Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 822 The Enemy Ascension from the Mortal Realm

Chapter 822 The Enemy Ascension from the Mortal Realm
Obviously, these two fit monks are not from this mortal world!

"Things like ants!" The two monks snorted coldly, and appeared beside Li Shuiyao in a flash.

Li Shuiyao, a cultivator who transforms spirits, a top powerhouse in this world, is like a sheep in front of these two fit cultivators, without the slightest ability to resist.

"Who are you?" Li Shuiyao looked at the two unwillingly.

He and these two people have no grudges in the past, and there is no enmity in the present, not to mention that in this world, there is no chance to provoke two monks who are in the realm of integration.

"You have no enmity with us, but that big brother of yours is too much. Our master ordered you to be brought back."

Li Shuiyao was startled, his elder brother had already ascended to the spirit world, since the two of them could know his elder brother's name, they were obviously also from the spirit world, this could also explain why there were two fusions in this world Realm monks.

It is impossible in this world, the only possibility is to come down from the spirit world.

Li Xiuxian was also a little puzzled. He didn't know who he had provoked in the spirit world, and he never mentioned in the spirit world that he had younger brothers and sisters in the mortal world, nor did he say that he was in the mortal world. In which world.

The other party was able to find this world accurately. Obviously, the forces of the two parties have made quite a lot of preparations.

"Which one is it?" Li Xiuxian kept searching in his mind, he had offended many adults in the spirit world, but probably no one knew his details.

"I want his younger brother, so you can take his younger sister, so that both of us can go back and do business!" One of the fit monks suggested.

"Okay, I see his younger brother is cultivating inside, let's imprison this little girl first, and then go to arrest that kid." One of the monks nodded.

As for those Nascent Soul monks who came to congratulate them, they didn't even dare to fart at this time. Who would have thought that they would encounter such a thing when they came to congratulate them.

These monks are also secretly complaining, why are they so unlucky, Shuangxian Island has not recruited disciples once or twice, but why did something happen when it was their turn? This time, let alone gaining some benefits here, can you? Saving lives is still a problem.

They didn't dare to run yet, and it was impossible for them to run away and seek death in front of a strong man in the combined state.

They only hoped that these two fit monks would have their grievances and debts, and they would not transfer their anger to them.

Li Xiuxian's mind was constantly spinning, and the only people who could know that he still had siblings were those in this world and those who had left this world.

At the beginning, when dozens of cultivators ascended to the spirit world, even if only one tenth of them succeeded, there would still be four or five cultivators.

Li Xiuxian can break through the blockade of the power of the spirit world, so can other people, but he doesn't understand why those big shots in the spirit world want to follow him.

Although he has offended quite a few people, there seems to be no one strong enough to block a world. The only possibility is the mysterious figure in the Fairy City that he just recently offended, but that mysterious figure should have no way to come Knowing that he still has a younger brother and younger sister in the mortal world.

"It seems that we still have to start with these two monks!" Li Xiuxian rubbed his temples. After thinking for so long, he still couldn't figure out who the mastermind behind these two people was.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise in the secret room, and Li Xiuyuan was also captured alive.

The gap between the cultivators who transform the gods and the monks who fit together is almost irreparable, unless it is Li Xiuxian who has mastered powerful supernatural powers and his own strengths are far beyond the same level. Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao obviously don't have this ability yet.

"You guys." Li Xiuyuan roared angrily, and just as he was about to struggle, he was stepped down by one of the monks.

"Don't blame us, if you want to blame it, blame your old brother. He took what our master wanted. If your old brother really cares about you, as long as you beg your old brother to return that thing to us The master is fine." The monk smiled coldly.

"Oh? Really, what does your master want?" Li Xiuxian smiled sinisterly.

"Our master." The monk was about to say it, but he immediately reacted and looked at Li Xiuxian who did not know when he appeared behind them in disbelief. At this time, two long swords were already on their necks.

"Now I'm very interested to know, how do you know that I have younger brothers and sisters in this mortal world." Li Xiuxian, who had recovered his original appearance, looked at the two monks coldly.

With his cultivation base, it is just a matter of lifting the two monks who are in the state of fusion. As long as he is willing, the two monks who are combined will be wiped out in an instant.

"Li Li. Li Xiuxian!" The two monks shouted in unison as if they had seen a ghost.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

Compared to the shock of the two monks, Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao were more surprised that the elder brother who had ascended to the spirit world for hundreds of years unexpectedly returned to this world.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Don't worry, since I'm back, no one in this world can hurt you."

