Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 456 Seed

Chapter 456 Seed
Li Xiuxian immediately threw this ridiculous idea out of his mind!
What a joke, how can he do things that even the power of the body state can't do?

Jian Mu seemed to see through Li Xiuxian's inner thoughts: "You don't have to be so nervous!"

Li Xiuxian also gave a wry smile in his heart, thinking that I don't want to be nervous either!
But in the whole world, is there anyone who can remain calm after being exposed in the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu?

Li Xiuxian ran away without turning around, he was already very calm.

"You seem to have a very wonderful magic weapon in your body!"

Li Xiuxian's face changed, and the spiritual power under his feet was already gathering secretly.

"I won't reveal this secret, you can rest assured!" Jian Mu said.

At this moment, a green bead on the trunk of Jianmu fell into Li Xiuxian's hand.

The thin figure under Jianmu was shocked, and looked at this green bead in disbelief, his eyes were full of disbelief, mixed with jealousy, envy!
"Holy tree, this..."

"I know how to measure!" Jian Mu said lightly.

The thin figure wanted to say something, but in the end he suppressed it and didn't say much.

"It's the essence of Jianmu!" Ziyue couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This bead of life and fortune is just a little bit of my heart!" Jian Mu's voice sounded in Li Xiuxian's mind again.

Majestic spiritual power, incomparably majestic spiritual power, the spiritual power contained in this bead of life and fortune is more majestic than a top-grade spirit stone, and even has a trace of fairy spirit, which is a bit like That piece of fairy crystal that Li Xiuxian got!
However, the spiritual power contained in the Pearl of Life and Creation is easier to be refined by the human body!
But Li Xiuxian didn't continue, but looked at Jianmu warily.

To be courteous for nothing, to rape or to steal, Li Xiuxian would never believe that Jianmu would be so kind!
"What do I need to pay?" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Jianmu will never give him benefits for no reason!
"The refining method of incarnation outside the body!" Jian Mu said lightly.

Although he tried his best to suppress it, Li Xiuxian could still hear the slight tremor in Jianmu's voice due to excitement.

Li Xiuxian's face darkened, he knew that Jianmu was not simple, but he had no secrets in front of Jianmu, this feeling made Li Xiuxian very uncomfortable.

"Incarnation outside the body." Li Xiuxian pondered for a while.

One qi transforming into three cleansing is an extremely rare supernatural power of incarnation outside the body, and it is probably the only one in Kyushu. If Li Xiuxian is to hand over the refining method of incarnation outside the body, it is not enough to rely on just one bead .

"If it's not enough, I can give you two Shengshenghuazhu." Seeing that Li Xiuxian hesitated, Jianmu immediately increased his bargaining chips.

Li Xiuxian shook his head: "This avatar outside the body is also a first-class supernatural power in Kyushu, that's all..."

Although Li Xiuxian didn't explain it, Jianmu already understood what Li Xiuxian meant.

It's no problem to want the supernatural powers of my incarnation, but the premise is that you pay enough!

For Jianmu, he really wanted to leave this place, but no matter what method Jianmu took, he couldn't leave this million demon mountain.

On the contrary, Jianmu's root system is getting more and more developed, covering the entire Million Monster Mountain, and it is still expanding. In time, Jianmu's root system will inevitably cover this world, and then Jianmu will be the real world tree!

Although the root system is within Jianmu's control, the feeling of hearing and seeing is not as comfortable as walking out down-to-earth.

Jianmu once thought that as long as he was strong enough, he could transform into form.

But as time went by, those monster races that were originally weaker than him were successfully transformed, but he could only maintain this look and watch all this.

For Jianmu, incarnation outside his body is his only hope!

In order to be able to move freely, Jianmu will pay any price!
Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not hand over this method of Qi Hua San Qing, even if it is a deal, it is impossible to hand over the entire set of exercises!
"Five Birth Creation Beads are enough for you to advance to God Transformation!" Jian Mu said lightly.

It is a great temptation for every monk to advance to become a god. Jianmu believes that Li Xiuxian will definitely agree to this bait.

But Li Xiuxian shook his head: "With my own strength, I can also advance to become a god!"

For Li Xiuxian who owns the fairy crystal, the Orb of Life and Creation seems to be dispensable, at most it just takes a little more time to refine the spiritual power.

"Ten grains!" With such a large quantity, even Jianmu felt a little heartbroken.

But Li Xiuxian still shook his head!

"Young man, you can't be greedy!" After being rejected one after another, Jian Mu also felt a little impatient.

"I don't care about the Pearl of Creation. Even if you give me more, I will not agree to hand over the method of refining the incarnation outside the body to you." Li Xiuxian said.

"Then what do you want?" Jianmu asked.

