Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 836 High Price

Chapter 836 High Price
Above the golden flame, a transparent cyan pill furnace is constantly rotating, even the monks watching can see the liquid medicine in the cyan pill furnace is constantly merging.

With such a "messy" alchemy technique, it has to be said that it is a miracle that these liquid medicines were not damaged in the first place.

But is this really a miracle?This is nothing more than a normal thing for Li Xiuxian.

Now Li Xiuxian has almost comprehended the "Qinglian Danjing", and he can even refine the elixir without using an alchemy furnace.

When the "Qinglian Danjing" has been cultivated to great success, as long as the techniques in the "Qinglian Danjing" are used, a Qinglian Danding will be automatically condensed.

A set of alchemy techniques can actually condense alchemy. Even in the spiritual world, Li Xiuxian has never heard of any alchemy master who has such a magical alchemy technique.

There is no doubt that this Qinglian Danjing is the most compatible with the alchemy techniques mastered by Li Xiuxian.

For alchemists, it is not easy to find an alchemy furnace that matches their own alchemy techniques.

A good alchemy furnace can not only greatly increase the success rate of alchemy, but also greatly improve the grade of elixir, allowing alchemists to more easily refine middle-grade or even top-grade elixir.

The elder of the Fire Spirit Clan no longer had the anger he had before, and at this moment he was also concentrating on looking at the liquid medicine that was constantly merging in the air.

This is the pinnacle pill of the eighth grade. Even if the most skilled alchemy master comes to refine it, it will take at least 20 days to fuse these medicinal liquids into a pill.

Of course, this is only a theoretical time. If there is any problem in the middle, the fusion of the liquid medicine will need to be extended. Under normal circumstances, it is normal to spend several months refining an eighth-rank peak pill, and if If you count the previous preparation time, one year is also very possible.

However, if it takes half a month to refine this Fentian Pill, which has been refined no less than a thousand times, then it is too much to look down on Li Xiuxian, and even more so to look down on the one in the "Qinglian Pill". A wonderful alchemy technique.

Other alchemy masters need to step by step no matter what kind of elixir they are refining, and it is impossible to greatly increase the speed of alchemy.

But this doesn't make sense to Li Xiuxian.

"It's almost there." Li Xiuxian smiled faintly as he looked at the liquid medicine that was constantly tumbling in the blue pill furnace.

Just now, I was just getting familiar with the medicinal properties of these liquid medicines. After all, these are the elixir from the Fire Spirit Clan, and they cannot be the same as the elixir in the Wanhuazhu, so Li Xiuxian still needs to explore the medicinal properties. Fan, but now that it is clear, Li Xiuxian will naturally not be idle.

"Wow!" The alchemy in Li Xiuxian's hand was a few minutes faster.

"So fast, this is too fast, the pill furnace will explode."

I saw the golden flames below soaring into the sky, and the fire dragons kept bombarding the blue pill furnace.

"With such a fierce flame, the liquid medicine inside is useless!" Some monks who still had some insights into alchemy couldn't help but shook their heads.

The heat of alchemy is very important. When using any fire, there is no room for a little sloppy. Like Li Xiuxian who blindly uses fierce fire now, the liquid medicine inside will soon be scorched because it cannot withstand the high temperature. of.

But an hour passed.

Two hours have passed..

Three hours have passed..

Instead of turning into a pile of coke as they thought, the medicinal liquid in the cyan pill furnace was continuously fused together, and then separated again. Now there are four clusters in the cyan pill furnace. liquid medicine.

"Could it be that there will be four pills in this furnace?" This absurd idea suddenly flashed in the minds of the onlookers.

How could it be possible, even if the master of alchemy can guarantee the success of this batch of pills, it is already very good, and if two pills were refined, it would be a burst of luck.

Two days later, the four pills in the blue pill furnace took shape.

The monks who watched Li Xiuxian concocting alchemy were also excited. Not everyone had the opportunity to see the elixir formed from the liquid with their own eyes. Even those alchemy masters could only rely on their senses. That's something you don't even think about.

"Four seem to be a bit shocking." Li Xiuxian paused the formula in his hand.

"Crack." Three elixirs exploded in the green elixir furnace, leaving only one elixir spinning continuously.

"Phew!" The monks who saw the three elixirs exploded were all sighed, but most of them breathed a sigh of relief.

If Li Xiuxian really refined four pills, then they really don't know what to say.

"Crack!" Li Xiuxian raised his hands, and his two golden palms immediately slapped on the body of the cyan pill furnace.

"Boom!" The golden flame instantly devoured the cyan pill furnace, and a pill the size of a longan fell into Li Xiuxian's hand.

"Successful, he actually did it!" The elder of the Fire Spirit Clan also looked astonished.

At the beginning, after seeing Li Xiuxian's almost messy alchemy techniques, he once thought that Li Xiuxian was just an ignorant liar, but the more he observed him, the more he was shocked by Li Xiuxian's alchemy skills.

