Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 412 Amnesia

Chapter 412 Amnesia
This "Heaven Explosion and Ground Burial" can be said to be Yu's most powerful attack, and the entire Hunyuan Qizong was reduced to ashes in this blow.

A huge pit covering a radius of a hundred miles appeared above the ground.

"Damn it, it's not easy to find his storage bag from the sand!" Huang looked at the huge pit in front of him and smiled wryly.

"Maybe not even the storage bag." Yu shook his head.

Such a huge explosion, which even Yu hadn't made before, was enough to reduce everything to ashes.

"There is no way to find the Kunlun catalog." Huang smiled wryly.

No one knows how powerful the super explosion created by Yu is. This pit can even be said to be a bottomless pit. To find a piece of iron that is only the size of a palm in this endless sand is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The horrible explosion before also made Yizhou monks feel like the end of the world.

Turning hundreds of miles into ashes, this method is simply unimaginable in the eyes of Yizhou monks who are only at the foundation establishment stage.

"There is no breath of life, he should have died in the explosion." Huang Shenshen swept away, but did not find Li Xiuxian's breath.

"With such a powerful explosion, even Huang, who makes you fear so much, will surely die." Yu's face was full of arrogance.

Huang smiled wryly and shook his head, only those who don't know Huang's horror would say these words.

Huang's horror is not only in his ruthlessness, but what is even more frightening is that Huang has an immortal body, no matter how severely injured he is, he will never die.

This Yu is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, but Huang deeply understands Huang's fear.

In Huang's view, Yu's current self-confidence is just a joke.

As for the search for the Kunlun Atlas, the two of them were not in charge.

However, it was precisely because of Li Xiuxian's horizontal intervention that they were unable to complete the task of searching for the five-color divine light.

With their identities, they will not be so downcast as to be miners here. Naturally, someone in the Heaven and Earth Alliance will handle these matters. The only thing they need to do is to report this matter.

"Let's go!" Noah sighed.

Although they killed Li Xiuxian this time, it was an incomparable failure. Yu was forced to use Heaven Explosion and Earth Burial, and there were only more than 50 left in Huang's Hundred Ghosts Performing Martial Arts, and more than half of them were lost. puppet master, but it is not an easy task to repair so many puppets.

What's more, most of those lost puppets have been blown into fly ash by Yu's explosive burial, and there is no way to recover them.

As for the Yizhou monks, they searched the huge pit for a few days boldly, hoping to get some treasures.

But in the end, they all let them go back in disappointment, not to mention the treasure hunt, as their monks in the Foundation Establishment period couldn't even do anything to the end.

Some greedy monks even directly exhausted their spiritual power and fell to death in this huge pit.

Over time, no one paid attention to this huge pit.

Anyway, this Hunyuan Qizong has been lonely for hundreds of years, and even the sect inheritance was wiped out 20 years ago, and all valuable things in the sect were snatched away.

Two months later, in a small village, several children were teasing a blindfolded adult.

"Fool, fool, this way, this way!" several children shouted.

The blindfolded young man didn't seem to care about this slightly insulting language, but played with these children to his heart's content.

"Hey!" A long sigh came from a long sword that was regarded as a hatchet.

"Uncle Fool, Mom told you to go home for dinner!" A little girl with two braids shouted at the door of the house.

"Oh, here we come!" The fool tore off the black cloth covering his eyes, and after distributing the wild fruits picked on the mountain to several children, he walked into the house where the little girl was.

"Uncle Fool, you caught a lot of prey today, even Uncle Lei, the most powerful hunter in the village, is no match for you!" The little girl's eyes were full of admiration.

The Uncle Lei that the little girl was talking about was Zhao Lei, the instructor of this village, and he was the most powerful person in the Zhao Family Village. According to the common saying, this Zhao Lei could be considered a master of martial arts.

As for this little girl named Xiaoli, she lives with her mother.

Xiaoli's mother is Zhou Qian, a widow. Her husband was half-swallowed by a wild beast when he went hunting in the mountains. He became a widow in his 20s.

The idiot also pulled Xiaoli back when Xiaoli went out to pick wild vegetables.

As for why this young man is called a fool, even Xiaoli herself doesn't know, maybe it's because when he just picked him up, he looked dazed and looked like a fool.

But this idiot's skills are not simple, even Zhao Lei, the most powerful coach of Lei in the village, is not this idiot's opponent.

"It's time to eat." A woman's voice came from the kitchen.

"Oh, it's time to eat!" Xiaoli happily ran into the kitchen to serve Zhou Qian.

