Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 416 My chapter is here!

Chapter 416 I'm back!

"Damn it, when my master comes, I will definitely kill him!" Wang Sui's angry roar came from Wangjia Village.

"Sui'er, are you sure your master can deal with him?" Wang Li asked uncertainly.

Li Xiuxian's sword had already shocked her greatly, and a single sword could cause such terrifying power, he had already developed a sense of fear for Li Xiuxian.

"Hmph, my master is an elder of Baicaomen, and he is in the state of great perfection in Qi training, and he is only one step away from the foundation building stage." Wang Sui said proudly.

In his opinion, Qi training is already very strong, not to mention the foundation building stage.

To kill Li Xiuxian by his master is as easy as crushing an ant.

However, what his master said is one step away, it is possible that he will not be able to step out in this lifetime.

Compared with 400 years ago, Yizhou's aura has dropped a lot. Practicing in this Yizhou where aura is scarce, not to mention forming a golden core, even building a foundation has become extremely difficult.

This can be seen from the strength of the monks of the sect now.

400 years ago, there were at least a few foundation-building monks in the Yizhou sect, and it was normal for a powerful sect to have a dozen foundation-building monks.

But now it seems that even the advanced foundation building stage is an extremely difficult thing, and even a monk who has practiced Qi Dao can sit on the position of an elder, which can only show that the cultivation of Yizhou is completely lonely now.

I am afraid that in a few hundred years, Yizhou will become completely unsuitable for cultivators.

However, this was not a big problem for Li Xiuxian. His own cultivation was there, but his dantian was sealed by a force, which made him unable to use his magic weapon.

However, as a gap appeared in the seal, spiritual power continued to flow out from the dantian, and Li Xiuxian's cultivation was also steadily improving.

As long as he is given enough time, it is not difficult to restore the strength of Nascent Soul cultivator.

However, this time is also long enough. Roughly, it will take at least two or three hundred years.

Of course, this is without external force. If a large number of spirit stones can be obtained, this time can be shortened countless times.

But with Li Xiuxian's current state, wanting to get the spirit stone is almost like climbing to the sky, after all, he doesn't even know where the spirit stone is.

Half a month later, Li Xiuxian's cultivation has just risen to the fourth level of Qi training, which is a little faster than Ziyue expected.

The seal at Li Xiuxian's dantian expanded a little under the washing of spiritual energy, which Ziyue did not expect.

Li Xiuxian spared no effort in teaching the two children, Xiaoli and Huzai.

Although he doesn't even have the most basic skills in his current state, he can still give these two children a little help on the route of spiritual energy.

Using his own spiritual power as a guide, he built a channel for the movement of spiritual energy in the bodies of the two children.

This is Li Xiuxian, with a steady stream of spiritual power in his body, even a monk who practiced qi and perfected it might not be able to do such a difficult technical job, even a monk who established a foundation is extremely difficult.

It was also Li Xiuxian's reason that these two children had a sense of Qi in just ten days, and they were able to breathe in and breathe out, turning the aura between heaven and earth into their own use.

But lacking spirit stones, the progress of these two people is also very slow. If there is no accident, they should be able to step into the first level of Qi training in half a month and become a real cultivator.

"Teacher, is this the place?" A big red-faced man outside the Zhao Family Village snorted coldly.

"That's right, right here, there is a cultivator in this village. He has a sword in his hand, which should be a magic weapon. A single slash of the sword can attract thunder and lightning. He made that big hole." Wang Sui said.

"Oh?" A trace of surprise appeared on the red-faced man's face.

Any sword can have such great power, it should be a middle-grade magic weapon, or even a top-grade magic weapon.

Today, when Yizhou's comprehension is declining, it is not easy to have a medium-grade magic weapon, let alone a top-grade magic weapon.

"As a teacher, I will definitely seek justice for you!" The red-faced man sneered, but only he knew what was going on in his heart.

"Get out!" The red-faced man shouted angrily, his voice was mixed with spiritual power, like thunder rolling!


Xiaoli and Huzai were at the critical moment of their kung fu, when they were stirred up by the red-faced man, the spiritual energy in their bodies flowed backwards, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Li Xiuxian hastily injected a spirit energy into the two of them, temporarily suppressing their injuries, and a look of anger flashed across his face.

If it wasn't for him to take care of these two children, the two children would probably have died because of this roar.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with Xiaoli?" Zhou Qian was shocked when she saw the blood on the corner of Xiaoli's mouth.

"It's fine for now, but you should take care of them first!" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

Li Xiuxian raised the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword, kicked his foot, and jumped five or six feet straight with this jump. With a light tap of his foot, he appeared at the entrance of the village in an instant.

"Master, it's him, it's him! He even stole my spirit stone!" Wang Sui pointed at Li Xiuxian and said.

