Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 837 Dou Dan

Chapter 837 Dou Dan
But this Fen Tian Pill is related to the future of their juniors, it must not be sloppy, even if it is twenty times the price, they will accept that it can buy the future of their juniors.

Twenty times is twenty times, the elder of the Fire Spirit Tribe directly threw out twenty jade bottles.

Li Xiuxian lamented that the Huoling clan is really rich, and took out a mid-grade Burning Heaven Pill from Wanhuazhu and handed it to him.

Twenty catties of Fire Jade Spirit Essence is obtained like this?

The onlookers suddenly found that making money didn't seem so difficult, but how many people could have Li Xiuxian's ability?
Soon the news spread that Li Xiuxian had the mid-grade Burning Heaven Pill on his body, and some elders who had bought the low-grade Burning Heaven Pill from Li Xiuxian before turned around again, and bought it from Li Xiuxian at the same price of twenty times Mid-grade Burning Heaven Pill.

Everyone is a monk of the Fire Spirit Clan. They don't want their juniors to feel that they are inferior. Why can children from other families use middle-grade Burning Heaven Pills, while their own children can only use low-grade Fire Jade Essence? , isn't it twenty times, I bought it.

In just five days, the fire jade essence on Li Xiuxian's body has already exceeded two hundred catties, which has exceeded Li Xiuxian's original estimate.

But, as long as the Fire Jade Essence is a Fire Element treasure, no one would think too much of it. Since the Fire Spirit Race is so enthusiastic, Li Xiuxian will not be polite.

Anyway, it's useless to put so many Fentian Pills in the Wanhua Pearl, since they have to be disposed of anyway, it's better to use them as waste.

Simply, Li Xiuxian took out some unused elixirs from the Wanhua Pearl. These elixirs are not limited to the Fire Jade Essence, as long as they can be exchanged with fire-type treasures.

There may be very few people who have fire jade spirit marrow, but fire treasures are not lacking for these monks. Which of the foreign monks who can enter the fire spirit clan is not a master of fire skills, just take out a few A fire-type treasure is enough.

As for fire treasures, there is no shortage of them among the Fire Spirit Clan. For a while, a large number of monks were exchanging pills at Li Xiuxian's booth.

Li Xiuxian is also particularly concerned about those fire-type spiritual objects that are not included in the Wanhuazhu, and usually gives a very high price, which far exceeds the value of the spiritual object itself.

For example, Li Xiuxian gave the price of an eighth-grade middle-grade elixir for a piece of bamboo shoots from the center of the earth that is only more than 1000 years old.

Although this earth-centered fire bamboo shoot can only appear in the earth-centered fire veins, it is considered a relatively precious spiritual object, but in the final analysis, this earth-centered fire bamboo shoot is only a seventh-order top-grade elixir, and its value is far from comparable to Compared with an eighth-grade middle-level pill.

But Li Xiuxian gave it, but the people after that also found fire bamboo shoots in the heart of the earth, but Li Xiuxian did not accept it.

After these monks knew Li Xiuxian's preferences, they tried to get some fire-type spiritual objects that ordinary monks had never seen.

Later, several monks wanted to invite Li Xiuxian to make alchemy, but after seeing the elixir they were going to refine, Li Xiuxian directly put away the ten ingredients and took one out of the storage bag.

These monks who came to ask Li Xiuxian to refine alchemy found that no matter what kind of pill they wanted to refine, Li Xiuxian seemed to have already refined it before. Except for the time of Huo Huan, Li Xiuxian had not refined a furnace of pills in the past five days medicine.

Afterwards, some monks also refined the pill several times according to Li Xiuxian's method. The result is self-evident, they can't do it just by fusing the medicinal liquid in the first step.

"Refining this?" Li Xiuxian looked at the recipe with a strange expression.

"What? Can't be refined?" The monk's face was full of panic.

The elixir he wanted to refine was not of a high grade, it was just a low-grade elixir of the eighth rank.

However, with his identity, it is impossible to ask the master of alchemy in the Dong clan to make alchemy for him. In the past few days, he heard that a master of alchemy has come to the fire spirit clan, who can make any kind of pill, so he came here with hope , but seeing Li Xiuxian's embarrassed look, he felt that there was no hope at all.

"It's not that it can't be refined, it's just" Li Xiuxian hesitated to speak.

Hearing that there was hope, the monk suddenly regained his spirits.

"It's just something, I will definitely pay you enough." The monk looked at Li Xiuxian eagerly.

"This should be for your Taoist companion, but it's just this elixir." Li Xiuxian gave a wry smile helplessly.

Who knew that the monk was overjoyed: "Yes, yes, this is indeed for my Taoist companion."

"I'm afraid that even if I refine this elixir for you, your Taoist companion will not get better, and most of them will die suddenly." Li Xiuxian shook his head and returned the elixir.

Are you kidding me, this Sanyang Renewing Life Pill is for virgins, this guy's Taoist partner can't be a virgin, right?

"Your Taoist companion should have blood that does not return to the meridian, but such a thing rarely happens to a cultivator with strong blood, unless your Taoist companion is pregnant." Li Xiuxian looked at the monk.

