Chapter 414

Shadowless and invisible, this is the talent of the shadow cat, as long as there is a shadow, the shadow cat can blend into it.

For mortals without consciousness, this kind of concealment is fatal.

Because you simply don't know where the Shadow Cat will appear next and when it will attack.

This is the difference between a cultivator and a mortal, even a disciple of the fourth level of qi training, as long as he is careful enough, he can kill this shadow cat.

But the shadow cat that broke into the mortal world is like a demon god.

For these mortals, being a little stronger is also powerful, and being a hundred times stronger is also powerful.

The Shadow Cat and the Skeleton Demon Lord are the same to them, and they are both extremely powerful existences.

Li Xiuxian relaxed his body, using the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword as an inducement, his body moved with the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword, and he was able to avoid the Shadow Cat's attack every time.

Shadow Cat, who was hiding in the darkness, was also furious. He was injured repeatedly by a mortal.

At this time, two very shallow wounds appeared on his abdomen!
Shadowmao's eyes were fixed on the Purple Lightning Soul Eater sword in Li Xiuxian's hand. For it, this sword was the biggest threat.

A sword that can pierce his fur is at least a magic weapon. How can a mortal have a magic weapon in his hand?

"Meow!" I saw a black shadow rushing out, with its claws swaying, the shadow cat was about to remove Li Xiuxian's arm.

If this Shadow Cat succeeds, then Li Xiuxian will be the next Zhao Lei.

"Damn it!" Ziyue cursed angrily, the blade turned around, and the Zidian Soul-devouring Sword was thrown out of her hand, directly slashing at Shadow Cat.

Ziyue manipulated it so that the shadow cat hastily retracted its claws, and hid in the shadows with a flicker.

"Hmph, cunning kitten!" Ziyue snorted coldly.

If she hadn't returned to defense in time this time, Li Xiuxian would have suffered a lot.

Perhaps it was Ziyue's control that made Li Xiuxian gradually adapt to this rhythm of fighting.

The shadow cat, which could not even see the shadow before, has been able to grasp the trajectory of its movements.

Li Xiuxian himself had the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, but he was forced to seal his dantian and was unable to use his spiritual power.

"Pfft!" Zidian Soul Eater stabbed fiercely.


Immediately, there was a scream from Shadow Cat, and this thing actually directly pierced Shadow Cat's chest.

But monsters are monsters after all, and their vitality is much stronger than ordinary beasts, even if their hearts are pierced, they are still struggling.

"Death!" A faint purple electric current flashed, and the shadow cat instantly turned into a pile of coke.

Although Ziyue's power is almost consumed, even a ten-thousandth of her power is not something this little first-level monster can resist.

Qi Ling also has the pride of Qi Ling, if it is not for Li Xiuxian's safety, she would not even bother to shoot this level of monsters.

"Now I miss that proud Li Xiuxian a little bit. Compared with that, this one is completely useless now." Ziyue curled her lips involuntarily.

Once upon a time, Li Xiuxian, who could even wipe out such a powerful existence as the ancient demon, became incapable of even dealing with a small first-level monster. Such a transformation is too scary.

As for Zhou Qian, she was already petrified by the scene in front of her.

Ever since the old village head was beheaded, she was too scared to walk.

She is just an ordinary woman, how could she have seen such a horrible scene.

In the end, Li Xiuxian showed great power and stabbed the horrible little thing to death with a single sword.

"Zhou Qian, what's the matter with you?" Li Xiuxian was surprised when he saw that Zhou Qian didn't move.

"'s okay!" Zhou Qian glanced at the dead Shadow Cat with lingering fear.

Who would have thought that such a small thing could kill a person?

Zhao Lei was able to come back not because of how powerful he was, but because Shadow Mao never thought of killing this person at all.

After all, eating Zhao Lei was nothing more than a blood meal, and it didn't help him improve his strength much.

If Zhao Lei was released back to the village and he followed behind, the harvest would definitely be much greater than before.

The footprints that Li Xiuxian saw at the gate of the village were left by the shadow cat, but due to his spiritual consciousness, Li Xiuxian did not discover the existence of the shadow cat.

As for the death of the old village chief, Li Xiuxian was not much touched. After all, he was also a Nascent Soul cultivator, and his tenacity was beyond comparison. He had seen many deaths.

As for Zhou Qian, she was obviously terrified and returned to the room under the escort of Li Xiuxian.

The news that Li Xiuxian beheaded the shadow cat with great power spread throughout Zhaojia Village in an instant.

The story is also getting more and more bizarre. Some people even said that with a single touch of Li Xiuxian's finger, a flash of lightning killed the shadow cat.

Rumors are spreading more and more outrageous, but they are really right.

Ziyue smiled triumphantly in the sword: "Hey, if Miss Ben helped you, would you have such a big reputation?"

No matter what these people say, Li Xiuxian has become the strongest person in this Zhao family village, even the light of the coach Zhao Lei has been covered up by him.

