Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 430 Acting

Chapter 430 Acting
Among the demonic monks, Li Xiuxian was only familiar with the Heavenly Corpse Emperor.

And there is no evidence of death, a dead person will not jump out of the grave to refute.

Li Xiuxian didn't expect that today's small action would bring disaster to the Heavenly Corpse Emperor. The Heavenly Corpse Emperor, who had finally escaped under Li Xiuxian's hands, was beaten to the ground by the cultivators of Mani Temple. left.

This hated Heavenly Corpse Emperor didn't understand until his death why these monks from the Mani Temple would attack him.

All of this is something for later, let's not talk about it for now.

Mani Sandu unexpectedly appeared together, Rao even Li Xiuxian showed a serious look on his face.

None of the cultivators who transform the gods are easy to mess with, and Du'e, one of the three crossings of Mani, is an existence in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods.

Every step forward in the transformation stage is extremely difficult, and those who can advance to the mid-stage stage are all powerful beings. If Du'er makes a move, Li Xiuxian will inevitably bear a little more pressure.

"When did such a person appear in the devil's way, we are so ignorant, Amitabha!" Du E read the Buddha's name in a low voice.

I saw a huge swastika golden light pressing down on Li Xiuxian, its power was not inferior to this boneless relic King Buddha.

"Two dragons come out!" Li Xiuxian shouted.

I saw another divine dragon came out of the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock, smashing the golden light of the swastika into pieces.

When Du'er looked at the chain in Li Xiuxian's hand, he showed deep fear.

In this chain, two dragons can be released one after another to fight against the enemy, and they can faintly compete with the coming of the ancient Buddha!
"Junior brother, let's fight together and break this demon!" The formulas in Du'er's hands were flying, and Du Nan and Du Jie didn't dare to neglect.

"Boom!" The Buddha's power in Tianzhou was like surging sea water, and it was poured into the body of this boneless relic King Buddha.

Li Xiuxian's complexion changed drastically. The Great Arrival Formation of the Mani Temple's Eternal Buddha has exerted his greatest power at this moment, and a divine dragon is already powerless in front of the Boneless Relic King Buddha.

A divine dragon kept roaring, but was firmly pressed to the ground by the hands of the Boneless Relic King Buddha.

"Bang!" The Boneless Relic King Buddha hit Shenlong's head with a punch, and the head of Shenlong was sunken.

"Go!" Li Xiuxian directed the other dragon to help.

"Bang!" Without warning, a golden sword appeared in the Buddha's hand without warning, and directly slashed at the dragon.
"Pfft!" The golden sword entered the body, and the dragon's scales couldn't resist the golden sword!

"Buddha sect supernatural power, Demon-Breaking Sword!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Buzz!" A terrifying force suddenly went straight to Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian's heart was shocked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Buddhist supernatural powers, the Supreme Heart Sword!" Li Xiuxian gritted his teeth, resisting the pain of tearing the soul from the Supreme Heart Sword.

After all, Mani Sandu is the existence with the highest level of cultivation in Mani Temple. It can be said that he has integrated all kinds of magical powers of the Buddhist sect. Coupled with the blessing of the boneless relic king Buddha in front of him, the power of the Buddhist sect's magical powers has greatly increased .

The move of the Supreme Heart Sword just now almost wiped out Li Xiuxian's soul.

Fortunately, Li Xiuxian's soul was comparable to that of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, otherwise he might really have died under this move.

"Damn it, the spiritual power can't keep up at this time!" Li Xiuxian cursed secretly.

The Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock is easy to use, but it is also a great consumption of spiritual power.

It is Li Xiuxian's limit to control the battle between the two dragons in the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock. If he wants to completely control the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock, unless Li Xiuxian has the strength to transform into a god.

"I can only retreat first!" Li Xiuxian secretly sighed.

This time at least he got rid of Mani Temple's old background, and he didn't suffer any losses in this battle.

However, there was a smile on the corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth, even if he was defeated, he still had a little value in losing!
"Roar!" Li Xiuxian crazily poured his spiritual power into the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock.

The two divine dragons suppressed by the Boneless Relic King Buddha resisted with all their might, and even knocked the Boneless Relic King Buddha back two steps!
Mani Sandu was also shocked by Li Xiuxian's strength. This is not a Nascent Soul cultivator, he is clearly a Transformation God cultivator. Even a Transformation God cultivator may not be able to do this step!

"Thief, take your life!" Suddenly, a roar came from below the Mani Temple.

"Buddhist supernatural powers, lion roar!" This sudden roar made Li Xiuxian's ears bleed!

"Boneless Relic King Buddha!" ​​Du Jie was shocked.

At this juncture, it turned out to be Li Suixian who made the move, and the lion's roar just now came from Li Suixian.

At this moment, behind Li Suixian, a Boneless Relic King Buddha has condensed. Although it is still extremely weak, it already has the posture of the Supreme Ten Thousand Buddhas.

"Back off, this is beyond your ability to deal with!" Du E was furious.

