Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 443 Nine states in turmoil

Chapter 443 Kyushu Turmoil
Du Long, the ancestor of the Emperor Demon Emperor's lineage, has ignored the agreement and walked out of the Million Demon Mountain. He is bound to kill the monk who killed his son.

In Dulong's view, the human monks in Kyushu are just grasshoppers after autumn, and they haven't been jumping for a few days. I will not start a war with myself for a Nascent Soul cultivator!
"That dude, Poison Dragon, actually walked out of the Million Demon Mountain, which is not in line with our plan." Several figures appeared in the sky above the Million Demon Mountain.

"Let him go, the plan has reached the final stage. The Falan Temple, the Wild Temple, and the Penglai Immortal Palace have all received letters, and they are ready to attack Kyushu at any time." An old man said lightly.

"In this case, let's hurry up and prepare." A woman shook her head, and several figures disappeared over the Million Demon Mountain in an instant.

In Tianzhou, Tong De frowned. With the power of the Tong family in Tianzhou, he would naturally be able to know about the battle that took place in Jingzhou.

Huarong Mountain disappeared completely overnight, and thousands of monks on Huarong Mountain died overnight, even the two Nascent Soul monks sent by the Tong family died inside.

The most important thing is that once Huarong Mountain is broken, there will be a flat river next to it. With the power of Jingzhou, it is absolutely impossible to resist the invasion of the monster clan.

And this is a shortcoming. The Yaozu can invade Kyushu through this shortcoming of Jingzhou.

For thousands of years, the balance between Kyushu and the Quartet is likely to be broken in this instant.

Tianzhou, which has always been in a detached position, may also be dragged into the water.

The same situation also happened in the big and small families in Tianzhou.

In the Thousand Rain Tower, Ye An also looked at the information in his hand. It was only a matter of time before the fall of Jingzhou. Unless the monks of Tianzhou were willing to attack with all their strength to resist the monster race, it would only be a matter of time before the monster race invaded.

"Bring back all the monks in the Bazhou Branch Building!" Following Ye An's order, Qianyulou, a force with business all over Kyushu, also started to move.

Among the eight states, the sub-buildings of the Qianyu Tower disappeared overnight, not only the Qianyu Tower, but also the rest of the forces in Tianzhou, which also shrank back their forces scattered in Kyushu.

The sect monks fighting in the four directions also received orders from the sect to withdraw from the battle.

As for the monks in the other eight states, they received orders from Tianzhou to abandon their foundation and lead their disciples to station in Tianzhou.

This order undoubtedly shocked many monks, and Kyushu seemed to have encountered an unprecedented disaster.

The Pill Spirit Sect in Qingzhou also received orders from Tianzhou, Master Linghu frowned, the situation in Qingzhou was not going well.

These days, the monks in Tianzhou have all gone overnight, and it is undoubtedly a mantis to block the attack of the barbarians with the power of Qingzhou.

"Evacuate!" Master Linghu sighed.

The barbarian attack, which had been stalemate with the monks of Qingzhou, became more and more fierce. The barbarian temple, which had been dormant for an unknown number of years, showed its terrifying power to the monks of Qingzhou for the first time.

Several terrifying high priests in the wild temple swept across the border of Qingzhou with extremely powerful strength, and their strength was not inferior to that of the wild sword.

At the same time, Penglai Immortal Palace, Flan Temple, and Million Monster Mountain also sent their top monks, and Bazhou fell instantly.

The Sea of ​​Chaos is also here to join in the fun. Under the instigation of the Penglai Immortal Palace, several major forces in the Sea of ​​Chaos actually attached themselves to the Penglai Immortal Palace and attacked Kyushu.

For a time, Kyushu was besieged from all sides, except for Tianzhou, all of them fell.

Some monks who stayed in Eight States were either brutally massacred or imprisoned as slaves.

The huge Kyushu was completely lost in just two months!

Li Xiuxian was also recalled by Xuechan Palace because of this incident!
Leng Ruling still wore that ice mask, but her gaze towards Li Xiuxian softened a lot.

"I will definitely cure you." Li Xiuxian said.

Leng Ruling nodded: "I believe in you!"

Since Li Xiuxian was in charge of blocking the previous Emperor Demon Emperor, so that Yue Wuxian could repent safely, so among the elders of Xuechan Palace present here, they did not have much opinion on Li Xiuxian sitting in the top seat.

In the realm of comprehension, strength is the most respected. If you have enough strength, you will naturally be respected enough.

"The Kyushu is in turmoil. According to the opinions of the elders, what should our Xuechan Palace do?" Leng Ruling said lightly.

Being gentle to Li Xiuxian does not mean that Leng Ruling will be gentle to these elders, she is still the cold Xuechan palace master to the outside world.

"Fan Temple, Million Demon Mountain, Penglai Immortal Palace, Wild Temple, we have never been afraid of any of them, but if these four strengths are combined, there is no chance of winning with the power of Kyushu." Yue Wuxian shook his head.

"Being defeated does not mean not going to the enemy. Once Kyushu falls, our Xuechan Palace will definitely not be much better." A woman snorted coldly, as if she was very dissatisfied with Yue Wuxian's mentality.

