Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 413 Escape from the Dead

Chapter 413 Escape from the Dead
It all starts with the earth explosion and sky burial.

The moment Yu Yong released the sky burial, Li Xiuxian was crushed by countless sands, and the terrifying force almost crushed Li Xiuxian to pieces.

In the face of this overwhelming attack, Li Xiuxian didn't even dare to open the Wanhua Pearl. Once the sand and soil poured into the Wanhua Pearl, it would definitely be a catastrophe for Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao who were practicing.

Thinking of this, Li Xiuxian looked crazy!

"Roar!" Li Xiuxian immediately turned into the body of a blood dragon, and his body of more than 50 feet rolled continuously in the sand.

"Boom!" A violent explosion came.

At the moment of the explosion, the scales of Li Xiuxian's body were blasted off countless pieces, and his body immediately became riddled with holes.

But the blood on Li Xiuxian's body flashed, and his damaged body began to recover under the blood.

But this is just the beginning, in the vortex composed of sand, the explosion is like raindrops.

In the face of endless explosions, Li Xiuxian devoured the blood spirit crystal regardless of the cost, constantly recovering the lost blood spirit power.

Even though he has the body of a blood dragon, even he can't completely resist the terrifying big move of Burial.

Even with the defense of the dragon scales and the recovery ability of the blood dragon, it still seems too weak in front of this explosion.

"Li Daitao's stiff technique!" Li Xiuxian used this life-saving supernatural power in time.

But this time his stand-in turned out to be a top-notch ancient treasure, the Thunder Spear.

The thunder gun obtained from the blood prison, its power is definitely the top existence among the ancient treasures.

Looking at Kyushu, it can't be said that there are no ancient treasures that can surpass the Thunder Spear, but they definitely can't be counted as many.

Li Xiuxian used this ancient treasure to resist the damage of the sky explosion and the earth burial, it can be said that he has spent his blood.

But Li Xiuxian had no other choice. This day's explosion and earth burial were extremely powerful, and if he used ordinary magic weapons to resist it, it would have no effect at all.

Li Daitao's technique of stiffness itself is to use a magic weapon to take damage instead of itself. The stronger the magic weapon used, the more damage it can resist.

There is no better choice for Li Xiuxian's body other than the Thunder Spear.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is indeed good, but there are 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords in one set, without any one of them, the power of the sword array will be greatly reduced. Even if he refines a new sword, it will be difficult to run in with the original sword array .

As for the Shura Demon Knife and the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword, Li Xiuxian thought he didn't have the courage to give up a Xuantian Lingbao, so the Thunder Spear became his only choice.

"Boom!" The power of the sky explosion and earth burial exploded at this moment.

The thunder gun was the first to bear the brunt. After resisting for a moment, the thunder gun was blown into powder by this terrifying force.

And this is only to resist a third of the damage.

The remaining two-thirds of the power rushed to Li Xiuxian.

Not to mention two-thirds of the power, with Li Xiuxian's current state, one-tenth of it can seriously injure him, one-fifth of it can kill him, and two-thirds of the damage can kill Li Xiuxian several times. time.

"Roar!" The blood dragon let out a painful roar.

The blood dragon's body was constantly damaged, reorganized, damaged, and reorganized in the explosion.

Boundless pain filled Li Xiuxian's body. If he hadn't had a tough heart, he would have fainted in the face of such pain.

Although the blood dragon's recovery ability is strong, it can't match the power of this earth-exploding sky burial. The blood light on the blood dragon's body is getting dimmer, and the recovery speed is getting slower and slower.

If it continues like this, Li Xiuxian may die in this endless explosion at any time.

"Remember, you owe me this!" A purple figure rushed out of the Purple Lightning Soul Eater and landed on Li Xiuxian.

Ziyue actually used herself as a shield to help Li Xiuxian resist the damage caused by the explosion.

"You." In an instant, a darkness surrounded Li Xiuxian.

Ziyue couldn't help showing a smile on her mouth: "In the future, you must make it up to me!"

"Boom!" A huge force came, and Ziyue let out a muffled snort. The huge explosion sent Li Xiuxian flying, flying for thousands of miles before landing.

Ziyue also retreated into the Zidian Soul Eater because of exhaustion of strength.

Due to Ziyue's relationship, the Purple Lightning Soul Eater also became dim.

Li Xiuxian, who was unconscious, was met by Xiaoli and dragged back home.

But I don't know if God and Ziyue made a joke, obviously she gave up her life to save Li Xiuxian, but it made Li Xiuxian develop a good impression of another woman.

Although Ziyue resisted most of the damage for Li Xiuxian, part of her power still invaded Li Xiuxian's body.

Many tendons in his body were damaged, and more importantly, even his dantian was covered by a strange force.

In the end, what Ziyue said to Li Xiuxian: "Remember, you owe me this." turned out to be Li Xiuxian's last consciousness.