With the passage of time, Li Xiuxian has become the pillar of the Zhao Family Village. Every time Li Xiuxian leads a team into the mountains, the harvest must be extremely rich. Any black and blind man can easily catch a tiger.

Zhao Lei seemed to be willing to give up the position of coach. After all, his right arm was crippled, and his strength was not as good as before. Coupled with Li Xiuxian's outstanding strength, under his leadership, the harvest of Zhaojia Village was several times that of before.

Hun Xing, which was rarely seen in the past, has almost become a home-cooked dish now.

Although Zhaojia Village is close to the mountainous area and lives by hunting, it doesn't mean that they have meat to eat. Most of them are sold in the city, so there are only a few left by their own family.

"Uncle fool, do you really know how to discharge electricity?" Xiaoli dragged her chin and looked at Li Xiuxian who was chopping firewood.

The Xuantian Spirit Treasure Zidian Soul-Eating Sword was just used as a hatchet for chopping wood, and Ziyue was so wronged that she was about to cry.

But this can't be blamed on Li Xiuxian, this Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword is much sharper than a hatchet or something, and the tree trunk hugged by one person can be broken with just a light touch, so it's natural to choose the right thing to use.

Regarding this issue, Xiaoli has been pestering Li Xiuxian for a month.

After all, for children, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, breathing flames is the most amazing thing.

In Yizhou, although there are not as many cultivators as in Kyushu, there are still some deeds that have been handed down.

In Xiaoli's opinion, if Uncle Fool was a fairy-like character, it would be extremely honorable to say it.

"No." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

"Stingy!" Xiaoli muttered.

"It's not good, it's not good!" Suddenly a boy in his teens rushed in.

"What happened to Tiger Cub?" Li Xiuxian asked, putting down the sword in his hand.

"Next door. Next door."

"Speak slowly, don't worry!" Li Xiuxian frowned.

"The people from the next door village are here to mess things up." Hu Zai managed to finish the sentence in one breath.

"Neighboring village? Wang Family Village or Qian Family Village?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Come together!" Tiger Cub said.

There are three villages near here.On the left is Wangjia Village, on the right is Qianjia Village, and Zhaojia Village is in the middle of these two villages.

These two villages came to Zhaojia Village together, obviously to make trouble.

"Uncle fool, do you want to do it? Do you want me to go back and copy the guy?" There was a gleam of excitement in Hu Zai's eyes.

"What do children learn to fight, go home for me." Li Xiuxian immediately rewarded him with a chestnut.

"I'm not young anymore. I'm already 14 years old. When I was my age, my father had already gone hunting." Tiger Cub said dissatisfied.

Li Xiuxian didn't react when he heard this, but Fa Ziyue choked, this child dared to talk about his age in front of Li Xiuxian.

We must know that although Li Xiuxian looks like a young man in his 30s and [-]s, his real age is that of a wife, wife, and grandpa who are tiger cubs.

"I'll go and have a look first! You two are not allowed to follow." After Li Xiuxian warned the two brats, he put away the Purple Lightning Soul Eater and walked towards the entrance of the village.

"Will you go?" Tiger Cub looked at Xiaoli excitedly.

"Uncle Fool told me to watch you." Xiaoli curled her lips.

"We hide, if Uncle Fool uses lightning again, we don't see it, wouldn't it be a pity?" Hu Zai said.

This just hit Xiaoli's vitals!
"Okay, let's go quietly, I don't believe that Uncle Fool really can't let go of lightning!" Xiao Li said with a wicked smile.

The two little kids discussed going to see Li Xiuxian beating someone.

But there was already a pot of porridge at the gate of the village. Zhao Lei looked at the people in Wangjiacun and Qianjiacun coldly.

"If you don't teach you a lesson for three days, you will forget who you are. If we want to give you half of the harvest, what kind of green onions are you!" Zhao Lei roared.

"Zhao Lei, we used to be afraid of you three points, but that doesn't mean we are still afraid of you now. You are just a cripple, why are you showing off your prestige!" Wang Li, the coach of Wangjiacun, sneered.

Zhao Lei looked at his empty right arm and his face darkened!
"A single arm can beat you into a pig's head!" Zhao Lei kicked his feet and rushed towards Wang Li.

His right arm is useless, but his leg is still there!
"Bang!" Suddenly a fireball flew in the air. Although it was only the size of a thumb, it was terrifying enough.

The thumb-sized fireball directly hit Zhao Lei's chest.

"Pfft!" Zhao Lei spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards.

The power of this fireball is not strong enough to kill Zhao Lei, but the shock of this fireball to Zhaojiacun is far greater than his own power.

"Impossible!" Zhao Lei wiped the blood from his mouth, staring at the child standing at the back.

The fireball just now was sent by this child.

"Hey, there are fairies in my Wang Family Village, why do you Zhao Family Village fight with me!" Wang Li sneered.Hearing the word "Xiantong", not only Zhao Lei, but all the residents of Zhaojia Village looked ashen, looking at that child in disbelief!

(End of this chapter)

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