Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 417 The Secret of Yizhou

Chapter 417 The Secret of Yizhou (1)

After recovering his memory, Li Xiuxian checked his body and found that many meridians in his body were damaged, but this was not the most serious, but his dantian was sealed by a mysterious force.

Except for leaving a small opening, the dantian was surrounded so airtight that it was impossible to even mobilize the magic weapon in the body.

"Wanhuazhu, Wanhuazhu, do I want to thank you or hate you?" Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly.

The power that sealed his dantian was not external, but released through the Wanhua Pearl.

When experiencing the earth explosion and sky burial, Wanhuazhu seemed to protect Li Xiuxian's dantian by releasing power to protect Li Xiuxian's dantian.

For a cultivator, the dantian is the most important thing. If the dantian is not damaged, there is a chance to take it back and be reborn.

But who would have thought that Ziyue rushed out desperately in the end, resisting most of the injuries for Li Xiuxian, allowing Li Xiuxian's body to be preserved.

But the seal left by Wanhuazhu cannot be undone, it can only be dissolved bit by bit through spiritual power.

For such a result, Li Xiuxian didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After leaving the bottles of Qi Gathering Pills in the storage bag to Xiao Li and Hu Zai, Li Xiuxian locked himself in the room.

The spiritual energy from the dozen or so spirit stones in his hand poured into Li Xiuxian's body crazily. Under the intentional guidance of Li Xiuxian, the spiritual energy washed away the seal at the dantian bit by bit.

Every time one point of spiritual energy is added, the seal at the dantian will decrease a little bit, and Li Xiuxian will get a little more spiritual power, which almost becomes an infinite cycle.

"Crack!" A dozen pieces of spirit stones instantly turned into a pile of powder.

"The quality of this spirit stone is still too bad." Li Xiuxian shook his head, and then grabbed a handful of spirit stones.

In Yizhou, probably only Li Xiuxian dared to use so many spirit stones to practice so boldly at once.

The more than 160 spirit stones lasted for less than a quarter of an hour before they were completely turned into a pile of powder.

Li Xiuxian's cultivation has also been directly raised from the fourth level of Qi training to the twelfth level of Qi training.

At the same time, the seal at the dantian also loosened a lot, and spiritual power continued to flow out of the gap, nourishing Li Xiuxian's damaged meridians.

Li Xiuxian glanced at the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword in his hand, because of his cultivation, he couldn't establish contact with Ziyue at all.

If he establishes a connection by force, he may be shocked into an idiot in the next moment.

"Zhou Qian!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but get a headache when he thought that he had a crush on a mortal woman.

It would be fine if I didn't feel for her, but Zhou Qian had already left an indelible mark on Li Xiuxian's heart after a few months of life.

"Forget it, take one step, count one step!" Li Xiuxian sighed.

The most important thing now is to get a large amount of spirit stones and undo the seal on his dantian as soon as possible, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

As for the place with the most spirit stones, Li Xiuxian already had an idea in mind.

The aura in Yizhou has been almost exhausted, and there are not many spiritual stone mines. If you want to get a lot of spiritual stones, you can only find sects!
For Li Xiuxian who had recovered some strength, there was nothing in Yizhou that could hurt him, not even a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period.

One month later, Baicaomen was stolen, and 10 yuan of spiritual stones disappeared.

Immediately after that, on the same day, the gate of the Thousand Illusion Sect was destroyed, and all the spiritual stones stored in the sect were also robbed.

. .
In just half a year, Li Xiuxian ransacked nearly 20 sects, and ransacked all the spirit stones in their sects. As for other things, Li Xiuxian did not move at all.

In the eyes of these people, it is a treasure, but in the eyes of Li Xiuxian, it is just a pile of scrap metal.

In just half a year, the spirit stones on Li Xiuxian's body had already reached a million.

Practicing day and night, Li Xiuxian consumes thousands of spirit stones every day, and the seal in his body is gradually weakened.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Li Xiuxian's body shook, and the spiritual power in his dantian rushed into Li Xiuxian's body like a flood breaking a bank.

"Finally rushed away!" Li Xiuxian's eyes showed a gleam of brilliance.

As early as half a month ago, he was able to sense the majestic power in the dantian. With continuous attempts, Li Xiuxian guided the spiritual power in the dantian and the spiritual power outside to attack this layer of seal together. After months of hard work, this layer of seal that sealed Li Xiuxian's power was completely broken away!

And so far, Li Xiuxian has been in Yizhou for two full years!

Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, Wan Huazhu, Li Xiuxian once again sensed their existence!

Li Xiuxian glanced at Ziyue: "Thank you, you saved my life at the last moment!"

"Tch, Miss Ben is not rare."

Li Xiuxian stuffed the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword into the Wanhua Pearl, Ziyue's power was almost exhausted when he saved him, and there was not much to do in a short time.

However, in this Yizhou, there is no one who can force him to use the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword. Yuanying's late stage cultivation is enough to sweep Yizhou.

"Uncle fool, I have made a breakthrough, I have made a breakthrough, I am already on the sixth level of Qi training!" Xiaoli's excited shout came from outside the door.

