Chapter 882
"Boom!" Suddenly a figure flashed past, catching Leng Ruling flying upside down, stomping his right foot, a circle of golden flames formed a wall of fire in front of him, and the snowflakes sprayed from the ice cave When encountering this wall of fire, it instantly melted into snow water.

"So fast!" The monks present couldn't help being surprised.

At least some of them were strong at the Devil Emperor level, but none of them could clearly see how this figure appeared here.

"I was frostbitten!" Li Xiuxian looked at Leng Ruling in his arms and frowned. With Leng Ruling's cultivation in the ice system, he would still be frostbitten. This is really unimaginable.

Li Xiuxian hastily input a stream of fairy power to help Leng Ruling dispel the cold in his body.

"What's going on?" Li Xiuxian looked at Lan Ye Wang.

"I don't know either. This ice cave suddenly appeared." Lanye Wang breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that it was Li Xiuxian who came.

The blizzard lasted for about half an hour before it stopped, and the wall of fire in front of Li Xiuxian did not go out during this half hour.

In the past, it was naturally impossible for Li Xiuxian to last the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan for such a long time, but he has completely subdued the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, and it is not difficult to last for half an hour.

"Master!" The two devil emperors, Jinglei and Baolei, saluted respectfully when they saw Li Xiuxian's return.

"Go down first, leave this to me." Li Xiuxian glared at the demon emperors behind him.

Immediately, these devil emperors felt as if they were being targeted by a poisonous snake, and they felt powerless given their cultivation base.

The ice cave was so strange that among the monks present, only Li Xiuxian had the ability to enter the ice cave. If even Li Xiuxian couldn't help it, then only the Marquis or even the Grand Duke could do it.

Because Leng Ruling was frostbitten, even with Li Xiuxian's help, he couldn't wake up for a while. After handing Leng Ruling to King Lanye, Li Xiuxian stepped into the ice cave alone.

"It's so cold, it's a pity you met me." Li Xiuxian sneered, and around him, a thin layer of golden flames rose up, and these terrifying cold airs couldn't get close to him at all.

Jindi Fen Tianyan, as the third most powerful flame among the Tianganghuo, is able to deal with these cold qi easily!

"Hmph, what is he, just an alchemist, so rampant!" Several devil emperors snorted coldly, and even broke into the ice cave.

Lan Yewang snorted, Leng Ruling was frostbitten, so he didn't have the heart to take care of these people, and he wouldn't stop them if they wanted to die.

He has a deep understanding of the horror of this ice cave. Even their ice creatures can hardly resist this kind of cold air. Even Leng Ruling has become like this. He doesn't think these devil emperors will be any better.

What's more, there is Li Xiuxian in this ice cave, even if these devil emperors are not frozen to death by the cold, they will probably be half-dead by Li Xiuxian.

"It's so cold, grandma, this ice cave is so fucking evil!" The long-eared devil emperor couldn't bear it as soon as he entered the ice cave.

It stands to reason that after reaching the realm of the devil emperor, the cold and heat will not invade, and there is no reason to be unable to withstand the cold in this ice cave.

"This ice cave is not easy. My body has already started to stiffen." A red-faced man snorted, and then he cast a magic formula, his whole body was wrapped in crimson flames, which made him feel better.

"The more evil it is, the more it proves that there are treasures in this ice cave. This time we came to the right place." The long-eared devil emperor snorted, and continuously circulated the fairy power to drive away the cold air in his body.

But when they advanced to about fifty or sixty feet, they were already powerless. Even the crimson flames on the red-faced man began to go out. If they moved forward, they would definitely freeze to death here.

"Grandma, how did that kid in front walk so fast?" The red-faced man spat.

There was not much time between them and Li Xiuxian entering the ice cave, but they had not seen Li Xiuxian's figure since they entered the ice cave.

"That kid actually walked faster than us?" The long-eared Devil Emperor looked at the depths of the ice cave in disbelief.

It is a place that even they are afraid of. If they move forward, they will definitely die in this ice cave.

But they couldn't figure out how a junior whose cultivation base was far inferior to theirs was able to come and go freely in this ice cave without fear of the cold air.

"Be careful, the operation of the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan is a bit stagnant!" Ziyue reminded.

"Well, this cold air does have some skills. Even the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan can be restricted, but it can only reach this point. If you want to freeze the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, these cold airs are not enough!" Li Xiuxian sneered .

At this time, Li Xiuxian had already advanced five or six hundred feet, deeper into the ice cave than Leng Ruling, and the cold air he received at this time was absolutely astonishing, even if the earl-level devil emperor touched a little The city was instantly frozen with ice.

If Li Xiuxian hadn't possessed the Golden Emperor Fentian Flame, he would not have dared to enter this ice cave no matter what.

"A blizzard is coming!" Li Xiuxian's eyes lit up, and a large amount of blizzard spewed out from the dark side.

