Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 815 The Crisis Is Coming

Chapter 815 The Crisis Is Coming
Although these people's strength is good, it can be said that it is easy to kill the monks who are at the peak of Lianxu, but it is still a bit whimsical to kill Li Xiuxian.

However, Li Xiuxian also had a little bit of fear towards this big man, as Xing Tian said, after he left Xianling City, this big man couldn't wait to chase him down.

Especially these chasers are not pure chasers like what Li Xiuxian encountered before.

These people will pretend to be ordinary monks, approach you with a very legitimate reason, and attack you immediately when you feel a little slack.

In all fairness, this method of assassination is more efficient, but it also makes Li Xiuxian even more headache.

Now Li Xiuxian didn't dare to enter the city casually, because once he stopped to talk to people, that monk might be one of the people who wanted to assassinate him.

"I won't play with you guys anymore." After being chased and killed more than 30 times a day, Li Xiuxian finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He encountered more than 30 chases in a day, even if Li Xiuxian was confident, he couldn't continue playing, it was crazy.

Moreover, these assassins were all mortal warriors, they would definitely fight to the end, and they would not even be able to catch a single one alive. Apart from a crossed sword used for assassination, they had no identity certificates or any luxuries on their bodies.

If these assassins had money, Li Xiuxian could happily play this game of chasing and being hunted.

But Li Xiuxian didn't even get a single hair except for a black crossed sword. Li Xiuxian didn't bother to entangle with these assassins whether more than 30 crossed swords were of any use to Li Xiuxian.

Using hundreds of millions of space to hide, Li Xiuxian once again started the journey of traveling through space. This time it took a long time, at least a hundred years or so. There are still three quarters of the hundred kinds of rare treasures left. After collecting them earlier, Li Xiuxian will I can let go sooner.

Li Xiuxian didn't think these assassins could find their place in the billions of small worlds.

"Escaped into the small world?" The monk frowned.

More than half of the two days had passed, if Li Xiuxian's head had not been sent to the master within one day, then all of them would have died without a burial.

"In which small world?" the monk asked.

"In the small world of disaster." Soon a monk reported Li Xiuxian's location.

If Li Xiuxian was here, he would be surprised why these people knew his whereabouts very well. He shuttled around at will. Before that, even he himself didn't know which small world he would enter.

"Crack!" The cultivator picked out a jade talisman from the storage bag and crushed it casually. His body was wrapped in a white light and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Sure enough, here, if you fall into my hands, you will definitely die!" After entering the small world of disaster, the monk seemed to know where Li Xiuxian was, and decided to fly in one direction.

"As expected of a small world of disasters, disasters happen all the time!" Li Xiuxian waved his hand, and the meteorite falling from the sky was blocked.

Disasters are everywhere in the small world. Plagues, floods, sky fires, thunders, earthquakes, volcanoes, and natural disasters that are extremely rare in the spirit world are commonplace in this small world.

Since entering this small world of disasters, Li Xiuxian has encountered no less than a hundred disasters, and the power of these disasters is not uncommon. If a monk in the state of integration is not prepared, he may die in this disaster.

"It seems that my disaster is not over yet." Li Xiuxian saw the white light flying in the distance with a sneer on his face, seeing that this posture was completely aimed at him.

"It's possible to chase, even the small world has come after me." Li Xiuxian was also a little surprised by this.

Being able to find their own position and enter this small world in such a short period of time, the abilities of this group of people are really good.

"It seems that something has been planted on me as well." Li Xiuxian sighed slightly. The other party was able to find him so accurately and quickly, obviously they left a mark on him. During the confrontation of more than a dozen killers, there were too many opportunities for them to leave marks on their bodies.

"It's still careless." Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

"Li Xiuxian, you have offended my master, do you still want to run away?" The monk snorted, a black light flashed, and a crossed sword pierced Li Xiuxian's chest.

"It's just killing a dog. Your master really made a big fuss!" Li Xiuxian pinched his fingers and flicked, and the crossed sword was immediately thrown back.

On the side of the cultivator's body, following the force of the forked sword, he turned the forked sword in a circle, and the forked sword returned to his hand.

"Master said you are going to die, so you must die!" The monk didn't say much, the forked sword in his hand was like a poisonous snake, ever-changing, it was all about grabbing Li Xiuxian's dead corner of defense.

"Ding!" The forked sword pierced Li Xiuxian's forehead!
"Hum!" The monk circulated his spiritual power, and the forked sword became extremely hard, as if it was about to pierce Li Xiuxian's head!

But Li Xiuxian just used the "Unbroken Golden Body Art" to block the forked sword.

