Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 790 The Decline of the Deadwood Clan 1

Chapter 790 The Decline of the Deadwood Clan
"Hiss!" Li Xiuxian's body trembled, and a bone-piercing chill hit his spine.

"Who, who is peeping?" Li Xiuxian's consciousness was released instantly, and this feeling was clearly being watched by someone.

But Li Xiuxian didn't find anything unusual!

"The real eye of the Deadwood Clan!" Li Xiuxian thought about it, and immediately understood where this feeling of peeping came from.

When he first entered the forest of dead wood, he knew that there was a very special kind of tree in this forest, which was unique to the dead wood family, called the eye of truth.

These eyes of truth are hidden among the ordinary trees, and apart from the dead wood clan, monks from other races cannot discover the location of the eyes of truth at all.

"If you can't find it, you think I have nothing to do?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

Although he couldn't be sure which one among the thousands of trees was the Eye of Reality, but it could bring him such a strong sense of crisis, the Eye of Reality must be within a hundred feet.

The range of a hundred feet is not too big for Li Xiuxian, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, not to mention that this is the territory of the dead wood clan, no matter how many trees are destroyed, Li Xiuxian has no burden in his heart!

"Drink!" The inanimate power condensed in the palm, and a slap-sized inanimate force was thrown out by Li Xiuxian, and all the vitality of the surrounding trees was immediately extracted by the inanimate force.

"Crack!" In the Forbidden City of the Deadwood Clan, the small silver tree trembled slightly, and a light yellow leaf fell down.

The eyelids of the withered wood monk wearing a golden ribbon twitched. He didn't expect the vitality of the mother tree to be consumed so quickly.

"The two Eyes of Reality have been destroyed." There was a glimmer of gloom in the eyes of the Witherwood monk.

There are not many eyes of truth in the whole forest of dead wood, especially now that the vitality of the mother tree is exhausted, there can only be more than 200 eyes of truth at most, opening the eyes of truth will also consume additional vitality of the mother tree, Now that two trees were destroyed at once, even he felt a heartache.

"Here you are!" She stripped the vitality extracted by the inanimate power and handed it to Mu Xun'er.

These vitality are dispensable to Li Xiuxian, but to Mu Xun'er, they are a great tonic. This time Mu Xun'er helped him so much, and Li Xiuxian also wanted to thank him well.

Moreover, he also took advantage of Mu Xun'er, which made Li Xiuxian feel a little bit guilty.

If he used a ruthless monk Li Xiuxian, he would not feel guilty at all, but for the innocent Mu Xun'er, Li Xiuxian could not do that. Although he is not a good person, he is not a bad person either.

"Yeah!" Mu Xun'er happily refined this dark green mass of vitality.

"Come again?" Li Xiuxian snorted, and a large number of wood apes gathered hundreds of miles away from him. eyes met.

Hundreds of miles apart, the two had already started to confront each other.

"Existence at the peak of Transcending Tribulation!" Li Xiuxian snorted.

The other party's cultivation base was completely higher than his own, but Li Xiuxian was not afraid at all.

It's just the transcending tribulation period, if he thought about it, he would have become a monk in the transcending tribulation period in Chunyang Immortal Palace, but he forcibly suppressed it.

After getting the dragon vein, Li Xiuxian was already thinking about how to expand his strength to the extreme before becoming a cultivator. The thicker his savings, the more strength he could improve after crossing the tribulation.

What's more, with Li Xiuxian's current cultivation base, what is the point of a monk who has passed the tribulation period?
In the world of Thunderbolt, there are not many thunder-type creatures in the tribulation stage who kill themselves. Now he has fused with a ray of Jindi Fentianyan, and his combat power is as strong as that of the Mahayana stage. With the powerful existence of Peak Jie, Li Xiuxian would not have the slightest fear in his heart at that time.

"Bang!" The collision of consciousness.

"Hmph!" The leading Witherwood monk blushed, spewing out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with horror.

It was just a collision of consciousness, but he was completely at a disadvantage, and his soul was severely injured in an instant!

"I don't know how to live or die!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

If the monk of the Witherwood tribe competed with him, he might be able to last for a while, but this guy wants to use his spiritual sense to suppress himself. Isn't this asking for a dead end?
The strength of Li Xiuxian's spiritual consciousness is far higher than his current state, even compared with the strong ones in the Mahayana stage, and only the extremely outstanding strongmen in the Mahayana stage can overwhelm Li Xiuxian in terms of spiritual consciousness one chip.

What's more, Li Xiuxian also got a method of visualization. There was already a Buddha statue sitting in his mind.

This method of visualization was obtained by Li Xiuxian in the way of demon blood refining, and it is an extremely rare supernatural power in the Buddhist sect.

With Li Xiuxian's understanding of Buddhism, it is naturally impossible to cultivate, but Li Suixian can, and it only took a hundred years to cultivate this supernatural power to the level of Xiaocheng, which even benefited Li Xiuxian and Li Yixuan.

Competing with Li Xiuxian for his spiritual sense was the most stupid decision this monk of the Witherwood clan had ever made in his life.

Li Xiuxian was unforgiving, the sword in his hand flashed, and a thin golden line flashed in an instant.

