Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 455 Jianmu's Invitation

Chapter 455 Jianmu's Invitation
Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing when he looked at the Jianmu tree that was soaring into the sky.

When the monks from the spirit world went down to the world, I am afraid that they did not have the idea of ​​reducing this building tree, but none of them succeeded. This is the fundamental reason why the Yaozu can still have this building tree.

Seeing that Hu Wuji was safe and sound, Long Biao also returned to his residence.

Although Li Xiuxian has some ideas about this sacred tree and building tree, even the great powers of the spirit world have no choice, so Li Xiuxian can only watch.

"Old ancestor!" Some monsters who saw Li Xiuxian hurriedly saluted, their faces were full of respect, which shows that Hu Wuji's prestige in the lineage of the God and Monster Emperor is still extremely high.

But these monsters don't know at all that their most respected ancestor is dead, and the person standing in front of them is a human being.

As one of the three major demon emperors of the demon clan, the lineage of the God and Demon Emperor has its own territory, and most of the people living here are from the lineage of the God and Demon Emperor.

Of course, there will be some vassals of the lineage of the God Demon Emperor. For these vassals, being able to enter the territory of the lineage of the God Demon Emperor is a supreme honor.

Most of the lineage of the God Demon Emperor are tiger-shaped monsters, but there are still a few who can stimulate the blood of the white tiger in their bodies like Hu Wuji.

Only when you integrate into the demon clan, you will know how powerful this race that has been suppressed by Kyushu is. Only the lineage of the god demon emperor, the number of demon emperors is no less than one hundred, which is almost equal to the Eternal Sword Sect and Xuechan Palace The sum of the big monks.

"See the ancestors!" I saw two young people kneeling in front of Li Xiuxian.

From the memory of Hu Wuji, Li Xiuxian also knew the existence of these two people. The geniuses of the lineage of the God Demon Emperor, Hu Sha and Hu Xing, successfully stimulated the blood of the white tiger in their bodies when they advanced to the fourth level of monsters, and became The most eye-catching genius in the lineage of the God Demon Emperor.

Hu Wuji even personally guided the two demon clans, which also allowed Hu Sha and Hu Xing to break through to the peak of the fourth level and become the demon kings in just 200 years!

"You two are very good!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

This Hu Sha and Hu Xing are very strong, even stronger than the Yaohuang he killed that day, even if they are not as good as the previous Emperor Yaohuang, but if these two monsters join forces, the difference will not be too much .

Li Xiuxian flipped his palm, and two fragrant pills landed on the hands of Hu Sha and Hu Xing.

"This is the sixth-grade elixir that I just got, and it will bring great benefits to you after taking it!" Li Xiuxian said.

"Thank you, ancestor!" Hu Sha and Hu Xing said hastily.

Sixth-grade pill, which is an extremely precious pill among the monster clan.

Although the Yaozu can recruit some human alchemists, most of the alchemy that will join the Yaozu are not alchemy masters, and the grade of the alchemy that can be refined is also limited.

Among the monster clan, fifth-rank pills are already rare, let alone sixth-rank pills.

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly in his heart because a single pill of the lower grade of the sixth grade could make the two demon emperors tearful.

It's no wonder that these monster races plundered as soon as they entered Kyushu, even the demon emperor, let alone those ordinary monster races.

As for what the two demon emperors are thinking now, Li Xiuxian is not interested in knowing, with a finger point, a trace of spiritual imprint landed on the minds of Hu Sha and Hu Xing.

These things are all left by Hu Wuji. As a human being, he didn't dare to be interested in the cultivation method of this demon clan, so he gave it to the two demon kings casually. This move also moved the two demon kings so much Cried.

"Hu Wuji, the holy tree is calling!" Suddenly, a voice came from Li Xiuxian's mind.

"A fifth-level monster, and it's still a fifth-level top-rank monster!" Li Xiuxian was shocked!

The fifth-level top-grade monsters are equivalent to the existence of human beings in the late stage of transformation of gods. Li Xiuxian has not even seen a monk in the late stage of transformation of gods. He did not expect to see a fifth-level top-grade monster first.

Such an existence might already be able to shatter the void and ascend to the spirit world by itself.

"There is such a terrifying existence hidden in this monster clan!" Li Xiuxian's face changed drastically, even Ziyue showed a look of surprise on her face.

In the late stage of transformation, the chance of being able to shatter the void with one's own strength and ascend to the spirit world is about [-]%.

Don't underestimate the [-]% chance, compared to [-]% in the early stage of transformation and [-]% in the middle stage of transformation, this probability is already very high.

"Why doesn't this kind of existence ascend to the spirit world?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid of death!" Ziyue sighed slightly.

The higher the cultivation base, the more afraid of death, and one who has reached this level already attaches great importance to one's own life.

Unless their longevity is approaching, they will never take the risk of breaking through the void and ascending to the spirit world.

A [-]% chance is still too low for them!

Perhaps only the passage to the spiritual world in the Ascending Immortal Secret Realm can allow these old monsters to enter without hesitation.

