Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 890 Preparation

Chapter 890 Preparation
What the Emperor of Earth was referring to was naturally Xuantian Temple's announcement that it was going to open the Immemorial Imperial Mausoleum.

The Three Emperors always thought that only the three of them knew this secret.

This Xuantian Temple does not come out and walk around on weekdays, so that almost no forces in the spirit world will take Xuantian Temple seriously.

Although everyone knows that Xuantian Temple is of extraordinary strength, but a force that basically does not appear in the spirit world, no matter how strong you are, how many people will take you into their hearts?

However, the appearance of Xuantian Palace this time has changed the views of monks in the spirit world.

When most of the monks were afraid of the power of that monster, Xuantian Temple only sent three people to kill this monster. This strength alone surpassed most of the monks in the spirit world .

Afterwards, the Xuantian Palace even made an astonishing statement, and even wanted to open the ancient imperial tomb.

Perhaps this news is good news for other monks. If the ancient imperial tomb is opened, they will more or less have a share.

But it is not good for the Three Sovereigns. The reason why the Three Sovereigns can rise like a comet has a lot to do with the Primordial Saint Clan.

A long time ago, the Three Sovereigns were just an ordinary member of the human race. However, by coincidence, the Three Sovereigns opened an ancient relic, and the owner of this relic turned out to be the ancient holy race.

After getting the inheritance of this ancient saint clan, the speed of the three emperors' cultivation is also amazing, and they successfully advanced to the realm of virtual immortals in a short period of time, becoming the strongest among the human race.

And the one in the fairy grassland was imprisoned by the three emperors during this period, and with the help of the original cultivation of the fairy king, this is how the three emperors are today.

The strength of the Fairy King is undoubtedly strong, definitely much stronger than the Three Sovereigns, even today's Three Sovereigns are still no match for the Fairy King, let alone the previous Three Sovereigns.

The Three Sovereigns were able to imprison the Immortal King by relying on a supreme treasure Hunyuan Jindou obtained from the ancient ruins, and it was this treasure that trapped the Immortal King.

But with the passage of time, the Fairy King has gradually refined the treasure that trapped him. Although he still can't leave the Hunyuan Jindou, the Three Emperors can't use the Hunyuan Jindou to embarrass the fairy. king.

In that ancient relic, the Three Emperors also learned of the existence of the ancient imperial tomb.

However, considering their own strength and the conditions for opening the ancient imperial tomb at that time, the three emperors did not act recklessly, and they had been preparing secretly all these years.

It's just that these ninth-grade immortal crystals are too rare, even with the strength of the Three Emperors, they haven't gotten even one piece in these years.

But this time Xuantian Palace actually got a piece of it, and made the matter of the Taikoo Mausoleum public, which has violated the interests of the Three Emperors.

Originally, the treasures in the ancient imperial tomb were owned by the three of them, but now they are divided equally between the demons and the strong in the entire spirit world. The gap during this period is really too big.

The only thing that made the Three Sovereigns feel lucky was that the Human Sovereign finally merged with Di Shitian's body and obtained the body of the Primordial Saint Clan.

Although Di Shitian's blood of the ancient saint clan is a little thinner, as long as it exists, it is still the ancient saint clan.

People with the blood of the ancient saint clan will naturally get a lot of benefits when they enter the imperial tomb of the ancient times.

"This time, we have to go." The Emperor's eyes were full of determination.

Ninth-Rank Immortal Crystals are rare in a million years. If you miss this opportunity, you won't know when the next time will be.

"Imperial Imperial Mausoleum. It seems that this king must leave the customs this time." Wu Sheng Wang slightly sighed.

Today's Wusheng King is not what it used to be, and it is much stronger than in Chunyang Immortal Palace.

More than half of the avatars have returned to the spirit world. After merging the power of these avatars, the Wusheng King's strength is already close to the seventh level of Xuxian. He can hit the realm of the ninth level of Xuxian only when the remaining avatars return to the spirit world.

Although the strength of the Void Immortal Seventh Layer is not extreme, it is still at the top among many Void Immortal powerhouses. This time, the Wusheng King of the Taikoo Imperial Mausoleum is quite sure.

Except for the monks who are still in the battlefield of spirits and demons, almost all the powerful virtual immortals in the spirit world have received the invitation from the Xuantian Temple, and all the monks are eager for this trip to the imperial mausoleum. This kind of rare opportunity, Anyone who doesn't go is a fool.

Although Li Xiuxian did not receive the invitation from Xuantian Temple, he did receive the invitation from the Three Emperors.

Now Li Xiuxian can be regarded as a rare strong man among the human race. The human race is not strong in the spiritual world, and the three emperors alone are not enough, so this time the three emperors invited Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian didn't refuse either, at least he was still on the human side.

But when Li Xiuxian saw the Emperor, he was still a little unnatural.

"Let's put this matter aside for now." Human Sovereign smiled faintly.

He didn't have much affection for the Emperor Li Xiuxian who took the body of his disciple.

"This time Xuantian Temple will open the ancient imperial tomb. This is an opportunity for the rise of our human race. We should join hands to get as many treasures as possible in this ancient imperial tomb. This will also benefit our human race. "The Emperor said to Li Xiuxian with a pleasant face.

