Chapter 472
"Roar!" The shocking evil spirit soared into the sky, and most of the monsters were stunned by the shocking evil spirit, unable to move!
"Roar!" The 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords were also entangled with a trace of evil spirit, and black lights fell like raindrops!
"How dare you!" Long Biao yelled, his body shook, and he spit out a mouthful of yellow mist. This layer of yellow mist formed a layer of soil in the air, blocking all the sword lights.

Long Biao let out a roar, and the dragon's tail swept and hit Li Xiuxian hard.

"Jie Jie!" Li Xiuxian looked at Long Biao ferociously, and was only knocked back two steps by the full-strength blow of the fifth-level monster, and left a deep bone scar on Long Biao's tail with a flip of his hand.

"What a strong evil spirit! How can there be such a monk among human beings!" Long Biao was greatly surprised.

The evil spirit on this man was all over the sky, and he knew how to use the evil spirit. Just now, a little evil spirit entered his body with that claw, but Long Biao relied on his own strength to forcibly dispel the evil spirit.

"Brother!" Li Xiuyuan was shocked. Although Li Xiuxian had become inhuman and ghostless now, Li Xiuyuan recognized this elder brother who had lived with him for many years at a glance.

"Don't go!" Leng Ruling stopped Li Xiuyuan.

"Jie Jie!" Li Xiuxian let out a creepy smile, his hands turned into dragon claws, and he grabbed Long Biao's tail tightly.

"Hmph!" Long Biao snorted coldly, and spewed out a mouthful of yellow mist, which condensed into a huge stone in the air!

"Boom!" A ball of flames suddenly appeared on the boulder, and slammed into Li Xiuxian fiercely.

"Boom!" Being directly hit by this boulder, the boulder brought Li Xiuxian's body and hit the ice layer, and the nearby ice layer burst instantly.

Leng Ruling's eyes were hidden on the face under the mask, and two lines of tears flowed down silently.

The fifth-level monster hit with all its strength, and when it was hit head-on, the Nascent Soul cultivator had no chance of surviving, not to mention the Nascent Soul cultivator, even Bing Xin, a deity-transforming cultivator, could not guarantee that he would take the blow unscathed. one strike.

Looking at the exploding ice layer, Long Biao sneered, "I don't know how to live or die!"

"Roar!" Suddenly, all the monks present heard a terrifying roar!
Long Biao's face froze, this roar turned out to be Long Yin!

In an instant, an incomparably terrifying coercion enveloped the entire battlefield!
"This. This is impossible!" Long Biao looked at the scene before him in disbelief as if he had seen a ghost.

In the exploding ice layer, a huge rock with flames was slowly rising, and it was his blow!
"Roar!" There was only a roar, and an extremely huge dragon soared into the sky, and this flaming boulder exploded instantly!
"Shenlong! The orthodox Shenlong!" Long Biao suddenly lost his mind.

This is an orthodox dragon, not a flood dragon with a trace of dragon blood like them!

"Die!" Li Xiuxian made a move with his arm, and the whole arm immediately transformed into a dragon. A dragon several times bigger than Long Biao swallowed Long Biao in one gulp!

A dignified fifth-level demon beast died just like that!

"This kid is really interesting!" Huang Rao above the cloud looked at Li Xiuxian beheading the fifth-level monster lightly with interest, as if he was watching a play.

"Crack!" Long Biao's body exploded in the air, and his several hundred feet of body immediately turned into a shower of blood, merging into the already bloody ice layer.

Dead, a dignified fifth-level monster, a fifth-level monster comparable to a cultivator of the gods, died just like this!

"Brother!" Li Shuiyao, who came over after hearing the news, saw the crazy Li Xiuxian's eyes darken. She really couldn't believe that the murderous monster in front of her was her big brother.

No matter when, when facing his younger siblings, Li Xiuxian is a good brother. Shuiyao and Xiu Yuan have never seen Li Xiuxian like this.

"Death!" With a wave of his hand, the dragon in his hand was swept away, and thousands of monsters died in Li Xiuxian's hands in an instant.

Killing, killing as much as you want, the more you kill, the stronger the evil spirit behind Li Xiuxian will be.

Even the fifth-level monsters died in the hands of Li Xiuxian, how dare these remaining monsters resist, they retreated one after another.

"Death!" But they didn't want to fight, it didn't mean that Li Xiuxian would let them go, his whole body suddenly turned into a black glow, leaving fragmented corpses all over the place.

Crazy, incomparably crazy!

While slaughtering to his heart's content, Li Xiuxian is also burning his own life. If this continues, within an hour, Li Xiuxian will burn his own life in this madness, and finally die!
"Haha, good boy, maybe at the last moment of your life, you can excite me!" Huang laughed loudly, and appeared in front of Li Xiuxian in a flash, his hands turned into countless giant pythons, entangled Li Xiuxian The dragon in the right hand.

"Explode!" The giant pythons exploded instantly, and the huge explosion almost made the entire [-]-mile ice sheet tremble.

These hands were originally formed by Huang's hands, but Huang, whose arms were blown up, didn't care at all, and his exploded hands began to recover.

