Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 444 Monster Beast Attack

Chapter 444 Monster Beast Attack
Xuechan Palace is located in the extreme north of Tianzhou, occupying a [-]-mile ice field. After the monster race crossed Jingzhou and Yangzhou, Xuechan Palace was the first one among them.

The Heavenly Dao League also wants Xuechan Palace to resist the demon clan!
And let the Eternal Sword Sect assist Xuechan Palace, and the major sects in Tianzhou also sent monks to help Xuechan Palace.

Among the forces in the four directions, the monster clan advanced the fastest, and it was only a thousand miles away from Tianzhou. With the advance speed of the monster clan, they could reach the [-]-mile ice field in less than ten days.

Under the leadership of the two major forces, a large number of monks began to build defenses, traps!

The number of human monks is not comparable to that of the monster race, but humans also have their own advantages, supernatural spells, strange formations, ten days may seem short, but for human monks, they can make some basic defensive means .

Li Xiuxian was not hiding anything, he took out hundreds of puppets, and the combination of these Nascent Soul-level puppets was a huge force.

These puppets included those collected in the mausoleum, and some were refined by himself. As long as the soul stone was not damaged, these puppets only needed a little repair before they could go back into battle.

Coupled with the manipulation of a half-hearted puppet master like Li Xiuxian, the power that these hundreds of puppets can exert exceeds that of a hundred Nascent Soul cultivators.

In addition to this Nascent Soul-level puppet, Li Xiuxian also refined more than 500 alchemy-level puppets by relying on the resources in the Heavenly Dao League.

Although soul stones are rare, they are not so rare. In Xuechan Palace alone, there are hundreds of soul stones of alchemy level. If it is not for the lack of time, Li Xiuxian can even refine an army of puppets in the ruins.

As for the little monkey on the shoulder, Li Xiuxian will not forget this little guy.

The little monkey had a soft spot for the big bone stick he got in Yizhou, so Li Xiuxian also made a big stick and threw it to the little monkey.

Although this iron rod has no supernatural powers, several extremely expensive refining materials are added to it, which is not only extremely strong, but also full of weight. Except for the little monkey, there is probably no monk who can swing this big iron rod. Even barbarians are the same.

Li Xiuxian himself tried it, and he could barely lift the iron rod in his half-human half-dragon state. Li Xiuxian couldn't help but secretly sighed about the weight of the iron rod.

In the hands of the little monkey, this iron rod has undoubtedly become a big killer. Even if a fifth-level monster is hit by the little monkey like that, it will probably break several bones.

As for the shattered peacocks that Li Xiuxian locked in the Wanhuazhu, and those monsters seemed to know how to surrender at this time, and they also settled down in the Wanhuazhu.

These monsters are all talented, and they all have the blood of the beasts. Once they grow up, they will be a good help. Unfortunately, there is no time now, and the strength of these monsters is really of no help. .

As for the five tail hairs that had just grown out of the hairless peacock, they were pulled out by Li Xiuxian and blended into his right hand, enhancing his five-color aura.

Regarding this, the hairless peacock dared not speak out, and could only cast his anger on the elixir in the Wanhua Pearl.

With the help of a large amount of elixir, Li Yixuan, who had been suppressed for many years, also recovered his vitality. Like Li Xiuxian, he was also a monk of the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen. With the joint efforts of the two, the Earth Fiend Sword Formation was enough to kill any Huashen The following monsters.

"Here we come!" Li Xiuxian looked at the overwhelming army of monsters coming from a distance, and he couldn't help showing a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

In the past ten days, they have made a lot of preparations, but it is still unknown whether they can stop this wave of monsters!
"Boom!" Suddenly, countless ice blades, fireballs, and wind blades appeared in the sky. Under the bombardment of these spells, the monsters fell down one after another like wheat.

But one hundred of them died in the front, and [-] of them made up for it in the back. These monsters fearlessly attacked the formation arranged by the human monks!
"Let go!" A monk yelled, and in an instant the colorful talismans exploded among the monsters.

Thousands of monsters were killed in this round alone!
Seeing such a victory, some monks couldn't help showing a smile on their faces.

"Don't be careless, these are just the cannon fodder of the monster clan!" Li Xiuxian reminded.

Most of these dead monsters are first-level, a few are second-level, and even third-level is even rarer.

Obviously, these monsters are just cannon fodder used by the monster clan to test the strength of human monks.

But even if it was cannon fodder, they couldn't stand too many of them. These monsters just broke the two restrictions.

The talismans in the monk's hands exploded one after another among the monsters. This group of cannon fodder monsters couldn't resist these talismans at all, and they were almost dead before they reached the third layer of restriction.

"It's time to come out!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

Several huge monsters rushed out. These monsters turned out to be turtle-like monsters with strong defenses. With their powerful defenses, they rushed directly to the third barrier!
"Explode me!" the monk of the Wangu Sword Sect snorted coldly.

In an instant, sword lights shot up from the ground, piercing into the soft abdomen of these monsters!
"Bang!" More than a thousand monsters soared into the sky from the group of monsters, this time it was the third monster!