The strength of these assassins was good, but even if Li Xiuxian stood up and asked them to assassinate them, they might not be able to break through Li Xiuxian's defense.

This forked sword is poisonous, and even a little bit of it is enough to kill a strong man at the Mahayana stage.

But poison is no longer a terrible thing to Li Xiuxian, he can resist even weak water and strong poison, let alone the poison on this forked sword.

"The fourth level of the "Unbroken Golden Body Art", no wonder you are so confident." The monk saw that he returned several attacks in vain and smiled faintly.

Li Xiuxian's face changed, knowing that there are not many monks who practiced "Unbreakable Golden Body Art", but this person can tell how many levels he has cultivated to at once, which is a bit shocking.

"I know a lot." Li Xiuxian's tone suddenly became cold.

"That's not all, Li Xiuxian, as a disciple of Di Shitian, you dare to join the Kunpeng clan and become their foreign monk!" The monk sneered.

This matter is not a secret, and Li Xiuxian did not deliberately hide this matter, but he did not publicize it everywhere.

Li Xiuxian has been traveling outside all year round, and there are not many people who can come into contact with him and know about him.

"It seems that you are still an intelligence organization!" Li Xiuxian looked at this monk with a trace of fear in his eyes.

With the previous confrontation with more than 30 assassins, Li Xiuxian already knew that it was almost impossible to extract information from these assassins.

"Pfft!" A flower of blood suddenly appeared on Li Xiuxian's shoulder.

This seemingly ordinary cultivator's sword broke through his defense, and the forked sword in this cultivator's hand was replaced by a large sword with sawtooth.

"Shaking Sword! You are still a master of swordsmanship!" Li Xiuxian snorted.

Trembling Sword is an extremely advanced skill in the way of swordsmanship, and there are not many sword masters who can master this skill.

This assassin has one more sawtooth sword than the previous 30 or so assassins. Obviously, this sword exists for Shaking Sword II.

Ordinary attacks might not be able to break through Li Xiuxian's defenses, but the trembling sword technique combined with this large sawtooth sword can do it.

If Li Xiuxian's body was compared to fine steel, ordinary swords would not be able to cause any damage to the fine steel.

But if the knife is replaced by a saw, as long as the speed is fast enough, even the hardest iron will be broken by the saw.

This person's trembling sword can tremble tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times in an instant, and it is not difficult to break Li Xiuxian's skin with such a frequency.

"Shaking Sword, unfortunately I can do it too!" Li Xiuxian flipped his hand to hold the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword!

"噗!" The two swords collided instantly.

"Buzz buzz!" The blade of the sword kept making noises.

To the naked eye, it seemed that the two swords were completely motionless, but the sound of collision could be heard endlessly.

"Your kendo is divided into fast and slow. This should belong to the fast kendo!" The monk looked at Li Xiuxian flatly. any changes.

"What else do you know?" Li Xiuxian's words suddenly sank.

If the first two things are not really secrets, then his kendo already belongs to his secrets!

"If it's faster, I have confidence!" the monk said lightly, the long sword in his hand changed, and a soft sword as thin as a cicada's wing appeared in his hand!

Li Xiuxian sneered: "Compare faster!"

The backhand is a sword, and this sword has even used Jianyi!

"Sword drawing!" The monk finally showed a hint of surprise.

But what Li Xiuxian didn't expect was that this soft sword seemed to know the location of the sword long ago, and the sword body blocked the sword.

The soft sword is dominated by weirdness, and it has thousands of moves. Compared with the straight sword, the moves of the soft sword are more unpredictable.

"Phew!" When Li Xiuxian was about to pierce the cultivator's chest with his sword, the soft sword unexpectedly pierced out from under the armpit at this moment, directly piercing Li Xiuxian's eyes.

Li Xiuxian's eyes were not as strong as Ah Yan's, and he instinctively turned his head to avoid the sword.

"Bang!" The assassin kicked Li Xiuxian's abdomen, and a faint blue blade pierced into Li Xiuxian's skin on his shoe. enough.

"Poison? Do you think this kind of poison can hurt me?" Li Xiuxian sneered. Since the assassin knew that he had already cultivated the "Unbroken Golden Body Art" to the fourth level, he should know that his body is already sensitive to poison. With a fairly strong resistance, the effect of poison on him is negligible.

Just after Li Xiuxian finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, his mouth couldn't be closed!
"I'm afraid your body is as stiff as a rock now!" There was a strange smile on the monk's face.

"Oops!" Li Xiuxian yelled that it was not good, he was too confident about his body.

(End of this chapter)

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