Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 888 Xuantian Palace

Chapter 888 Xuantian Palace

When an indestructible thing spins at a very high speed, the destructive power it causes is quite amazing.

That is to say, there is only a streak of blood in the defense of Li Xiuxian. If it were someone else, I am afraid that the whole body would be cut in half.

"What's that?" Li Xiuxian found a dark hole under the tortoise shell, which felt like a cannon used by mortals.

"Damn it!" Li Xiuxian was shocked, his figure flashed, and he escaped into the void.

"Boom!" A ray of light shot out from the muzzle of the cannon, with a radius of a hundred miles, all the living beings on the path of the ray were reduced to ashes.

"Damn it, this Shenlong family actually created such a monster!" Li Xiuxian, who came out of the void again, cursed at the destruction caused by the light.

This monster is not only fused with the bodies of all the great beasts, but also transformed into a puppet inside. The muzzle under the tortoise shell should use some means to pass the energy in the spirit stone or fairy crystal After being compressed, it is released all at once, the destructive power is quite astonishing.

This monster is simply a killing machine!

Not only Li Xiuxian, but also the two dragons were surprised by the monster's destructive power.

"Fortunately, the Dragon God made the first move, otherwise my Shenlong family will really suffer heavy losses." After seeing the power of this monster, the two Shenlongs were also afraid for a while.

If this monster is thrown on Long Island, even if the Shenlong Clan can destroy this monster in the end, they will definitely lose their vitality.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" In an instant, the monster's carapace split into thousands of fragments. Under the control of the monster, these fragments spun rapidly, destroying everything around them.

After seeing this kind of attack from the rotating carapace, even Li Xiuxian didn't dare to block it head-on, and hurriedly withdrew from Baili.

He is not a savior, and the power of this monster is obviously beyond his ability. I am afraid that only those superpowers at the ninth level of the Void Immortal Realm can deal with him.

As for the monks below the eighth level of the Void Immortal Realm, they definitely came and died as many times as possible. The rotating carapace alone is enough to make most of the monks decapitate.

When it was confirmed that there were no living creatures around, the monster started to move, flapping its wings, and disappeared into the space with a whoosh.

"Space shuttle!" Li Xiuxian frowned, this monster has also mastered the magical power of space shuttle.

"This is a serious matter." Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

A killing machine that can freely travel through space, one can imagine how much damage this monster will bring to the spirit world.

And only Li Xiuxian and the two dragons hiding in the dark knew about this matter, and the rest of the creatures all died under the hands of this monster.

"Do you want to report it?" Li Xiuxian thought about this question carefully while holding his chin.

But what's the use of reporting the letter? This monster is too powerful and has mastered the ability to travel through space. It is quite difficult to round him up, and there are not many people in the entire spirit world who can kill him. .

"The Shenlong family is doomed after all!" Li Xiuxian raised his head fiercely, and a space passage suddenly appeared in the sky.

Suddenly, Li Xiuxian's pupils shrank, and he actually saw an acquaintance, or not an acquaintance, but it was because of this person that Li Xiuxian had such achievements in the way of swordsmanship.

Venerable Wanjian, when he was fighting the prehistoric stone man, the scene of Venerable Wanjian cutting out tens of thousands of sword lights has always been the goal of Li Xiuxian's struggle.

Now, meeting Venerable Wanjian again, the aura of Venerable Wanjian became even stronger, and he has not reached the peak of Mahayana, and is only one step away from stepping into the realm of Xuxian.

"Huh?" Venerable Wan Jian was very keen, and immediately spotted Li Xiuxian below.

"Human race, sword cultivator?" Venerable Wan Jian frowned.

Li Xiuxian smiled faintly: "Honor Wanjian, don't come here unharmed."

"I don't know you before, don't get close to me." Venerable Wan Jian snorted coldly.

"This monster doesn't have much time to leave, and there is still time to chase it." Venerable Wan Jian looked at the two behind him.

"Everything is up to you." The two nodded.

"No way, three Mahayana peaks dare to chase and kill that monster?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

He was already arrogant enough to kill the thousand-eyed giant at the fifth level of Xuxian with the strength of the peak of Mahayana.

But this Venerable Wanjian seemed to be even more arrogant than him, and he was trying to chase and kill the monster with the power of three people.

You must know that the monster's strength is comparable to that of the eighth-level Xuxian, and coupled with the endless killing methods, even a dozen strong men of the seventh-level Xuxian will probably end in failure.

"It's them, it seems that even these guys have taken action this time." The two dragons couldn't help showing a shocked look when they saw Venerable Wanjian and the others.

"The people from Xuantian Temple are also dispatched."

"Human, are you a sword cultivator? What kind of sword heart do you comprehend?" Venerable Wan Jian looked at Li Xiuxian.

