Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 405 Killing 3 Demons

Chapter 405 Extinguishing Three Demons

The mantis arm ancient demon looked in horror at Li Xiuxian who had turned into a half-human half-dragon.

Maybe they never dreamed that the three of them would be forced to such a point by a little Nascent Soul cultivator!

Although Li Xiuxian showed a fighting power that terrified them, if he wanted them to be captured obediently like this, Li Xiuxian was not qualified enough!

There was a gloomy look in the eyes of the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon.

Suddenly there was a flash of blood, and he cut off one of his arms with a knife in his hand.

The wound was as smooth as a mirror, not a single drop of blood was left, it looked extremely weird!

But the moment the broken arm fell, it had already been grabbed by the other hand.Then he opened his mouth, and several mouthfuls of blood sprayed on it, and at the same time, a low ancient incantation sound came from his mouth.

The severed arm immediately radiated light and blood flashed. After twisting and wriggling for a while, it turned into a long sword similar to the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword.

This sword is bony and bony, filled with pitch-black demonic energy.

With a slight wave, traces of devilish energy shot up into the sky.

The mantis-armed ancient demon swung the sword in front of him, and injected the devil energy in his body into the sword, and a black sword light suddenly appeared on the sword, which rapidly increased.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiuxian was a little surprised, and at the same time shuddered at the evil spirit.

I don't know though.What is the power of this sword transformed by the opponent's self-mutilation method?But obviously this method is not trivial.He didn't dare to underestimate him in the slightest.

With a slight twist of his mind, he didn't dare to be arrogant, and suddenly, holding the sword in both hands, he shook the Purple Lightning Soul Devourer, aimed at the ancient mantis arm demon in the sword array, and slashed away fiercely.

He would not give the opponent a chance to use the bone sword's power to the extreme, and immediately launched an attack.

The purple sword light more than ten feet long slashed out soundlessly, pressing down heavily on the sword array.

Before the sword glow arrived, the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon was overwhelmed by the overwhelming thunder and lightning force. After the space in the sword formation trembled, it even began to distort and deform.

A pitch-black sword light that was nearly half smaller than the purple awns shot out from the bone sword amidst a shrieking sound, and directly faced the purple awns in the air.

A moment later, the two sword beams collided!
With a "boom", a loud noise like a thunderbolt came from high above the sky.The two sword glows intertwined and entangled in an instant.

Circles of hurricane-like air waves erupted from where the sword glow hit.

As for Han Li's advanced cultivation, which was close to the stage of transforming gods, he only swayed a few times, took half a step back, and then stopped moving.

And the devil soul regarded the air wave as nothing, and didn't move a step at all.

"I underestimated this mantis arm ancient demon!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

Taking advantage of your illness killing you, Zidian Soul Eater slashed out several sword glows one after another!
The Tiangang Sword Formation also began to move immediately, and golden thunder sword threads tried to trap the ancient mantis arm demon.

But the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon with the bone sword in his hand was unstoppable, and the golden thunder sword threads were cut off by the bone sword before they even approached his body.

Facing Li Xiuxian's attack, the mantis-armed ancient demon did not retreat, and even blocked the sword glow of the Purple Lightning Soul-devouring Sword!
"I'm going to fix this pair of arms!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

The arms of this mantis-armed ancient demon can even catch Xuantian Lingbao. If it is refined into a magic weapon, it must be infinitely powerful.

"Roar!" Another mouthful of blood spewed out, and the bone sword in the hand of the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon flashed coldly, and a five-pointed beam slashed fiercely at Li Xiuxian's chest with lightning speed!
"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian's chest was cut with a wound of about three inches, bleeding profusely!
Although this sword came fiercely, it didn't hurt the vitals. Most of the power was blocked by the bloody scales on the body surface!

I saw blood flashing across Li Xiuxian's chest, and the hideous wound was gradually healing!
"The recovery ability of the blood dragon really lives up to its reputation!" Ziyue exclaimed in admiration.

Li Xiuxian sneered, and threw the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword in his hand!
"Roar!" A resonant dragon chant soared into the sky!
A blood dragon more than 50 feet suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and the blood dragon slapped the Mantis Arm Gorefiend with one claw!
"Dang!" The mantis-armed blood demon raised his bone sword to resist, but the blood dragon's strength was surprisingly great, even his ancient sword couldn't bear it under one claw, and it became two knots!
"Die!" The blood dragon let out a cold snort, before the Mantis-armed Gorefiend had no time to dodge, a blood python got into the body of the Mantis-armed Gorefiend.

"Boom!" The body of the Mantis Arm Gorefiend exploded instantly, forming a rain of blood in the air!
The blood light on the blood dragon's hand flickered, and the countless blood rains were all concentrated on the blood dragon's hand, continuously compressed, and finally only about ten drops of pale golden blood remained.

This is the blood essence of the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon!

The One-Eyed Ancient Demon and the Shadowless Ancient Demon were afraid when they saw the Mantis Arm Ancient Demon died in battle, and they didn't dare to fight recklessly.

This mantis arm ancient demon was the most powerful among the three demons, and he died in the hands of Li Xiuxian.

Now there are strong enemies around, and they are already thinking about retreating.

But if they wanted to escape, Li Xiuxian might not be willing.

This time it cost so much, even the blood dragon avatar was used, if the three ancient demons were not left here completely, the loss would be huge.

"Sura, kill them!" A cold voice came from the blood dragon that shocked the two ancient demons.

