Chapter 791

"Old man, do you think I'm easy to deceive?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, his terrifying aura soaring into the sky!

"What a domineering boy, dare to challenge Mahayana monks!"

"This kid is completely crazy. A cultivator who refines Xu dares to challenge a monk of the Mahayana period. They can blow him into ashes in one breath."

The monks around the forest of dead wood all thought that Li Xiuxian's behavior was asking for his own death!
"It's so strong, this kind of aura is definitely not something a cultivator can possess." Mu Yin's eyes showed a hint of shock.

Mu Yin originally thought that Li Xiuxian was able to defeat Li Xiuxian by magic weapon or secret technique, but now it seems that he relied on real strength, it is hard to imagine how a cultivator of refining the virtual can have such terrifying strength.

"I, Mu Yin, will never lie to you, we just want this little girl to do us a favor." Mu Yin said kindly.

"Help?" Li Xiuxian sneered, obviously he would not be fooled by such a lame reason.

"If you are worried, you can also follow this little girl, we will definitely not hurt you at all." Mu Yin said.

"Oh? Then what reward can you offer?" Li Xiuxian looked at the phantom in the sky with great interest.

"One hundred plants of ninth-level elixir!" Mu Yin reported a reward that even Li Xiuxian stared at.

Ninth-level elixir, even Li Xiuxian does not have a elixir of this level.

Ninth-level elixir is extremely rare in the spirit world, even in the fairy city, and there are not many of them, and the fairy fate points needed to exchange them are definitely an astronomical figure.

Even Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing inwardly, this dead wood clan is really a big hand.

Although the withered wood clan is declining year by year, the dead wood clan has been brilliant before. The so-called centipedes are dead but not stiff, and the emaciated camels are bigger than horses. The treasures and treasures of the dead wood clan are indeed more than ordinary There are many more forces.

But if Li Xiuxian is so easy to deal with, then is he still called Li Xiuxian?

"One hundred nine-level elixir just want to save your mother tree? The mother tree of your dead wood clan is really worthless." Li Xiuxian snorted lightly.

Mu Yin was startled: "How did he know that we were going to save the mother tree? Impossible, even among the Deadwood clan, there are only a handful of people who know the existence of the mother tree. Coincidence, it must be a coincidence."

Li Xiuxian looked at the big face in the sky and smiled coldly. The dead wood clan only fell in love with Mu Xun'er because they liked the powerful wood origin on Xun'er.

The withering of the mother tree of the dead wood family must be due to the damage of the origin of wood, and there are only a few forces in the spirit world that have the origin of wood, and the most famous one is naturally the wood spirit clan.

Moreover, the wood spirits of the wood spirit clan also have a powerful wood origin.

But how could such a person as the wood spirit manifest his holiness consume his own wood origin for the mother tree of the Deadwood Clan?

The fact that the wood spirit did not save the mother tree of the dead wood clan was not because he could not, but because he was unwilling to consume his own wood origin to save the mother tree of the dead wood clan. This is an extremely stupid thing in the eyes of the wood spirit.

Although Li Xiuxian, the source of wood, does not have it, but Jianmu among the Wanhuazhu has it.

As the tree of the world, Jianmu has the most primitive and purest source of wood. It can be said that he is the ancestor of all trees. Even the source of wood in the body of the wood spirit is not as good as Jianmu.

Among the monks that Li Xiuxian knew, the source of wood in Mu Xun'er's body was comparable to that of Jianmu.

Li Xiuxian could see the strength of the wood essence in Mu Xun'er's body, so naturally these dead wood monks could do the same.

From the time when the Mahayana monks appeared, Li Xiuxian guessed that their purpose was to rob Mu Xun'er of the source of wood in Mu Xun'er's body.

As long as there is the source of wood, unless the source of wood is exhausted, it will be difficult for the mother tree of the dead tree family to die even if it wants to!

But Li Xiuxian's strength exceeded the expectations of the Deadwood Clan. Even Mu Kun, who was at the peak of crossing the catastrophe, was defeated by Li Xiuxian, so Mu Yin had to be alarmed, and his attitude changed from the original robbery to the current transaction.

"Not enough, not enough!" Li Xiuxian shook his head.

Mu Yin's face changed, this junior really dared to speak, even the fairy city couldn't get a hundred nine-level elixir, only the dead wood clan and the wood spirit clan who are good at cultivating elixir. It is possible to take out a hundred plants of ninth-level elixir in one go, but Li Xiuxian is greedy and thinks this is not enough.

The ninth-level elixir, the Deadwood Clan has it, and there are quite a few of them, but these are accumulated by the Witheredwood Clan over hundreds of millions of years, so it is impossible to give them all to Li Xiuxian.

"Then what are you going to do?" Mu Yin's face was a bit ugly. It's already very shameless for him, a dignified Mahayana monk, to trade with Li Xiuxian, a junior at the refining level, but Li Xiuxian still wants to stomp on his face. two feet.

If it wasn't for him not being able to see through Li Xiuxian's strength, he wouldn't be bargaining with Li Xiuxian here, he would have slapped him to death long ago, and robbed Mu Xun'er of the essence of wood in Mu Xun'er's body.

"I want half of your Deadwood Clan's treasury!" Li Xiuxian said.

