Chapter 431
These three people are obviously the three juniors that Li Xiuxian met when he first entered the Hundred Thousand Miles of Ice Field, ground squirrel, Xin Chen and his younger sister Xin Ling.

Back then, Li Xiuxian had saved one of them. Decades had passed, except for Xin Chen who had raised his cultivation level to Dzogchen in the foundation-building stage, the other two were still in the late stage of foundation-building.

Cultivation is like this, aptitude is one aspect, and opportunity is another aspect.

The reason why Li Xiuxian was able to climb to this level in such a short period of time has a lot to do with his own efforts.

If the three of them hadn't had an adventure, this life would probably have to go around in the foundation building period, and forming a golden core would be something that they would never even think about.

There are tens of thousands of cultivators in the world, but how many people can form the golden core, and how many people can break the golden core to condense the Nascent Soul?
But looking at the anxious expressions of these people, it seems that they have encountered some serious trouble.

If it was within his ability, Li Xiuxian would not mind helping them.

After all, if it weren't for these juniors to lead the way, Xiaoxue would have died from the cold poison in her body before reaching Xuechan Palace. At least at that time, Li Xiuxian had no means to suppress the cold poison in Xiaoxue's body.

"What's the matter, seeing how you are scratching your ears and cheeks, what trouble did you encounter?" Li Xiuxian appeared in front of Xin Chen in a flash.

The sudden appearance of a person surprised the three of Xin Chen, but when they saw the person, they showed surprise on their faces.

"Elder Li, you're not dead?" Xin Ling couldn't help but yelled out.

"Dead?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

Xin Ling knew she had made a slip of the tongue, and hastily explained the ins and outs of the matter to Li Xiuxian.

It turned out that Li Xiuxian was hunted down by the three ancient demons back then, and everyone believed that Li Xiuxian must die.

But in the end the cultivators found the bodies of the three ancient demons, but Li Xiuxian's body was not there.

The owner of Xuechan Palace also ordered Xuechan Palace to find Li Xiuxian's whereabouts, but after decades, there was no news of Li Xiuxian.

Just when everyone thought that Li Xiuxian was dead, Li Xiuxian suddenly appeared again!

Not only that, but also ransacked the Mani Temple!

After listening to Xin Ling's explanation, Li Xiuxian smiled: "It's just three ancient demons, it's nothing!"

Xin Chen frowned, this Elder Li seemed to be exaggerating.

Xuechan Palace Elder Piao Wuying and Mani Six Elders teamed up to kill an ancient demon, and was seriously injured. How capable is this Elder Li, who thinks he is stronger than the seven great monks?

Li Xiuxian didn't know what the three of them were thinking, if it wasn't because of his status, the three of them would probably have sneered at him.

"What trouble do you seem to have encountered?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"En!" Xin Ling nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Xin Ling's eyes lit up. This Elder Li is a monk at the Nascent Soul level. If he can get his help, wouldn't that thing be within his grasp?

"Elder Li, we have something to ask for!" Xin Ling said respectfully.

"Come on, you are kind to me, I can help you within my ability." Li Xiuxian nodded.

"We found a thousand-year-old snow lotus in the 4000-mile ice field. It seems that the year is about [-]-[-] years old." Xin Ling said in a low voice.

"Thousand-year snow lotus." Li Xiuxian nodded.

This is considered a specialty of Xuechan Palace, and those that are three to four thousand years old are even rarer. If they are sold, it will not be a problem to sell them for 4000 to [-] spirit stones.

It's no wonder these juniors are so excited, forty to fifty thousand spirit stones is a huge sum of money for them, especially since the snow lotus is extremely rare, if it can be auctioned, the price can go up by [-] to [-] percent.

Li Xiuxian might not care about the [-] to [-] spirit stones, but for these Foundation Establishment cultivators who were struggling at the bottom, it was a windfall.

"Have you encountered any problems?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"In the place where the snow lotus grows, there are two-headed, three-headed and high-grade monster snow statues guarding it, so we can't go up at all." Xin Chen shook his head.

The third-level monsters are not something that foundation-building cultivators like them can resist, and being pecked by the snow sculptures of these three-level monsters and high-grade monsters can kill them.

Moreover, this snow sculpture can also control the surrounding ice and snow, forming an ice blade that is so powerful that Brother Lian Dan dared not provoke them easily.

It was also the guardianship of the snow sculpture that kept the snow lotus from being discovered.

The three of them were arguing whether to go or not just now, but the ground squirrel firmly opposed it, thinking that the three and the monsters were not something they could provoke, and they would even lose their lives if they didn't do it. Although the spirit stone is good, it must be used with a life .

But Xin Ling thinks it's better to take a gamble. Once they get a 4000-year-old snow lotus, they won't have to come out for a few years. If they seize the opportunity to practice, they might be able to condense the golden core.

Xin Chen just kept silent, even he himself didn't know how to make a decision.

If he followed his own will, he would definitely choose to give it a go. After all, he was already a Dzogchen Foundation Establishment cultivator. As long as he had some elixir to assist him, the chance of congealing the golden core would be greatly increased.