A gleam flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes. With the strength of these thousands of three-level monsters, the third restriction would definitely not last!
There was a flash of lightning under Li Xiuxian's feet, and the purple lightning soul devouring sword in his hand slashed out, and a purple sword glow traversed the world!

Hundreds of monsters died under this sword!
Destroying beasts with one sword, Li Xiuxian's sudden blow greatly boosted morale.

At best, this was just a temptation from both sides. Even the human monks didn't know why Li Xiuxian made a move at this time, and it was far from the point where the monk Nascent Soul made a move.

"What is he doing?" Leng Ruling frowned, not knowing that Li Xiuxian had such a plan!

"Eye of Destruction! Open!" Li Xiuxian yelled, and saw hundreds of monsters in the front burn instantly, and were burned to ashes in a blink of an eye.

No one has discovered how this flame is produced!

"The flame of the void is the flame of the void of the previous emperor demon emperor!" The Nine Nether Snake Emperor behind was shocked.

The Void Flame of the previous demon emperor actually appeared in the hands of a human monk. What does it mean?
Just thinking about it, the Nine Nether Snake Emperor felt that his back was covered in cold sweat.

The Nine Nether Snake Emperor himself did not expect that as a pioneer, he would encounter human monks who successively slaughtered the Sky Demon Phoenix and the previous Emperor Demon Emperor.

His strength is a bit weaker than that of the Sky Demon Phoenix, let alone the previous Emperor Demon Emperor. How can he match such a terrifying monk.

However, at the moment when he was stunned, more than 1000 three and monster beasts in the front had been slaughtered by the flames of the void.

This invisible flame is best used for group battles. If the monster clan still wants to use this fueling tactic, then Li Xiuxian alone is enough to kill these monsters.

Li Xiuxian, who practiced the Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu, had a strong spiritual power comparable to that of a cultivator who transformed spirits, and even the recovery speed of his spiritual power was several times faster than that of ordinary monks.

"Little monkey, I'll leave this to you!" Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

The little monkey nodded, jumped off Li Xiuxian's shoulders, took out an iron rod about the same height as his body from the storage bag hanging around his neck, and blocked it in front of countless monsters.

These monsters are just the vanguard of the monster clan, and their strength is not strong. Killing these monsters directly can also reduce the pressure on human monks to a certain extent.

"Roar!" The little monkey roared excitedly, and its thin body immediately rushed into the crowd of monsters.

"Bang!" With the stick down, a monster's head was blown off by the little monkey, and its brains flew everywhere!
"Ding!" The paw of the monster beast had no effect on the little monkey, but was thrown out by the little monkey on a rim, killing several monster beasts.

"Little monkey, stop making trouble, just kill it!" Li Xiuxian shouted.

"Roar!" The little monkey's body suddenly rose a hundred feet, and its body of more than 100 feet was considered huge among monsters. It crushed hundreds of monsters to death with a single blow.

According to Little Monkey's style of play, no matter how many monsters there are, it's not enough to kill him.

"Little monkey!" Leng Ruling couldn't help showing a smile on the face of the blue-eyed amethyst ape who was waving an iron rod among the monster beasts.

They found this monkey in Xiaoqian World. At that time, it was just a greedy monkey. They didn't expect it to become so powerful today.

"Block that monkey!" The Nine Nether Snake Emperor was furious, if his team was wiped out by this monkey, then he wouldn't have to mess around among the monster clan!
"Roar!" Several fourth-level monsters soared into the sky.

"Bang bang bang!"

The little monkey didn't even look at it, and just hit it with a stick, immediately smashing one of the fourth-level monsters immobile, and the rest of the fourth-level monsters were similar!

When the little monkey was a third-level monster, its strength was comparable to that of a fourth-level monster. Now, after advancing to the fourth level, its power has increased greatly. Among the fourth-level monsters, it can overwhelm the little monkey in terms of strength. Almost nothing.

Coupled with the innate supernatural power of the little monkey, it is almost invincible among the fourth-level monsters.

"Damn it, I'm coming to meet you!" The Nine Nether Snake Emperor was furious, his hundred-foot-long body slammed into the little monkey, and a few drops of green venom hung on the sharp fangs.

The Nine Nether Snake Emperor bit the little monkey's right hand that was waving the iron rod!
"Hmph, you will surely die if you are poisoned by my venom!" Nine Nether Snake Emperor thought proudly.

But the severe pain that came immediately shocked the Nine Nether Snake Emperor!

His teeth were actually broken, the fangs that could penetrate any magic weapon were actually broken!

At this time, the little monkey's right hand had turned into an amethyst shape, and the teeth of the Nine Nether Snake Emperor were actually broken by the little monkey's right hand.

"Crack!" The little monkey grabbed it violently with his left hand, and the neck of the Nine Nether Snake Emperor was tightly strangled by the little monkey.

A purple light flashed on the left hand, and the body of the Nine Nether Snake Emperor limply fell down.

A generation of demon emperors died in the hands of the little monkey.Until his death, the eyes of the Nine Nether Snake Emperor were full of disbelief!
(End of this chapter)

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