Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 471 Collapse

Chapter 471 Collapse
On the Yaozu side, they lost two fifth-level monsters at once, which also had a great impact on the Yaozu.

At the same time, it also greatly reduced the pressure on the human camp. Humans were at a disadvantage in terms of top combat power, and could barely resist the attack of the fifth-level monsters.

Li Xiuxian killed two fifth-level monsters in an instant, which was a great encouragement to those cultivators who were fighting to the death in the sky.

The fifth-level monster is also a transcendent existence that has mastered the supernatural powers of space. Even if it cannot be beaten, it can still run away, but it is precisely because of the existence of the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock.

Li Xiuxian directly used the Nine-Headed Dragon Binding Lock to pull out the Hydra that escaped into the void, completely cutting off the possibility of the Hydra escaping, otherwise it would be extremely difficult to kill the Hydra.

For a great monk like Li Xiuxian, once the opponent escapes into the void, it is difficult to use any effective means to kill him.

"What a powerful magic weapon!" Du Nan couldn't help but glanced at the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock that was gradually disappearing from Li Xiuxian's hand.

At that time, Li Xiuxian relied on this magic weapon to fight against the grand formation of the ancient Buddha, and he did not lose the wind in the slightest.

"Kill!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, a purple light flashed around him, and the little monkey rushed up with a big stick.

A big amethyst stick was danced vigorously by the little monkey, and once it was hit, it would either kill or injure it.

Although it was the first time for Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao to experience such a large-scale war, they had long been accustomed to running around with Li Xiuxian, and the spells in their hands were non-stop, and thousands of puppets were under the control of the two of them. , Advance and retreat with evidence, form a phalanx and rush back and forth among the monsters.

Once there is a puppet to be destroyed, the two will quickly keep the remaining puppets away, and then there is a huge explosion.

Due to Li Xiuxian's own settings, once these puppets are attacked by the soul stone, they will explode without hesitation.

This weird setting also made the Yaozu restrain their hands and feet, and they didn't dare to approach these puppets at all.

If you don't fight, you will be chased and beaten by these puppets, but if you fight, when you are about to destroy these puppets, these puppets will explode themselves, and maybe even yourself will be involved.

"Roar!" If you can't fight these puppets in close combat, then fight from a distance, and the fireball wind blade in the monster's mouth will drown the puppets in no time.

Due to the characteristics of the puppets, unless these attacks can completely destroy the puppets, they will not be of much use, but these attacks are not completely useless. In this round of attacks, hundreds of puppets were completely scrapped. Before it even had time to explode, the soul stone had already been pulverized by countless attacks.

Death, killing, the two are always the protagonists of war!

Thousands of monsters and human monks are constantly fighting in the air, flames, ice, and wind blades are constantly colliding in the air.

Monsters and humans die every moment and every second!

The monks in the Xuechan Palace continued to go to the front line, and the monks in the Kyushu were assigned by the Tiandao League to go to the battlefield one after another.

The blood was sprinkled all over the entire [-]-mile ice field, and the once holy ice field turned a monotonous red color. Over time, this blood has merged with the [-]-mile ice field!
"Pfft!" After several days of fighting, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood, and stabbed a monster's head with his sword casually.

Li Xiuxian is also the only monk who can persist in fighting for ten days. At this time, both his body and spirit have reached the limit, and the forced use of spiritual power has also caused a lot of damage to Li Xiuxian's body.

When Li Xiuxian returned to Xuechan Palace, the terrifying evil spirit on his body almost shocked all the monks present, and they also killed many monsters.

Among the monks present, which one is not covered with bloody hands, but there is no one like Li Xiuxian.

The evil spirit on his body has almost turned into substance, which can be seen from far away.

This is the evil spirit that can only be formed through continuous killing. Possessing such evil spirit can cause a certain amount of pressure on the opponent during the battle, so a cultivator does not mind having evil spirit on himself, but it is a bit uncomfortable to have strong evil spirit to the point of Li Xiuxian. Normal.

Even if there were demonic giants who killed people without blinking an eye, they couldn't help swallowing. It was their limit to keep calm in front of such people. Some monks with low cultivation even turned their heads and ran away.

No one knows how many monsters Li Xiuxian killed in the past ten days, ten thousand?One hundred thousand?Or millions?
Killing one person is a crime, killing 10 people is a hero, killing a million people is a hero!
This terrifying evil spirit combined with Li Xiuxian's bloodshot eyes, this is Shura who emerged from hell.

"Elder Li, are you alright?" Yue Wuxian couldn't help asking.

Li Xiuxian shook his head, his body trembled, and he half-kneeled on the ground, with big beads of sweat dripping on the ice.

His face was covered with black air, and under the erosion of black air, Li Xiuxian's face also began to become distorted!
"Woooooo!" Some weird noises came out of his mouth!
"Quick! Elder Li has lost his temper!" Yue Wuxian was shocked, and put his palm on Li Xiuxian's celestial spirit cover, and a wave of ice spiritual power poured into Li Xiuxian's body!
"Roar!" Li Xiuxian roared fiercely, and the evil spirit on his body became even stronger!
"Quick, I can't suppress it alone!" Yue Wuxian's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Li Xiuxian's strength is far beyond Yue Wuxian's imagination, the churning spiritual power in his body, just one touch makes Yue Wuxian suffer a lot!

