Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 449 Incarnation of the Demon Emperor

Chapter 449 Incarnation of the Demon Emperor
"Pfft!" With a few flashes of light and shadows, the eyes of a monster lost their luster.

Just when the monster was about to fall to the ground, a figure flashed by, and the body of the monster disappeared instantly, without making a single sound during the whole process.

Even the monsters in front of him didn't find anything abnormal.

Immediately, these lights and shadows appeared again, and the unconscious monster became the target of being hunted and killed again!
"Li Daoyou's flying needle magic weapon is really enviable, killing people invisible!" Hao Ming looked at the lights and shadows in the sky and sighed.

Even with his cultivation as a great monk, if he hadn't known the location of the flying needle magic weapon for a long time, he would not have been able to find it at all.

"Fellow Daoist Yuwen, the innate body-breaking and invisible sword energy is also good, invisible and invisible!" Yue Wuxian said lightly.

' Whoosh! "Two figures suddenly appeared in front of a few people.

Impressively, it was Li Xiuxian and Yu Wenxiao.

At this moment, they had restrained their aura, as if they were ghosts at night!
"How's the situation?" Yue Wuxian asked.

"It's very bad. There are more and more monsters patrolling the road behind. As long as we dare to fly in the air, we will definitely attract the attention of these monsters." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

"It's the same on my side. There are a lot of monsters. It's very difficult to get through." Yu Wenxiao shook his head.

They only had one month, but they stayed here for more than ten days without leaving Tianzhou.

The number of monsters is increasing. Countless monsters are coming from the million monster mountains. God knows how many monsters there are in the million monster mountains.

These monsters are not strong, Li Xiuxian can easily kill hundreds of them, but once the monsters are disturbed, then their mission this time can be said to be a complete failure.

"There are too many monsters, there are monsters in the sky and on the ground!" Li Xiuxian frowned.

This is the advantage of the monster race. Human monks cannot fly into the air unless they use swords or magic spells, but some monsters are born to fly, and some monsters can hide from the ground.

Li Xiuxian and the others also tried to walk through the ground, but they found that there were a lot of mouse-like monsters in the ground, densely packed, and I don't know how many there are.

"Did these monsters expect us to sneak across?" Jian Chen couldn't help asking.

"Probably not, this should be a method among the monsters to prevent the sneak attacks of human monks!" Li Xiuxian shook his head.

"Then what should we do? There is no way to go to the sky, and there is no way to go to the earth. At this speed, we may not be able to reach Jingzhou even in a year!" Hao Ming said.

"It seems that we can only take risks!" A trace of helplessness flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes.

"Li Daoyou has a solution?" Hao Ming looked at Li Xiuxian in surprise.

Li Xiuxian nodded.

"What way?" Hao Ming was overjoyed!
"Be my captive!" Suddenly Li Xiuxian restrained Hao Ming, at this time Li Xiuxian had already turned into a half-human half-dragon body!

"You. Hahaha, great plan, great plan!" Hao Ming was not angry but happy!
Li Xiuxian smiled slightly: "I hope everyone can help me keep it a secret!"

Yue Wuxian and Gu Youlan nodded. Li Xiuxian is the elder guest of their Xuechan Palace, so they naturally don't want this matter to be exposed.

As for Jian Chen and Yu Wenxiao, they still have a little friendship with Li Xiuxian, and Li Xiuxian has saved their lives, so Li Xiuxian is relieved.

Only Hao Ming in front of him has nothing to do with Li Xiuxian. The reason why Li Xiuxian restrained Hao Ming was also a warning.

Obviously, Hao Ming also understood what Li Xiuxian meant!
"To be on the safe side, I will block your spiritual power first!" Li Xiuxian said.

Several people nodded, now this is the only way to quickly break through the Yaozu's defense line, otherwise the day lily will be cold by the time they arrive!

Soon Li Xiuxian walked in the Yaozu territory swaggeringly with the five of them. Although he couldn't fly, his speed was much faster than stealthy sneaking!
"Roar!" Suddenly several Gale Wolves roared, and rushed towards the six of them!
"Blind your dog's eyes!" Li Xiuxian was furious, and the unique coercion of the dragon on his body instantly overwhelmed him!
The wolves of Galewind showed horror in their eyes, watching the half-human, half-dragon Li Xiuxian lay obediently on the ground.

"Which Lord Demon Emperor is it?" An old man appeared behind the group of Gale Wolves and asked respectfully.

"Who are you?" Li Xiuxian looked at the old man arrogantly.

"Your Majesty, the leader of the Gale Wolf Clan, Lang Xiaotian!" the old man said respectfully.

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly: "Wolf of Gale Wind?"

Lang Xiaotian's face darkened, the Gale Wolf is just an inconspicuous group, and it is also greatly suppressed in the Million Monster Mountain.

In the war with human beings, it is also a tragic family that is used as cannon fodder. In the whole group, except for the wolf king, Lang Xiaotian, there is not a single monster that has advanced to the fourth level.

The mess is so miserable, not to mention the birth of a demon emperor!

After Lang Xiaotian felt the aura released by Li Xiuxian, he hurried over. The aura of the demon emperor was much stronger than the one he had seen.

