Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 465 Yanyang Jade

Chapter 465 Yanyang Jade

"Idiot! You lied to me!" Xiaoxue pouted, and Li Xiuxian had long since disappeared without a trace.

Master Linghu also looked at Xiaoxue helplessly. Although he was already a Nascent Soul cultivator, he was no different from a child in terms of temperament. Xiaoxue is too mature.

On the golden wings of the Three Treasures behind Li Xiuxian, the three colors of light continuously alternated, and the speed increased sharply.

"Ziyue, how much strength has been recovered?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"About [-]%!" Ziyue said lightly.

Li Xiuxian nodded in satisfaction. The sword that killed the arm-armed ape ten years ago almost consumed all the strength that Ziyue had managed to accumulate.

In the past ten years, Ziyue has also tried her best to restore her strength, and she has used the Fen Tianlei and Longmu regardless of the cost. In addition, there is already a trace of fairy spirit in the Wanhua Pearl, and Ziyue's power is also getting stronger and stronger. Powerful, almost completely different from ten years ago.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the whole world was shocked!
"What's going on?" Li Xiuxian was startled, and his speed couldn't help slowing down a bit.

"Million Demon Mountain! It's the direction of Million Demon Mountain!" Ziyue exclaimed.

I saw the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth frantically gathering towards the Million Demon Mountain.

Compared with this, the aura vortex created by Li Xiuxian is simply nothing.

"Shouldn't Jianmu refine the incarnation outside the body!" Li Xiuxian's heart was shocked.

"Hum!" An extremely huge wood attribute force rose instantly, even Li Xiuxian could clearly feel it.

"Sure enough!" Li Xiuxian sighed secretly, besides Jianmu, who else can have such a strong wood attribute power in the Kyushu?
With Jianmu's strength, his incarnation is at least the strength of the early stage of the Fusion Realm. It can be said to be an invincible existence in this realm. It may not be able to suppress Jianmu.

However, Jianmu is the tree of the world, and with Jianmu's personality, he would never participate in this battle. This is why Li Xiuxian dared to teach Jianmu the method of incarnation.

"Fit Body Realm! How is this possible!" A young man in the Kunlun Saint Realm suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Million Monster Mountain.

"Holy tree! Holy tree!" Compared to the shock of the human race, the monster race cheered.

"Crack!" The whole world was shocked, and the terrifying sky thunders fell one after another, even the remaining power made people and demons terrified.

However, there is a layer of green prohibition protection around Jianmu, and the power of the thunder that passed through the restriction was weakened by more than half, and was easily resolved by a monk in green clothes.

"Om!" The one hundred and eight thunderbolts dispersed, and a green glow shot up from the million monster mountains, as if it wanted to pierce the world!
"Composite state, it seems that the log has come out!" The elders of the heaven and earth alliance smiled faintly.

The monk in green shirt just glanced at the people below and the two monsters, but didn't take any action, and then turned around and returned to Jianmu's surroundings.

"Kill!" The Yaozu roared excitedly as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

With the sacred tree as their backing, their confidence is even stronger, and they will surely win this battle.

Compared with the high morale of the monster race, the human race is a bit decadent. No one thought that there are such powerful monsters hidden in the million monster mountains. This is simply not something they can resist!

"Don't panic, don't mess up, don't mess yourself up!" Although they tried their best to restrain them, the monks below didn't care so much, and some even turned their heads and ran away.

The situation of the battle was rewritten instantly at this moment. The two sides that were originally at a stalemate turned into a one-sided situation, and the monster race took advantage of the situation to chase and kill!

Leng Ruling's brows were furrowed tightly, any casual touch of the cold air on his body would turn him into an ice sculpture.

With one strike of the sword, dozens of monsters were frozen into ice cubes!
The nine swords in Zhuge Wuming's hands formed a mysterious sword array in the air, and countless monsters were killed or injured under the sword array.

Some great monks also showed their special abilities, beheading a large number of monsters.

But the efforts of these people can't prevent the monks from being defeated, and the demon king among the demon clan is not a light-saving lamp. No matter how hard Leng Ruling and Zhuge Wuming try, they can't stop hundreds of demon kings.

The cultivators who transformed themselves into gods also made their move at this moment, but in the face of the five-level monsters that far outnumbered them, they could only hold on.

I'm afraid even the Kunlun Holy Land could not have imagined that the situation of this battle would be completely rewritten because of Jianmu's incarnation.

"Damn it!" Li Xiuxian was furious, he even saw some fleeing monks.

The Three Treasures Golden Wings on Li Xiuxian's back were full of aura, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Among the demon clan, a sly gleam appeared in the eyes of a red-shirted woman. In this woman's hands, all kinds of human supernatural powers were easily grasped, and the damage caused to humans was even more exaggerated than that of a fifth-level monster.

Leng Ruling frowned, and the cold air in his hand instantly condensed into an ice sword, and he slashed out with one strike!
The woman in the red shirt smiled and glanced at Leng Ruling, imitating Leng Ruling's appearance, a long sword suddenly appeared in her hand, but it was a fiery sword completely condensed from flames.

