Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 445 Full-scale war

Chapter 445 Full-scale war

With a casual slap, the little monkey dug out the demon pill of the Nine Nether Snake Emperor, and threw it directly into his mouth.

"Bang!" Flesh flew everywhere, and another fourth-level monster was smashed to death by the little monkey.

A group of monsters were defeated by a little monkey!

"The sound is so powerful, it's not enough!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords formed a Tiangang sword formation in the air.

Immediately, countless sword lights submerged these monsters, and the remaining thousand monsters were also wiped out in this blow.

With a raised hand, tens of thousands of monsters were wiped out!
The Tianzhou monks couldn't help cheering when they saw this scene. Having such a powerful monk on their side undoubtedly gave them a shot in the arm.

Seeing the monks below rejoice, even the monk Nascent Soul was infected. In their view, this battle is not so difficult to fight.

"So that's what he thought!" Leng Ruling couldn't help showing a smile.

Due to the successive fall of Kyushu, even the monks of Tianzhou couldn't help but feel a little worried, and the Tiandao League received a large number of monks from the other eight states.

These monks have just suffered losses in the war, and their morale is declining, and it is easy to lower the morale of the team if they are mixed in the team.

However, due to Li Xiuxian's strong performance, the depression in the hearts of these monks was swept away, and the morale was unprecedentedly strong.

However, this kind of morale is based on Li Xiuxian's single-player ability. Once Li Xiuxian loses, this morale will dissipate in an instant, and even cause a rout.

It can be said that this is a double-edged sword, how to use it depends on whether Li Xiuxian can handle it properly.

With the destruction of monsters, all the monks began to get busy, repairing formations, setting traps, refining pills and magic weapons, and these dead monsters became ready-made materials.

As for the corpse of the Nine Nether Snake Emperor, it was left by Li Xiuxian. The value of the Demon Emperor's corpse naturally cannot be compared with those ordinary monsters.

After handing it over to the refiner of Xuechan Palace, Li Xiuxian refined the newly obtained Three Treasure Golden Wings.

The Three Treasure Golden Wings have the three attributes of wind, fire and thunder, and are made from the wings of the Sky Demon Phoenix. It can be said that it is the most suitable flying magic weapon for Li Xiuxian.

With the assistance of the Three Treasures and Golden Wings, Li Xiuxian's speed of casting Purple Thunder Fire Escape has increased by [-]% compared to before. In the Nascent Soul Stage, there are probably not many people who can beat Li Xiuxian in terms of speed.

It took Li Xiuxian half a month to completely refine the three treasures and golden wings.

During this half month, the second wave and the third wave of attacks from the Yaozu continued, and the ice field of a hundred thousand miles was stained red with blood.

The positions were also changed hands repeatedly between monsters and monks, but the monks at the Nascent Soul stage and the fourth-level monsters had not yet officially entered the battle.

Even if there is, it is only a small-scale contact.

During half a month, Li Xiuxian took some time to release five monsters including the hairless peacock. These five monsters had already reached the time of crossing the catastrophe.

As soon as they left Wanhuazhu, they immediately attracted a catastrophe, but with the strength of these monsters, it is not difficult to survive the catastrophe, not to mention Li Xiuxian was there to take care of them.

This tribulation is very sure, the five monsters are all advanced to the third level, except for the flying mantis, the other four monsters were all driven into the Wanhuazhu by Li Xiuxian.

The names of Kunpeng, Xuanwu, and Baihu are really too big. Once they go out, they are easily recognized by the other party. As for the flying mantis, although it feels a bit extraordinary, with Li Xiuxian's knowledge, I don't know any mantis is a powerful character.

However, with the strength of this mantis, it is also able to do a job with ease among the three monsters.

Li Xiuxian randomly took out a demon pill and put it in front of Flying Mantis. Flying Mantis' eyes lit up and he swallowed the demon pill in one gulp.

Demon pills are also of great benefit to monsters. Swallowing monster pills can increase the strength of monsters in a short period of time.

The reason why the little monkey is so powerful is that apart from his innate supernatural powers, he has also swallowed a large amount of demon cores, even the demon cores of the previous emperor demon emperor were swallowed by him.

"Go out and kill any powerful monsters you see, and you can dispose of their demon cores. If you encounter a powerful monster, don't force it, just return it." Li Xiuxian urged.

Flying Mantis nodded, and immediately turned into a black shadow and rushed out.

It is conceivable that with the speed of the flying mantis, there are very few that can match it among the three monsters, and the pair of mantis arms are not easy to provoke.

This war is not something that can be ended in a few months or a few years. If it is fought for a little longer, it is not surprising that it lasts for a hundred years.

The war not only depends on these high-level monks, but also low-level monks. Li Xiuxian also wants to reduce his own casualties as much as possible.

Li Xiuxian looked at the corpse on the battlefield, sighed helplessly, and played out several spells one after another, only to see a burst of black energy suddenly appearing from the corpse, and then crazily rushed towards the group of monsters.

Before the monsters could react, the body of the monster exploded. The self-destruction of a three-level monster was enough to cause fatal damage to the monster. At least twenty or thirty monsters died in this explosion. among.