Li Xiuxian didn't panic, stomped his right foot, and the wall of fire immediately blocked him.

"Kang Dang!" But this time, the wall of fire formed by Jindi Fentianyan actually shattered, and the moment he touched the blizzard, Jindi Fentianyan was actually frozen.

"Huh!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and then shot out several spells one after another. The Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan in his body shot out instantly, and a big golden hand directly rushed down, unexpectedly resisting the blizzard forcefully.

"Ziyue, don't show mercy, give me a blast!" Li Xiuxian snorted.

"I wish I had done this earlier!" Ziyue rolled her eyes, and the Xuanmin's Gate appeared in the ice cave, and in an instant, countless torrents of fairy power shot out.

These fairy powers may be frozen, but the victory is endless. Once one batch is frozen, there will be another batch. For a while, it was on par with this blizzard.

After about half an hour, the blizzard stopped.

Afterwards, Li Xiuxian met him a few more times, and each time the blizzard lasted only about half an hour.

After figuring out the rules, Li Xiuxian also accelerated his speed. With Jindi Fentianyan protecting his body, he wasn't worried that the cold air would freeze his body.

However, the frequency of urging Jindi Fen Tianyan is getting higher and higher.

"It's finally here!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but smile when he saw the bright light ahead.



Li Xiuxian looked strangely at a big snow-white dog that was sleeping soundly in this cave. It was about the size of two or three cattle. Every time it breathed, it would spew out a blue cold current.

The chill that gave even the devil emperor-level powerhouses such a headache was just the breath of this big snow-white dog.

I don't know whether it was the big snow-white dog who slept too hard or Li Xiuxian appeared too quietly, but the big snow-white dog didn't realize that there was an extra person beside him at all!

"What kind of dog is this that can be so powerful?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but took two steps back. It wasn't that he was afraid of this big snow-white dog, but that he really couldn't bear the cold current from this big dog's nose.

"Woof!" Perhaps sensing Li Xiuxian's gaze, the big snow-white dog finally opened its eyes.

"Bang!" The big snow-white dog opened its eyes and patted Li Xiuxian's body with its paw without even looking at it.

In an instant, Li Xiuxian's body was frozen by the ice.

Not only was the cold air gushing out of its nose, but this big snow-white dog was covered with an incomparably terrifying cold air, which would freeze into ice cubes as soon as it touched it.

Fortunately, Li Xiuxian was protected by Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, otherwise this time he would really capsize in the gutter.

"Crack!" The ice layer trembled unceasingly, a ray of golden flame burst out, and the ice layer exploded immediately.

The big snow-white dog couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in his eyes, he knew very well how strong his cold air was, and it was really incredible that the little guy in front of him was not even in the realm of a virtual fairy, and he was able to block his cold air.

"Junior, you dare to disturb your grandpa Bai's sleep, you are guilty!" the big snow-white dog spit out.

Li Xiuxian frowned: "I don't know senior."

"Lonely, ignorant, I don't even know about Bai Ze, you are a junior who is so angry with me, I will freeze you into an ice sculpture!" Xue Bai opened his mouth wide.

"Bai Ze, Bai Ze of the monster race, didn't he perish a long time ago?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

Speaking of Bai Ze, he was also a well-known existence in the ancient times. Although he was subdued by the ancient saints and became a mount, as the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. There are people as powerful as the ancient saints. Naturally, Bai Ze's strength is not much worse, otherwise, with the strength of the Primordial Saint Clan, what kind of mounts can't be obtained, why should Bai Ze be subdued?

However, the appearance of Bai Ze was only in the ancient times. With the demise of the ancient holy clan, Bai Ze completely disappeared from the sight of the monks of the two realms.

"How is it possible, my uncle is a sleeping one." Hearing that this junior had even heard his name, Bai Ze immediately swallowed back the cold current that was about to erupt just now.

There is only one Bai Ze in the whole world, so the Bai Ze that Li Xiuxian saw in front of his eyes was the one that was tamed by the ancient saints back then, a big snow-white dog that had lived for countless years.

"Senior, are you sure you are the Bai Ze subdued by the ancient saints?" However, Li Xiuxian still didn't believe it, even if his cultivation reached a certain level, he could survive forever, but that was only in theory, and he could survive for such a long time This is the first time I saw Lee Soo-hyun.

"It's the real deal. I'm the noble Bai Ze. How could I be a fake?" The big snow-white dog raised its head.

Li Xiuxian gave a wry smile, and took a few steps back to stabilize his figure.

Although this Bai Ze didn't do it on purpose, whenever he spoke, there would be a lot of cold currents, even with the body protected by the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, Li Xiuxian couldn't stand it.

"Hey, the current juniors are so weak that they can't even bear my uncle's aura!" Bai Ze shook his head.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but rolled his eyes. I'm afraid that only Bai Ze dared to say that. Li Xiuxian's current strength is comparable to that of the third-level Void Immortal Realm. Can such strength be called bad?

(End of this chapter)

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