Chapter 404

The mantis-armed ancient demon snorted coldly, and saw a stream of devilish energy attached to his arms, and this wave of devilish energy swirled continuously. Under the high-speed rotation, the devilish energy unexpectedly became like a sword sharp.

Li Xiuxian frowned. This ancient demon was able to fight against monks from the spiritual world in ancient times, so it really wasn't easy to deal with.

With a casual finger, more than a dozen Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords condensed into a huge sword in the air, and slashed at the mantis arm ancient demon.

When the black giant blade and the golden giant sword came into contact, an astonishing loud noise erupted.

The black glow and golden light were intertwined, and the whole giant blade made a low buzzing sound, and the space of its part began to distort and deform, and ripple-like shock waves emerged.However, although the golden giant sword retreated steadily under the forceful pressure, it was still intact and did not appear to be broken in the slightest.

Although the magic blade formed by the ancient demon using the high vibration of the magic energy is extremely sharp, comparable to the top flying swords and flying knives of human monks, but it is natural to cut off dozens of giant swords formed by the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in a short period of time. But the strength is insufficient.

And just when the ancient demon was taken aback, thunder suddenly sounded from the giant cyan sword, and countless golden arcs popped out from the sword, flashing golden light.

The black giant blade, which was originally gaining the upper hand, collapsed and disintegrated instantly when it touched these golden arcs.

Without the slightest resistance, the cyan giant sword took advantage of the momentum and slashed down on the top of the ancient demon's head with a thick golden arc.

The ancient demon didn't expect that this huge sword was a magic weapon that could destroy the evil god's thunder, so he was taken aback.

But with his strange escape speed, with a flash of black light, his figure appeared more than ten feet away, and the giant sword naturally slashed into the air.

As soon as the demon stopped, his face suddenly became gloomy. When he rubbed his palms together, two black awn balls appeared again.

The black light flickered, and the two light spheres turned into two black light spears, humming continuously.

The fangs in the devil's mouth bit the tip of its tongue, and there were two "poof" and "poof", two mouthfuls of blood spurted out and hit the black spear.

Immediately, after a slight tremor, the two light spears turned into blood red.

And the head of the ancient demon who spurted out the blood showed a bit of lethargy.It seems that this method makes it lose a lot of energy.

The golden giant sword appeared above the ancient demon's head again, and then chopped off.

This time, the ancient demon waved without saying a word, and threw two blood spears at the giant sword at the same time.

After the blood light flashed and disappeared, there were two loud bangs.

The golden arc flashed wildly, but the two light spears did not break apart under the thunder of the evil god, and hit the blade of the giant sword firmly.

As a result, the giant sword let out a long whine.He was shot several feet away.

He turned several somersaults in a row, and at the same time, the spiritual light on the sword body flickered wildly, becoming extremely dim.

Li Xiuxian, who was commanding the giant sword in the distance, had a bloody complexion, but after a sudden flash of green energy, his expression returned to normal.

Jujian's spirituality was injured, and he, whose mind was connected with Jujian, naturally suffered some twists and turns.

Fortunately, his spiritual consciousness is really strong, and this little damage can't affect him.

But Li Xiuxian didn't dare to hesitate any longer.Point to a little farther away.

After the giant sword buzzed, it turned into dozens of green lights and suddenly disintegrated, then turned and shot at Li Xiuxian.

"I want to leave! Leave these flying swords behind." The ancient demon shouted sharply when he saw the flying swords fleeing.

Then he waved at the two blood-red light spears, and with a flash of brilliance, the blood-red spears instantly turned into two big blood-colored hands, and they chased after them with a whistling sound.

Now that he saw Li Xiuxian, he rashly released many magic weapons with the evil spirit thunder.It naturally refused to let Li Xiuxian take it back easily.

And the ancient demon himself also turned around, and a large amount of demonic energy burst out, and then turned into a cloud of black clouds, and followed him swiftly.

Seeing this, Li Xiuxian was secretly happy, but his face was expressionless, and he looked extremely calm.

At this time, the bloody big hands in the distance were obviously much faster than the flying swords, and the blue sword light only flew out a little before being chased by the two big hands one after another.

Seeing the two bloody hands suddenly soared several times, Xiang Zhong Feijian grabbed them and was about to grab them abruptly.However, Li Xiuxian urged Fajue in his hands without haste.

The seemingly scattered flying swords let out a clear cry, and suddenly their spiritual powers united.Then it turned into a piece of golden glow and broke through the sky.

The chasing speed was fully doubled in an instant.

The two big blood-colored hands naturally scooped up nothing, and saw the blue flying sword flying to the top of Li Xiuxian's head, circling indefinitely.

The ancient demon in Wu Yun was furious in his heart. The other party's action just now was really a bit of intentional play.

The demon's face sank like water and he made a move towards the bloody big hand, two bloody lights flew back, one circled and then two bloody long knives fell into his hand.

A scream came out from the mouth of the ancient demon, and the demonic energy with a width of more than ten feet rolled towards Li Xiuxian without warning.And the figure of this demon flickered, disappeared from the magic energy in an instant, and concealed his figure.

