Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 454 God Tree Builds Wood

Chapter 454 God Tree Builds Wood
"Hahahaha, it's up to you?" Hu Wuji looked at Li Xiuxian with disdain as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

In his opinion, Li Xiuxian just left the Nascent Soul to linger in the bead. How much power can the Nascent Soul of the Nascent Soul cultivator have, and is he allowed to devour it?
"That's right, it's up to me!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

The little monkey took the lead, and the iron rod in his hand instantly turned amethyst-colored, and he smashed it down.

Hu Wuji, who only had the ghost soul left, dared not take it head-on, he hastily turned sideways to avoid the blow!
"There are helpers!" Hu Wuji snorted coldly.

"A fifth-level monster dares to show off in front of me, it's boring!" The black water snake sneered, and its body turned into a black shadow and hit Hu Wuji's body.

"Bang!" This collision almost scattered Hu Wuji's demon soul, and the body of that miniature tiger twisted for a moment.

"Cut, with this kind of strength, you dare to act presumptuously in front of me!" The Black Water Xuan Snake sneered disdainfully, and lashed out at Hu Wuji's body with his tail, causing Hu Wuji's demon soul to dim again.

If it is Hu Wuji's body, the Blackwater Xuan Snake is naturally no match for Hu Wuji.

Now Hu Wuji only has the demon soul left, so why not let him rub it?

Hu Wuji also felt particularly aggrieved, he was only left with the demon soul, and he couldn't even get one percent of his strength.

Among the Myriad Flower Beads, the only one he can deal with is probably Li Xiuxian who is left with the Nascent Soul.

However, it is obviously impossible to attack Li Xiuxian among the many guards.

What makes Hu Wuji even more aggrieved is that this Wanhuazhu can only enter but not exit, unless Li Xiuxian opens a hole to let Hu Wuji go out, otherwise Hu Wuji has no way at all!

"Seizing the home? It seems that you are the one who will be taken away today!" Li Xiuxian had a sneer on his face.

In an instant, 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords whizzed out, and at some point Li Yixuan appeared behind Hu Wuji, and imprisoned Hu Wuji with 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords.

"Roar! You will die!" Hu Wuji crazily hit the sword array, but how could he break free with his current weak strength?

At this time, the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword was like a cage, trapping Hu Wuji in the center, and the strands of the golden thunder sword were like chains, tightly locking Hu Wuji.

Li Xiuxian sneered, stretched out his palm, and landed on Hu Wuji's forehead with his right hand.

"Swallow!" Li Xiuxian roared.

Li Xiuxian actually wants to take over Hu Wuji in turn!

Under normal circumstances, this is simply impossible!

But Hu Wuji now only has the demon soul left, and it is still in Li Xiuxian's body, coupled with the suppression of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, Li Xiuxian's power has already overwhelmed Hu Wuji!


Hu Wuji twisted his body crazily, but was slapped by Li Yixuan's palm, and his body immediately dimmed a lot, and he could barely maintain his basic shape.

"Roar!" Following Li Xiuxian's devouring, Hu Wuji's body became more and more empty, and within half an hour, Hu Wuji completely disappeared into the Wanhua Pearl.

"Huh!" After devouring Hu Wuji's demon soul, Li Xiuxian's Nascent Soul was also solidified a lot, and more importantly, he got Hu Wuji's thousands of years of memory!

Hu Wuji, the ancestor of the lineage of the God Demon Emperor, has attracted much attention since he was born because of the unique white tiger bloodline of the lineage of the God Demon Emperor. Ji, advanced five levels, one of the ancestors of the Chengyao nationality.

There are countless monsters and humans who died at the hands of Hu Wuji.

While learning about Hu Wuji's life, Li Xiuxian also had a general understanding of the strength of the Yaozu.

The lineage of the God Demon Emperor has four fifth-level monsters sitting in the town, the Holy Demon Emperor also has four heads, and the lineage of the Emperor Demon Emperor has the most, with five level-[-] monsters.

But minus the poisonous dragon, and the head that was cut off by Master Yao Slayer, the lineage of Emperor Yaohuang is actually the weakest, with only three heads.

Among the other monsters, there are also level five monsters, but they are far from being able to compete with the three major monster emperors in terms of numbers.

In general, the number of fifth-level monsters in the Million Monster Mountain is no less than twenty!
If compared with the entire Tianzhou, twenty fifth-level monsters might not be too many. After all, there are almost the same number of cultivators in Tianzhou, or even a few more.

But at this time, Tianzhou is not just fighting with the monster clan, there are also the Faran people, the barbarians, and the Penglai Xianhai. Among these forces, there must be existences comparable to the god-forming stage, so the pressure on Tianzhou suddenly A little bigger.

The main forces resisting the Yaozu are the Xuechan Palace and the Eternal Sword Sect. The combined number of cultivators in these two sects will not exceed one hand. It is obviously necessary to resist so many fifth-level monsters from the Yaozu. not enough!

This time, Li Xiuxian's harvest is also huge. Not only did he swallow Hu Wuji's demon soul, but his strength was further improved, and he even got Hu Wuji's body, and this Hu Wuji happened to be a metallic monster.

