Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 881 Mysterious Ice Cave

Chapter 881 Mysterious Ice Cave
It's not without reason that the Demon Dragon Emperor is so easy to talk to. After all, Li Xiuxian is a hot-handed alchemist in the demon world.

No strong man dared to say that he had no need for the ninth-grade pills, even the Demon Dragon Clan had to give Li Xiuxian some face.

And just like what Li Xiuxian said, after the death energy of the magic dragon gathers to a certain level, it will give birth to wisdom. Lose part of the magic dragon's lifelessness.

Although the Demon Dragon Clan has always adhered to the rule of not allowing anyone to enter the Demon Dragon Tomb, Li Xiuxian believes that as long as the bottom line of the Demon Dragon Clan is reached, then even entering the Demon Dragon Tomb is not impossible.

And Li Xiuxian's identity as alchemy master and a large number of pills undoubtedly made the Demon Dragon Clan see the value, so a special case was made.

Li Xiuxian was also unambiguous. After entering the tomb of the dragon, he played several spells one after another, and all the dead energy of the dragon within a radius of a hundred miles was gathered by Li Xiuxian.

"What are you doing?" Shaoyu was startled.

Although there are many secrets in Li Xiuxian's body, but these are the death aura of the dragon, the death aura produced after the death of the dragon, these death aura can even corrode the foundation of the monk, even Shao Yu dare not let these dragons die Qi is too close to yourself.

But instead of being afraid of these dragons' dead energy, Li Xiuxian pulled them all over.

At this time, the death aura of the surrounding dragons might be enough to discourage a strong Demon Emperor.

"Suck!" Li Xiuxian uttered a formula, and a diamond-shaped scale on Li Xiuxian's neck suddenly emitted milky white light.

"Boom!" Immediately, the death energy of the dragon in the tomb of the dragon poured into this milky white scale like water breaking a bank.

"Ni Lin?" Shao Yu murmured.

When Venerable Dragon Hunter summoned the Nether Sky Demon Dragon, Li Xiuxian had already discovered that the Ni Lin under his neck had a special sensitivity to the death energy of the Demon Dragon.

Speaking of which, Ni Lin also helped Li Xiuxian a lot, but every time he uses it, he consumes a lot of energy, and the death energy of these demon dragons can just become the energy of Ni Lin, otherwise Li Xiuxian would not have traveled all the way here Dragon Tomb.

However, Li Xiuxian seems to have underestimated the power of Ni Lin. With the disappearance of the dragon's death energy, the dragon's death energy in the dragon's tomb was absorbed by Ni Lin at an extremely fast speed. A milky white giant egg appeared around Li Xiuxian, and this giant egg kept swallowing the dead energy of the dragon.

"This guy!" The Demon Dragon Emperor frowned.

Every time their demon dragon clan wants to eliminate the dragon's death energy, it takes a lot of effort, but in front of Li Xiuxian, the magic dragon's death energy seems to be paper, and it is useless. The dragon's death energy is almost exhausted. Judging from the situation, there is no need to worry about the magic dragon's death energy for nearly ten thousand years.

It's just what is going on with this giant egg, even the Demon Dragon Emperor has never heard that it will turn into an egg after absorbing the death energy of the dragon.

This time, the absorption of the dragon's dead energy lasted for half a year, and it wasn't because the giant egg stopped on its own initiative, but because there was no longer any dragon's dead energy in the dragon's tomb.

Looking at this situation, it is impossible to generate a certain scale of dragon death energy in less than tens of thousands of years.

At this time, Li Xiuxian was in a miraculous state, he could clearly feel that his body was undergoing some kind of transformation, and the source of this transformation was the reverse scale under his neck.

At the same time, the bones on his arm are also echoing this reverse scale.

Strength, Li Xiuxian can clearly feel the increase in strength, this is the increase in strength.

Originally, Li Xiuxian had the power of a hundred dragons, and with various magical powers, he could unleash the power of a thousand dragons.

But Li Xiuxian felt that the previous power was completely childish in front of him at this time. He could exert the power of eight or nine hundred dragons with a single movement. With some supernatural powers, it would be easy to reach the power of four or five thousand dragons of.

This transformation lasted for 50 years, during which Shaoyu dared not leave Li Xiuxian's side.

Fortunately, no monks dared to enter the tomb of the dragon, so Li Xiuxian's transformation was not affected.

The monks of the Demon Dragon Clan lost interest after watching it for a few years. They just sent a few monks to guard outside, and the Demon Dragon Emperor left with a large amount of ninth-grade pills.

"Crack!" Finally, a crack appeared on the giant egg.

"Boom!" A terrifying energy suddenly emerged from the crack, even Shaoyu's cultivation level was blown away by this energy.

"Dragon, divine dragon!" When the shell of the giant egg shattered, a blue divine dragon appeared in front of Shaoyu.

Li Xiuxian moved his muscles and bones, this time his body was assimilated by the Ni scales on his neck, and his body was no longer the same.

If the former Li Xiuxian was only a human being who inherited the power of the blood of the true spirit, then the current Li Xiuxian is a human being who has even inherited the muscles and bones of a dragon, or a dragon.

