Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 466 Space Return

Chapter 466 Space Return
"Bang!" The Earth Sha Sword Formation let out a mournful cry, and was almost broken.

"Old ancestor!" The nine-tailed demon fox cried like a child who was bullied outside.

Li Xiuxian took a deep breath, and what appeared in front of him was a woman more beautiful than the nine-tailed demon fox.

The moment he saw this woman, Li Xiuxian cried out inwardly!
The wagging tail behind this gorgeous woman turned out to be black!

This also means that the woman in front of her is a more powerful fifth-level monster!

"Good boy, grandma is here!" I saw the beautiful woman gently touching the head of the woman in red.

The woman in the red shirt narrowed her eyes enjoying herself: "Ahri knows that the old ancestor treats Ahri the best!"

"This nine-tailed demon fox is not simple. It seems that it is about to advance to the fifth-level top-grade monster." Ziyue looked at the beautiful woman solemnly.

"It's not like I haven't killed a fifth-level monster before!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly. Even if a fifth-level monster came today, it couldn't stop him!
"Slash!" The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in the air once again formed a sword formation, and thousands of sword lights slashed at the beautiful woman.

"A mere junior, don't overestimate yourself!" The beautiful woman snorted coldly.

I saw three tails suddenly appearing from the back of this beautiful woman, and these three tails drew a mysterious rune in the air, and the sword light approaching the beautiful woman disappeared completely in an instant!

Li Xiuxian's mind was shaken, his whole body was like falling into an ice cellar, and he was surrounded by an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"The Jade Flame Qilin Armor!"

The blue flame rises.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Before the defense of the Jade Flame Qilin Armor was fully deployed, a sound came from behind.

"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the smiling woman in the sky in great horror.

At this time, Li Xiuxian's back was already bloody and bloody, and there were deep bone wounds everywhere, but these wounds were constantly wriggling and gradually healing.

As for the Jade Flame Qilin Armor on his body, it also became extremely dim!
The disappearing sword glow suddenly appeared behind Li Xiuxian, caught off guard and suffered a big loss.

"The response is good, no wonder Huang and Yu will suffer in your hands!" The beautiful woman looked at Li Xiuxian indifferently.

On the index finger of this beautiful woman, the word "Hong" is engraved on each!

"Hong from the Heaven and Earth Alliance!" Li Xiuxian wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Hong coldly. Everyone in the Heaven and Earth Alliance should not be underestimated. Even Yu, who is only in the Nascent Soul Stage, has the ability to control sand and soil. , if you fight him on the ground, even a cultivator who transforms the gods may not be able to take advantage of him.

Huang's puppet body can also be said to be indestructible, as for Huang, it is even more powerful, with an immortal body, even Moyou Holy Water cannot completely kill it.

The Hong in front of him is obviously a monster race. Originally, Li Xiuxian thought that all the people who joined the Heaven and Earth League were human beings. Now it seems that the members of the Heaven and Earth League are extremely complicated. Surprised.

But what really made Li Xiuxian afraid was Hong Gang's ability to divert his own attack.

This is obviously a supernatural power of space that can only be mastered by a cultivator who transforms the spirit, but Li Xiuxian has never heard of it so far. There is a cultivator who transforms the spirit that can divert the opponent's attack. If it is true, then this Hong is already invincible land.

Hong looked at Li Xiuxian indifferently: "Being able to kill poisonous dragons, tigers, and arm-armed apes may not be able to achieve such a feat even for a cultivator of Huashen, but you, a cultivator of Nascent Soul, have done it. My Heaven and Earth Alliance treats you I am very interested, especially the Kunlun catalog on your body!"

The murderous intent in Li Xiuxian's eyes was suddenly revealed. He couldn't understand the power of the Kunlun Atlas. A piece of Kunlun Atlas could make him a public enemy of Kyushu.

Hong didn't seem to care about Li Xiuxian's murderous eyes at all: "However, this has nothing to do with me. You are Huang Hexuan's prey, and I won't go overboard. That guy Huang's immortality is something that even I fear."

"What do you want?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

"Of course I'm getting some benefits!" He looked at Li Xiuxian with a big smile.


"Ten birth beads, I don't want too many." Hong laughed.

Li Xiuxian sneered: "Ten birth beads, you really have a big appetite!"

"Exchanging your life shouldn't be too much, otherwise, even if I offend Huang, I will kill you!" Hong Leng snorted.

"Kill me? That depends on whether you have the ability! Tiger King!" I saw a huge tiger rushing out, separated between Li Xiuxian and Hong.

"Hu Wuji?" Hong was taken aback.

"Kill her!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

Now that the coquettish fox had come together, Li Xiuxian just wanted to use her to test the puppet he had refined to transform into a god.

"Puppet! If you give this puppet to Huang, he must be willing to give some good things." Hong smiled faintly.

Not only was the fox not afraid after seeing the Tiger King, but he was thinking about how to exchange the Tiger King for the greatest benefit.