Once you become a monk of alchemy, your status will be completely different.

But he had to think not only for himself, but also for the ground squirrel and his younger sister. This trip was too dangerous, and if he was not careful, he would end up in ruins.

"Three and top-rank monsters should not be difficult to deal with." Li Xiuxian smiled.

The three of Xin Ling were overjoyed. Li Xiuxian's words were obviously willing to help them. With the help of the Nascent Soul cultivator, it would not be a problem if it was a third-rank or higher-rank monster.

"Thank you Elder Li!" Xin Chen said.

"Let's go, without further ado. I'll go to Xuechan Palace after I help you deal with the two snow sculptures." Li Xiuxian waved his hand, and a wave of spiritual force dragged the three of them straight out of Fangshi.

There is one thing that has been on Li Xiuxian's mind for a long time, that is whether Leng Ruling joined Xuechan Palace or not.

"Front, further ahead, there are still about 1000 li. There is a small ice cave inside, and the two snow sculptures live in this ice cave." Xin Ling said while showing Li Xiuxian the way.

"This place is very remote, how did you find it here?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Without Xin Ling's guidance, Li Xiuxian might not have found this place himself.

"It's all thanks to Xiaoxue. If he hadn't led us to search here and there, we wouldn't have found this place." Xin Ling laughed.

"Xiaoxue?" Xin Ling's words touched Li Xiuxian's nerves.

"It's the cub of the snow bear in the ice field that I got last time. After being adopted by Xiaoxue, it has become her spirit beast." The ground squirrel said, with a flash of envy in his eyes.

With a snow bear in the ice field as a spirit beast, Xiaoxue's strength is already considered the strongest among them, even Xin Chen may not be the opponent of this one person and one bear.

"It's here!" Xin Ling said excitedly.

After Li Xiuxian put the three of them down, he walked directly into the ice cave. The monsters with two heads, three and top grade were not worth fearing for Li Xiuxian.

"Chirp!" Two chirping sounds, and the two snow sculptures rushed over fiercely, stabbing at Li Xiuxian with their sharp beaks.

"Boom!" With a flame shield in one hand, Li Xiuxian easily blocked the siege of these three and high-grade monsters.

"Pfft!" Suddenly, a streak of blood flashed across the foreheads of the two snow sculptures.

Two sharp thorns sank into the heads of the two snow sculptures, and the two snow sculptures became silent in a blink of an eye.

The value of the two complete snow sculpture corpses is no less than that of the snow lotus, even more valuable than the snow lotus.

"The spikes on this lizard are quite useful." Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

He took out these two spikes casually, and he had already refined these thousands of spikes into a set of flying needle magic weapon.

It is best used for sneak attacks and group battles.

"Thousand-year snow lotus." Li Xiuxian casually played out a formula to uproot the snow lotus.

The year of this snow lotus is enough, unexpectedly six lotus seeds grew, Li Xiuxian didn't take more, took one lotus seed and threw it into the Wanhua Pearl.

"Huh!" Li Xiuxian stopped suddenly.

There is actually a drop of crystal "dew" on the root of this snow lotus!
In this freezing environment, there are still "dewdrops", which is too strange.

"Ice muscle and cold marrow!" Li Xiuxian found the information of this thing in his mind.

Even Ziyue couldn't help being taken aback, this Li Xiuxian's luck is too good, picking a snow lotus can come across such a good thing.

Compared with the ice muscle cold marrow, this snow lotus is nothing but rubbish!

This ice muscle cold marrow is a treasure comparable to the bell spirit stone milk, and it is even more rare for monks who practice ice attribute skills.

If Xin Chen gets a drop of ice muscle cold marrow, the chance of forming a pill will increase by [-]%!

"It's right here!" The Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword suddenly pierced into the ice layer!
"Boom!" A clear spring spurted out from the ice layer!
This clear spring is not the ice muscle cold marrow, only the trace in the middle of this clear spring is the ice muscle cold marrow.

Li Xiuxian wrapped the cold marrow of the ice muscles with spiritual power, and put the cold marrow in a jade bottle.

He actually collected nearly three bottles of Ice Muscle Cold Essence, which is considered an unexpected harvest.

He lifted the bodies of the two snow sculptures out of the ice cave and threw them directly in front of the three of them, along with a snow lotus.

"Elder Li. This..." Xin Chen was taken aback.

"The corpses of these two snow sculptures are also yours."

Perhaps Li Xiuxian thought he was taking advantage of these people, so he took out a storage bag with 200 yuan of high-grade spirit stones in it, and threw it to them.

"These should be enough for you to practice!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

The three of Xin Chen didn't know what Li Xiuxian meant by this move, and Li Xiuxian had disappeared without a trace when they came back to their senses.

Facing the two snow sculptures, the snow lotus and the 100 yuan high-grade spirit stone, this sudden harvest made the three of them not know what to do in a short time.

These things are definitely a windfall for them. With these things, it is not a problem for Xin Chen to break through the alchemy!As for Li Xiuxian, he had already entered Xuechan Palace at this time, and in front of him, the owner of Xuechan Palace was still wearing the ice mask.

(End of this chapter)

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