This Li Suixian was cultivated by them hard. It can be said that he will be the pillar of the Mani Temple in the future. With his qualifications and the support of the Mani Temple, it is not difficult to advance to become a god. Duer will definitely not let Li Suixiang Fall here.

"Broken Demon Sword!" Li Suixiang shook his right hand, and the right hand of Boneless Relic King Buddha pierced Li Xiuxian's heart fiercely with the long sword condensed by Buddha's light.

"You!" There was a hint of horror in Li Xiuxian's eyes.

"Good job!" Du E was overjoyed, no one would have thought that the sudden intrusion of Li Suixian would become the last straw that crushed the camel's back.

In an instant, a golden flame on the Devil-Breaking Sword incinerated Li Xiuxian's body, and the two dragons confronting the Boneless Relic King Buddha also disappeared at this instant.


The Heavenly Corpse Emperor, whom Mani Sandu tried his best to deal with, died like this?

With a wave of his hand, Li Suixiang put the pieces into the storage bag.

No one saw this tiny movement at all!
"Hmph, that's the end for daring to invade my Mani Temple!" Li Suixiang snorted coldly.

Although Li Xiuxian was repelled, there was no joy on Du'er's face. In order to deal with this so-called Heaven-hating Corpse Emperor, they even used the Great Buddha Formation left by Patriarch Sakyamuni, In a short time, this large formation is absolutely impossible to use.

Du E sighed as he watched the Boneless Relic King Buddha whose Buddha power in the air continued to dissipate.

He beckoned to Li Suixian: "Let's refine, how much you can refine depends on your fortune."

Li Suixiang nodded, sat cross-legged under the Boneless Relic King Buddha, and began to absorb this rare Buddha power.

As the only monk in the Mani Temple who condensed the Buddha statue in the early Yuanying period, the Mani Temple would naturally give Li Suixiang sufficient resources.

The boneless relic King Buddha behind Li Suixiang became more and more solid under the continuous infusion of Buddha power.

Two boneless relics of King Buddha, one big and one small, look at each other.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Li Suixiang's body trembled. Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Li Suixiang broke through in one fell swoop and advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"This son is such a blessing!" Du E nodded.

Almost [-]% of the dispersed Buddha power was absorbed by Li Suixian. The incomparable essence of these Buddha powers can only be possessed by Mani Temple after tens of millions of years of accumulation.

Although Li Suixian could not refine all of them now, after absorbing this pure Buddha power, it would be of great benefit to Li Suixian's future cultivation.

Even Du Jie and Du Nan showed a look of envy in their eyes. Even they were not treated so well back then.

However, with their current status and status, they would not do anything to compete with Li Suixiang for the Buddha's power, and this little Buddha's power has extremely limited effects on them.

Li Suixian absorbed it for more than half an hour before he stopped. The boneless relic Zunwang Buddha behind him was nothing compared to before.

In today's battle, the one who gained the most is Li Suixian.

"This man is really ruthless!" Thousands of miles away, Li Xiuxian sighed while clutching his chest.

There is another faint Buddha's light above the wound, preventing the wound from healing.

But under the engulfment of the blood light, this faint ray of Buddha's light was finally swallowed up, and the sword on his chest recovered instantly.

Li Xiuxian and Li Suixiang put on a good show in front of the three cultivators who transformed themselves into gods.

In the end, Li Suixiang's sweep was to put away the remaining fragments of the magic weapon, so as not to reveal any flaws.

Li Xiuxian used Li Daitao's technique of stiffening, and as his substitutes were the two magic weapons of Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao.

The quality of these two magic weapons is average, and the damage they can resist is extremely limited, so most of the power of this sword is still transferred to Li Xiuxian.

Fortunately, Li Xiuxian had dragon scale body protection on his chest, so there was no serious problem.

Moreover, the two most important items of this trip, Li Yixuan and Jin Lianzi, have already been obtained.

Li Xiuxian returned to his original appearance, found a teleportation array closest to him, and teleported directly to the square city next to the [-] ice fields.

This is the place where monks from Xuechan Palace trade with outsider monks.

There are very few Wannian Xuanbing outside, and even Wannian Xuanyu will be sold here.

What Xuechan Palace wanted was pills, elixir.

Although there are a lot of elixirs growing in the [-]-mile ice field, most of them are cold-type elixirs, and some elixirs still need to be provided outside.

"Hum!" There was a sudden twist on the teleportation array, and a monk in a blue Confucian shirt walked out of the teleportation array.

The few alchemy cultivators guarding the teleportation array were all surprised when they saw that there was only one person in this teleportation.

The cost of the teleportation array is not low. Generally speaking, dozens or even hundreds of monks are teleported together.

One of the monks glanced at the spirit stones on the teleportation array, and the more than 20 high-grade spirit stones that had just been replaced had turned out to be dim at this moment, obviously consuming a lot of spiritual power.

This teleportation is obviously also a long-distance teleportation!
Li Xiuxian didn't say much, and directly dumped thirty top-grade spirit stones.Suddenly, Li Xiuxian's eyes lit up. In this city, he unexpectedly met those juniors whom he met in the Hundred Thousand Li Ice Field!

(End of this chapter)

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