"Amitabha!" Kongkou Nian Buddha's name, a golden swastika light suppressed Li Xiuxian's body, under the pressure of the golden swastika light, the black air on Li Xiuxian's face stopped wriggling.

"This is the heart demon. Elder Li's heart demon has been lurking in the body for a long time. This time, it was triggered by the outbreak of elder Li's evil spirit!" Li Kong sighed.

In the Blood Prison, Li Xiuxian almost died on the heart demon, although in the end he suppressed the heart demon with a few relics, and there has been no abnormality.

Now hundreds of years have passed, even Li Xiuxian thought that his inner demons had been completely expelled.

After all, he also practiced the Buddha sect skills, coupled with the suppression of the relics, there is no reason for this demon to continue to exist in Li Xiuxian's body.

But the horror of the inner demon far exceeded Li Xiuxian's expectation, and it was hidden so deeply that Li Xiuxian hadn't noticed it at all before.

And unconsciously affected Li Xiuxian's mind, making Li Xiuxian continue to fight and kill on the battlefield.

Under the extremely powerful evil spirit, the inner demon appeared again and began to erode Li Xiuxian's mind. Once controlled by the inner demon, Li Xiuxian will completely turn into a walking dead, and finally embark on the road of self-destruction.

In the realm of comprehension, no matter whether it is a monster race or a human being, they are all afraid of the heart demon. Everyone knows that this heart demon is invisible and invisible, and once it appears, it will kill people.

Even the Buddhist sect, who is best at suppressing inner demons, has no way to completely get rid of inner demons.

This time Li Xiuxian can be said to be careless!
"Boom!" Suddenly, the evil spirit on Li Xiuxian's body erupted, and the empty golden light was instantly shattered by the terrifying evil spirit.

"Suppress him!" Liao Kong yelled, and a string of Buddhist beads trapped Li Xiuxian like a chain.

I saw Gu Guang continuously purifying the evil spirit on Li Xiuxian's body.

But Li Xiuxian has slaughtered millions of monsters in the past ten days, and the evil spirit accumulated in his body is so powerful, how can the Buddha's light on this string of small beads be able to dissolve it.

"Xiuxian!" Leng Ruling, who came over after hearing the news, couldn't help being surprised when he saw Li Xiuxian who was suppressed by the crowd in the hall.

Unkempt and murderous, is this the Li Xiuxian she knew?
"Roar!" With a roar, the Buddhist beads that bound Li Xiuxian exploded instantly!
"Pfft!" The monks who suppressed Li Xiuxian with all their strength were backlashed by the terrifying spiritual power and flew out backwards.

"Roar!" Clenching his hands, Li Xiuxian slammed his hands to the ground!

"Boom!" The entire hall of Xuechan Palace collapsed, and the hall of Xuechan Palace that had existed for countless years actually collapsed!
"Xiu Xian!" Leng Ruling was about to rush over, but was held down by a jade hand.

"Don't go there, he has already been haunted by demons, and his relatives don't recognize him!" Bing Xin said with great regret after looking at Li Xiuxian who was screaming up to the sky.

If ordinary demons were haunted, she might be able to suppress the demons if she was looking for a quiet place with the power of her cultivator, but now, the terrifying evil spirit on Li Xiuxian's body caused Li Xiuxian's mind to become confused, and even himself It is impossible to suppress the inner demons, let alone the intervention of external forces.

"Roar!" There was a flash of black light on Li Xiuxian's body, and he rose into the sky!

"Master, he..."

"Give up!" Bing Xin shook her head, at this moment Li Xiuxian was completely possessed.

"Boom!" Li Xiuxian rushed to the battlefield frantically, killing, killing, this was the only voice in Li Xiuxian's mind!
"Pfft!" A flash of blood flashed, and a human monk was amputated by Li Xiuxian, and the monster that was fighting with this human monk was also smashed in the head by Li Xiuxian's claws.

"Roar!" After the man and the demon died, a faint evil spirit merged into Li Xiuxian's body, which made Li Xiuxian even more crazy, like a half-beast fighting non-stop on the battlefield!

The more he killed, the crazier Li Xiuxian became, and the stronger the evil spirit in his body became. The evil spirit behind Li Xiuxian's back had even begun to condense into a stone statue of young sprouts and fangs.

"Block him!" Several demon kings roared, and the attack landed on Li Xiuxian.

But Li Xiuxian showed some smiles on his face, looking at the blood hole on his body, stained with blood, put it in his mouth!
"Hiss!" Li Xiuxian's weird behavior made these self-proclaimed crazy monsters couldn't help but gasp.

Is this a human or a ghost! "Pfft!" This question was probably their last question, and the heads of these monsters were cut off by a sword light in the next moment!
(End of this chapter)

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