Li Xiuxian's already incomparably strong body leaped again. At this time, even if he head-to-head with a strong man of the Devil Emperor level, he would probably win.

"Late stage of Mahayana!" Li Xiuxian laughed happily.

In just over 50 years, he has once again ushered in a breakthrough. In the late stage of Mahayana, he is only one step away from the legendary realm of virtual immortality.

Shaoyu had nothing to say about Li Xiuxian's cultivation speed. It didn't take long for him to break through the middle stage of Mahayana and he was directly promoted to the late stage of Mahayana.

"The inverse scale is all thanks to this inverse scale!" Li Xiuxian touched the inverse scale under his neck, after absorbing enough energy, this inverse scale unexpectedly changed like this.

Now when Li Xiuxian showed the body of the dragon again, what appeared was not the original blood dragon scale armor, but the more powerful blue dragon scale armor!
But what worried Li Xiuxian a little was that an unprecedented energy appeared in his body, which was stronger than spiritual power, and kept pace with inanimate power and fairy power!

"This is Long Yuan!" Li Xiuxian suddenly remembered the unique power of the Dragon Clan.

"What a messy body!" Li Xiuxian not only smiled wryly when he saw the mixed forces in his dantian.

Having one or two kinds of power in an ordinary monk's body is already remarkable.But there are so many in his body, once these forces conflict, then even Li Xiuxian himself is not sure that he can suppress it.

"I don't know what secrets you have. Your cultivation speed is too fast." Shaoyu exclaimed.

Li Xiuxian shrugged his shoulders: "There is still a long way to go compared to you."

"Cut, don't come here, even if your realm is lower than mine, your strength is already above mine." Shaoyu rolled her eyes.

Although Shaoyu is a strong man in the realm of false immortality, and Li Xiuxian is only a late Mahayana monk, and he is only a late Mahayana monk who has just advanced, but Li Xiuxian gives Shaoyu a feeling that is higher than that of some virtual immortal realms. Monks must be strong.

"Let's go, this dragon tomb is useless to me." Li Xiuxian patted the dust on his body, the biggest purpose of this trip has been achieved.

When Li Xiuxian and the others left the tomb of the dragon, a water-blue sound transmission talisman suddenly fell.

"It's Leng Ruling's sound transmission!" Li Xiuxian frowned. Due to the barriers around the dragon's tomb, this sound transmission talisman could not be entered at all.

"Fortunately, the time interval is not long." Li Xiuxian breathed a sigh of relief.

This sound transmission talisman was issued by Leng Ruling two years ago, and what the sound transmission talisman said was about the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm.

I don't know who discovered an underground ice cave under the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm. This underground ice cave emits cold air from time to time. The cold air is so strong that even a strong man like Lanye King can't resist it. In the entire Ice Phoenix Demon Realm, there is only Leng Ruling was able to advance a hundred feet in this ice cave, and even Leng Ruling was powerless after a hundred feet.

Leng Ruling is a monk who inherited the blood of the Ice Phoenix, and her cultivation has even reached the realm of an earl. Even she can only advance a hundred feet. The cold air in this ice cave is too terrifying.

However, from the sound transmission, Li Xiuxian got a piece of good news. Under the treatment of the poisonous snake, the poisonous poison on the soul that was as cold as Lingyuan was also expelled. It can be said that it has basically recovered. , the remaining toxin is not much harm to Leng Ruling.

However, the ice cave that suddenly appeared below the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm was a hidden danger.

There are not many well-informed people in the demon world. The news that a mysterious ice cave has appeared under the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm cannot be concealed for long. I am afraid that some monks have already entered it.

"Back to the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm!" Li Xiuxian stepped forward, and immediately traveled through many spaces.

Shaoyu felt a little unbelievable, Li Xiuxian's supernatural power of hiding in hundreds of millions of spaces has become more and more proficient, even comparable to Shao Siming and the contemporary patriarch.

Half a month later, after traveling through many spaces, the figures of Li Xiuxian and Shaoyu appeared above the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm.

"Lan Ye Wang, if you want to eat alone, then we have to see if we brothers agree."

Li Xiuxian came back at just the right time, and happened to meet a few strong men of the Devil Emperor level who were rushing into the ice cave.

Lan Yewang blocked the ice cave and prevented these devil emperors from entering.

"This ice cave belongs to my Ice Phoenix Demon Realm, so what does it have to do with you guys?" Lanye King snorted coldly.

"Lan Ye Wang, the treasures belong to those who are capable, what qualifications do you have, a waste?" A long-eared monk sneered all over his body.

Lan Ye Wang's incompetence is also well-known in the neighborhood. A guy who is not even a devil emperor really won't be taken seriously by them.

"Boom!" Suddenly the ice cave trembled, and three figures flew upside down.

"No, the ice cave has exploded again!" Lanye Wang's expression changed.

"Quickly rewind, there's something inside" the Thunder Demon Emperor exclaimed.

"Boom!" Suddenly, countless snow and ice spurted out from the ice cave.

(End of this chapter)

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