Seeing the peak of the devil's pressure, Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning, but when he raised his hands, a golden arc shot out along his two arms, turning into a grid to intercept a large piece of devil's energy.A pair of blue eyes flickered sharply, and his eyes swept across quietly to the left and right.

But immediately, a look of surprise appeared on Li Xiuxian's face!
The surrounding area was empty and there was no trace of the ancient demon.He suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky, but there was no trace of him either!
The mantis arm ancient demon is extremely capable in melee combat, coupled with its indestructible arms, it is extremely tricky.

Especially when the Shadowless Ancient Demon teamed up with the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon, they appeared like ghosts and ghosts, making it hard to guard against!

"Boom!" A spiral flame burst out from the black-purple light curtain.

You don't need to think about it, it's the one-eyed ancient demon who made the move!
"Little guys, dinner is ready!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

I saw hundreds of insects covered with a layer of white bone armor rushing into the flames!

"Hmph, my eye of destruction is enough to melt down any magic weapon, those bugs of yours are doomed!" the one-eyed ancient demon sneered.

But things did not develop as he expected. Instead of being burned to death, the insects that rushed into the flames could come and go freely in the flames. Not only that, his flames were disappearing at an extremely terrifying speed !

"Let's start!" With Li Xiuxian's order, these fire-eating insects merged into the ground one after another.

Just when the three ancient demons didn't know what to do, a lava giant rose from the ground. What was different from the past was that this lava giant had a layer of white bone armor protecting his body under the flames!

This is the fire-eating worm after absorbing the evolution of the bone demon Sen Bone Flame.

It took a month for these fire-eating insects to wake up from their evolution. The leading fire-eating insects have become third-level and high-grade spirit insects. Although the rest have not yet broken through, they have great potential.

The lava giant composed of more than 300 fire-eating insects is more powerful than the last one!

"Eye of Destruction!" The one-eyed ancient demon couldn't believe that his Eye of Destruction would be so unbearable.

But the fact is that, no matter how unwilling the one-eyed ancient demon is, his eyes of destruction can't hurt the lava giant at all.

The flames produced by the Eye of Destruction were partially offset by the flames on his body when it approached the lava giant, and then partially offset by the bombardment on the bone armor. In the end, it was only a small amount of fire that could hit the fire-eating worm. That's all, this level of flames can't kill the fire-eating insects.

"I'll leave the one-eyed ancient demon to you!" After Li Xiuxian gave the order, he concentrated on dealing with the manting-armed ancient demon, which was also the most difficult one among the three-headed ancient demon.

"You can't hide your secrets anymore. Be careful when dealing with you!" A dragon cry suddenly erupted from Li Xiuxian's body.

Blood flashed.

A huge dragon shadow suddenly appeared on Li Xiuxian's body. It was more than ten feet tall, and its whole body was blood red. It was exactly the appearance of the blood dragon.

After the dragon shadow appeared, it raised its head to the sky and let out a long, earth-shattering cry, which shook the whole world's face.

As soon as the sound of the dragon's chant stopped, the dragon shadow flew up into the sky, and then fell in a general circle, and disappeared into Han Li's back.

The blood on the back was shining through the body, and a blood dragon pattern appeared immediately, from blurred to clear, several inches in size, lifelike.

At this time, Li Xiuxian's whole body was flickering with blood.From the cheeks to the arms, thumb-sized blood-colored scales emerged, which were extremely crystal clear.

And after a sharp pain on the head, two small and exquisite dragon horns emerged, red as blood.

The palms of his hands also became pointy, transforming into unusually hard and sharp nails.

"God. A member of the Divine Beast family!" The Mantis Arm Ancient Demon suddenly felt that they seemed to have found the wrong opponent.

There was a flash of blood under Li Xiuxian's feet, and the next moment he appeared next to the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon, and the Dragon Claw slammed it down.

"Boom!" With the earth-shattering explosion, the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon was knocked back by Li Xiuxian's blow, and even the indestructible arm was aching.

"How is it possible? Even a member of the Divine Beast family can't have such a strong power!" The mantis arm ancient demon looked at the scratches on his arms in disbelief, and he was the one who suffered from the frontal collision.

"This emperor's fluid is really good, and the blood of the true spirit in my body seems to have been strengthened!" Li Xiuxian nodded in satisfaction.

"This emperor's fluid is a good thing. In the spiritual world, some monks with the blood of divine beasts will squeeze their heads to get something." Ziyue said sourly.

Li Xiuxian nodded, and it was precisely because of the emperor's liquid that when he transformed into the body of a beast, his strength was much stronger, and he had the upper hand against the ancient mantis arm demon.

As for the Shadowless Ancient Demon, who had already been beaten by the Shura Demon Knife and fled everywhere, is there any treasure on him that can resist the Shura Demon Knife? If he escaped fast, he would have been killed by Shura long ago.

As for the fire-eating worms, although they didn't have any upper hand, they could still maintain an undefeated situation.

The Eye of Destruction is indeed good, but it is only a single flame attack. Unless the flame is as strong as Senbaiyan, it will not be able to harm the lava giant at all.

Therefore, this one-eyed ancient demon was also particularly pissed off.Now as long as one side decides the winner, the whole battle situation will be rewritten in an instant, but now it seems that Li Xiuxian's side has the upper hand in the battle situation!
(End of this chapter)

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