"It seems that you got that Yanyang Jade in this way!" Li Xiuxian played a magic trick, Tiger King's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards Hong with a roar.

"Bang!" Hong lightened his body, and lightly tapped the tiger king's head with his slender fingers. A groove appeared on the tiger king's head, which even the little monkey couldn't destroy!
"Hmph!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, this Hong was indeed not an ordinary fifth-level monster, but the Tiger King was not an ordinary puppet of the transformation god level either.

Under Hong's surprised eyes, the depression recovered automatically!

"Interesting puppet!" Hong smiled faintly, and suddenly a leather whip appeared in his hand. When the whip was whipped, it left a mark on the body of the Tiger King.

But Tiger King's body didn't even shake, and he slapped Hong with his right paw.

"Bang!" With a fist, Tiger King's body flew upside down.

It's hard to imagine how this seemingly delicate body can possess such terrifying power. Even a little monkey might not necessarily be Hong's opponent if it is above strength.

In Li Xiuxian's memory, the nine-tailed fox has never been a monster known for its strength. Even if it is a fifth-level monster, its power will not be so strong.

"Fortunately, you had the foresight to add Thousand Illusions God Mud to your body when refining Tiger King, otherwise this puppet would have been crushed by her long ago." Ziyue laughed.

Ziyue felt amused when she thought of the time when Li Xiuxian went to trick Xiaobao for the sake of this Thousand Illusion God Mud.

Xiaobao's collection is like a bottomless pit, and he brings out some good things from time to time. This Thousand Illusion God Mud is the top-quality refining material that Li Xiuxian managed to cheat from Xiaobao.

This Thousand Illusion God Mud can be transformed into thousands of postures at will, and more importantly, the magic weapon refined with Thousand Illusion God Mud has the ability of automatic repair.

It can be said that Li Xiuxian's contribution to refining this puppet Little Treasure is indispensable. If it were not for Little Treasure's strange but incomparably precious materials, even if the Tiger King could be refined, the power would be greatly reduced.

As for how this Thousand Illusion God Mud came from, then only Xiaobao knows.

Li Xiuxian hit several spells one after another, Tiger King ignored the whip, and released it instantly with twenty times the force of gravity, Rao even Hong felt his body sink.

"Gravity Technique!" But Hong Ye just snorted coldly, punched out the powder fist, and the Tiger King was still knocked into the air.

"This Hong seems to be able to manipulate space. As soon as Tiger King approached, he was shocked by a force of space." Ziyue said.

"The power of space!" Li Xiuxian murmured.

If he remembered correctly, Ahri had been hiding in space before when Ahri was fighting, making it impossible for Li Xiuxian to determine its true location.

In this way, it seems that the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Clan is born with the ability to control the power of space.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the control over the power of space.

If it is understood in this way, then the sword glow that suddenly disappeared and then appeared behind Li Xiuxian can also be explained.

He also took a high look at Li Xiuxian, the nine-tailed demon fox. The extremely special ability of space is undoubtedly the most difficult.

Although the cultivator of Huashen has mastered the ability to divide the space, he is definitely not as exaggerated as Hong.

This ability is extremely tricky, not even worse than Huang's Immortal Body. Far attack can be turned back, and close combat can be knocked away again!

If you want to deal with Hong, you must solve this tricky space ability, otherwise Hong will be invincible.

"Ecstasy sound wave!"

Only the Tiger King let out a long howl, and a circle of sound waves swept across the entire battlefield like waves.

Hong frowned. At this moment, she unexpectedly lost her mind for a short time, and there was a gap in her control of the space.

"Roar!" Tiger King roared and slapped it with one paw.

"Boom!" This time, the Tiger King was directly blasted hundreds of feet away, and a large area of ​​depression appeared on his chest!
"Let's go!" Li Xiuxian stretched out his hand and collected the Tiger King into the Wanhua Pearl. Before he thought of dealing with the tricky space ability, it would not be of any benefit to this Hong. Li Xiuxian would not waste time here in vain !
"Grandma, he has escaped!" Ari looked at Li Xiuxian's back with grievance.

"Hmph!" Hong snorted, and a flower of blood suddenly appeared on her chest.

"Huang!" Hong stared at Huang who appeared in front of her.

"He is my prey. I told you that no one is allowed to attack him!" Huang looked at Hong coldly with his arms folded.

"Do you really think that your space talent can stop me?" Huang sneered.

I saw bone needles flying out from one of his five fingers in one of his right hands. The bone needles that seemed to be slowly passing through Hong's body unexpectedly!

"If there is another time, you will die!" Huang Leng snorted, and disappeared in front of Hong in a blink of an eye.Hong looked at the five bone needles on his body with a complicated expression. He had already used the power of space just now to try to transfer these bone needles, but the power attached to the bone needles was too powerful, and he had to move them hastily. It can't be transferred at all, and it can't even be shaken away!

(End of this chapter)

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