Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 821 Two Fit Cultivators

Chapter 821 Two Fit Cultivators
Ever since the brothers and sisters of the Li family became cultivators of transforming spirits, these two people seem to have become the leaders among the strong in this world, and there are countless disciples who want to worship under them.

But the requirements for the Li family brothers and sisters to accept disciples are also extremely strict. They have only accepted five disciples in the past 300 years.

The two took five disciples, which seems to be a lot, but you must know that this Shuangxian Island is already considered a big sect, even if you count the Li family's Shuangxian, there are only seven people, that's all. Too little for a denomination.

But there are eight thousand disciples who come to apprentice every year, but only one or two are included each time.

Aptitude and character, these are the two things that the Li Family Shuangxian valued the most. As long as these two pass the test, then basically he can become a disciple of the Li Family Shuangxian.

Aptitude is easy to pass, after all, those who dare to come to apprentice will have some self-knowledge, and if the aptitude is poor, they will not dare to come to this pair of fairy islands.

But the xinxing level is not easy to pass. It can be said that 99 out of [-] disciples who came to apprentice in the past years stumbled on the xinxing level.

Li Xiuxian listened to these monks whispering beside him, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious. Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao were smart enough to think of this way to recruit apprentices. Aptitude is not the only criterion. If only aptitude and heart are not enough If it is not, even if it is cultivated, it will only be a white-eyed wolf, such a disciple is not worth mentioning.

These Nascent Soul cultivators thought they could keep secrets by talking with the technique of sound transmission, but they didn't know that Li Xiuxian's cultivation was far superior to them. There is no difference in hearing.

These Nascent Soul monks all have their own little Jiujiu, and among the monks who come to apprentice, there are the clansmen and disciples of these Nascent Soul monks.

In Li Xiuxian's view, it was understandable that they would do this, and it was a calculation within the normal range.

Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao, as cultivators who transform themselves into gods, can be counted among the strongest in this world. If they were still cultivating with the resources left to them by Li Xiuxian in the previous hundred years, then they have relied on the resources that Li Xiuxian left for them in the past hundred years. I am practicing, haunting some ancient ruins, and I have obtained countless supernatural powers and secret methods, otherwise they would not have taught five disciples in the Nascent Soul stage.

Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao can freely come and go among some ancient ruins, but this does not mean that they can too. These Nascent Soul cultivators are also very greedy for the supernatural powers and secrets in Li Xiuyuan's hands, but they also know that robbing is not going to work, so let them When my clansmen and disciples come to apprentice, as long as they are selected, they will be Nascent Soul cultivators in a few hundred years, and they can also reveal a little bit of their magical powers, which will benefit them endlessly.

There were still two days before the disciple acceptance ceremony, so Li Xiuxian simply sat on this chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Taking advantage of the fact that outsiders didn't notice, his soul came out of his body and floated directly into the secret room where Li Xiuyuan and the others practiced.

Because of taking Zhuyan Pill, Li Xiuyuan is still seventeen or eighteen years old, but there is more vicissitudes of life on his body, giving the impression that he is a successful monk.

"Huh!" Li Xiuyuan suddenly opened his eyes, and looked thoughtfully in the direction where Li Xiuxian's primordial spirit was.

Li Xiuxian was also shocked, with Li Xiuyuan's cultivation base, he couldn't see through him.

Li Xiuyuan's glance just now was just a reaction between relatives, and he didn't find anything.

Looking at Li Xiuyuan who has become calm, Li Xiuxian also nodded in relief. At the beginning, he resolutely led the two of them into the cultivation world. Back then, he didn't know whether his behavior was right or wrong, and he didn't know what they were facing. What kind of future.

But now it seems that his original decision was undoubtedly correct, and now the three of the Li family are already prominent, if his father knew that the three brothers and sisters had achieved what they have achieved today, he would definitely be able to smile at him.

After Yuanshen returned to his body, Li Xiuxian glanced at the Yuanying monks around him.

It's only two days, and for those at their level, it's gone after a few meditation sessions.

They didn't dare to come late, if they were missed by Li Family Shuangxian, they wouldn't even have time to cry.

A large number of monks have gathered outside Shuangxian Island. These monks' cultivation ranges from foundation establishment to alchemy formation, and their talents are outstanding, and many of them are geniuses with ninth-level spiritual roots.

Xiuyuan and Shuiyao's five disciples had already hidden in the dark and began to observe their words and deeds. Seeing what they said and doing, it was very easy for Yuanying cultivator to observe thousands of people.

"The thunder root in this person's body is pretty good. If one cultivates a good thunder-type kung fu, it's not a problem to condense the thunder-kung method." Li Xiuxian looked at the Nascent Soul Dzogchen disciple and smiled faintly.