The alchemist can judge the use of the monk who wants to take the elixir based on the elixir.

He had already asked before that the Sanyang Life Renewing Pill was for his Taoist companion.

If it is given to a newborn baby girl, then there is no problem, but it is not suitable for a woman who is already a wife.

"Then what should I do? This is the pill that I had so hard to ask for. If it doesn't work, wouldn't my Taoist companion be dead?" The monk seemed to have been drained of all his strength.

Li Xiuxian sighed helplessly: "It's not that there is no way, this pill is a seventh-grade mid-level blood-activating and qi-tonifying pill. Here is a bottle of the most suitable pill for your Taoist companion, which is enough for your Taoist companion to give birth safely."

According to Li Xiuxian's estimate, this guy's Taoist partner should have accidentally injured his fetal gas when he was pregnant with others, and now he is about to give birth due to insufficient blood in his body, that's why this monk came out to ask for medicine.

"Thank you!" After the monk left a few seeds on the table, he took the bottle of pill and ran back without looking back.

Although the seventh-grade middle-grade elixir is not as precious as the eighth-grade elixir, it cannot be refined by anyone. If he asked someone to refine it again, his Taoist partner might have collapsed and died a long time ago.

"It's rare, the eighth-level top-grade elixir, the fire seed magnolia." Looking at these seeds, Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

"Fellow Daoist really keeps things hidden. I didn't expect to be a master of alchemy." Feng Tianling came to Li Xiuxian's side at some point.

Although this Feng Tianling is next to Li Xiuxian, but unlike Li Xiuxian who likes to hang out, this Feng Tianling started to practice as soon as he entered the cave, and he didn't come out until today.

And the fact that Li Xiuxian is a master of alchemy has already been rumored, and Feng Tianling knew that Li Xiuxian actually had this kind of ability.

It is a blessing to befriend an alchemy master at any time.

"You can't be called a master, you just know how to make alchemy." Li Xiuxian smiled modestly.

"It's good to know that you can't do it, so get out of here quickly, so as not to embarrass yourself here!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the surrounding monks changed.

It was modest for Li Xiuxian to say this, but if he said it in other people's mouth, it would be provocative.

Who has the guts to provoke a master of alchemy?
"Master Gu!" The monk of the Fire Spirit Clan was startled, the person who came was actually the chief alchemist of his Fire Spirit Clan!

"A member of the ancient medicine family?" Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed, and everyone said that the alchemy in this spiritual world must belong to the ancient medicine family, but he didn't expect to meet the ancient medicine family here.

This Ancient Medicine Clan is different from the Huoling Clan, which gathered together in the spirit world. He scattered all the clansmen among the hundreds of clans in the spirit world.

This way of spreading power may seem silly, but history proves that it is an extremely wise method.

In the long years, countless powerful races have risen and destroyed, but the ancient medicine clan has survived tenaciously.

No race would reject an outstanding alchemist. No matter what level of cultivation you have reached, the demand for pills will never stop.

"A third-rate alchemist who doesn't have a proof of the alchemy tower dares to call himself the master of alchemy here. It's ridiculous." Mr. Gu sneered.

Danta, an alliance composed entirely of alchemists, has an outstanding influence.

Li Xiuxian frowned: "Mr. Gu, I wonder what you plan to do?"

"Get out of this place, this is not a place for you." Mr. Gu's attitude was very tough.

A monk from a foreign race was so rampant on the territory of the Fire Spirit Clan, but none of the monks from the Fire Spirit Clan dared to speak out.

One must know that Li Xiuxian is a distinguished guest invited by the Fire Spirit Clan, and he has received the badge of the Huo Huan elder, so his status is even more respected, but this Mr. Gu just drives him away, no one dares to say no.

"It seems that colleagues are extremely jealous when meeting each other." Feng Tianling explained the mystery in one sentence.

Li Xiuxian shrugged his shoulders: "Coming together, he's not quite right."

"Boom!" Li Xiuxian's words ignited a powder keg.

"A nameless alchemist dares to act presumptuously here!" The Ancient Medicine Clan is most proud of their alchemy ability. Originally, Li Xiuxian had already disgraced him by robbing him of his job in the territory of the Fire Spirit Clan, but now he speaks out directly provocative.

"Do you have the ability to fight against me!" Mr. Gu pointed at Li Xiuxian, shaking his body.

"Dou Dan." Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed a trace of bewilderment.

"Hahaha, a bumpkin who doesn't even know about alchemy dares to say that he is a master of alchemy." Mr. Gu couldn't help laughing, his stooped body shaking even more violently.

"Dou Dan is a contest between alchemists. Both parties use the same materials to refine the same kind of elixir. Whoever refines more elixir with better quality within the specified time will win." Feng Tianling said.

Li Xiuxian glanced at Feng Tianling gratefully, he really didn't know about this.

In fact, all alchemists in the spiritual world know how to fight alchemy. During the process of fighting alchemy, alchemists can find their own shortcomings, and even make breakthroughs in the process of fighting alchemy.

But the Dou Dan requested by Mr. Gu is obviously to give Li Xiuxian a blow.

(End of this chapter)

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