Obviously it seems so unreasonable, but he forcibly refined the Burning Heaven Pill, which was the peak of the eighth rank, and the time was shorter than that of the chief alchemist in the Fire Spirit Clan, and it was shorter. many.

Even if the alchemy master of the ancient medicine clan who was hired by the fire spirit clan with a lot of money and offered as a grandfather, it will take four to five months to refine the burning sky pill, and it may not be successful. More than 30 copies were barely successful.

One Burning Heaven Pill is simply not enough for them to share.

But Li Xiuxian only refined one portion, and he succeeded in refining it. What does this mean? The young alchemy in front of him is much better than that waste of the ancient medicine family.

Invisibly, the elder of the Fire Spirit Tribe had classified him as the chief alchemist of the Fire Spirit Tribe as a waste.

Even such a young alchemist can't compare, the alchemist of the ancient medicine clan is nothing but waste, and wasted so many materials for nothing.

"Zhongpin!" Suddenly a monk called out.

"What, mid-grade Burning Heaven Pill!" The elder of the Fire Spirit Tribe snatched the pill from Li Xiuxian regardless of his status.

Few people have seen middle-grade Fentian Pills, but this Fentian Pill in front of me is much better than ordinary Fentian Pills in terms of fragrance and color.

"Zhongpin, this is definitely the Zhongpin Burning Heaven Pill, my son is saved!" The elder of the Fire Spirit Tribe actually cried out happily.

Middle-grade, this is a middle-grade Burning Heaven Pill, even the patriarch doesn't have the ability to find a middle-grade Burning Heaven Pill.

Li Xiuxian curled his lips: "Should I pay the reward?"

The elders of the Fire Spirit Clan who were in the midst of joy realized that he hadn't paid anything.

"Six thousand drops of fire jade essence." Li Xiuxian quoted a price casually.

"Hiss..." Everyone gasped when they heard the price.

It's not because it's too high, but because the price is too low. Even if the price is ten times higher, no one will think it's expensive. There is no market for middle-grade pills, and ten times the price is the minimum.

"And give me the nine materials you took back. The rules of alchemists cannot be broken." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"No problem, no problem!" The elder of the Fire Spirit Clan's mouth almost curled up in a smile. He made a lot of money on this trip, and it was so big that it went to the sky.

Not to mention nine materials, even if it is ninety materials, he is willing to submit.

Six thousand drops of fire jade essence sounds like a lot at first glance, but in reality it can only fill two jade bottles, which is about one or two catties, which is far from the goal of one hundred catties.

Originally, Li Xiuxian didn't care about these nine materials. After all, he has them in Wanhuazhu, and the medicinal properties of the year are better than this, but the rules of the alchemist are there, and he doesn't want to break them. Generally, people who break the rules Most likely nothing will end well.

"The master is the real master of alchemy. This is my fire magic token. As long as you are in the Fire Spirit Clan, everyone will give me this face. With this token, apart from a few forbidden places In addition, the master can be unimpeded." The same token, but this time there is an extra magic word on the back.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Thank you, Elder Huo Huan."

"You're welcome, I still have to trouble the master in the future." Huo Huan shook his hand, took the elixir and left in an instant, apparently to heal his injured son.

It's just that Li Xiuxian was a little surprised. The Huoling family is considered the darling of the flames, so how could they be backlashed by the flames, unless it was some extremely powerful flames, such as the 36-day fire.

It took two days to refine an eighth-rank peak pill, and the news spread quickly.

Not long after, several elders of the Fire Spirit Tribe came to ask Li Xiuxian to make alchemy, and the pill they wanted to make was Burning Heaven Pill.

Li Xiuxian was too lazy to make alchemy in public, after asking them to leave ten ingredients and six thousand drops of fire jade essence, Li Xiuxian distributed a Burning Heaven Pill to each of them, but it was not middle grade but low grade.

The elders of the Fire Spirit Tribe could only shake their heads helplessly when they were disappointed. They all knew that Huo Huan had obtained a middle-grade Burning Heaven Pill, which was between the middle-grade pill and the low-grade pill. The effect is simply not the same, but they only got a low-grade Burning Heaven Pill for the same price, which made them feel a bit at a loss, but who called Huo Huan the first one, the first one is naturally a bit privileged.

However, when an elder of the Fire Spirit Tribe asked if he could directly buy a mid-grade Burning Heaven Pill, Li Xiuxian nodded unexpectedly.

"Twenty times the price, do you want to buy it or not?" Li Xiuxian asked this sentence.

"Buy it, why don't you buy it!" The exorbitant price not only didn't frighten the elder, but made him jump up happily.

The value of middle-grade pills is ten times that of low-grade pills, and this ten times is just an overview. As for how many times it is, it depends on the needs of both parties.

For these elders of the Fire Spirit Tribe, the injured are their descendants. Since there are good medicines, why not use good ones? , the big deal is that they save a little face and refine it, which doesn't take much effort.

(End of this chapter)

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