Especially when he woke up and saw Zhou Qian, the purple figure in his mind coincided with Zhou Qian!
Perhaps it was the violent explosion that affected his brain, causing Li Xiuxian to lose his previous memory, and that foolish look was therefore nicknamed a fool.

"Uncle fool, it's not good, Uncle Zhao Lei is injured!" Xiaoli ran over panting.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback: "Zhao Lei was injured? What's going on?"

This Zhao Lei's force is considered a master among ordinary people!
"Uncle Zhao Lei went hunting in the mountains, but he broke an arm when he came back. Now that everyone has rushed over, my mother asked me to come and fetch you." Xiaoli said.

Li Xiuxian nodded, jumped and jumped off the roof.

When he rushed to Zhao Lei's house, almost all the villagers from Zhao's Village came, and surrounded Zhao Lei's house with three floors and three floors.

The smell of blood in Zhao Lei's room could be smelled from far away.

"Quick, fetch water!" The old village head was giving first aid to Zhao Lei at this time.

The old village head knew some medical skills, and kept pouring in basins of clean water. The old village head cleaned the wound on Zhao Lei's right arm with gauze.

Zhou Qian was also helping the old village chief.

Zhao Lei's entire right arm was cut off, and the wound was bleeding profusely.

Li Xiuxian took a look at the entrance of the village, and could even see the bloodstains left by Zhao Lei along the way. His perseverance can be said to be astonishing for one person to persist for such a long time.

"This is?" Li Xiuxian frowned, and he saw some small footprints on Zhao Lei's blood.

This is somewhat similar to the footprints of a cat, but there are quite a few cats and dogs in Zhaojia Village, so Li Xiuxian didn't pay much attention to it.

When Li Xiuxian entered the room, he was taken aback when he understood Zhao Lei's right arm.

"What a neat wound!" Li Xiuxian murmured.

This arm was cut off almost instantly, and Li Xiuxian didn't know what beast in the back mountain had such terrifying strength.

The most powerful beast in the back mountain is the black bear, not even a tiger dares to fight an adult black bear.

But even if it is a black bear, the most it can do is tear off the arm, and it can't be so neat.

Since the wound had been cleaned, Li Xiuxian could even see the scratches on it. It was obvious that Zhao Lei's right arm was broken by a beast.

"Stopping blood!" The old village chief hurriedly sprinkled a bottle of gray medicinal powder on Zhao Lei's wound.

Even in a coma, Zhao Lei frowned, obviously enduring extremely intense pain.

"Damn, damn, find out quickly, find out quickly!" Ziyue, who was carried by his waist, suddenly shook uncomfortably.

Perhaps it was because of Ziyue's reminder, or perhaps because of the perception of danger as a monk of Nascent Soul, Li Xiuxian felt a chill on his neck, and shrank suddenly!
"Pfft!" A head left the body in an instant, and blood spurted from the neck!

"Old village chief!" Zhou Qian exclaimed.

The sudden change threw the whole village into chaos.

They hardly saw anything, the head of the old village chief was separated from his body.

For unknown enemies, even cultivators would be afraid, let alone these mortals.

They didn't even have the courage to resist, and fled crazily.

Li Xiuxian looked at the dead old village chief with a complicated expression. The attack was obviously aimed at him, but because of his avoidance, the old village chief became a scapegoat.

But Li Xiuxian's reaction was not slow, the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword was already in his hand.

"Yes, that's it, that's it!" Ziyue was overjoyed, and saw that under Ziyue's control, the sword in Li Xiuxian's hand was raised upwards, and the blade turned!
A black shadow slammed into the tip of the sword, and a trace of blood appeared on the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback for a moment, he knew that the sword in his hand was different, but he never thought that this sword could defend himself against the enemy.

And he didn't even notice that an enemy was approaching.

"Ding!" Suddenly, the long sword in his hand lay horizontally in the center, and a black figure rushed over and bumped into the long sword.

Although Li Xiuxian was barely defending, but in the eyes of outsiders, the black shadow seemed to be hitting the sword.

"Quick, follow me!" Ziyue was anxious.

The offender was not a ferocious beast at all, but a monster, a first-level middle-grade monster, Shadow Cat.

Although it is only a first-level mid-grade, it is basically an existence that is difficult to resist for ordinary people.

As for Li Xiuxian, although he is physically stronger than ordinary people, his dantian is locked and his consciousness is useless. At best, he is just a stronger ordinary person. How can he compete with this shadow cat?
Only Ziyue can kill this monster. With the power of Zidian Soul Eater Sword, as long as it can stab the shadow cat, then the shadow cat will surely die.

Li Xiuxian also seemed to be aware that this sword has an independent consciousness, and more importantly, this sword is stronger than him, and can see enemies that even he cannot see.

Li Xiuxian took a deep breath, and his stiff body instantly relaxed at this moment.

"I hope you don't let me down!" Li Xiuxian said to the sword in his hand.

"No problem!" Ziyue chuckled.Although the current Li Xiuxian couldn't hear her at all, at least Li Xiuxian had noticed her, and this was also a good start!
(End of this chapter)

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