Moreover, this demon emperor is still from the lineage of the dragon, and the most powerful among the dragons is the lineage of the emperor's demon emperor. If this demon emperor is from the lineage of the emperor's demon emperor, as long as the Gale Wolf clan climbs this big tree, Just earned it!
How did Lang Xiaotian know that this demon emperor, who was eager to curry favor with him, turned out to be a human being through and through.

However, Li Xiuxian, who has the blood of the true spirit, is indeed very similar to the Yaozu to a certain extent.

If Li Xiuxian is determined to impersonate the Yaozu, there is really no one who can expose him. He has what the Yaozu has, and he has what the Yaozu does not have!

"I still want to report my emperor's name to you?" Li Xiuxian snorted!
"Don't dare, dare not, I just want to see if there is anything that can help the Demon Emperor!" Lang Xiaotian almost lay on the ground.

The more powerful Li Xiuxian behaved, the happier Lang Xiaotian felt. This is the truly powerful demon emperor. As long as he climbs this big tree, the Gale Wolf clan will be saved.

Glancing at the Gale Wolves lying on the ground, Li Xiuxian nodded: "Just carry this human on your back and return to Million Demon Mountain with me!"

"Human!" Lang Xiaotian was taken aback.

I just patronized the demon emperor, but I didn't realize that there were several humans standing behind the demon emperor. The spiritual power in these five humans was imprisoned, and their hands were locked in chains!
What shocked Lang Xiaotian even more was that he couldn't understand the strength of any of these humans!
"The strength of this demon emperor is really unfathomable!" Lang Xiaotian thought in his heart.

"These people are the alchemists among the human beings that this emperor managed to capture. If anything happens, this emperor will slaughter all of your Gale Wolf clan!" Li Xiuxian snorted.

Lang Xiaotian hurriedly lowered his head, expressing that he would definitely protect the safety of these alchemists.

Pills are extremely rare among the monsters. It is not that there are no alchemists among the monsters, but the monsters are born with no talent for alchemy, so these alchemists who are regarded as treasures by the monsters are even alchemy apprentices in the eyes of humans. None of them count.

If you want these five people to enter the Million Demon Mountain with yourself, then you must give these five people a good name, and the alchemist is undoubtedly the most suitable.

It is not uncommon for human alchemists to take refuge in the monster race. There are still many human alchemists in the million monster mountains.

Lang Xiaotian hurriedly revealed his real body, and a white wolf three or four feet tall appeared in front of Li Xiuxian.

The other five people also sat on a Gale Wolf and started running wildly across the land!
Although the monsters along the way were a little surprised that there were several people sitting on the back of the Gale Wolf, they were quickly scared away by the terrifying aura emanating from Li Xiuxian.

Demon Emperor, that's not something they can provoke, it's better not to take care of it, so as not to get angry.

Lang Xiaotian didn't have much opinion about Li Xiuxian's human body. After all, some monsters would choose to take this form after being able to transform into a human form.

"Stop!" Suddenly there was a roar in the sky, and a huge eagle directly grabbed a Gale Wolf.

Once the sharp claws are firmly grasped, not only the Gale Wolf, but even Yue Wuxian sitting on the Gale Wolf's back will be caught into a pile of minced meat!
"Presumptuous!" Li Xiuxian jumped into the air, his whole body covered under scales, and punched the eagle with his fist!
"Crack!" Li Xiuxian smashed the indestructible sharp claws instantly.

Li Xiuxian's punches continued unabated, and they even went straight to the giant eagle's chest, obviously wanting to leave this giant eagle behind!
"Bang!" A blood hole instantly appeared in the giant eagle's chest.

The giant eagle howled, and its huge body fell to the ground!

"Crush me, die!" After speaking, Li Xiuxian punched the giant eagle's head.

Lang Xiaotian looked in horror at the giant eagle that was already dead and couldn't die any more. This giant eagle belonged to the Dragon Eagle clan.

But this Dragon Eagle, who was stronger than himself, was beaten to death by Li Xiuxian with three punches!

"Presumptuous!" A bigger giant eagle rushed down from the sky!

"Demon Emperor!" Lang Xiaotian was so excited that he even had the urge to turn his head and run away.

"Try to run and see, as long as you dare to run, I will destroy you!" Li Xiuxian's extremely cold words made the thought of Lang Xiaotian disappear in an instant!

"The Dragon Eagle Emperor? That's all!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Which line of demon emperor are you, you dare to hurt my Dragon Eagle clan!" Dragon Eagle Emperor looked condescendingly at Li Xiuxian.

"Come down!" Li Xiuxian waved his palm, and the dragon scales in his hand flew towards the Dragon Eagle Emperor like sharp blades!
"You're courting death!" The Dragon Eagle Emperor was furious, flapped his wings, and instantly hundreds of flying feathers fell down.

But with just one touch, these flying feathers were cut off by the dragon scale, and in a blink of an eye, the dragon scale had already submerged into the body of the Dragon Eagle Emperor! "You." The Dragon Eagle Emperor was terrified, when did such a big monster appear among the monster clan and monster emperors, with such strength!
(End of this chapter)

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