Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 889 Rank 9 Immortal Crystal

Chapter 889 Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal
The attack of the Venerable Ten Thousand Swords is really terrifying, and it is completely different from what Li Xiuxian saw last time. The power of a million sword lights concentrated in one point is really extraordinary, even the thick carapace of this monster. tendency to fragment.

Although this monster is extremely powerful and has many supernatural powers against the enemy, it was outstretched under the siege of the three people.

Except for the Xuanyinshield's weapon spirit that blocked most of the monster's attacks, the rest is the other man. As long as this man moves, countless chains will be generated, and these chains greatly restrict the attack. The movement of monsters.

The cooperation between the three is extremely tacit, restricting, defending, and attacking. The three of them constantly caused trauma to the monster during the transition between offense and defense.

If there is no accident, this monster will be worn to death by these three weapon spirits sooner or later.

"Clang!" Naturally, this monster will not sit still. As a half-puppet, half-living monster created by the Shenlong family, the strength of this monster is beyond doubt.

"Back!" Xuanyindun's Qi Ling frowned, and the three hurriedly withdrew from Baili.

"Boom!" Almost at the moment when they backed away, several fairy crystal cannons inside the monster's carapace fired.

Li Xiuxian, who had seen the power of this fairy crystal cannon, naturally knew how powerful this fairy crystal cannon was. Even if it was Xuanyindun who wanted to take this cannon head-on, it would be extremely difficult.

What's more, Venerable Wanjian and another weapon spirit don't have such a strong defense. If they are hit by this cannon, they will definitely die.

"Sure enough, the Shenlong family really got the ninth-grade fairy crystal!" Venerable Wan Jian snorted.

If this half-puppet, half-creature monster wants to use so much power to fire this fairy crystal cannon, it is impossible for ordinary fairy crystals to do it, even if it is an eighth-rank fairy crystal, it cannot be fired several times.

But looking at the puppet's movements, it didn't stop at all. Obviously, this shot didn't consume much energy.

Apart from the legendary Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal, Venerable Wanjian and the others really couldn't think of anything else that could provide immortal spiritual power continuously.

Eighth-rank fairy crystals are rare, but ninth-rank fairy crystals are even more rare. Even in the world of spirits and demons, the number of ninth-rank fairy crystals can be counted on the fingers.

Although all parties had received some information before, there was no conclusive evidence that the Shenlong family had obtained a piece of Ninth-Rank Immortal Crystal.

But judging from the performance of this monster, the news is probably true.

"Everyone, this Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal must have fallen into the hands of our Xuantian Palace, so there is no need to keep it." Venerable Wan Jian snorted.

I saw Venerable Wanjian uttered a spell, and the space was shattered suddenly, and thousands of lights descended.

"This is Ten Thousand Sword Formation!" Li Xiuxian's eyes bulged.

This is the main body of Venerable Wanjian, Wanjian Formation.

Venerable Wanjian just borrowed the power of the main body, which was already so terrifying. Now that the main body comes directly, this power may be even higher.

"Xuanyinshield, Mocosuo!" Two more treasures appeared in the void.

"Sonic crit!" Xuanyin raised his shield and punched the side of Xuanyin's shield.

"Boom!" An invisible sound wave directly hit the monster.

Li Xiuxian, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, couldn't help but gasped. Although the Xuanyin Shield was only a defensive type Xuantian Spiritual Treasure, the move just now was better than most offensive type Spiritual Treasures.

The monster's body sank into the ground under the bombardment of this sound wave, and even the hard carapace had a dent.

"What a terrifying destructive power, the sonic attack of the Xuanyin Shield is too strong." Li Xiuxian also marveled at the power of the Xuanyin Shield.



This monster roared angrily, and its body that fell into the ground twisted crazily.

"This amount." Even Li Xiuxian's face was pale at the moment.

This time, the monster was completely angry, and the carapace split into thousands of fragments. These fragments rotated at a high speed, forming a knife array in the air, overwhelming the attack.

"Wan Jian, I'll leave it to you this time." Xuanyin pushed behind Wan Jian.

Venerable Wan Jian nodded: "Small tricks, break it for me!"

For a moment, the sun and the moon were dimmed. At this moment, the Ten Thousand Sword Formation seemed to be the master of the heaven and the earth. The knife formation composed of thousands of high-speed rotating fragments was like the light of firefly candles competing with the bright moon in front of the Ten Thousand Sword Formation. ridiculous.

"Thousands of swords fall, all things perish!" There was only a flash of light on the formation of ten thousand swords, and the thousands of fragments were instantly reduced to ashes.

The indestructible carapace is so fragile in front of Wanjian Formation, the No.15 Xuantian Spirit Treasure really deserves its reputation!

"Boom!" But at the moment when the Wanjian Formation destroyed these fragments, the pitch-black muzzle appeared again, and the light that symbolized death appeared again, and the target was the Venerable Wanjian.

Venerable Wanjian's sword formation is invincible, but Wanjian formation is a purely offensive sword formation, and there is not much power in defense at all, so it is absolutely unable to withstand the bombardment of this cannon.