"Jie Jie, I haven't tasted the blood of the ancient demon for a long time!" The black water black snake sneered.

"Prison me!" The blood dragon snorted coldly, and saw a ray of blood descending from the sky, forming a small sea of ​​blood at the feet of the Shadowless Ancient Demon.

In this sea of ​​blood, the most powerful escape technique of the Shadowless Ancient Demon was actually sealed!

"Die!" The black water mysterious snake laughed loudly, and the Shura magic knife instantly pierced the shadowless ancient demon's chest!

"Don't suck him dry, I want his blood!" roared the blood dragon.

"Don't worry!" The Black Water Profound Snake licked his lips, and a stream of pure ancient demon blood poured into Shura's body along the Shura Demon Knife.

With the injection of the ancient demon's blood, Shura raised his head to the sky and screamed fiercely. This ancient demon's blood is a great supplement to Shura, and it is definitely a good thing to improve his strength.

Xuelong nodded. Shura helped him a lot before, but now Shura's strength is not enough. If he didn't have the strange Xuantian Lingbao, Shura's Demon Saber, he wouldn't even have the right to intervene. .

The one-eyed ancient demon saw that Tangbi and Wuying had died in Li Xiuxian's hands in a short while, so he dared not stay any longer, a black light flashed under his feet, and he was about to run away.

"Leave it to me!" Xuelong snorted coldly, sweeping his tail.

Even the one-eyed ancient demon couldn't stand the blood dragon's all-out attack, and his body was stunned by this tail!
"Boom!" All the lava giants hit his body instantly.

"No!" The one-eyed ancient demon let out a terrified cry.

The scorching flames from the lava giant's hand shot into his body instantly!

The sword array turned, and an arm-thick thunderbolt struck the one-eyed ancient demon, and also ended the one-eyed ancient demon's life!

Li Xiuxian shook his right hand, and the right eye of the one-eyed ancient demon appeared in his palm.

"Eye of Destruction, good thing!" Then it was stuffed into the Wanhua Pearl.

In just a quarter of an hour or so, the three ancient demons, which caused the monks of Tianzhou such a headache, were killed by Li Xiuxian.

In this battle, Li Xiuxian consumed all the blood and spiritual power in his body, but the harvest was also extremely rich.

Forty drops of ancient demon blood, plus a complete arm, an arm that has been broken in two, and an eye of destruction!
Li Xiuxian will not be able to use the ancient devil's blood, but if Xiu Yuan and Shui Yao get the ancient devil's blood, it will be much easier to break through the bottleneck.

And it can also strengthen their bodies, at least dozens of times stronger than ordinary monks.

After cleaning the battlefield, Li Xiuxian's feet turned into a lightning bolt and disappeared into the sky.

It was already two hours later when the law enforcement monks arrived.

When they saw the mutilated corpse of the ancient demon on the ground, a chill came from their backs!
What kind of existence actually killed three ancient demons in such a short period of time!
As for Xue Ruyan who was rescued by Li Xiuxian, she had already returned to Xuechan Palace at this time, and reported the process of the battle to the owner of Xuechan Palace.

When Palace Master Xuechan heard that Li Xiuxian was being chased and killed by the three ancient demons, his face changed drastically, as if his body strength had been emptied, and he leaned weakly on the seat made of Wannian Xuanyu behind him.

"Dead?" Palace Master Xuechan murmured.

"Ruyan didn't see Elder Li die, but he was hunted down by three ancient demons." Xue Ruyan glanced at Palace Master Xuechan.

Although the words were not finished, everyone knew what would happen if they were chased and killed by the three ancient demons.

One ancient demon was able to seriously injure seven great cultivators, but the one from Xuechan Palace has not recovered from his strength until now. From this we can see how powerful this ancient demon is.

The three-headed ancient demon, even a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, could fight.

"Back off!" Palace Master Xuechan said forcefully.

"Yes, this subordinate will retire now!" Xue Ruyan sighed slightly.

After all, Li Xiuxian had saved his life, so it was a pity to die like this.

"Dead? Just died like this?" A line of tears fell from the mask, dripping on the seat of the Ten Thousand Years Xuanyu, and condensed into crystal clear ice beads.

Even if she didn't want to believe it, even if she thought he was omnipotent, but under the pursuit of the three ancient demons, none of the monks in Tianzhou except the old monster who turned into a god dared to say that he could escape with his life.

No matter how confident she is in Li Xiuxian, she can only accept this reality.

"Palace Master, Palace Master, someone just sent a letter, saying that the three ancient demons were attacked by unknown monks, and they were all executed!" Xue Ruyan who had just left suddenly broke in.

Palace Master Xuechan was taken aback for a moment, and then she was overjoyed: "What about him? How is he?"

"Elder Li...Elder Li..." Xue Ruyan hesitated and looked at Palace Master Xuechan.

"Say, tell me quickly, how is he?" Palace Master Xuechan was anxious.

"Elder Li's whereabouts are unknown!" Xue Ruyan bravely said.

Unexpectedly, Palace Master Xuechan didn't have any radical words or deeds: "The whereabouts are unknown, that is to say, he is not dead, I know it, I know it, he is not so easy to die!"

"Look for him, mobilize the power of Xuechan Palace, even if we turn Tianzhou upside down, we must find him!" Palace Master Xuechan said excitedly.As long as you don't die, there is hope if you don't die!

(End of this chapter)

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