement team.

This position is not only something that you can take on if you have the strength, but you also need to have enough prestige, otherwise even your team members may not convince you.

"In that case, then I will join the law enforcement team." Li Xiuxian sighed.

There is no harm to him in chasing down the ancient demons. Anyway, as long as he doesn't encounter the skeleton demon, he thinks he still has the ability to deal with the other three ancient demons.

He Zudao snorted coldly, and then led his team to search around.

"What's your name?" Li Xiuxian was at the back and chatted with the woman from Xuechan Palace.

"The elder of Xuechan Palace, Xue Ruyan." The woman said.

Li Xiuxian nodded, this Xue Ruyan is not weak, he is already at the late stage of Nascent Soul, if the opportunity comes, it will not be a problem to become a great monk.

"Then what is the origin of He Zudao? It seems that he doesn't pay attention to the other monks at all." Li Xiuxian asked He Zudao with a haughty expression on his face.

"It's normal for a person with the title of Sword Master to be a little bit arrogant. He is known as a monk with the best chance of becoming a god." Xue Ruyan said in a low voice.

"Sword Saint, is he very good at swordsmanship?"

"Yes, he seems to have inherited the inheritance of the ancient sword cultivator, and it is also an extremely terrifying sword way, which seems to be some kind of killing sword way. Once it is used, there are very few monks in Tianzhou who can follow it." Xue Ruyan said.

Li Xiuxian just said "oh" to this, the ancient sword cultivator got used to it after watching too much.

He didn't know how powerful the sword master He Zudao's swordsmanship was, but he thought it would not be much stronger than Yuwenxiao's innate body-breaking invisible sword energy and Jianchen's Zhuxian sword array.

These two are geniuses in the way of the sword, no matter how strong Li Xiuxian is, he would feel ashamed to face these two in the way of the sword.

Tianzhou is very big, bigger than the rest of the eight states combined. If these three ancient demons wanted to hide, they would not be able to find them for a while.

As for the most obvious one, no one dared to go there.

After all, in the face of the Skeleton Demon Lord, except for the cultivator who transforms the spirit, everyone will die.

These law-enforcing cultivators only had to deal with the remaining three ancient demons. As for the Skeleton Demon Venerable, no one would provoke this terrifying existence unless the cultivators who transformed themselves into spirits took action.

After searching for half a month, the law enforcement team didn't even see the shadow of the ancient demon. Instead, several small sects in Tianzhou were wiped out.

Even thinking with his toes, he knew it was the work of those three ancient demons.

"Damn it, this ancient demon bullies the weak and fears the strong. He doesn't dare to go head-to-head with our law enforcement team, and he specifically picks those soft-footed shrimps."

"Soft-legged shrimp?" A flash of light flashed in He Zudao's mind.

They couldn't pursue the ancient demon because their law enforcement team was too strong. If they used one person as a bait to lure the ancient demon, wouldn't they be able to catch the ancient demon?

But it was easy to think about it, who would dare to face the ancient demon alone?

With the cunning of the ancient demon, if there are other monks nearby, he will never show up, but if he is far away and there is no time to rescue, then the bait will be swallowed by the ancient demon.

The reason why the law enforcement team dared to hunt and kill the ancient demon relied on the strength of their group. If any one of them was against the ancient demon, he would definitely not be his opponent.

Even the sword master He Zudao dare not say that he is a sure winner.

Once it is too long, the person who acts as a bait will undoubtedly die. The monks present are not fools, and they will not do this kind of death.

They entered the law enforcement team to earn some credit, and to exchange some useful things in the sect, not to die.

But sometimes things backfire. When you want to fish, you may have been targeted by fish!
"Huh? This is..." Li Xiuxian frowned, he had a feeling that there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at him?
"Who is it?" Divine sense swept over, and there was no abnormality within a radius of ten miles.

"This idea is tricky, he almost discovered my perception eye!" Three young monks a hundred miles away whispered.

If you observe carefully, you will find that one of them has broken a right arm, and a trace of golden lightning is looming on the right arm, and it is this trace of lightning that prevents the wound from healing.

"Damn it, that damned human cultivator actually has the God of Evil God Thunder, and I have suffered from him!" The young man with the broken arm showed a fierce look.

"That person is difficult to deal with. He almost detected my perception eye. His spiritual consciousness is definitely not low." A monk without a right eye said.

"So powerful?" The cultivator at the side said in surprise.

"However, he just had doubts and didn't realize it. Presumably, his spiritual sense is only a little better than that of a great monk." Said the young man with missing right eye.

Not long after, a speck of dust landed in the monk's hands, and it condensed into an eyeball, which he put into the socket of his right eye.

"How about it? Do you want to do it? Except for the monk who is a little difficult to deal with, the rest are just a bunch of trash."

"That Juggernaut He Zudao is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but any of us can beat him steadily, the key is that young man, his evil god thunder is not easy to mess with." The monk missing his right arm sighed.

"You and I deal with him, and then deal with that group of monks with one eye. We don't want to win. As long as we kill that young man, will this group of monks still be meat on the chopping board?"

One-eyed nodded: "Although it's a bit difficult, I have recovered [-] to [-]% of my strength after swallowing so many monks' Nascent Soul. It's not a problem to hold these monks for a quarter of an hour."

"Okay, let's do it! After doing this, we can restore about [-]% to [-]% of our strength." The one-armed monk roared.

These three were ancient demons who had escaped from the Valley of Forbidden Demons, and one of them had an arm crippled by Li Xiuxian.

No wonder the cultivators of Tianzhou couldn't find it no matter how hard they searched, these three ancient demons were actually dressed in human skins!
But He Zudao and his party didn't know that they had changed from hunters to prey.

There is no absolute relationship between the hunter and the prey, and the situation may be reversed at any time.

The law enforcement team may be able to deal with one ancient demon, but they definitely cannot deal with three ancient demons.

If Li He Zudao hadn't forcibly conscripted Li Xiuxian into the army by mistake, which had a slight shock to the three ancient demons, this law enforcement team would have been wiped out by the three ancient demons long ago.

Except for Li Xiuxian, among the monks present, no one seemed to have noticed this abnormality at all.

"Follow me!" Li Xiuxian sent a voice transmission to Xue Ruyan.

"What's wrong?" Xue Ruyan was taken aback.

"Be careful, there seems to be something wrong!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

"It's coming!" Li Xiuxian's heart moved, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword was instantly held in his hand!

"Ding!" The swords and swords intersected, and there was a strange laughter in the black mist!

"It really is you!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

The ancient demon whose arm was disabled by himself is very good at hiding and escaping. With Li Xiuxian's spiritual sense, he can only detect it when he is ten feet away from him. This hiding method is a bit too clever.

"Enemy attack!" He Zudao roared! "Hey, it's late!" Suddenly, two more ancient demons appeared from both sides!

(End of this chapter)

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