Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 448 Mission, Looting!

Chapter 448 Mission, Looting! (1)

"Roar!" The poisonous dragon howled in pain. In front of the real dragon, the dragon scales of this poisonous dragon are useless at all.

"Bang!" But this poisonous dragon is also a ruthless monster, and he managed to forcefully aim at Shenlong's head with a claw.

Even if it is a divine dragon comparable to a fifth-level top-grade monster, it cannot be completely ignored when it is hit by this claw. The dragon scales on its head burst instantly at this moment.

"Lock!" Li Xiuxian gave a low shout, the Nine Nether Binding Dragon Lock on his right hand flashed a black light, and several black chains stretched out instantly, tightly entangled the poisonous dragon!

With a pull of his right hand, the chains tightened immediately, binding the poisonous dragon into a big rice dumpling!

Due to the restraint of the dragon, the poisonous dragon was once again entangled by the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock before it could resist.

There are nine divine dragons sealed in the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock, and none of them can be resisted by a poisonous dragon.

But even if Li Xiuxian turned the Xuan Gong seven times, with Li Yixuan's power integrated, he could only control three dragons at most to fight against the enemy.

But this was enough for Li Xiuxian, the two divine dragons were already able to fight inextricably with the Arrival of the Eternal Buddha in the Mani Temple!

"The chains used to lock Xinyou are more than enough to lock this poisonous dragon!" Li Xiuxian smiled lightly.

On the black chains, traces of black mist became thicker and thicker.

Dulong's face is getting more and more painful, the feeling of being taken away from this kind of power is not good!

"This is the secret method of ghosts, the chains used in the Five Ghosts Locking God Formation. Even I have never seen this kind of material. It should be a very precious material!" Ziyue said.

Li Xiuxian nodded. When he was at the altar, although Xinyou easily broke the five chains after he got out of trouble, he still put them away when he left.

In the end, when refining the Nine Nether Binding Dragon Lock, he took out one. The thing that Xinyou could take a fancy to was naturally not a mortal thing!

Even Xinyou can be locked by this chain for tens of thousands of years, so naturally this poisonous dragon can't break free!

"Tie him up first!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

I saw that in the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock, several black chains imprisoned the poisonous dragon instantly, and even the demon power in the poisonous dragon's body was imprisoned!
Such a method is surprisingly the Moyou lock that Xinyou used at that time, and Xinyou also imprinted this supernatural power in the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock.

"Roar! Damn you, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!" The poisonous dragon roared angrily, wanting to expose himself.

"Forget it, this Moyou lock can even lock your dantian, want to explode? Don't even think about it!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and slapped Dulong on the head.

The poisonous dragon's mouth suddenly opened, and a blue demon pill fell into Li Xiuxian's hand.

"It's your luck that you got this poisonous dragon demon pill, but now it's mine!" Li Xiuxian smiled lightly, and threw the poisonous dragon demon pill into the Wanhua Pearl.

If the poisonous dragon does not have the poisonous dragon demon pill, then the most dreaded poisonous mist will lose its effect, and its strength will drop by more than one level!
"Roar! Roar!" Dulong roared angrily, and this was the only thing he could do now.

The Moyou lock locked all his strength, and his current body couldn't even move.

After Li Xiuxian stunned the poisonous dragon, he threw it into the Wanhua Pearl, and then hurried back to the battlefield.

Although the Nine Nether Binding Dragon Lock is powerful, Li Xiuxian is a little afraid of the consumption of spiritual power. In just this moment, the spiritual power in his body has been exhausted.

"In comparison, you are still easier to use, and you don't need to consume any spiritual power!" Li Xiuxian laughed.

Ziyue couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "If I hadn't cooperated with you, you wouldn't have used this Purple Lightning Soul Eater sword a few times!"

Li Xiuxian was also very fortunate about this, if not for Ziyue's cooperation, he wouldn't be able to use the Purple Lightning Soul Eater even a few times.

After swallowing a drop of bell spirit stone milk to recover the lost spiritual power, Li Xiuxian rushed back to Xuechan Palace.

On the [-]-mile ice field, there are shouts of killing everywhere, monsters and humans are fighting crazily together!
"You're back?" Yue Wuxian was surprised when he saw that Li Xiuxian was safe and sound.

Yue Wuxian didn't want Li Xiuxian to die, but the other party was able to survive under the hands of a fifth-level monster. This is really surprising!

If Yue Wuxian knew that Li Xiuxian not only came back alive, but also captured the poisonous dragon alive, he might faint immediately.

"It just so happens that the palace lord and the lord of the Eternal Sword Sect are urgently recruiting a few great monks, Elder Li will go with me." Yue Wuxian said.

If they have the help of a master like Li Xiuxian in this mission, then the success rate will definitely increase greatly!

Li Xiuxian nodded, just in time, he wanted to repay Leng Ruling's peace.

On the way, Yue Wuxian and Li Xiuxian talked about some information about this mission.

In addition to the monster clan's attack, they will also wantonly plunder in the Kyushu. After all, things like spirit stones and elixir are also of great use to monsters.

Fighting a war is not only about manpower, but also resources.