"A seed!" Li Xiuxian's eyes lit up!
"You want my seeds!" Jian Mu's tone was extremely surprised!
"That's right! I want your seeds!" Li Xiuxian nodded.

"Young man, I know what you're thinking, but let's give up on it. Even if I give you seeds, you won't be able to grow them alive. Jianmu is the tree of the world, and only one tree can exist in a world! " Jian Mu shook his head.

"Is Ziyue real?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Ziyue shook her head: "I don't know, but there are indeed no two trees in the spirit world!"

Just like what Jianmu said, Jianmu is the tree of the world, and only one tree can exist in a world!
What Li Xiuxian can think of, the monks in the spirit world can naturally think of it, but after countless attempts by the predecessors in the spirit world, they finally came to a conclusion that it is impossible for two building trees to exist in one world.

Moreover, the growth rate of Jianmu is so slow that it is outrageous!

After Jianmu in the spiritual world was pushed to the ground by the devil emperor's supernatural powers, some overlords of the spiritual world obtained some fragments of Jianmu, and used supernatural powers to revive the fragments of Jianmu, hoping to replant a Jianmu tree. Wood.

But when these overlords of the spiritual world ran out of life energy, they didn't see Jianmu grow, or even germinate. Instead, they wasted a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures.

Since then, no monks in the spirit world have done such thankless things. Instead, they collected the fragments of Jianmu and refined a spirit treasure.

Shenmu Wangding, ranked 530th and eighth on the Xuantian Ranking!

Just a fragment of Jianmu can be refined into a Xuantian Lingbao, which shows how powerful Jianmu is.

"Twenty Pearls of Creation and One Seed." Li Xiuxian offered his own price.

His appetite was so big that even Jian Mu was taken aback by him!
Ten life-making pearls was already Jianmu's limit, but Li Xiuxian's appetite was even bigger, so he asked for twenty life-making pearls at once.

With such a large amount, I am afraid that the sum of the creation beads produced since the birth of Jianmu would not be so many!

"Too many!" Jian Mu sighed.

"I can help you refine an incarnation outside your body!" Li Xiuxian said.

Jianmu was taken aback, and didn't respond for a long time, as if he was considering the gains and losses!

"Twenty Birth Creation Beads are too many, I can't produce so many in a short time!" Jianmu said in a difficult way.

"No rush, just give it to me within 200 years!" Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"That's all!" Jian Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if Jianmu has obtained the method of incarnation outside the body, it is extremely difficult to successfully refine an incarnation, but with the help of Li Xiuxian, the time will be greatly shortened.

After all, every incarnation outside the body is an untold secret, and it is extremely difficult to practice.

"You will stay here from now on, and your cultivation speed here is a hundred times faster than the outside world!" Jianmu sighed. Although Li Xiuxian hit him hard, Jianmu didn't feel angry at all, but rather joyful.

For Jianmu, being able to move freely is the most important thing.

As for the interests of the Yaozu, Jianmu didn't care much. After all, Jianmu was the tree of the world, not the tree of the Yaozu. It was just a coincidence that the Yaozu first discovered it and occupied it.

In these millions of years, Jianmu has given enough shelter to the monster race, and even the million monster mountains were created around Jianmu. For the monster race, Jianmu has given them too much. .

"Buzz!" Jianmu's body shook, and he saw a black object falling rapidly from the topless Jianmu, and landed in Li Xiuxian's palm.

This is a black seed the size of a fist!

"I'm at a loss this time. It took me ten thousand years of spiritual power to condense this one seed!" Jianmu smiled wryly.

Li Xiuxian didn't care either, this ten thousand years of spiritual power sounds scary, but for Jian Mu who has existed for an unknown amount of time, 1 years is probably just a time to close his eyes!

Throw this kind of seed into the Wanhua Pearl, and then Li Xiuxian sat cross-legged under the building tree and began to absorb the majestic aura. Such a good cultivation environment, if you don't hurry up to practice, it will be a waste!
Only with Jianmu's permission can Li Xiuxian sit under Jianmu.

Among the entire monster clan, only the thin old man received this kind of treatment, and the other five-level monsters also looked at Li Xiuxian enviously!
The thin old man gave Li Xiuxian a weird look. He knew his relationship with Jianmu, but this Hu Wuji had no virtue or ability, and how could he be favored by Jianmu.

Li Xiuxian subtracted and subtracted the method of one qi to transform the three qings in his mind, removed all the magic of one qi to transform the three qings, and reduced the incomparable magical powers of the original temple into an ordinary method of incarnation .

But if this is the case, once this supernatural power is leaked, it will cause countless monks to fight wildly.Anyway, Jianmu is just refining an avatar, and there are many things in it that are not needed!
(End of this chapter)

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