Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 467 Re-chapter Mani Temple

Chapter 467 Returning to Mani Temple

The battle between Li Xiuxian and Hong was just a small episode in the entire human-monster battlefield. Even Li Xiuxian killed a few demon emperors when he was retreating, but this was nothing more than a drop in the bucket for the huge battle situation. .

At least in this battle, the human race was completely suppressed by the monster race, and it was absolutely powerless to fight again in a short period of time!

But Li Xiuxian thinks more about the Tiandimeng. Li Xiuxian thinks that the mysterious organization of the Tiandimeng is definitely more dangerous than the Yaozu.

Members with titles in the Heaven and Earth League are extremely difficult to deal with.

Moreover, in addition to these titled members, the Heaven and Earth League also has a large number of members. The original Yin and Yang dual demons were a member of the Heaven and Earth League.

However, these members without titles must obey the orders of the titled members, even if the titled members are much weaker than them.

The heaven and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is prehistoric, the sun and the moon are full and the celestial constellations are arranged.

There are a total of sixteen title members in the Tiandimeng. These people form the skeleton of the Tiandimeng, and they are also the most powerful existence in the Tiandimeng!

Li Xiuxian threw these thoughts out of his mind, no matter how much he was afraid of this Heaven and Earth Alliance hiding in the dark, but now his enemy is still the monster clan in the million monster mountains.

As long as Jianmu does not participate in the war, then the human race will have a chance to turn defeat into victory!

It can be said that the human race was defeated in this battle. Even when the monster race attacked, they did not lose so miserably.

It is roughly estimated that in this battle, more than hundreds of thousands of foundation-level cultivators were killed and injured, more than [-] alchemy cultivators were killed and injured, and more than a hundred Nascent Soul cultivators fell. It's a battle.

Even the cultivator of the Eternal Sword Sect, who was at the level of a god, was seriously injured under the siege of three fifth-level monsters. If he hadn't run fast, his old life would have been lost in Jingzhou.

The loss of Xuechan Palace is not insignificant, more than 30 Yuanying monks alone have lost, including four big monks.

Leng Ruling's master was also injured in this battle, and Li Xiuxian didn't know until now that the young woman who never gave him a good face turned out to be the only cultivator in the Xuechan Palace, the cold and beautiful Shura Bingxin!
Fortunately, Bing Xin's injuries were not considered serious, and she could recover with a little training.

The defeat of Jingzhou and Yangzhou caused a great impact on the entire Tianzhou, and the barbarian attack became more and more crazy.

In the wild temple, a large number of barbarian masters joined the battlefield, which had a great impact on the monks of Tianzhou.

If it weren't for the strong accident in the Kunlun Holy Land, a large number of masters appeared in the human camp, and this wave of shock would be enough to crush the human defense.

Li Xiuxian protected Leng Ruling and other Xuechan Palace cultivators while fighting and retreating, and the hundreds of puppets in his hands were also consumed in this battle.

Even the demon emperor is not easy to provoke, especially when hundreds of demon emperors swarm up, even Li Xiuxian has to back away three points.

Looking at the puppet Li Xiuxian who was trampled into pieces by several demon kings, he sighed in his heart. It was damaged to such an extent that the soul stone inside was also completely destroyed. It was basically impossible to recover it.

At the back, when he saw that the puppet was about to be destroyed, Li Xiuxian simply detonated the puppet. The explosion caused by the self-detonation of the Nascent Soul-level puppet was enough to make even the Demon Emperor fall.

After all these comings and goings, there were only ten puppets left on Li Xiuxian's body.

Moreover, the attacks of these monsters became more and more crazy, and all those demon kings who usually practiced in the million monster mountains also appeared, stalking humans!
"Amitabha!" Countless golden lights of ten thousand characters in the sky fell into the demon clan!
The golden light of the swastika exploded among these monster races, killing tens of thousands of monster races in an instant!

"These bald donkeys are more ruthless than us demons!" Some demon monks couldn't help shrinking their necks.

"It's from the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas!"

"People from Mani Temple are here too!"

The defeated monk seemed to see a savior!
The six elders of Mani swept the entire battlefield, and their eyes fell on Li Xiuxian: "The benefactor, the three masters who have overcome the calamity, overcome the calamity, and crossed the calamity, would like to ask the benefactor to tell you a story."

When Li Xiuxian received Kong's voice transmission, he knew that his robbing of the Mani Temple had been known, but this was all within his expectations. During the battle with the Yaozu, he even used the Zunhun Banner and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword one after another, Those who are interested will naturally be able to associate him with that person back then.

Some people even knew that he was the monk who got the Kunlun Atlas back then.

But even if he knew that, so what, Li Xiuxian killed several fifth-level monsters one after another. Such a powerful combat power made all sects and sects afraid. Offending such a monk out of thin air is a big deal for their sect A colossal disaster.

But at the beginning, Li Xiuxian had a battle with the boneless relic King Buddha in Mani Temple, and was even able to draw with this boneless relic King Buddha.