Although Tianzhou is big, it is not enough to support the consumption of thousands of monks. In just a few months since the war started, more than half of the spirit stones and elixirs stored by Xuechan Palace and Eternal Sword Sect have been consumed.

Formation, alchemy, refining, training, and restoring spiritual power all consume a lot of spiritual stones. Although Xuechan Palace has dozens of spiritual stone mines, most of them are within the range occupied by the monster clan. It is equivalent to being useless, and the supply of spirit stones mined from the remaining spirit mines is simply in short supply.

If this continues, the only advantage of human monks will be gone!

Xuechan Palace and Eternal Sword Sect agreed to send a team to the area occupied by the Yaozu to rob the Yaozu's resources.

This mission can be said to be extremely dangerous. Once you fall into the siege of the monster clan, even if you grow wings, you will not be able to fly out.

"The Palace Master seems to be leading the team himself!" Yue Wuxian said worriedly.

Li Xiuxian frowned: "Nonsense!"

Leng Rulingui is the master of Xuechan Palace, how could she put herself in danger!

"Jianchen, Yuwenxiao." In the main hall of Xuechan Palace, Li Xiuxian saw two familiar figures.

"Palace Master Xuechan, this matter is settled like this. We have three members from the Eternal Sword Sect, Jian Chen, Yu Wenxiao, and a great monk Hao Ming!" Zhuge Wuming, the lord of the Eternal Sword Sect, said.

"There are also three people from Xuechan Palace, big monk Yue Wuxian, big monk Gu Youlan, and this palace will come out in person!" Leng Ruling said calmly.

Surprise flashed across Zhuge Wuming's eyes, he didn't expect that Leng Ruling would go out in person!
"How can the owner of Xuechan Palace be like this? Let me take the last place!" Li Xiuxian's figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

Seeing Li Xiuxian's appearance, a gleam of joy flashed across Leng Ruling's face, but it was well covered by the ice mask.

Li Xiuxian's appearance here meant that the fifth-level monster had been resolved.

Even though he knew that Li Xiuxian possessed such abilities, Leng Ruling still felt like he was dreaming.

Zhuge Wuming couldn't help but take another look at Li Xiuxian. The Eternal Sword Sect also had a Huashen Patriarch following them on this trip, and this was their last trump card for the Eternal Sword Sect.

When the poisonous dragon appeared, the ancestor of the Wangu Sword Sect also frankly admitted that he was no match for the poisonous dragon alone.

A fifth-level monster that is more powerful than the ancestor of Huashen didn't kill this person!
Jian Chen and Yu Wenxiao couldn't help showing a gleam of joy on their faces. The two of them were able to survive in Huarong Mountain because they relied on Li Xiuxian to block the previous emperor and demon emperor!
"Three Great Cultivators from Xuechan Palace, what a great deal!" Zhuge Wuming said with a smile.

"Eternal Sword Sect's twin swords are also very famous, and they even stole the title of He Zudao Sword Master!" Leng Ruling said coldly.

This time, it was sneaking into the territory of the monster clan, so there were not many soldiers but fine soldiers. The more people there were, the greater the possibility of being discovered.

"According to the news we got, after one month, the Yaozu will send the resources plundered in Jingzhou, Yangzhou, and Tianzhou back to Million Monster Mountain. The number of escorted spirit stones has reached hundreds of millions. It should not be underestimated either, if this batch of supplies is sent back to Million Monster Mountain, the strength of the monster clan will have a leap in a short period of time, which is not good for us!" Since Leng Ruling doesn't like to talk, The assignment of tasks and the like are all manipulated by Zhuge Wuming.

"Because the resources intercepted this time are too huge, even more than a hundred storage bags may not be able to hold them. If my Eternal Sword Sect and Xuechan Palace each take out a space spirit treasure!" Zhuge Wuming Said quite proudly.

Spirit treasures are rare, and space spirit treasures are even rarer. Space magic weapons are extremely difficult to refine. Even most Nascent Soul cultivators use storage bags.

Only the Xuechan Palace and the Eternal Sword Sect, a superpower that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, has the ability to produce such a rare thing as the Space Spirit Treasure.

A bracelet, a belt.

The space bracelet of Xuechan Palace naturally fell into the hands of Li Xiuxian, but it was extremely reluctant to become a spiritual treasure, and there was not even a complete weapon spirit in it, it was just a little more spiritual than ordinary magic treasures, but this The space of the space bracelet is quite large, with thousands of cubic meters, which is much larger than the dozens of cubic meters of the storage bag.

And the storage belt of Wangu Jianzong is also similar to the storage bracelet. The two storage magic weapons should barely be able to hold the huge amount of things. Even if they can't fit, they each get dozens of A storage bag can also hold a lot of things.

If they want to intercept this batch of supplies, they have to go through the Tianzhou territory occupied by the demon clan, as well as Jingzhou and Yangzhou. This is quite a challenge for Li Xiuxian and the others.

No matter how confident Li Xiuxian is, he doesn't dare to let himself be surrounded by endless monsters!What is left for Li Xiuxian and the others is only one month. In one month, they have to pass through the many barriers of the monster clan, and they cannot use the teleportation array. This limits the speed of Li Xiuxian and the others. It's just impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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