Li Xiuxian nodded while listening, but did not express any opinions.

The Heavenly Emperor is the most powerful, already at the peak of the fourth level of Xuxian, and may step into the realm of the fifth level of virtuous cultivation at any time, while the Earth Emperor and the Human Emperor are about the same strength, probably around the fourth level of Xuxian, but the Human Emperor has been refining The bodies of the ancient saints naturally have a higher potential in the future than the other two.

Counting the Moon God who is also at the fourth level of the Void Immortal, the human race has a total of four Void Immortal realm powerhouses.

This power is not weak, enough to rank among many forces in the spirit world.

However, this strength is more than enough to protect itself, but it is not enough to let the race go further.

Coupled with the opening of the ancient imperial mausoleum this time, at least those who go to the Void Immortal Realm will go there, and there will even be some peerless powerhouses above the sixth level of the Void Immortal. These strong men are not something the Three Emperors can deal with.

Li Xiuxian's own strength is not bad, although he has not stepped into the realm of Xuxian, but he can still compete with the strong Xuxian, which is still a good help for the three emperors.

However, what Sanhuang valued was not only his own strength, but also Li Xiuxian's alchemy.

A good elixir is likely to turn the tide of the battle, that's why the Three Emperors invited Li Xiuxian.

"I don't know what kind of reward the Three Emperors are going to give me?" Li Xiuxian took a sip of spiritual tea.

When facing the Three Sovereigns, he was not a superior or subordinate, but an equal, so he didn't have much fear of the Three Sovereigns.

He can even kill a thousand-eyed giant at the fifth level of Xuxian, so he doesn't have much fear of these three emperors.

"Condition? You have already taken advantage of us by taking you into the ancient imperial tomb." Human Sovereign couldn't help frowning.

In his opinion, Li Xiuxian is too greedy.

"I want [-]% of what I get in the imperial tomb." Li Xiuxian raised his eyelids.

"Impossible!" This time not only the Human Sovereign but also the Earth Sovereign retorted.

Li Xiuxian's strength is good, and it is also very useful to them, but this alone will take up [-]% of the harvest. If they only got three treasures from the imperial tomb, wouldn't it mean that they would give one to Li Xiuxian?
"Ten percent, no more!" The Emperor shook his head.

"Yicheng, the Emperor, is also a human race, but don't be too stingy." Li Xiuxian smiled coldly.

The three emperors would think that they invited themselves only because of their alchemy skills. In this kind of imperial tomb, they would inevitably encounter some emergencies. With an alchemist nearby, at least their lives were guaranteed.

"Thirty percent, nothing less. I believe that as long as I join any party, they are willing to pay thirty percent." Li Xiuxian sipped his spirit tea calmly.

There was also a look of hesitation on the face of the emperor. What Li Xiuxian said was not wrong. In this spiritual world, alchemy masters are worth the price. As long as Li Xiuxian is willing, there will be a lot of forces to invite Li Xiuxian.

"Twenty percent, this is my last concession. If you are not satisfied, there is nothing I can do." The emperor said.

"Okay, for the sake of being human, I will join you." Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

"Hmph!" The Human Sovereign snorted dissatisfied.

"The jade slip in the Xuantian Temple said that the Taikoo Imperial Mausoleum will be opened in two years." The emperor handed the jade slip to Li Xiuxian.

This jade slip not only explained the various aspects of the ancient imperial tomb, but also attached a map, which was the location of the ancient imperial tomb.

Just as Li Xiuxian expected, this ancient imperial tomb is not in the spirit world, but in a small world.

It's just that this small world was not formed naturally, but was created by the ancient saints themselves.

The disappearance of the Primordial Saint Race was a mystery. A race that was extremely powerful would suddenly disappear. In the ancient times, there seemed to be no power that could threaten the Primordial Saint Race. Perhaps this time, the Primordial Royal Mausoleum and his party can solve this problem for them. puzzle.

During these two years, Li Xiuxian just concentrated on cultivation. Although he couldn't break through that bottleneck, Li Xiuxian could feel that his strength was improving, and he was far from reaching the limit of the Mahayana stage.

"It's almost time, let's go!" Five figures soared into the sky above the fairy city, and the shattering space disappeared above the fairy city.

"Is the pill ready?" The emperor glanced at Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian nodded, and handed the elixir he had prepared to the four of them.

"This is the Ninth Rank Peak Pill, Jiuhua Ningshen Pill, which can double your strength within a stick of incense, but the side effects are huge, so you can't use it unless it is absolutely necessary." Li Xiuxian said.

"If we wait until we need to take this elixir, I'm afraid it's time for life and death. It doesn't matter how strong the side effects are." The emperor nodded.

Afterwards, Li Xiuxian took out a lot of healing pills, whether they were for the soul or the body.

Of course, these elixirs are all refined from the elixir in the treasure house of the fairy city and the treasures of the Three Emperors.

With these elixirs, the Three Sovereigns and Moon God also gained some confidence. They believed that apart from those alchemy masters in the alchemy tower, even the powerhouses at the seventh level of Xuxian would not carry so many high-level elixirs with them.

(End of this chapter)

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