"Not good!" After all, this monk of the withered wood clan is the existence of the pinnacle of crossing the catastrophe, and it is not comparable to the monk of Mu Ren who is in a state of fit. He instinctively twisted and avoided the vital point, but one of his arms was Don't cut it off abruptly.

"Escaped?" Li Xiuxian smiled lightly, pointed his finger, and it was another thin line.

However, the Witheredwood Clan monk who was prepared clasped his hands together, and immediately a row of wooden stakes stood in front of him.

"Boom!" Sawdust splashed for a while, "What a strong sword!"

"What a strong defense!"

Li Xiuxian and the monk of the Withered Wood Clan sighed inwardly.

The Withered Wood Clan looked at the wooden token in his hand distressedly. This was the magic weapon of his destiny that he had spent countless money to refine. It was indestructible, but Li Xiuxian's sword left a sword mark on it!
"The regeneration ability of this withered wood clan is quite strong, and it recovered instantly after removing one of his arms." Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

At their level of cultivation, it is indeed not difficult to regenerate a severed limb.

"It's too strong!" The Witherwood monk, who was full of confidence at first, now had a terrified expression on his face.

The collision of divine consciousness was a complete defeat, and the opponent destroyed his own talisman with a single sword strike. Obviously, the strength of the opponent was far above him!
"How is it possible, he's just a junior at the peak of refining the void!" the Witherwood Clan cultivator wailed in his heart.

One is the peak of refining the void, and the other is the peak of crossing the robbery. There is no doubt that he is stronger, but the cultivator on the opposite side can easily defeat him, which makes it difficult for him to accept. It would be unacceptable to defeat a monk who is far below him!

"The Deadwood Clan is indeed in decline, just like the legends say." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

The last time he came to a wood ninja who was in the state of integration, he could chase him all over the world, but this time, even the strongest withering wood clan who was at the peak of crossing the catastrophe was no match for him. Some masters, but they are not much higher, and there will be a few strong men in the Mahayana period if they die.

Thinking that Li Xiuxian, a strong man in the Mahayana period, not only has no fear, but is eager to try. He also wants to see if his current strength can compete with the strong men in the Mahayana period. Even if he loses, there is absolutely no problem in saving his life.

Li Xiuxian doesn't have much else, but there are many ways to save his life!
"Isn't the Deadwood Clan a vassal of your Wood Spirit Clan? How could it have declined to such an extent?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking, "Well, it seems that the vitality of the mother tree in their clan has been exhausted, so what they can play The strength is also less." Mu Xun'er thought for a while.

"Mother tree?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"Well, my grandfather has also seen it, saying that the mother tree of the Deadwood Clan will definitely not live for 10 years." Mu Xun'er said.

Li Xiuxian has never heard of the fact that the strength of the Deadwood Clan is inextricably linked to their mother tree.

"Little friend is indeed extraordinary, but I, the Deadwood Clan, are being presumptuous." A huge human face suddenly appeared above the Deadwood Forest.

"Mahaya monk!" Li Xiuxian's face changed, and he quietly blocked Mu Xun'er behind him. He was not afraid of Mahayana monks, but Mu Xun'er didn't have this ability.

"You don't have to panic, I'm just here to make a deal with you." The huge human face smiled faintly.

"Deal, I don't think there is any deal between us." Li Xiuxian snorted.

Strong strength means sufficient confidence, even Li Xiuxian, a monk in the Mahayana period, has no fear at all.

"This junior, he's crazy, he dares to talk to a Mahayana strong man like that!" Some monks outside the forest of withered trees almost lost their eyeballs.

The decline of the Deadwood Clan is well known to monks in the spirit world, and it is becoming more and more declining, but after all, they have been brilliant before, and there are many strong people in the Mahayana period in the clan.

A strong man in the Mahayana stage is a giant even in the spirit world, and no one wants to provoke a strong man in the Mahayana stage for nothing.

The reason why the Deadwood Clan can still exist is because there are still a few Mahayana strongmen in the clan. As long as there are Mahayana strong, no monks are willing to take this risk.

There is a family bondage, these Mahayana stage powerhouses will not be reckless, but if there is a force to destroy the Withered Wood Clan, but let these Mahayana stage powerhouses escape, then they are unrestrained mad dogs, desperate for revenge.

Even the big clan in the spirit world would not want to see this kind of consequence.

"Give that little girl to us, we promise not to harm her life, and we will offer endless benefits." The huge human face stared at Mu Xun'er who was hiding behind Li Xiuxian.

"Joke!" Li Xiuxian snorted.

Li Xiuxian doesn't know what the dead wood tribe is up to, but if Mu Xun'er is really handed over, her life may be lost. I can't justify my conscience, and behind Mu Xun'er there is a wood spirit appearing holy and the whole family. With their strength, it is not difficult to find out Li Xiuxian from the Wood Spirit Clan.

Li Xiuxian, the protector of the wood spirit who appeared holy, had seen it with his own eyes. In order to find Mu Xun'er, he would go to war with the Three Emperors. How could he have the guts to offend a famous wood spirit who appeared in the spirit world?

(End of this chapter)

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