"How many things are you hiding from me? You even know how to refine corpses?" Leng Ruling looked at and asked.

"I have stayed in Corpse Refining Sect for a while, so I know a little bit." Li Xiuxian smiled.

He doesn't need to refine any powerful refining corpse, nor does he need to consume any materials. After refining one, he puts it into the battlefield, and then rushes into the group of monsters to explode himself. Small hit.

However, Li Xiuxian's materials for refining corpses are the corpses of monster races. Li Xiuxian can't move those human corpses, and he doesn't dare to move them. Once he does this, it will arouse the anger of Tianzhou monks. A taboo that Li Xiuxian dare not touch.

Li Xiuxian slapped the storage bag with his right hand, and more than ten puppets at the alchemy stage entered the battlefield under his control. More than ten puppets at the alchemy stage formed a formation, piercing deeply like an awl. The hinterland of the monster army.

These puppets don't know pain, and don't fear death, and the power they display is often stronger than that of an ordinary alchemy monk.

"The monster clan is not in a hurry to attack, they are waiting for the opportunity!" Li Xiuxian said calmly while watching the fighting outside.

"A time for an all-out attack!" Leng Ruling nodded.

"I'm afraid, that time is not far away." Li Xiuxian pointed his finger, and several refined corpses blew themselves up again.

Leng Ruling sighed slightly: "We are not living in a good era!"

"Is it not the right time to be born? Maybe this is an era that produces heroes!" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.



Suddenly, a shocking roar came from the Million Demon Mountain!
At the same time, several tyrannical auras in Tianzhou soared into the sky, confronting the few auras in Million Monster Mountain.

"God Transformation Cultivator!"

"Level five monster!"

Li Xiuxian and Leng Ruling's expressions changed at the same time.

However, this is like a signal for a full-scale war. The three major forces, the French, the wild, and the Penglai Xianhai, attacked Kyushu at the same time.

"Kill!" Hundreds of demon emperors soared into the sky above the [-] ice fields!

"The battle has begun!" Li Xiuxian sighed slightly, and with a slap of the Three Treasures' golden wings on his back, he appeared in front of the human monks!

Monster races have a long lifespan, even the most common monsters can live for 500 years without any problems, and it is normal for those who have successfully advanced to live for 2000 years.

In terms of the number of strong people, the demon clan has a lot of advantages over humans, and these demon emperors can live for four to five thousand years at any time.

Among human beings, even great monks can only live for 2000 years at most, and it is almost impossible to live for 5000 years without breaking through to become a god.

If it weren't for the difficulty of monster beasts to advance, they would not be able to overwhelm humans in terms of the number of top powerhouses. In addition, humans have many supernatural powers, magic weapons, formations, and alchemy techniques to suppress the monsters in the million monster mountains. family.

Hundreds of demon emperors, a million demon mountains are really magnificent!

Li Xiuxian sneered, stepped forward with one step, and the pressure of the great cultivator slammed down on these hundreds of demon emperors!

"It was him, the one who killed the Sky Demon Phoenix!" The Hunshi Ape Emperor was shocked.

"Quick, give the ancestor of the poisonous dragon a message!" the Hunshi Ape Emperor roared.

"If it's yours, then you have no chance!" Li Xiuxian's figure suddenly appeared behind the Hunshi Ape Emperor, and he slapped it down.

"Crack!" The head of the Hunshi Ape Emperor exploded instantly, and the restored body was thrown into the Wanhua Pearl by Li Xiuxian.

"Let's go too!" Yue Wuxian and the others laughed out loud, the only way to deal with these Demon Emperors was to rely on them, the Great Cultivators.

However, on the human side, even if they gathered the two forces of Xuechan Palace and Eternal Sword Sect, they only produced more than 100 great monks, which was too rare compared with the four or five hundred demon emperors.

"Little monkey, look, who among us kills more! If you win, I will let you drink enough Xuanyang Bingpo!" Li Xiuxian shouted.

The eyes of the little monkey who had been sitting on Li Xiuxian's shoulder suddenly shot a bright light!
Xuanyang Ice Soul, this thing has been cultivated in the Wanhua Pearl for hundreds of years, and the secreted crystal liquid has almost turned into a small lake, but because of Li Xiuxian's relationship, the little monkey dare not touch it at all.

But today, Li Xiuxian actually made such a condition, so the little monkey has to work hard!
"This gluttonous guy!" Even Li Xiuxian, who knew the temper of the little monkey, couldn't help but curse.

"For monsters, this Xuanyang Ice Soul is definitely no less attractive than the blood of the Shenlong!" Ziyue rolled her eyes.

"That thing, if you hadn't reminded me, I'm afraid I would have forgotten it!" Li Xiuxian laughed.

"Cut, you just have a lot of good things. If I had a body, I would definitely suck up that small lake." Ziyue snorted.

"Roar!" A purple light flashed in the sky, and as the purple light disappeared, the iron rod in the little monkey's hand turned into an amethyst state, and directly pierced into a tiger's body!The Chiyan Tiger Emperor, equivalent to the Demon Emperor in the late Yuanying period, couldn't take a stick from the little monkey!
(End of this chapter)

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