Fire and ice intersect!

"Boom!" Leng Ruling's body trembled slightly, and she couldn't help taking a step back.

But the woman in the red shirt on the opposite side didn't move at all: "Sister, it seems that your supernatural powers are not at home yet!"

Dozens of flaming long swords were condensed in the red shirt woman's hands one after another!

"Sister, you lost!" The woman in red shirt pointed her finger, and dozens of flaming long swords instantly drowned Leng Ruling.

"Huh!" The woman in the red shirt couldn't help but looked at Leng Ruling in the flames in surprise.

I saw a ray of golden light blocking her fiery sword, but Leng Ruling behind was unscathed!
"The spiritual power in your body is already showing signs of backlash. Don't use your spiritual power again. You go back to Xuechan Palace first, and I'm here to block you!" Li Xiuxian waved his hand, and the monstrous flame disappeared without a trace in an instant. .

A blush flashed across Leng Ruling's face, and he nodded obediently: "Be careful, this monster race is very weird!"

"Nine-tailed demon fox, of course it's not a cheap lamp!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

May I ask, is there any monster in the world that can learn human supernatural powers just by looking at it?

"Humanity's defeat in this battle has been decided, gather the disciples and return to Xuechan Palace." Li Xiuxian played several magic formulas in his hands one after another, beheading all the monsters that tried to approach.

"Be careful!" Leng Ruling said softly.

Leng Ruling's own body is clear to himself, he has experienced several battles in succession, and fought head-on with this nine-tailed demon fox, the ice spiritual power in his body has long been churning, if it continues like this, the spiritual power will really bite back Yes, at this moment, it is undoubtedly the most terrible.

"Yo, isn't this the brother from back then?" Nine-Tailed Demon Fox smiled sweetly.

Li Xiuxian secretly operated the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art to resist the charm of the nine-tailed fox.

Compared with the last time, the charm of the nine-tailed fox is even more unfathomable. Even with the Nine-Turn Xuan Gong, the spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body shows signs of getting out of control!
"Fox, court death!" Li Xiuxian knew that he couldn't get entangled with the nine-tailed fox, so he slashed at the nine-tailed fox with the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword in his hand.

The nine-tailed demon fox didn't dodge either, the flames in its hands suddenly condensed, and immediately formed a red silk, and as soon as the red silk wrapped around it, it wrapped around the Purple Lightning Soul Eater.

"Huh!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, the purple lightning soul devouring sword was thunderous, and the red silk condensed by the flames was instantly scattered!

"Jiuyou Karmic Fire, which ranks fifth among the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fires!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and then played several spells in succession to completely disperse the dissipated flames.

The Nine Nether Karmic Fire can be ranked fifth among the heaven and earth spiritual fires. It should not be underestimated. Once it touches the body, the spiritual power in the body will be polluted by the Nine Nether Karmic Fire. Hughes, who is not good at cultivation, may even The spiritual power in the body was triggered to ignite spontaneously by the Nine Nether Karmic Fire.

"Pfft!" The body of the nine-tailed demon fox suddenly caught fire, and the whole body was like a big fireball.

"But it's still a bit worse than my Void Flame!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

The body of the nine-tailed demon fox was instantly enveloped by a burst of red light, and this invisible fire was actually absorbed!
Li Xiuxian frowned, looking at the piece of red jade on the neck of the nine-tailed demon fox that was still emitting heat.

"Yanyang Jade!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped.

Yanyang Jade is said to be able to absorb all the flames between heaven and earth.

At that time, Li Xiuxian just regarded this Yanyang jade as a legend. Even Ziyue also said that Yanyang jade is extremely rare in the spirit world, and every time a piece appears, it will cause crazy competition among the spirit world.

"Brother has really good eyesight!" Nine-tailed demon fox smiled faintly.

In an instant, Li Xiuxian suddenly had a bad feeling, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"Bright Flame Qilin Armor!" A burst of blue flames instantly enveloped Li Xiuxian in it.

"Boom!" At the moment when the blue flame rose, the Jade Flame Unicorn Armor received an impact, and the blue flame was actually suppressed!
"Fire-eating insects!" Li Xiuxian snorted, and saw thousands of fire-eating insects flying out, swallowing up the invisible fire in a burst of whales.

Li Xiuxian looked at the Yanyang jade on the neck of the nine-tailed demon fox, and there was a chill from behind. This Yanyang jade disrespect can absorb flames, and even turn the absorbed flames into his own use.

With this bright spot alone, the value of this Yanyang Jade is immeasurable.

"If you want to get it, you must get it. I'm afraid this is the only one in this world!" Ziyue shouted.

"You think the same as I do!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

Now that he saw it, he had to get the Yanyang Jade, even if he used the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock today, Li Xiuxian would still get it!
"Nine-tailed demon fox, take your life!" Li Xiuxian flicked his cuffs, and 72 Nine-Heaven Thunder Emperor Swords laid down the evil sword array! "It's up to you!" Suddenly, there was an angry shout in the sky, and a fox's tail directly hit the sword array.

(End of this chapter)

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