Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 814 The Pursuit of a Mysterious Person

Chapter 814 The Pursuit of a Mysterious Person
It has to be said that it is not easy for Elder Xingtian, who is just and impartial in law enforcement, to make such a concession. After all, Li Xiuxian killed Asheli in the Fairy City, and in front of many monks. .

The previous Gu Yue died as well. He was an unknown person, but Asheli was different. He was an elder with senior qualifications in the Ministry of Military Affairs. Recently, he was preparing to break through. A strong man at the level of a warrior.

But such an elder was killed by Li Xiuxian like a chicken.

Although Asheli was to blame, but as the law enforcer of Fairy City, Elder Xing Tian still wanted to detain Li Xiuxian.

But after knowing that Li Xiuxian has such a powerful strength, it is impossible for Elder Xing Tian to execute him. A monk who can kill a peak martial soul in the early stage of martial arts is a target to be recruited no matter which force he is in.

As long as the value between Li Xiuxian and Asheli is higher or lower, anyone who is not a fool can tell at a glance.

Detaining Li Xiuxian this time will only be a symbolic punishment at most, and it is absolutely impossible to hurt Li Xiuxian's life.

"Elder Xing Tian, ​​I'm not a fool. If you can also block the man behind Asheli, I have no objection." Li Xiuxian smiled lightly.

"How do you know?" Elder Xing Tian was astonished.

"Just relying on an Asheri to dare to act presumptuously in front of my master's mourning hall, does he have the guts?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

It is true that there is disharmony between Asheli and Di Shitian, but it is not to the point where there will be a commotion in the mourning hall after Di Shitian's death.

Di Shitian is the Emperor's disciple, even if the Emperor does not appear, he is still the Emperor's disciple.

How honorable is the status of the Three Emperors in Xianling City, even if Di Shitian is dead, he must take into account the Emperor's face, Li Xiuxian does not believe that Asheli has the guts to risk offending the Emperor to make a big fuss The mourning hall of Emperor Shitian.

What's even more strange is that no one in the entire military department came to stop Asheli's nonsense.

Those martial spirit-level elders may still be afraid of Asheli's strength. After Di Shitian died, the strongest among the martial spirit-level elders was Asheli.

However, in such a huge military department, it is impossible to only have elders at the martial spirit level, and there are also some martial gods who practice in seclusion and do not manage affairs. It is impossible for these people to be afraid of Asheli's strength.

Even if some warrior-level elders travel abroad, it is impossible for the entire military department to not even have a warrior-level elder.

Since there are powerful warriors at the level of Valkyrie, but they do not come out to stop them, it can only show that they are afraid of something.

The person who is afraid of it can't be Asheli, the little elder with the pinnacle of martial arts, so there is only one explanation, there is someone behind this Asheli.

This person is very powerful, and even the elders of the martial arts level in the military department are unwilling to provoke him, so he keeps silent about Asheli's actions.

Elder Xing Tian was very surprised, he didn't understand that Li Xiuxian just stood on the mourning hall for a while, killed two people and knew that there was someone behind Asheli!

"How do you know?" Elder Xing Tian sighed slightly.

"Thinking of it, I'm afraid that you can't even offend Elder Xingtian, since you can't offend him, then don't stop me." Li Xiuxian snorted.

Elder Xingtian smiled wryly: "You are still smart. It is really a blessing for Di Shitian to accept you as his disciple, but even so, I still cannot let you leave. You may still be able to save your life in the fairy city, but Once you leave Fairy Spirit City, that lord can make a move without hesitation."

Li Xiuxian was about to say something when he was interrupted by Elder Xingtian: "I know what you're thinking, your fellow practitioner of Xianwu is far superior to monks of the same level, even Asheli, who is at the peak of Wuhun, is like a chicken in your hands. Even if it is possible for me to defeat you, I cannot kill you."

Li Xiuxian nodded, Elder Xingtian was right, he was indeed no match for Elder Xingtian, but it was impossible for Elder Xingtian to kill him.

"However, you have no chance of winning against that lord. Only by being attached to the emperor can you survive. For the sake of Di Shitian, the emperor may even help you." Xing Tian earnestly said persuading.

"Human Sovereign. This matter will alarm the Human Sovereign?" Li Xiuxian was a little surprised. Could there be a strong man at the level of the Three Sovereigns among the human race, but it's impossible to think about it. No.

Xing Tian saw the horror in Li Xiuxian's heart and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He stopped Li Xiuxian not to punish Li Xiuxian but to save his life.

The big dog still depends on its owner. Now that Li Xiuxian has killed the dog Asheli, that adult has already lost face.

According to that adult's character of vengeance, whether Li Xiuxian can survive today is still unknown.

Regarding Xing Tian's kindness, Li Xiuxian could only smile: "Even so, I still have to leave."

Just a joke, Li Xiuxian is not only a disciple of Di Shitian, but also a foreign monk of the Kunpeng clan, and he has mastered the supreme supernatural power of hundreds of millions of space to escape, except for those who have mastered this supernatural power Besides Kunpeng, if Li Xiuxian wanted to run away, few people could catch him.