"You are the one who stole my apprentice's spirit stone?" The red-faced man snorted coldly.

Li Xiuxian was so angry that he didn't talk much to the red-faced man, so he slashed down with his sword, and a purple lightning struck the red-faced man directly.

The red-faced man was startled, and hastily made a magic formula, and a layer of khaki protective shield protected himself.

This red-faced man turned out to be a cultivator of earth spirit roots, and he was obviously very confident in his protective shield.

"Crack!" The sound of the protective cover shattering made the red-faced man's heart sink.

A dodge avoided this purple lightning!

"You're courting death!" Making a fool of himself in front of his apprentice made the red-faced man extremely angry.

I saw his right hand slapping the king's storage bag, and a large khaki net covered Li Xiuxian.

The magic weapon of this red-faced man turned out to be an imprisoning magic weapon, as long as it was caught by this net, even a foundation-building cultivator would not be able to escape for a while.

What's more, this net comes with an earth-type tenacity technique, which is difficult to cut off with ordinary magic weapons.

The battle between the monks changes rapidly, even if it is the time to imprison the opponent for a breath, it is enough for the red-faced monk.

"It's stabbing!" Li Xiuxian's hand flashed, and a lavender sword glow directly cut over.


"No!" The red-faced man exclaimed in surprise, the magic weapon he bought at a huge price now looks like a pile of broken fishing nets.

With all the aura lost, it can be said that this magic weapon is useless!
"You are going to die! You must die!" If the red-faced man was angry because he made a fool of himself just now, then he is crazy about his magic weapon at this moment.

"You're dead!" The red-faced man took out a piece of pale gold talisman paper from the storage bag, and a small golden sword gleamed on the talisman paper.

"Sword Talisman?" Ziyue was taken aback.

This sword talisman is similar to the talisman treasure, but it is more difficult to deal with than the talisman treasure. This is something that has been passed down among ancient sword repairers.

But seeing that the aura of the sword talisman was extremely dim, it was obvious that it didn't contain much power.

However, in Yizhou, a place where comprehension has declined, Ziyue was still a little surprised to see the sword amulet of the ancient sword cultivator.

The red-faced monk is also extremely heartache. This sword talisman is his treasure at the bottom of the box. It can easily kill monks who have practiced great perfection. Achievement.

"Go!" The red-faced monk gritted his teeth, pouring spiritual power into it, and saw a small golden sword suddenly thrust out, aiming directly at Li Xiuxian.

"It's just a sword talisman!" Ziyue sneered.

I saw that under his leadership, Li Xiuxian's body was like a gust of wind, no matter how the golden sword attacked, it was blocked by the Purple Lightning Soul Eater in his hand.

"You think this lady is a vegetarian if she doesn't show off her power?" Ziyue snorted coldly.

There was a flash of purple light on the Purple Lightning Soul Devourer Sword, and it directly confronted this golden sword head-on.

"Wow!" The two forces collided together.

"Boom!" A thin purple line suddenly pierced out from the explosion, piercing the brow of the red-faced man in no time!
"You deserve to die!" There was a trace of contempt in Li Xiuxian's eyes.

"Ziyue, I really want to thank you this time!" Li Xiuxian shook the Purple Lightning Soul Devourer in his hand.

"Wow, my memory has recovered, it seems that you should be beaten." Ziyue whistled.

It's a pity that although Li Xiuxian's memory recovered, his cultivation level did not, and he still couldn't hear Ziyue's voice.

"You. What are you going to do?" Wang Sui collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

In his eyes, the extremely powerful master died in front of him like this?

Li Xiuxian sneered, passed Wang Sui directly, and took the storage bag of the red-faced man in his hand.

"160 low-grade spirit stones, a few bottles of energy-gathering pills, and none of the magic tools. What a poor ghost." Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and shot a flame casually, burning the body of the red-faced man to ashes.

"You...you murderer!" Wang Sui looked at Li Xiuxian in horror.

"You are not a good person, you are so vicious at such a young age, this is a lesson for you!" Li Xiuxian stretched out his finger, and a spiritual light entered Wang Sui's dantian.

"Pfft!" Wang Sui spurted a mouthful of blood, but Li Xiuxian's finger abolished his dantian. From then on, Wang Sui could no longer cultivate.

These things happened so suddenly that the red-faced man died just by meeting him. When the people from Zhaojia Village arrived, they saw only Wang Sui lying limp on the ground and a pool of ashes.

"The world is really impermanent!" Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

He was practicing in Yizhou, but he still returned to Yizhou, and at this time his cultivation was only around the fourth level of Qi training.

Li Xiuxian could only smile wryly about his life during these times, for him all this might just be a dream.A dream so real that I have fallen into it!

(End of this chapter)

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