"The elder of Xuechan Palace, Yi Yue, has a fiery personality." Leng Ruling sent a voice transmission to Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "This woman has a hot personality, but her strength is not very good. She is not even as good as Yue Wuxian in the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

"Don't underestimate this person, this person has mastered a rare supernatural power, and his combat power is not inferior to that of Yue Wuxian!" Leng Ruling warned.

"Oh?" Li Xiuxian's eyes lit up.

This Yiyue was able to compete with Yue Wuxian with her cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it seemed that that supernatural power was quite powerful!

"Words have been sent from the Kunlun Holy Realm before, that the major sects of Tianzhou will be summoned to form an alliance to jointly resist the Quartet Land!" Xuechan Palace said lightly.

Of course, only she, the palace lord, knew about such news, and even Li Xiuxian didn't know about it before that.

"Hmph, he jumped out of the Kunlun Holy Land at this time, nothing more than to become the lord of the Kyushu." Yi Yue snorted coldly.

Li Xiuxian looked at this fiery little girl differently, and he could see the mystery at a glance.

Among the top ten forces in Tianzhou, Kunlun Holy Realm far exceeds the other nine major forces. If they become an alliance, then Kunlun Holy Realm must have the greatest say in this alliance, which is tantamount to becoming the lord of Kyushu in disguise.

But for the current Tianzhou, this is undoubtedly the best way.

This time is different from the past, just fight, this time the four major forces really want to occupy Kyushu.

"Fight!" A cold voice came from the void.

"It's her?" Li Xiuxian was startled, the voice was that young woman.

Leng Ruling nodded: "If that's the case, then there is only war!"

Since we are going to fight, we must join that alliance!
A golden talisman flashed in Leng Ruling's hand, and a smile appeared on the face of the sword master He Zudao in the Kunlun Holy Land.

"Counting the Xuechan Palace, six of the top ten forces in Tianzhou have joined our Tiandao League. Counting several big families such as the Tianzhou Tongjia, and the chamber of commerce headed by Qianyulou, our Tiandao League has already gathered Kyushu. More than half of the power." Sword Master He Zudao said with a faint smile.

"Kunlun Sacred Realm, Tianyi Sect, Nine Sons Demon Sect, Xuechan Palace, Tang Dynasty, Mani Temple, Eternal Sword Sect, Tiansheng Sect, Sanqing Temple, Jiuyou Sect, these are the most powerful sects in Tianzhou. Are there ten sects?" A man in the wild temple put the information that Tianzhou is a major sect on the table.

In the barbarian forbidden area, there are still humans!

As the most honorable place among the barbarians, the barbarian temple may not even be accessible to ordinary barbarians, let alone humans.

"The Heaven and Earth Alliance is really straightforward. When we conquer Tianzhou, your share will be indispensable." A barbarian said lightly.

"Our Heaven and Earth League only want the Kunlun Catalogue!" the man said flatly.

"Here you are!" A black piece of iron in the void fell into the man's hand.

The man nodded in satisfaction: "Cheer up, I wish you all the best in conquering Kyushu!"

"Hmph!" A cold snort came from the void.

The man just smiled faintly, and his body disappeared into the air under the eyes of everyone.

"There are some supernatural beings in the Heaven and Earth Alliance." Said lightly in the void.

"Ghost way secret method." Several barbarians frowned.

There are many restrictions around the wild temple, and it is almost impossible to use space magic here.

As the highest representative of the wild, if they can use their spatial supernatural powers to enter and exit at will, where will they put their face.

"Zhou in the Heaven and Earth Alliance should be a ghost monk!" A barbarian frowned.

Ghost Dao monks have disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and I didn't expect that there are still some in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and their cultivation is still extremely high.

The space outside the wild temple was distorted, and the man walked out majestically.

"Wild Wilderness has already obtained a piece of the Kunlun Catalogue. There are four pieces from the Heaven and Earth League, one piece from the Kunlun Holy Land, one piece from the Million Monster Mountain, one piece from the Tianyi Sect, and one piece from an unknown monk." Zhou said faintly. Said.

If Li Xiuxian were here, he would find that this person was Wan Tian whom he knew in Yizhou!

At this time, Wan Tian was already a cultivator of Huashen, and the speed of his cultivation was simply unimaginable.

Even if Li Xiuxian took advantage of it, even with the help of Xianjing, he would have to wait 200 years before he could advance to God Transformation.

These ten thousand days are only four or five hundred years old, yet they have already succeeded in transforming themselves into gods!

"This is all the strength of the top ten sects in Kyushu!" Among the millions of demon mountains, the three demon kings of god, saint and emperor looked at the jade slip in their hands.

The two black-clothed monks nodded: "Kunlun Atlas."

The three demon emperors nodded, and handed a black iron piece to the hands of two black-clothed monks.

"In this way, our transaction is completed!" said the friar in black lightly.

"Xu, the star in the Heaven and Earth Alliance!" The Demon Emperor snorted coldly.

This time the four major forces joined forces to attack Kyushu, and among them was the help of the Heaven and Earth Alliance!Kunlun Atlas, six of the nine Kunlun Atlas have fallen into the hands of the Heaven and Earth League.

(End of this chapter)

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