Thinking of the passages to the spiritual world, Ziyue also said that apart from the one in the Secret Realm of Ascending Immortals in Kyushu, there are eight other channels distributed in Kyushu.

However, considering Li Xiuxian's cultivation base, Ziyue did not specify where these space passages were, and Ziyue would not tell Li Xiuxian until Li Xiuxian advanced to transform into a god.

The holy tree, the most mysterious place of the demon clan, finally unveiled the mysterious veil to Li Xiuxian.

In Kyushu, I am afraid that no one can break into the hinterland of the Yaozu, even the cultivator of Huashen will come and go!

Li Xiuxian nodded, and flew towards the sacred tree in the center in a flash.

Along the way, several terrifying auras are also heading towards the holy tree. There are quite a lot of fifth-level monsters in this million monster mountains.

The masters of these auras also had no intention of contacting Li Xiuxian, they were all heading towards the holy tree.

To be summoned by the holy tree is an incomparable honor even for level five monsters, and some level five monsters have never been summoned by the holy tree in their entire lives.

"Jianmu, who is as powerful as the Fusion Realm!" Li Xiuxian was also looking forward to it.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, a green barrier in front of Li Xiuxian blocked all the fifth-level monsters outside.

"Is this the area of ​​the Sacred Tree?" Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed brightly.

Within ten thousand miles of this holy tree, there is a powerful restriction, which is exactly arranged by the holy tree itself.

I don't know how many years the sacred tree has grown. The power contained in the body is comparable to the power of the body, and the root system is even more extensive. Almost the entire Million Monster Mountain is under the control of this sacred tree.

"The sacred tree only allows Hu Wuji to enter, and the rest are waiting outside!" The voice appeared again.

Only in front of Li Xiuxian, a small opening was opened in the green restriction, wrapping Li Xiuxian in it.

The rest of the fifth-level monsters also looked at Li Xiuxian with jealousy in their eyes. It is the highest honor to be summoned by the holy tree alone!

"Om!" As soon as he entered the green restriction, Li Xiuxian felt as if he was in an ocean of spiritual energy, even the spiritual energy in the Wanhua Pearl was not so exaggerated.

The spiritual energy that was about to become substantial poured into Li Xiuxian's body crazily!

"Greetings to the sacred tree!" Li Xiuxian half-kneeled humbly on the ground in front of the huge sacred tree.

"Hu Wuji, this time you took back the Demon Town Tower and solved a serious problem for our monster clan. The Holy Tree is very satisfied with your performance!" Under the huge holy tree, a thin figure was facing Li Xiuxian.

"Is it him?" Li Xiuxian's heart turned into a huge wave.

If it weren't for the sound made by this thin figure, Li Xiuxian would not be able to detect his existence at all!
"Wuji is just contributing to the demon clan!" Li Xiuxian said modestly.

"In order to commend your achievements, Sheng Shute allows you to practice here for a hundred years. Breakthrough as soon as possible!"

Li Xiuxian was overjoyed, and a look of joy appeared on his face: "Thank you, Holy Tree!"

"What luck!" Ziyue sighed.

Being able to practice under Jianmu is a treatment that even the great masters of the spirit world cannot enjoy.

After Jianmu in the spiritual world was overthrown by the devil emperor of the demon world with his supernatural powers, Jianmu ceased to exist. Occasionally, monks would pick up a piece or two of Jianmu and treat them as treasures.

"Buzz!" Li Xiuxian's heart was shocked, as if he felt something invaded.

"Don't be afraid, I have no malice towards you, human!"

Hearing this voice, Li Xiuxian's face changed drastically!
No one knew about his backlash against Hu Wuji, but this mysterious voice made it clear.

"Don't worry, I won't talk about it."

"You are..." Li Xiuxian resisted the urge to run away.

He knew that even if he ran away now, it would be of no avail. He was no match for the fifth-level top-grade monster at all.

"They like to call me Holy Tree, but I prefer others to call me Jianmu!" said the voice kindly.

"Jianmu!" Li Xiuxian looked at the towering Jianmu with a strange expression. He never thought that Jianmu would communicate with him in this way.

Li Xiuxian didn't know why the sacred tree of the monster clan would hide this matter.

"I don't know why senior is looking for me?" Li Xiuxian asked carefully.

"Senior?" Jian Mu couldn't help laughing.

"I'm just a piece of wood, I can't even control my own actions, and I just watch the sunrise and sunset here every day, and the rise and fall of the monster clan!" Jianmu said helplessly.

Li Xiuxian also heard Jianmu's sorrow from Jianmu's words. For Jianmu, he would rather lose the glory of this sacred tree. Perhaps what he hopes is to be able to walk around like ordinary monsters, not to be able to walk around for the rest of his life. Only in this one place.

"Can you understand this pain? I haven't moved a single step since I existed here!" Jianmu sighed.

Li Xiuxian nodded. For any intelligent creature, being trapped in one place for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years is an extremely painful thing.

But Li Xiuxian still didn't understand what this had to do with Jianmu finding him.Could it be that Jianmu wants to help him leave this place?

(End of this chapter)

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