It is unrealistic for even a monk at the level of the Three Emperors to travel through hundreds of millions of spaces to arrest him.

"Don't be impulsive, you can't resist the terror of that lord." Xing Tian was a little anxious, Li Xiuxian's talent and perseverance are the best choices, as long as he is given time to grow, he will definitely be a strong man in Fairy City in the future, and even To surpass him, he really wants to keep such a person.

But Xing Tian wanted to keep Li Xiuxian, but Li Xiuxian didn't accept Xing Tian's affection, and he wanted to rush to his death!

With a flash of Li Xiuxian's figure, he passed Xing Tian, ​​and his figure quickly disappeared from Xing Tian's sight.

"Hey!" Xing Tian could only sigh helplessly, what happened to Li Xiuxian in the future would depend on his own fortune.

The Armed Forces Department is already in a turmoil, and Asheli was beaten to death just like that!

Jiang Boyue and Xue Jinteng also couldn't believe it. After finishing Di Shitian's funeral, the two announced their retreat!

"Sumi fruit, I didn't expect that it was Sumi fruit that harmed us." A gleam of light suddenly shot out from the cloudy eyes of the insane Taoist who lost an arm.

When Di Shitian and Daoist Madman went to Beiming, they knew that this time there was a lot of danger, and they had already prepared for it. They were confident that even if they were defeated, they would still have no problem escaping.

But the final result was unbearable for them. Di Shitian died and his arm was broken.

"Sumi Fruit, after all, there is no such a blessing." The crazy Taoist shook his head helplessly.

"Did the old guy say it?" In an attic in Xianling City, there was a melodious sound of the piano, and a graceful woman was playing the piano through a layer of tulle.

"The subordinate is incompetent. Even though he used the heart-warming bell, he still didn't know the whereabouts of the Sumi fruit from the mouth of the crazy Taoist. He seems to have set a seal for himself. Even he himself does not know the whereabouts of the Sumi fruit. .”

"It doesn't matter, as long as the Sumi fruit is in his hands, there will be no problem." The woman smiled lightly, as if she had expected it to be so.

"Have you searched Di Shitian's mourning hall?" the woman asked again.

The body of the cultivator outside the tulle tightened, and beads of sweat couldn't help falling down: "No, no, no."

The woman's willow eyebrows frowned slightly: "What's the matter? Asheli can't even do this little thing well?"

"He's dead!" The monk felt that death was getting closer and closer to him.

"what happened?"

This cultivator narrated everything that happened in the mourning hall in detail, and he even told the expressions of the surrounding cultivators clearly, for fear that his mistakes and omissions would bring disaster to himself.

After listening to the monk's explanation, the woman's brows relaxed: "I've heard of the third disciple of Di Shitian before, but I didn't expect that he has grown to such an extent that he can kill Asheli easily. This Asheli is really a waste, no wonder Di Shitian has been suppressing him."

"Do you know what to do?" the woman said lightly.

"The subordinate understands that Li Xiuxian's head will definitely appear in front of the master in three days!" The man in black secretly heaved a sigh of relief, which meant that his life was saved.

"Two days, or you will kill yourself," the woman said.

"Yes!" The monk hastily left the ordinary-looking attic.

Two days seemed short, but it was more than enough to hunt down a cultivator at the early stage of Wuhun.

So what if he could kill Acheeli, any one of his subordinates could kill a waste like Acheeli.

"Summon the Nether Guards, and kill Li Xiuxian with all your strength!" A talisman sword disappeared instantly with this message, and within a cup of tea, the Nether Guards scattered all over the spirit world would start chasing and killing Li Xiuxian, no matter how powerful he was He couldn't escape the palm of the Nether Guard either.

With the effort of a cup of tea, several talisman swords appeared in the sky.

"We found Li Xiuxian thousands of miles away from Fairy Spirit City!" The cultivator couldn't help showing a smile on his face, the pursuit this time was too easy.

As everyone knows, the Nether Guard who issued these talisman swords has turned into a corpse.

Li Xiuxian looked at these monks, originally he wanted to catch them alive, but he didn't expect that all of them swallowed poison and committed suicide, not giving Li Xiuxian any chance.

This is a poison that can kill even a soul in an instant.

"The strength is very strong. Although it's only in the middle stage of virtual refining, it can fight against the strong in the late stage of virtual refining." Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing as he looked at these monks dressed in different clothes.

This chase came too fast, and it came so silently, who would have thought that the monk who passed by Li Xiuxian would be in trouble in an instant, that is, Li Xiuxian, if it was someone else, the one who fell on the ground would be Not these few people anymore.

But Li Xiuxian didn't panic much. He might still be a little bit afraid of that unknown person, but if it was just these pursuits, he didn't take it to heart. It's not that simple to take Li Xiuxian's life.

(End of this chapter)

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