"After this battle is over, I will go to Mani Temple!" Li Xiuxian said via voice transmission.

"Such a great kindness!" Liao Kong breathed a sigh of relief!

"Kill!" After being joined by Buddhist monks from the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the fleeing human monks finally gained a firm foothold and began to have some resistance.

The Nascent Soul monks in the Mani Temple were even more frantic, and the natal Buddha statue condensed behind them was like a murderous madman!
"Jialan Buddha's Light!" A few rays of Buddha's light shot out and submerged into the body of a demon emperor.

"Amitabha!" The demon king actually chanted the Buddha's name and killed the demon clan.

"You are crazy! You actually hit your own people!" Some demon emperors roared angrily.

Before the demon emperor could react, he was beheaded by several Buddhist monks!

The fierceness of Buddhist monks made some monks feel chills on their necks. These monks usually look kind and friendly, but they are unambiguous in killing people, even more ruthless than demonic monks.

"Withdraw!" With the resistance of the Buddhist cultivators in the Ancient Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the demon clan also knew that it was impossible to kill all these human monks, and the demon clan also began to retreat under the orders of several demon emperors.

The surviving monks couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the Yaozu retreat.

By the time these monks returned to Xuechan Palace, it was already half a month later.

During this half month, the demon clan reoccupied Jingzhou and Yangzhou, but the humans were unable to attack at all because of the previous defeat.

After Li Xiuxian explained some things to Leng Ruling, he followed Mani Six Elders to Mani Temple.

Looking at the towering Buddha statues in the Mani Temple, Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing. This Mani Temple is indeed a super sect with a profound heritage. It has re-condensed the terrifying Buddha power in the past few decades. It is enough for them to activate the grand formation of the Eternal Buddha's Advent once again.

"Li Daoyou, the three patriarchs are waiting at the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda." After finishing speaking, he retreated.

"Boom!" The moment Li Xiuxian stepped into the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas, a terrifying coercion instantly pressed on Li Xiuxian.

"Is it a temptation?" Li Xiuxian smiled lightly, and with the seventh round of Xuan Gong, he bounced back the coercion.

"Sure enough!" A faint sigh came from the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda.

"Back when you forced your way into the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the three of my senior brothers joined forces and didn't leave you behind. Decades have passed, and fellow Taoists' cultivation is even more prosperous than before!" Du Nan sighed.

"The three seniors praised it absurdly. Back then, the younger generation had no choice but to think of breaking into the Mani Temple, just for that golden lotus seed to save the life of a friend!" Li Xiuxian said.

Du E frowned: "Fellow Taoist, do you know that the golden lotus seeds are left by the founder of the Mani Temple, Sakyamuni, and you took two of them at once."

Li Xiuxian smiled: "Everything has a price, the three seniors probably didn't call me here today to ask questions for the teacher."

"You see it clearly. We can ignore the matter of your breaking into the Mani Temple, but the two golden lotus seeds are extremely important to my Mani Temple, and you can't just take them away for nothing." Du Jie said.

Li Xiuxian took out the poisonous dragon that was locked in the Wanhua Pearl: "A complete fifth-level monster should be enough, right?"

Mani Sandu's eyes couldn't help revealing a trace of horror, the body of a fifth-level monster, and it's still intact!
"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian pierced the poisonous dragon's head with a sword, and took out the fire-type demon pill.

"I use this fire demon pill, and the rest is yours. Use a fifth-level monster to buy two golden lotus seeds!"

Du Nan nodded. Although a monster pill was missing, the entire fifth-level monster was still extremely precious. Even they might not be able to kill a fifth-level monster.

Although golden lotus seeds are precious, as long as you give time to the ninth-grade lotus platform, they can still grow again.

"In this way, there will be no more arrears between my Mani Temple and fellow Taoists!" Du Jie said.

"However, we still have one condition!" Du Nan said suddenly.

"What conditions!" Although Li Xiuxian was unhappy in his heart, he didn't show it.

"Fellow Daoist must have a copy of the Kunlun Atlas on his body. We also know the importance of the Atlas of Kunlun. I only hope that if one day the Secret Realm of Immortal Ascension is opened, Fellow Daoist can bring us with the help of the Atlas of Kunlun in his hand," Du Nan said. .

Li Xiuxian nodded: "If there is such a time, I will definitely bring the three seniors with me, but the three seniors will also keep this secret for me."

"It's natural!" The three couldn't help showing a smile on their faces.

For these cultivators, being able to ascend to the spirit world is the greatest wish.

The three of them still have thousands of years of lifespan, if it is not a last resort, the three of them will not take the risk of breaking the void.

Prior to this, their predecessors had tried hiding, but all the natal lamps left behind were extinguished, and there were many of them in the late stage of transformation.It is too dangerous to forcibly shatter the void, their only hope now is the Immortal Passage in the Immortal Secret Realm!
(End of this chapter)

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