Counting the fire-type demon pill of the poisonous dragon, Li Xiuxian had already collected two of the five-element demon pill.

After Li Xiuxian got out of the Wanhua Pearl, he once again controlled his body!
"Is there anything serious?" Long Biao looked at Li Xiuxian and asked.

From his point of view, the person in front of him was still Hu Wuji, who had no idea that Hu Wuji had been swallowed by Li Xiuxian.

"It's nothing serious, the sword energy of the Demon Slaying Sword is more troublesome than I imagined." A deep voice came from Li Xiuxian's mouth.

After devouring Hu Wuji's demon soul, Li Xiuxian has already mastered most of Hu Wuji's memories, and it is not difficult for him to imitate Hu Wuji's voice.

Long Biao didn't have any suspicions either. In his opinion, Li Xiuxian's Nascent Soul had been devoured by Hu Wuji long ago. How could he have thought that Hu Wuji would be devoured by Hu Wuji?

"You have made a great contribution this time, I believe the Holy Tree will appreciate you a lot!" Long Biao said with a grin.

Li Xiuxian nodded, he already knew the existence of the holy tree from Hu Wuji's memory, it can be said that the most precious thing among the monster clan is not the ancestor of the monster clan, but the holy tree.

In Hu Wuji's memory, the sacred tree is extremely vague. Even with Hu Wuji's status, there are not many chances to see the holy tree, and every time he bows his head devoutly.

The holy tree is the root of the monster clan, without the holy tree, the glory of the monster clan today will cease to exist!
Li Xiuxian also had a plan in mind. If the sacred tree was really so important, he would not mind destroying the sacred tree. This would be a huge blow to the monsters.

"What happened to the Demon Town Tower?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"It has been sent under the sacred tree. There are a few first-generation demon emperors guarding it, and there are also a few fifth-level monsters. It is absolutely safe!" Long Biao laughed.

Li Xiuxian nodded. The area around the holy tree can be said to be the most heavily guarded place by the monster race. Even if a cultivator who transforms himself breaks into it, he will only end up falling.

The status of the surroundings of the sacred tree among the monster clan is as important as the wild temple to the barbarians, and the Faran Temple to the Faran people. That is the real core of the monster clan.

As for those first-generation demon emperors guarding there, it was also to break through. The surrounding area of ​​the holy tree is a sacred place for the demon clan to practice. Except for a few first-generation demon emperors, even the three major demon emperors do not have the qualifications.

With the passage of time, the first generation of demon emperors either broke through or died, and the ones who survived to this day are all monsters with extremely long lifespans.

"Suppressing the Demon Pagoda, if we can get this magic weapon, we will definitely be able to deal with the demon clan much easier!" Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

He has already seen the power of the Demon Slaying Sword. Even level [-] monsters can't resist a single sword strike. Li Xiuxian is also very curious about the power of the Demon Suppressing Tower, which makes monsters fearful.

Especially when he knew that the ranking of this demon-suppressing tower surpassed that of Linglong Tower in the Xuantian Ranking, Li Xiuxian became more interested in this demon-suppressing tower.

Looking at the towering sacred tree in the middle of Million Demon Mountain, Li Xiuxian took a deep breath. Even though he was separated by millions of miles, he could still feel the coercion emanating from this sacred tree.

This is a coercion that far exceeds the limit of the cultivator of Huashen. Even the boneless relic King Buddha in the Mani Temple does not have such a majestic momentum!
"It's a pity!" Ziyue shook her head regretfully.

"What's wrong?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"The sacred tree among the demon clan should have existed when this world was born. It can be said to be the oldest tree in this world, or it can also be called the tree of the world." Ziyue Looking at the sacred tree, he sighed.

"World Tree?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

"The sacred tree Jianmu, the tree reaching the sky in the spiritual world, this holy tree should be Jianmu." Ziyue looked at this holy tree enviously.

Perhaps the Jianmu in front of him could not be compared with the one in the spirit world in terms of age, but it was an extremely cherished existence.

And that tree in the spirit world was overthrown by the devil emperor of the devil world tens of thousands of years ago, and it no longer exists!
"I didn't think there was such a thing in the Yaozu!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

The power contained in this sacred tree may already be comparable to the power of the body, but due to the restriction of the laws of heaven, this tree cannot move, and can only grow endlessly.

"This holy tree is very strong, and there is probably nothing in this world that can hurt him." Ziyue said lightly.

"Since the building tree of the spirit world is broken, why didn't the power of the spirit world transplant this tree back?" Li Xiuxian asked suddenly.

Ziyue rolled her eyes: "Do you think it's such a simple matter for monks from the spiritual realm to go down to the realm?"

"Is there any restriction?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback. "Of course, the stronger the monks, the stronger the power they need to go to the lower realm. Therefore, during the Great War of the Ancients, only those who entered this realm with the highest cultivation level were in the late stage of the Composite Realm. It's not that they don't want to send stronger ones, but the price is too high. Big. If you want to move this building, even a monk in the tribulation period may not be able to do it, but if you want to let a monk in the tribulation period go down, the power required is simply inestimable!" Ziyue explained.

(End of this chapter)

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