"Hiss!" The monks who saw this scene couldn't help but gasped, even a monk like Bing Xin who transformed himself into a god couldn't hide his inner horror.

"What is the origin of this person?" Bing Xin couldn't help asking.

At this moment, Li Xiuxian let out a low growl, and saw that the Shenlong in his right hand did not suffer any damage in this explosion, only a few scales were blown apart.

"The defense is good!" A flash of light flashed in Huang's eyes.

He slapped his right hand, and a fiery red dragon emerged from Huang's body!

"A level five monster is still a top level five!" Bing Xin was shocked!
"Roar!" Jiaolong charged at Li Xiuxian's right hand, and the two dragons collided fiercely.

"Bang!" Huang and Li Xiuxian each took two steps back, and the blow was evenly divided.

"Compared to last time, you have improved a lot, but now you probably don't understand what I'm talking about!" Huang smiled faintly.

Xuan's figure also appeared next to Huang: "You are very interested in this junior."

"A good opponent is hard to find!" Huang smiled slightly.

I saw Huang playing a few spells in his hands!

"Hidden shadow snake hand!" I saw that all the shadows on the ground began to converge towards the sky.

As soon as the shadow under Bing Xin's feet changed, it immediately turned into a black python and rushed to the sky!


Bing Xin looked at Nine Sword Immortal with a hint of disbelief, and Nine Sword Immortal also looked at Bing Xin with a look of horror. Although both of them are cultivators of transforming spirits, they still couldn't believe such weird magical powers. , or this is beyond the scope of supernatural powers and spells!
These black pythons formed from shadows were wrapped around Shenlong's body like chains, and Li Xiuxian couldn't move for a while.

However, at this moment, the evil spirit on Li Xiuxian's body condensed in an instant, and the evil spirit rapidly expanded along the body of Shenlong, and the black python restraining Shenlong gradually became difficult to resist.

Huang Leng snorted, and the spells in his hand changed one after another!

"Pfft!" A sword slashed down in the air!
"Crack!" Shenlong wailed.

"This is..." Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the long sword in Huang's hand.

"Dragon Slaying Sword!" Huang smiled faintly, and saw that the sword left a scar on Shenlong's body with a casual stroke.

Shenlong's scale armor is like a piece of paper, it can't resist the Dragon Slaying Sword at all.

Like the Demon Slaying Sword, this Dragon Slaying Sword is specially used to deal with Shenlong, and there is no resistance at all in front of this Demon Slaying Sword.

If Ziyue knew that Huang had a demon-slaying sword in her hand, she would definitely exclaim that it was impossible.

The Demon Slaying Sword is also a Xuantian Spiritual Treasure, and its ranking is still above the Demon Suppressing Tower, it is the highest ranked Xuantian Spiritual Treasure.

Although this sword is called the Dragon Slaying Sword, it is absolutely unambiguous in cutting creatures that are not dragons. The number of creatures that died on the Dragon Slaying Sword is simply incalculable.

Compared with the creatures that died on this dragon-slaying sword, the monsters that Li Xiuxian killed these days can be said to be a joke, there is no comparison between the two!
"If I remember correctly, you also have a trace of dragon blood, and it's pure blood dragon blood!" Huang looked at Li Xiuxian as if he was looking at a delicious prey.

"Roar!" Li Xiuxian, who was haunted by demons, would not pay attention to Huang at all, nor would he think about why this ordinary sword would cause so much damage to him.

After only being chopped off a few times, Shenlong became sluggish and retracted into Li Xiuxian's right hand.

Huang tapped his right foot, and the Dragon Slaying Sword had pierced into Li Xiuxian's heart the next moment!

"Roar!" With a shrill scream, the Dragon Slaying Sword has a restraining effect on any creature with the blood of the dragon. Not only can it greatly weaken the power of the dragon clan, but it will be extremely painful to be pierced by the sword light of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

There were even a few dragons who were stabbed by the sword glow of the Dragon Slaying Sword, and passed out directly.

It was enough to be cut by the sword light, not to mention being stabbed by the dragon sword itself, and it was in such a vital place as the heart.

Even though he was haunted by demons, Li Xiuxian still couldn't bear this pain!

"Brother!" Li Xiuyuan was furious, and the mantis sword in his hand slashed out a sword light!
"You are not qualified to play swords in front of me!" Xuan Sui grabbed the sword light in his hand.

"Pfft!" Before even Bing Xin and the others could react, a blood hole had already exploded on Li Xiuyuan's body.

"It seems that the power of this sword is not bad!" Xuan Leng smiled.

At this time, the sword light that Xuan had caught before had disappeared completely.

"Brother!" Shuiyao exclaimed, and hastily poured a bottle of Zhong Lingshi milk on Li Xiuyuan's abdominal wound.

Li Xiuyuan's angry attack naturally exhausted all his strength, and now this piece was thrown back casually, and the damage caused to him was also shocking, almost half of his body was blown away.Although there are treasures like Zhonglingshiru to keep Li Xiuyuan alive, the light in Li Xiuyuan's eyes is getting dimmer!

(End of this chapter)

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