"Stir-fried venison, distiller's lees bear's paw, braised hare." Seeing the dishes in front of her, Xiaoli's saliva almost drools.

This kind of food is considered top-notch in Zhaojia Village, and even the village head may not be able to eat it.

"Don't make trouble, let your uncle eat first!" Zhou Qian couldn't help but hit Xiaoli's little hand reaching for the stir-fried venison with chopsticks.

"I'm not hungry, you guys eat first." The fool just smiled.

This is another characteristic of the idiot, he hardly eats, anyway, since Xiao Li picked up the idiot for more than a month, he has never seen the idiot eat, not even drink water.

For a fool, it seems that watching other people eat is happier than him eating.

'It's hopeless, this person is really hopeless! "A sigh came from the long sword.

Zhou Qian looked at the fool's smile and was shocked: "What are you looking at me for?"

"You are beautiful." The fool smiled innocently.

Zhou Qian blushed: "I'm already the mother of a child."

"A woman who is a mother is more beautiful." The fool smiled honestly.

"Why didn't I realize that this bastard is so good at coaxing women?" An angry roar came from the sword on the fool's waist.

But no one seems to have heard the nagging of the sword!

"You." The fool's words were Chi Guoguo's courtship.

"I'm a widow." As soon as Zhou Qian said this, her face darkened.

Obviously being widowed at a young age was definitely a blow to her.

"I don't care about that!" The fool shook his head.

"But I don't even know your name." Zhou Qian blushed.

"Name?" The fool was taken aback.

"Is this important? I like you, isn't that enough?" asked the fool.

"Me." Zhou Qian didn't know how to refute the fool for a while.

As a weak woman, she really needed a strong man to rely on, otherwise she would not be able to live in this village at all.

The fool is capable and nice, and it is indeed a good home for her.

But some things are not so simple. As a widow, it is already very inappropriate to keep a man at home.

If he has anything to do with the fool, then the whole village will look down on her, and even Xiaoli will be discriminated against by the villagers.

"Damn, damn, how could this guy be so direct!" A roar came from the sword.

"Old cows eat tender grass, you are not ashamed!"

"We are not suitable." Zhou Qian sighed.

"What are you worrying about, I can wait, I can wait for you to accept me." The fool looked at Zhou Qian.

"Woooooooooooooo, Uncle Fool, I'm so hungry, can we have dinner?" Xiaoli rubbed her stomach.

"Of course, eat quickly." The fool smiled.

"Okay!" Xiaoli couldn't wait to grab the venison, her mouth was covered with grease.

"My name?" The fool looked at the long sword at his waist and sighed slightly.

When he woke up, he only had this sword by his side. According to Xiaoli, maybe he is a martial arts master.

"My head is really confused, I can't remember anything." The fool sighed.

Looking at the sky full of stars, the idiot's inner irritability seemed to be relieved a little.

He doesn't need to eat, sleep, or even drink water, but his strength is surprisingly great. He can easily lift a huge boulder and break a rock as tall as a person into pieces with one punch.

Zhao Lei, the coach in the village, is also interested in Zhou Qian. Knowing that a strange man lives in Zhou Qian's house, he is naturally very angry.

But the strongest coach in the village was also punched by the fool and lay on the ground, with more than a dozen broken bones. If the fool hadn't kept his hand at the end, Zhao Lei might have been beaten to death by this punch.

At night, it is almost the most boring time for a fool, so I can only watch the stars and the moon on the roof.

"Damn it, when will this guy recover!" The sword at his waist shook violently.

But the fool slapped him fiercely: "Stop making trouble!"

"Damn it, you dare to hit me, you dare to hit me, Miss Ben..." The sword shook more violently.

"If you move again, I'll use you to stir up dung!" The fool snorted coldly.

Threatened by a fool like this, the sword is immediately stable!

"Woohoo, you are a bastard, and I am used as a firewood knife by you Xuantian Lingbao. Ah, I don't want to live!" The woman's cry came from the sword.

But the idiot couldn't hear the voice at all, he just stared blankly at the stars in the sky!
"Li Xiuxian, when you recover your memory, I will chop you into seventeen or eighteen pieces, and see if you dare to use me to stir up dung!" A roar came from the sword.

This voice turned out to be Ziyue!

The idiot turned out to be Li Xiuxian!

Li Xiuxian, who traveled across Tianzhou, turned into this appearance, not only that, but Li Xiuxian actually wanted to marry a mortal woman?In the eyes of monks, this is simply unimaginable. You must know that cultivators have always looked down on mortals, and they feel ashamed to stand with them, let alone get married.

(End of this chapter)

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