That's what Li Xiuxian dared to say. It's not a simple matter to condense the image of Lei Gong. How many geniuses in the spiritual world have fallen on this level, how can it be condensed?
But these problems are not a problem for Li Xiuxian who owns the mysterious iron plate. As long as the monk touches the iron plate, the iron plate will automatically help him condense a statue of Lei Gong. Isn’t that how he condensed the image of Lei Gong back then? ?
Soon, nearly 100 monks were screened out and only about [-] were left. The eliminated monks were very dissatisfied. Why were they eliminated without even entering the Shuangxian Island?

But is it necessary for those five disciples to explain?

Open the big formation around Shuangxian Island, if you want to die, you can attack this big formation, they won't even block it.

In fact, the matter of recruiting disciples has nothing to do with these Nascent Soul cultivators. They just went up to congratulate Li Xiuyuan and the others when they decided who to accept as disciples, and by the way, they had a good relationship with those new disciples.

Didn’t you see that the few monks who were accepted as disciples by the Shuangxian of the Li family became famous later on? Who cares about you when someone else gets ahead.

"The one who can hold on to a stick of incense in this illusion is the master's new disciple!" The leading disciple took out a jade talisman and threw it directly into the crowd.

A burst of dazzling white light flashed, and the scene in front of the disciples shrouded in white light changed.


"Hahaha, supernatural power, this is a god-defying supernatural power, what else should I do as a teacher with this supernatural power!" Soon a monk laughed wildly.

"Kill, kill, kill, even if Master stands in front of me!"

"I am the strongest, you all have to crawl under my feet!"

There were bursts of wild laughter from time to time in the formation. These people were all confused by the scene in the phantom formation, lost their hearts, and showed the most real side of their hearts.

Among the hundreds of people, only a few people can keep clear.

Being able to resist the environment created by the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods, it can be seen that these people have good dispositions and can resist all kinds of temptations in the environment.

When the white light dissipated, there were only two people standing in front of the crowd intact.

But Li Xiuxian frowned, and a strange smile flashed across the face of the monk on the left among the two.

It was this evil smile that made Li Xiuxian's heart shudder!
This evil smile came too fast, and among the monks present, only Li Xiuxian noticed it.

"This monk..." Li Xiuxian frowned. This monk was not kind.

"I'm not going to want either of these two!" A wave of water spread in front of them, and Li Shuiyao's beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone.

"I've seen you, senior!" All the monks present rushed to salute to greet him. The cultivator of Huashen is an existence that can't see the end of the dragon. Even the monk Nascent Soul wants to meet him.

The expressions of the two monks changed: "Why?"

"When the water is clear, there are no fish. Faced with all kinds of temptations, even I would be tempted, but you are not moved by it at all." Li Shuiyao snorted, waved his hand, and a wave of water imprisoned the two monks stand up.

Li Xiuxian nodded appreciatively, this little girl is no longer the naive little girl she was before, she knows how to distinguish right from wrong.

That's right, this illusion can stimulate people's latent desires. Those who laugh wildly don't hide their desires. They can even kill their masters for their own desires. Naturally, they won't accept them as disciples, but the two people in front of them are An abnormal calmness, even Li Xiuxian couldn't do this.

In this way, there are only two possibilities. The first is that these two people have reached the point where they have no desires and desires, and they are not moved by external objects.

Li Xiuxian didn't believe this even if he was killed. If people can have no desires and no desires, if people can really achieve no desires and no desires, then there will be no such disputes in this world. As long as people live, they will have desires. Pursue.

And the second possibility is that these two people were not affected by this illusion at all!

Li Xiuxian couldn't believe that the two little foundation-building monks could resist the illusion set up by the cultivator of Huashen.

On the contrary, the cultivator who survived before and fainted in the dilemma is more reliable!

"Who are you?" Li Shuiyao snorted coldly.

"Hahaha, as expected of the cultivator who is known as the Li Family Shuangxian in this world, I was discovered by you after hiding so well, but anyway, the good days of the Shuangxian Island are coming to an end today! "One of the monks had a strange smile on his face.

A talisman on his chest suddenly fell off, and his aura instantly soared, forming pills, nascent souls, transforming gods, and merging, and it didn't stop until the middle of the merging.

"It seems that someone other than me is eyeing the two of them." Another monk smiled faintly, and his cultivation base also soared to the middle stage of fusion in an instant.

"Fit monk!" The monks present, including Li Shuiyao, couldn't help but gasped.

In this mortal world, where even cultivators who transform spirits are extremely rare, two monks in the state of fusion suddenly appeared, which made all the monks present fall into a sluggish state!

(End of this chapter)

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