"What, are you dreaming!" Mu Yin snorted.

He originally thought that Li Xiuxian would only make a fuss about these one hundred nine-level elixir, and at most there would be dozens more.

But he still underestimated Li Xiuxian's appetite, and asked for half of the Witherwood Clan's treasury. This treasury was not only the elixir, but also the supernatural powers, magic weapons, and pills accumulated by the Witherwood Clan through the ages.

The corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth twitched slightly: "What? I feel distressed? It doesn't matter, then just watch your mother tree die."

"You..." Mu Yin was furious, he really had the urge to slap Li Xiuxian to death, he had never seen such an arrogant cultivator.

On weekdays, even cultivators in the tribulation period would respect Mu Yin, just like a mouse seeing a cat, for fear of offending him, but Li Xiuxian was lucky, his realm was not high, but he was extremely arrogant, and he didn't care about it at all. He, a monk in the Mahayana period, paid attention to him.

"It's just the early days of Mahayana. I'm not afraid of this level of cultivation." Li Xiuxian snorted.

"Brother, I think it's better to help them. They are very pitiful when their mother tree dies." Mu Xun'er looked at Li Xiuxian with flickering eyes.

Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly. Did this little girl figure out the situation? If she hadn't had herself, she would have been captured by the Deadwood Clan long ago, and the source of wood in her body would be gone. Come to intercede for them.

"Could it be that this wood spirit is a fool to teach the wood spirit clan just like that?" Li Xiuxian cursed in his heart.

"Half, otherwise we won't talk about it!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

He is just sitting on the ground and raising the price now, if he doesn't slaughter this dead wood clan well, he will be sorry for himself at all.

"One-tenth, at most one-tenth, otherwise there will be no discussion." Mu Yin shook his head.

"Okay, old guy, you have the guts, so don't stop me if you have the guts!" Li Xiuxian laughed secretly in his heart.

"If you don't talk about it, let's talk about it, Xun'er, let's go!" Li Xiuxian actually pulled Mu Xun'er and turned around and left.

"Old man, if you don't call me within ten breaths, I will take your surname." Li Xiuxian sneered.






"Wait a minute, one eighth, really can't be more!" Mu Yin took another step back.

The corners of Li Xiuxian's mouth curled up slightly: "That's right, I will suffer a little bit, a quarter!"

"You..." Mu Yin was almost choked by Li Xiuxian's big appetite. He just said one-eighth of it, but Li Xiuxian took the snake and took a quarter of it, and he seemed to be at a disadvantage when he said it. Same.

"A quarter is a quarter. When you finish the mother tree, the strength of my dead wood clan will increase greatly. I will let you spit out whatever I want you to eat!" Mu Yin snorted in his heart, how could his dead wood clan That's all?
Li Xiuxian chuckled, he guessed exactly what Mu Yin was thinking.

Xun'er also said that the strength of the dead wood clan is related to the mother tree. Once the mother tree regains its vitality, the strength of the dead wood clan will increase a lot in an instant, and I'm afraid it will bite itself back.

"Come in, I'll take you to where the mother tree is." With a wave of Mu Yin's hand, a passage appeared in the sky above the dead wood forest.

Li Xiuxian did not hesitate, and pulled Mu Xun'er into this passage.

"Just let you be proud for a while, and you will cry later." Mu Yin snorted.

Li Xiuxian glanced at Mu Yin, no wonder this guy wanted to make such a big commotion outside.

Compared with the phantom outside, his true self is still more powerful and domineering than the phantom outside.

Mu Yin's own family is only a small dwarf about one meter long. Such an appearance does not match his cultivation level.

"Cut, the spiritual power in Mu Yin's body is so vain, and his realm is not stable." Ziyue curled her lips in disdain.

This Mu Yin is indeed a monk of the Mahayana period, but he is definitely at the bottom of the ranks among the strong men of the Mahayana period.

"Don't say it so badly, at least it's the Mahayana period." Li Xiuxian smiled lightly.

Under the leadership of Mu Yin, Li Xiuxian saw a branch with only two or three withered yellow leaves all over his body in a secret room.

Why is it called a branch, because Li Xiuxian really couldn't see how it looked like a tree, it felt like someone cut a dying branch and stuck it in the soil.

"This is the mother tree you are talking about. You are not joking." Li Xiuxian looked at the small bonsai in surprise.

"It's this one. In the past, the mother tree was ten thousand feet tall, but for some reason, it became more and more fragile, and the trunk kept shrinking." Mu Yin felt extremely aggrieved when talking about this matter.

During the heyday of the Mother Tree, his Deadwood Clan was considered a great force in the spirit world, even if they were not as powerful as the Wood Spirit Clan, they were still comparable. At that time, they were not yet a vassal of the Wood Spirit Clan.

But with the withering of the mother tree, the strength of their Deadwood Clan is getting weaker and weaker, and finally they can only survive by relying on the Wood Spirit Clan.

"This..." Li Xiuxian looked at this small tree in amazement. Don't underestimate the smallness, but the vitality in the body is extremely amazing. It has withered to such an extent that there is such a strong vitality in the body. Li Xiuxian doesn't know how terrifying this mother tree will be in its heyday .

(End of this chapter)

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