With a wave of Li Xiuxian's hand, the closed door instantly opened!

"Uncle Fool, I've reached the sixth level of Qi training!" Xiao Li exclaimed excitedly.

"I heard it, I heard it all the way." Li Xiuxian smiled.

Xiao Li is an eighth-level water spirit root, and her aptitude can be said to be the top choice. It is not easy to cultivate to the sixth level of Qi training in two years with limited pills.

"Tch, I'm also on the sixth level of Qi training, and I broke through two days earlier than you!" Hu Zai curled his lips.

"Hmph, next time I will definitely surpass you." Xiaoli flicked her two braids.

"I won't let you surpass me!" Tiger Cub laughed.

This tiger cub is a seventh-level wind spirit root, although his aptitude is not as good as Xiaoli's, but his wind spirit root is a different spirit root, and the tiger cub will probably have the upper hand in battle.

"Put these two things away. This is a small gift from Uncle Fool." Li Xiuxian waved his right hand, and the two magical artifacts landed in the hands of the two of them.

Xiaoli's is a red silk, which is a middle-grade magic weapon, while Huzai's is a fan, which is also a middle-grade magic weapon.

"Wow, is this the Magical Artifact that Uncle Fool said?" Xiaoli looked at the red silk in her hand in surprise.

"That's right, these two artifacts are not bad, enough for you to use." Li Xiuxian nodded.

'Thank you, Uncle Fool! "Lily had a smile on her face.

But Huzai's face flashed an imperceptible disappointment: "Thank you, Uncle Fool."

"Are you leaving?" Zhou Qian murmured looking at Li Xiuxian's back.

Li Xiuxian froze: "I'm not suitable for this place."

"Then before you..."

"Maybe it's real, maybe it's just a dream." Li Xiuxian sighed.

"Before you go, can you tell me your real name?" Zhou Qian asked with a blushing face.

"My name is Li Xiuxian!" Li Xiuxian sighed.

When Zhou Qian still wanted to talk to Li Xiuxian, Li Xiuxian was nowhere to be seen.

Wordless tears!
For Zhou Qian, Li Xiuxian was a man who broke into her life, but this man was destined not to belong here.

Zhou Qian had already noticed that Li Xiuxian had recovered her memory, but she didn't point it out. Zhou Qian expressed many times that she hoped that Li Xiuxian could stay, but Li Xiuxian never gave Zhou Qian an answer.

Today, Li Xiuxian finally gave his answer, but it was the answer Zhou Qian didn't want to see the most.

"Are you sad?" Ziyue asked.

"A little bit." Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

Ziyue rolled her eyes: "When did you have the qualifications to be a lover?"

"It was I who harmed her, gave her hope, and let him down." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

"Back then you were a fool, but now you are Li Xiuxian!" Ziyue corrected.

"But it's all me!" Li Xiuxian smiled bitterly, and disappeared completely in Zhaojia Village with a flash of lightning under his feet.

As the birthplace of the ancient war, Yizhou may suffer because of this, but it has more opportunities than the outside world.

The ancient puppet art and ancient armor art that are almost lost in Kyushu were all discovered in this declining Yizhou, and the same is true for "Nine Turns Mysterious Art".

"What are you looking for?" Ziyue asked.

"Corpse." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"Corpse? What corpse are you looking for?" Ziyue was taken aback.

"The corpse of the ancient demon!" Li Xiuxian said.

"Ancient Demon!" Ziyue was startled.

She also didn't know why Li Xiuxian became interested in the ancient demon's corpse on a whim.

"This is the first stop of the demon world's invasion, and it is also the place where the battle is the most intense. The ancient monks and spiritual world monks will definitely block the demons here and give the rest of the Kyushu a buffer time." Li Xiuxian said.

"So what?" Ziyue was taken aback.

"Then this must be the place with the most corpses. Whether it is an ancient monk, a monk from the spirit world, or even a monk from the demon world, there must be a lot of corpses left here." Li Xiuxian explained.

"So what? This incident has already passed tens of thousands of years ago, and those corpses may have been taken away long ago, or they may have been weathered." Ziyue said.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Perhaps what you said is right, but the ancient monks and spiritual powers did not hesitate to seal a state. Could it be that such a big effort is to worry about the trace of magic in our Yizhou people?"

The higher the cultivation base, the more things he knows, and the knowledge is naturally wider. Maybe Li Xiuxian would think this is a good explanation during the foundation building period, but from his point of view, this ancient monk is too much. Too boring.

It is true that Yizhou has been eroded by demonic energy, but it cannot touch the foundation of Kyushu. These little demonic energy are not a problem for the ancient monks at all.

That being the case, the fact that the ancient monks sealed Yizhou is confusing.

"What are you suspecting?" Ziyue's face turned pale.

"I suspect that there is a big person sealed in Yizhou." Li Xiuxian said solemnly.

"A big shot? A big shot in the demon world?" Ziyue's voice had already started to tremble. "Maybe, this is just my guess, but the seal seems a bit unreliable. If I, a Nascent Soul cultivator, can easily pass through, then the great figures in the demon world must also be able to pass through." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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