"Hey, Wan Jian, don't think about him, he is my master!" Suddenly the spirit of Chunyang Immortal Sword came out.

"Chunyang?" Venerable Wan Jian was taken aback, he didn't expect that he would meet Chunyang Immortal Sword here.

"Do you know?"

"do not know"

"do not know"

The Artifact Spirit of Chunyang Immortal Sword and Venerable Wanjian said it almost at the same time, but judging by their appearance, they still don't seem to know each other.

"Your strength has dropped so much." Venerable Wan Jian couldn't help laughing at the Chunyang Immortal Sword which was no longer what it used to be.

"Your uncle, you are just luckier than me." Chunyang snorted.

Li Xiuxian looked at these two guys inexplicably, he couldn't understand what these two guys were doing for a while.

Almost at this moment, Venerable Wan Jian pointed his index finger, and a ray of light sank into Li Xiuxian's chest.

"Two kinds of swordsmanship, Heaven's Punishment Sword Heart, it's rare to see this kind of sword heart." Venerable Wan Jian smiled faintly.

"Hey, don't go too far." Chunyang was not happy.

"Your master's aptitude is average, but fortunately, you have a good understanding. It is a miracle to be able to cultivate to this level. Now he has no qualifications to be my master. If he can successfully advance to the realm of the virtual fairy, it would be a shame. Reluctantly." Venerable Wan Jian chuckled.

"Master, you are a weapon spirit!" Li Xiuxian suddenly realized.

"Not too stupid!" Venerable Wan Jian nodded.

However, Venerable Wan Jian didn't say much about the detailed content, but just led the two of them to hunt down the monster.

"What's going on?" Li Xiuxian hurriedly asked Chunyang.

"As you can see, Wan Jian is a weapon spirit. The Xuantian Spirit Treasures ranked around one hundred all have the ability to move freely, but Wan Jian is the best among them." Chun Yang shrugged his shoulders.

But such an explanation can hardly satisfy Li Xiuxian.

"Wan Jian is the No.15 Xuantian Spirit Treasure, so he can move freely, and he can also borrow the power of his body, so even if he is facing a strong person in the eighth level of the Void Immortal, Wan Jian is still sure." Chun Yang explained.

Li Xiuxian got a lot of news from Chunyang.

It turns out that almost half of these top ranked Xuantian Spirit Treasures have no owners, but this does not mean that they are weak. A tool spirit of Xuantian Lingbao.

Here, Qi Ling can practice freely, and will not leave Xuantian Temple until he meets a suitable master.

There are a large number of Xuantian Lingbao gathered in this Xuantian Temple, so it is natural that some people want to hit these treasures, but the fate of these people is often very miserable, because many of these Xuantian Spiritual Treasures are It is extremely powerful, even if it only relies on the body of the Qiling, it can still borrow the power of the main body, and the power it can exert is no less than that of the strong Xuxian.

Li Xiuxian didn't know that Venerable Wanjian had such a great background, nor did he think that Qi Ling could live like this.

However, Chunyang Immortal Sword is very resentful of the way Li Xiuxian treats him, and such a powerful treasure like him was imprisoned by Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian ignored the resentment of the Chunyang Immortal Sword. With his current strength, he still can't suppress the Chunyang Immortal Sword. If he can advance to the Void Immortal Realm in the future, maybe he will consider using this Xuantian Lingbao. As for now? , Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is enough.

Now the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword can be regarded as Xuantian Spirit Treasure, maybe it is still unknown on the list, but Li Xiuxian firmly believes that as long as he continues to cultivate, the future achievements of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword will definitely not be inferior to the Pure Yang Immortal Sword.

As for that monster, Li Xiuxian didn't want to have any contact with him at first, but now Venerable Wan Jian went to hunt it down, and Li Xiuxian also happened to see how powerful Wan Jian, who ranked No.15 on the Xuantian Spirit Treasure List, was. the power of.

According to Chunyang Immortal Sword, the main body of the Venerable Wanjian is a set of sword formations, which are [-] in size, so the Venerable Wanjian will appear tens of thousands of sword lights.

Li Xiuxian found the location of this monster with a few flashes in succession, and at this time the three of Venerable Wanjian had already fought with this monster.



Every time this monster hits, it will cause a burst of sound waves, which makes Li Xiuxian feel a little weird.

"If my guess is correct, then the man in black should be the weapon spirit of Xuanyindun who ranks fourth on the Xuantian spirit treasure list." Chun Yang said looking at the man in black.

And just as Chunyang said, this man in black has amazing defense, every time this monster's bombardment will be blocked by this man in black, and Venerable Wan Jian took the opportunity to slash a sword, and a million sword lights Bombarded at one point.

Venerable Wanjian also knows that the monster's defense is extraordinary. If you spread the millions of sword lights, you don't even have the qualifications to tickle the monster. chance.

(End of this chapter)

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