If he was hit by this bombardment, then Venerable Wanjian would definitely die.

And Wan Jianzhen, the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure ranked No. 15 on the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure List, will only have the sword left, and his power will be greatly reduced if he loses the spirit of the weapon.

"Wan Jian, back off!" Suddenly a black shadow flashed past, and Xuanyin Shield suddenly stood in front of Venerable Wan Jian.

A diamond-shaped protective wall densely encloses the three of them.

Sound wave defense, this is also the ultimate trick of the Xuanyin Shield to suppress the bottom of the box.

"Boom!" This ray of light collided with the sound wave wall.

"Fortunately, I can still resist." Xuanyindun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the next scene made Xuanyindun's heart sink to the bottom of the valley, and another pitch-black cannon was aimed at them.

Barely blocking one shot, if there is another shot at this time, I am afraid that even the Xuanyin Shield may not be able to block it completely.

"Moco!" Venerable Wan Jian roared.

"Boom!" The monster's huge body tilted suddenly, and the muzzle aimed at Venerable Wanjian and the others also tilted suddenly.

"Boom!" There was light again from the muzzle of the cannon, but due to the tilt of the body, the cannon flew away, almost flying past the sound wave wall of the Xuanyin Shield.

"It's now, Wan Jian, finish him soon!" Mo Kesuo roared, and countless chains drilled out from the ground, unexpectedly restraining the monster.

"Hurry up, I can only hold on for one breath!"

Venerable Wanjian nodded, and the Wanjian formation rotated again!
"Wanjian Extinction!" A sword glow exuding an ancient aura pierced directly into the monster's body.

"Aw!" The monster's body trembled violently.

Injured, Venerable Wanjian's attack tore through the monster's defense.

"Explosion!" Venerable Wan Jian was also desperate, and the sword light that had entered the monster's body shattered.



The sound of explosions continuously came from the monster's body, and minced meat flew across the body in an instant.

No matter how strong your external defense is, your internal defense is still fragile, not to mention that this time it is a strong man like Venerable Wan Jian who made the move.

"I want to run, the space is blocked!" Mo Kesuo snorted.

Immediately, with a wave of the chain, the space within a radius of a hundred miles was locked, and the space shuttle magical ability possessed by this monster was naturally useless.


Another round of attacks, the sound waves of Xuanyin Shield and the sword glow of Venerable Wanjian bombarded the monster frantically.

This battle lasted for half a month, and under the constant bombardment of Venerable Wanjian and Xuanyindun, the monster finally died completely.

There is almost no complete piece of flesh and blood on the whole body, but the inside is a frame made of metal, and there are many organs in it.

This monster that assembled the parts of all the great beasts and puppetry was dead after all.

In this huge body, Venerable Wanjian and the others finally found what they were looking for, a milky white human-shaped crystal the size of a thumb, which was the source of power for this monster.

Such a small thing can actually drive such a big monster. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Xiuxian would never believe it.

The magic of the Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal is here. It can continuously generate the power of the fairy spirit. As long as it has this Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal, any puppet does not have to worry about the problem of insufficient energy.

Due to the encirclement and suppression by the three of Venerable Wanjian, this monster did not have a huge impact on the spirit world.

But the news of the birth of the Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal caused a great uproar.

Countless monks are denouncing Xuantian Temple's behavior, thinking that Xuantian Temple should not swallow this ninth-grade fairy crystal alone.

People's hearts are like this. When strangling this monster, these monks didn't know where they were, but when they encountered such a heart-stirring treasure as the Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal, these monks all jumped out.

However, the location of the Xuantian Temple has always been mysterious, except for these weapon spirits, no one else can find the location of the Xuantian Temple.

But just when everyone thought that Xuantian Palace would swallow the ninth-grade immortal crystal this time, Xuantian Palace released the news that it was willing to use this ninth-grade immortal crystal to open an immemorial ruin.

The ancient ruins, what a heart-pounding existence.

You know, in today's cultivation world, it is very rare to find an ancient relic, and the ancient relic has never appeared so far.

Just thinking about the relics left by the strong in the ancient times makes me feel excited!

However, many monks expressed doubts about this. They did not believe that the Xuantian Palace would be so kind to take out the Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal, and they had never heard of any ancient relics before this.

"Imperial Imperial Mausoleum!" Soon, a jade slip appeared in the hands of the power holders of the major forces.

The record on this jade slip is very simple. The ancient ruins that the Xuantian Palace will open this time are the ancient royal tombs, the tombs of the ancient holy clan.

The Primordial Saint Clan was undoubtedly the overlord of this world in the ancient times. If this is true, then the harvest this time can be absolutely astonishing.

"What's the matter?" In the void of the fairy city, the emperor looked at the body that was twisting its neck.

"Just merged, but it is worthy of the body of the ancient saints, it is really extraordinary."

"It's good to integrate. I didn't expect that other than us, there would be people who knew the existence of the Primordial Imperial Mausoleum!" The Emperor said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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