This is Li Xiuxian's promise, and he does have this ability now.

Going down to the mortal world is not so easy. The master behind these two fit monks paid a lot of money to send these two monks into the mortal world, and they can only send down the monks who are in the fit state. , I am afraid that even the masters behind them will not be able to bear the price of cultivators at the level of refining the void. As for the more powerful Transcendence Tribulation and even Mahayana cultivators, don't even think about it.

Don't say those monks can't come, even if they come, Li Xiuxian is confident that he can beat these monks back.

Although Li Xiuxian is not the first one who can enter the mortal world with the cultivation base of the transcending tribulation period, he is also one of the few in the world.

"How could you appear in this world?" The monk's voice began to tremble.

"How did it appear? It seems that I am asking you this question. Who ordered you to enter this world, and how did you know that my brother and sister are in this world?" The two fitted monks were so frightened that their legs went limp!

Li Xiuxian shook his head: "Forget it, you guys definitely won't say it."

The two fit monks were about to cry, they were not unwilling to speak, but they were so frightened by the killing intent on Li Xiuxian that they couldn't speak.

"It's faster to search for the soul!" Li Xiuxian slapped one of the monks on the head, and directly pulled out his soul.

"So that's it!" After about a cup of tea, Li Xiuxian finally understood the ins and outs of the whole thing after refining the monk's soul.

This matter still has to start from when he ascended to the spirit world. When they ascended to the spirit world, they were blocked by the spirit world bosses. Li Xiuxian was lucky, even though they were blocked, they still reached the spirit world.

It is bad news for those big bosses in the spirit world who have been blocking this world.

Soon these bigwigs gathered all the monks who ascended to the spirit world within this period of time, and it was precisely because of this that Li Xiuxian was directly sent to the fairy city by the emperor.

Although Li Xiuxian did not find anyone watching him during this period, this kind of monitoring exists all the time.

But during this period, Li Xiuxian did not show any information that could make the Three Emperors pay attention, so he relaxed the monitoring of Li Xiuxian, and finally stopped monitoring.

But there were only a few people who ascended to the spirit world, and after checking them one by one, it was easy to focus on Li Xiuxian.

The value of the treasure land of refining the gods is enough to make these big men in the spiritual world not let one go if they kill ten thousand by mistake, not to mention that someone has testified against Li Xiuxian, and the treasure land of refining the gods is most likely to be on Li Xiuxian.

This point was also confirmed from Wu Shengwang's mouth. When they were fighting, Li Xiuxian was extremely calm. Apart from those few people, only Li Xiuxian had entered there. It was not difficult to target Li Xiuxian.

They knew that Li Xiuxian's strength was not what it used to be, and unless those big men from the spiritual world took action personally, no one they sent would be sure of winning.

That's why these big bosses in the spiritual world chose to send their subordinates to arrest Li Xiuxian's younger siblings and force Li Xiuxian to submit.

"Tianlingzi" Li Xiuxian's face suddenly sank.

This day, Lingzi's fate was really high, and he even successfully ascended to the spirit world.

Kunlun Sacred Realm is a puppet set up by the big bosses in the spirit world. Seeing that Tian Lingzi has worked hard for them for so many years, these big bosses are lenient and let him ascend to the spirit world smoothly. .

When Tian Lingzi was in the Mortal Realm, he was the person behind the Kunlun Holy Realm, and his intelligence network spread all over the Mortal Realm. It is not difficult to know the relationship between Li Xiuxian and his younger siblings. He also knows that Li Xiuxian loves his two brothers very much. Brother and sister, if you use your younger siblings to threaten to hand over a god-refining treasure that he doesn't even know how to use, Li Xiuxian will most likely agree!

As for the origin of the other person, Li Xiuxian also figured it out. It turned out to be the Huang who gave him such a headache. Now it's a hot fight with the blood clan.

However, these two people never dreamed that Li Xiuxian could return to the mortal world, and he happened to be arrested just in time. If there was a little delay, they might really succeed.

Li Xiuxian also secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he thought of this, whether it was the free will of God in the dark or his own prosperity, he was able to save this matter from danger.

If Li Xiuxian came a little later, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Li Xiuxian might hand over a piece of god-refining treasure land in exchange for the safety of his younger siblings, but who can guarantee that those big bosses in the spirit world can guarantee the safety of his younger siblings?

(End of this chapter)

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